Aliens manipulated our genes?

www msnbc msn com id 29163361

An eruption of a poorly understood kind of genetic change set humans apart from great apes, and also sets chimps, gorillas and orangutans apart from monkeys, researchers reported on Wednesday.

Right before the great apes branched off from other apes and monkeys 10 million years ago, their DNA began to make explosive changes — not classic mutations, but another change known as copy number variation, University of Washington geneticist Evan Eichler and colleagues found.


As expected, they found humans and chimps were very close in terms of overall sequence. The main differences lie in copy number variations — repeats of the same genetic sequence over and over, deletions of the sequence, or even instances in which a sequence runs backward.

What could have done something like this? It's not random mutations of DNA but more like "copy-and-paste" work.

Not even aliens could have genetically-created humans, there are simply far too many variables. For instance, suppose the information of a human genome is very similar to an apes, however, we stemmed from a similar animal who was a descendent of the ape. The variations in the genome will be the result of some ''evolutionary breakoff'' of our development into human beings. Suffice to say, matter in fact from this point of view, seems very intelligent, to the point of pre-ordered, but if you wanted to investigate that, you'd be best to do so from a Bohmian Interpretation of quantum mechanics.

Genetics have to act wierd like this. Asking why our genetic material looks nano-sizely identical in many parts, is just like asking how the Seagull has legs with two blood streams, one flowing forward and the other backwards, which is the most efficient way to retain heat?
Because too many times people are too lazy to figure out it is to maintain heat and think that saying "because aliens did it" will explain it.