aliens i think not


Science = Ecclesisates 1 V 18
Registered Senior Member
aliens dont exist.
98% of all UFO's were covert military operations for advanced aerospace engineering.

We are talking about the stealth bomber and every single spy plane known to man.

The aurora exists and is the new ufo sighting mechanism.

If you think the US goverment is not doing what it should be doing and developing means of spying on foreign national interests you are crazy.
We know what is going on everywhere and the other countries dont even know.

sorry guys.
I'm fairly sure that aliens do in fact exist, it's a big universe. I just have not seen any proof that they are visiting our planet.
terpinator72 said:
aliens dont exist.
Just what rufus said.

terpinator72 said:
98% of all UFO's were covert military operations for advanced aerospace engineering.
98% of all UFOs are the usual suspects: clouds, venus, aeroplanes, meteors, ball lightning, marsh gas, etc., viewed by persons unskilled in objectve observation.

The remaining 2% are what you said.
Yes, rufus pretty much hit the nail on the head. Aliens exist, just not anywhere near Earth. Except possibly Europan/Martian microbes
Ophiolite, to suggest that you think you know what I've seen, by mere statistics, your statement is flawed.

Aliens do exist, Ive never seen one, they've never come to earth as far as I know, and man has come up with technology which controls momentum and inertia VIA high voltage electricity, such technology CAN EASILY BE MISTAKEN FOR ALIEN CRAFT, especially since the CIA pulled the "Roswell Alien HOAX" in 1947, the same year the CIA was formed.

So yes, if you have seen a flying unit which is propelled by top-secret MANMADE technology, you've seen a top-secret aircraft, and not a "UFO."
manmadeflyingsaucer said:
especially since the CIA pulled the "Roswell Alien HOAX" in 1947, the same year the CIA was formed.

The Roswell incident occured in July of 1947.

I'm not certain that the CIA was formed in 1947. But if it was, it was formed on September 24th of 1947. Nearly 3 months AFTER Roswell.

btw: This entire thread is rediculous.
Doesn't matter, they could still receive funding to make a hoax which would cover up secret technology by scapegoating it to "aliens." They most likely thought that the CIA was something they wanted more of, so they just made it official by forming it.

VRob, I ask you, have you ever seen any flying machines which defy(control) inertia by doing 90 degree angles at very high speeds?

I assume you haven't. Just because YOUR eyes have never seen something like that, you shouldn't be so quick to discredit. I assume that you believe in a superior power and that you are not athiest, right? Then why is this so hard to believe?
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I have always felt that roswell was dis-information aimed at the Soviet Union. I picture some mid level diplomat telling his Soviet counter part "Yes we shot down a UFO, just think what we can do to your bombers"
UFOs exist, the proof is undeniable. Thousands of people make reports yearly of strange lights performing impossible maneuvers that traditional earth-bound aircraft, commercial, military, etc; could never accomplish. While most of the world's governments try to deny the reality of their existence, they blame the sightings on natural aerial phenomenon, the planet Venus, swamp gas, weather balloons or mass hysteria.

Whether you buy into the culturally biased, mass-media induced viewpoints, or if you choose to think on your own; there is one ultimate truth that the world is afraid to accept...the reality that we are not alone in the universe, the proof is here, the proof is real, accept the truth...Aliens the Truth.

LSUFOS, the flaw with your theory that governments are conspiring to cover up the existence of extra terrestrials is fatally flawed, because it relies on three key points.

1, That ALL world governments agree to do this, and there is no dissent. As some countries don't even recognise others, this isn't likely, so you proposition fails here.

2, That governments have the capability to cover up this phenomenon. I have a camcorder, and a digital camera, and a broadband connection, and a CD/DVD burner. How are the govt going to stop me distributing concrete proof of alien life? If I got it, and I planned it, there would be no way to prevent the spread of the information. So I guess that means if there is proof, the people with it aren't very clever.

3, That this phenomena has only been occurring while sophisticated world powers were able to communicate and agree to conspire. That makes it quite recent, so how come the aliens just got here? If they were visiting before we had organised govts, and Police forces, it would be common knowledge, and passed down. That hasn't happened, so the timing is suspiciously convenient.
That governments have the capability to cover up this phenomenon.

Yes they have.

How are the govt going to stop me distributing concrete proof of alien life.

Well some would use the SPOOKS.

That this phenomena has only been occurring while sophisticated world powers were able to communicate and agree to conspire. That makes it quite recent.

Wrong this phenomena been on going from time began.

No, there just isn't any proof. Pray show us concrete proof (IE something else than blurred photos and videos, although these too have a place alongside better evidence) and we will believe that Intelligent Alien Life exists and is visiting our Earth. Merely shouting "Conspiracy!" will get you nowhere.
We are not going go over old ground with.
Blurred photos and videos.


phlogistician said:
LSUFOS, the flaw with your theory that governments are conspiring to cover up the existence of extra terrestrials is fatally flawed, because it relies on three key points.

1, That ALL world governments agree to do this, and there is no dissent. As some countries don't even recognise others, this isn't likely, so you proposition fails here.

2, That governments have the capability to cover up this phenomenon. I have a camcorder, and a digital camera, and a broadband connection, and a CD/DVD burner. How are the govt going to stop me distributing concrete proof of alien life? If I got it, and I planned it, there would be no way to prevent the spread of the information. So I guess that means if there is proof, the people with it aren't very clever.

3, That this phenomena has only been occurring while sophisticated world powers were able to communicate and agree to conspire. That makes it quite recent, so how come the aliens just got here? If they were visiting before we had organised govts, and Police forces, it would be common knowledge, and passed down. That hasn't happened, so the timing is suspiciously convenient.

There are many ,many photographs,cine-film ,videos etc.,existing.
The problem is bringing them into the public domain.
Who would you go to if you wanted them published in a scientific review ?
Think about it.
It doesn`t happen. It requires many years of experience and high visibility within a scientific community to allow a single original idea to be published .
99.9% of Science Publishing Houses would not touch it with a sterile barge-pole.
The only people prepared to publish are the UFO groups ,who have limited circulation, with relatively small subscribers .
The whole field of UFO activists have been unable to influence the scientific community to date at a high enough level to produce a response.
It is an example of how the senior scientists are not allowing the facts to be brought into the open.

Regards, Awdsci.
Peer-reviewed literature would welcome the evidence of space-aliens with open arms if it were only verifiable. NONE of the alleged photos of ufos have turned out to be anything more verifiable than stars, planets, gas, clouds, headlights, streetlights, planes, etc.

"Ufo activists" could influence science with evidence.

Instead, we get nutter websites with blurry photos and the site's owners/promoters claiming that they've discovered space-aliens.
lsufos said:
How are the govt going to stop me distributing concrete proof of alien life.

If such proof existed, it would stand on its own merit and no government could change it. Apparently such proof is non-existent.

lsufos said:

I see ufo/eti nutters make similar statements in threads like this all the time, we even had one that went so far as to assert that the skeptics were "alien infilitrators" trying to keep the word from being disclosed. Yet every skeptic I know, especially in this forum, welcomes the knowledge of alien life with open arms. We simply aren't amazed by blurry photos and the claims of those that are apparent significance-junkies and mystery-mongers.
So, Isufos, why aren't the government covering up your posts here as well? Why don't they take down your crappy website?
Communist Hamster said:
So, Isufos, why aren't the government covering up your posts here as well? Why don't they take down your crappy website?

They don't pay me enough.....

Okay thats a joke, I couldn't resist.

The daft thing is that it's more likely that my joke will be believed as being true, than some of the UFO nutters realising that some (if not all) their claims are false.