Aliens in the Bible

It's an interesting possibility to think about.

The chance of aliens actually having visited us aside, it would explain some stories in the Bible quite well. When you have very advanced technology and someone who has little technology sees you use it, it could very well make you look like a god.
As an historical sidebar, it's actually through pondering this very question we get our modern day belief in Extraterrestrials. Before UFO's and Flying Saucers, back in the very early part of the 20th Century, a group originally within the Fortean Society took to this very notion with great enthusiasm - they actually became the worlds first genuine UFO nuts in point of fact.

Fired by such stories and descriptions as Jacobs Ladder, The Ark of The Covenant, Angels, Voices from the Heavens, Sodom and Gomorrah, The Pillar of Salt, etc they really were amongst the first to espouse such views that extraterrestrial life may be something more than just bugs living out there in the great beyond, but actually fantastically advanced civilisations, eons old, capable of visiting our world and having done so in ancient times - largely citing such biblical passages as suited their beliefs.

Subsequent sightings of aerial objects originally referred to as "Ghost Rockets" became inevitably seized upon as being evidence of, at the time, modern day sightings of these very things - and proof, beyond shadow of any doubt, that the concoctions they had made based on biblical sources were in practice all absolutely true.

It was exactly such pundits whose views were to come to the fore immediately after the Kenneth Arnold sightings back in '47 - and this remains largely where we get our stereotypical archetype of the modern day UFO nut - someone seemingly incapable of distinguishing between what happens in the real world and what transpires only in fiction.

Much has been written about the UFO/Bible connection over the years, it remains one of the longest running themes throughout - largely unresolvable due to the fact that it touches upon subject matter, i.e. biblical text, largely accepted, literally in this particular instance, as Gospel and therefore considered valid for speculation.

Whether it says anything at all about aliens themselves, we are likely to never know - but one thing this particular line of reasoning does shed light on explaining is why the subject of UFO's and Extraterrestrials lends itself so readily towards the origination of multifarious quasi-religious beliefs - mixing the two ostensibly separate parts into a fluid and accommodating whole amongst those to whom concepts of spirituality and enlightenment remain important.

It starts with belief already accepted as such and elaborates upon it to encompass additional additional elements, the notion that God may Himself have been an astronaut not least amongst them.
Yo Frightful and British,

I was pondering whether to start a new thread on this or just write a response right here and leave it at that. My views about paranormal and UFOs are split between my rational and skeptical sides, my experiences and my senses. With the rampant violence these says, earth might be one of the petrie dishes for super advanced extraterrestrials. To think that our violent nature is reason enough for them to just observe from afar is relieving, otherwise we might be in for their worst. To find out if the probability of something is likely, one might begin inquiring if there's a purpose for it. Would it be vain for us to wonder about aliens and why they're here? If not, then what is it about this time period that will draw a super advanced extraterrestrial species here, and could all sightings in history be connected to the same species? Could aliens be the true "authors" or characters of the Bible and could this hint at an instinctual nature towards love and other emotions? Do they define who we are? Where did the ancient Greeks and Egyptians come up with those things? Why is there such a huge discrepency in our modern findings of technological progress where we would have expected the Greeks to be behind at? How do we explain the phenomenon of psychics and other stuff that's unsubstantiated by science but seem to form powerfully coherent evidence otherwise? Would ill-intentioned aliens appear to us no different to well-intentioned ones? There's so many questions to be answered and so few leads.
wow....i've never actually thought about that before.....

the concept of 'aliens' has always been around i suppose...and due to less knowledge and technology i spose they seemed more real then than perhaps today...

although 'God's messengers' sound slightly less threatening than 'Extra Terrestrials' hahaha

despite how big a dicussion it seems to have been...i'v never actually heard this theory before!!!!

so thanx!! lol xxxx
Jehovah was an alien geneticist from another world who bio engineered living species on different planets in the galaxy. Adam was his frankenstien for earth!
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Don't take anything I said as final. Its just a theory, or better yet, musings. I'm not a fan of paranormal topics, but I think it deserves a little thought. Those are just "what if" questions.
Whats this supposed to mean:
"Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven". (Act 1:11)

So Jesus will return in a UFO-vehicle or "cloud"?
Would it be vain for us to wonder about aliens and why they're here? If not, then what is it about this time period that will draw a super advanced extraterrestrial species here, and could all sightings in history be connected to the same species?

Well, you've kind of answered your own questions here with "Would it be in vain to wonder....?"

The entire subject get's caught up and bound by this one, singular presumption - that we are in fact being visited by aliens.

Aliens first - UFO's, second.

What should be the cart being slapped in front of the horse. Time and time again...

As you'll no doubt note, indeed. When pondering these exact sorts of questions more questions arise - which in turn raise others, and so on and so forth - all, lamentably, with no single means of actually answering a single one conclusively.

Certainly, one may venture opinions - but the bottom line remains with all these such questions, there remain no single means of establishing whether or not one actually is on the right track or not.

One can speculate until one is blue in the face, all one ends up with is more speculation - and this remains the endearing problem of the whole proposition regarding Extraterrestrials and their popping off over here for whatever reason.

Whatever you come up with - you can't actually know that you are right. Not in the slightest with any certainty. One way or the other.

Not with thinking about aliens at anyrate....
I agree Mr Anonymous you can only ever really lean towards a possible explaination that you find favourable to all the others on offer.
We could argue all day about who is more likely to be correct, but i think on the general topic of Ufos thats about all you really can do.
Then again im a nihilist about everything so...:D
I agree Mr Anonymous you can only ever really lean towards a possible explaination that you find favourable to all the others on offer.
We could argue all day about who is more likely to be correct, but i think on the general topic of Ufos thats about all you really can do.
Then again im a nihilist about everything so...:D

:) .... A tendency we apparently share, I'm delighted to report. By the way, sorry I've been such a grouchy sod the past few weeks. RSI condition, not been doing much for m'general disposition must be said. No excuse really but have been noticing it factoring in when dealing with people on line. Getting awfully snippy with people, you really quite unfairly I rather think...

Sorry about that. Just thought I owed you at least that much, often found really one of the most accommodating of sorts truth be told. Certainly haven't deserved me chewing your face off. Do hope you can forgive.


:) .... Actually, not entirely. Though the fact of the matter remains perfectly true, I just thought it amusing just go about doing things that way - tickled me no end. But now y'come to mention it - that anagram thing does somewhat account for much...

Surely, no one can conceivably be born as dense as sderenzi appears and remain capable of working out what the buttons do on a computer.
:) .... A tendency we apparently share, I'm delighted to report. By the way, sorry I've been such a grouchy sod the past few weeks. RSI condition, not been doing much for m'general disposition must be said. No excuse really but have been noticing it factoring in when dealing with people on line. Getting awfully snippy with people, you really quite unfairly I rather think...

Sorry about that. Just thought I owed you at least that much, often found really one of the most accommodating of sorts truth be told. Certainly haven't deserved me chewing your face off. Do hope you can forgive.


No probs man, i never really take anything on t'internet to heart anyway so no worries. All good banter etc. ;)
Much appreciated, old man - undoubtedly far better than I deserve of my conduct of late. Least I owe you is a public apology and the resolution to try a little bit harder in future - you're not, and never really have been in my observation, in the slightest the sort I'd normally have the disposition to particularly want to argue with at the best of times - certainly not about silly things that don't particularly matter in the first place. Life's far too short.

Good of you to be magnanimous about it.
-split between my rational and skeptical sides, my experiences and my senses

-There's so many questions to be answered and so few leads.

Logic, reason, imagination, memory, emotion....these are the five senses of the human mind
See, taste, hear, feel, taste....these are the five senses of the human body
But underlying all theses is the soul of man in which is one of two things.

Faith or Doubt.

Faith is not the old presupposed ideas of God.
Faith is a revelation from God.
Without it you can't comprehend reality.
Reality exists including what can be contacted by our senses plus much more that can't.....

Only by Faith in the Word of God, and His revelation to your heart of an absolute....can you perceive the real whole.
Einstein said that "without Faith you can not comprehend reality".

Outside of time either way before or the same.
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