Aliens have programmed Abductees


Registered Senior Member
To be an Abductee is to experience the abduction phenomenon first hand, to be genetically altered and to be programmed by our Handlers, those Keepers that all Abductees have.

As with anything else, Abductees are not all programmed the same, there are differences throughout the Abductee population – but there is one key similarity, and that is that all Abductees are programmed with the same Master Keywords; that is Keywords that are exactly the same from Abductee to Abductee.

Master Keywords trigger exactly the same response in all Abductees universally.

Keywords are a significant part of the programming that Abductees receive. Through the use of Keywords, those that program Abductees can synchronize the entire Abductee community, thereby allowing Abductees to remember in unison, information with which they were programmed. It is in the remembering of what was programmed into us, that is the very heart, or reason behind being programmed using Keywords. There is an enormous amount of flexibility on their part, by using Keywords in this way.

Keywords are words similar to what one might use to query a search engine to locate information on any given topic. Our Keywords produce information that also includes other Keywords, thus you can have information that is brought forth or remembered from prior programming that includes along with it, other Keywords as well. There are also other factors that enter into the equation too, including timing, and world events.

A typical or common example of a Keyword used with us is the term “enlightenment” – enlightenment has more of a meaning to Abductees than simply the word itself, which is rather abstract as defined by Webster. There appears to be a whole storehouse of information linked to the term enlightenment. Keywords can also be linked with other words to form Keywords that resemble phrases more than just words, so that the term Keywords really includes key phrases as well – it’s simpler to use one word to describe both.

All of our programming lies within our subconscious mind, and is enabled, or brought to the surface, or conscious mind by use of Keywords, among other tools.

Symbols, which are used extensively by those performing our programming, are used in our programming as well – that is meant to say, that we are programmed with symbols that function as Keywords as well.

We are programmed with individual Keywords (those Keywords particular to the individual) as well as Master Keywords (those Keywords shared by all Abductees universally). Keywords encompass words, phrases as well as symbols and are used primarily as a triggering mechanism for information that we are programmed with that ties into, or is associated with a particular Keyword – Keyword is a Keyword as well. Keywords, both individual and Master, may trigger a flood of emotions, thoughts and feelings as well as information – it is important to remember that those programming us do not necessarily abide by or follow our customs or social mores (i.e., they do not play by our rules of conduct - to them, whatever best serves the (their) purpose or agenda at hand, establishes which course is to be followed).

Keywords aren't used to describe or highlight ideas or precepts, but rather simply to act as a mechanism with which to bundle information. Keywords are not significant in and of themselves per se, but more commonly do affiliate themselves with the subject matter at hand. There again, their primary use is ultimately for the extraction of the information programmed into us, but can also be used in conjunction with feelings, thoughts and emotions.

Keywords aren’t typically words that we would normally use, therein, by design, is an indication given that they are indeed Keywords.


Im a little offended by your proposed deffinition of an abductee. You say that all abductees have been geneticly altered, thier minds have been programed with keywords, and they have special alien handlers.

Well let me tell you Mr guy, that I was abducted by aliens. I was taken into thier space craft, detained for a period of time in a rather decent cell, and then releaced because they had already filled thier abduction quota for the month and didnt want the extra work. So, after signing some nondisclosure agreements to protect thier intelectual property (Alien entertainment rocks) i was sent on my merry way, and they went on thiers.

Does my encounter not qualify me as an abductee? Was it not an abduction? I wasnt geneticly altered, reprogramed, or taged for future monotoring, however I was detained on thier craft against my will, and subsequently released. I think that certainly fits the broader more common definition of abduction.
Do you have any psycological exams to substantiate your case, Spymouse? I'm not calling you a crazy lunatic (as in you are making this up), but most abductees do end up dealing with a lot of psycological trauma from their experiences. Has your case been substantiated and documented? If so, by whom and how can they be contacted? Can I obtain copies of any published references of your story?
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I was actualy trying to draw attention to how stupid the poster of this thread sounds, what with there being thousands of known abduction claims which conflict with his statements. Ive never been abducted by aliens, but if this actualy happens then it would be absurd to think that everyone who is taken is geneticly altered, brainwashed, and assigned alien 'keepers'. But in his post he claims that this is the case, and these three criteria should be how you are judged an abductee. I think that perhaps being abducted by aliens is what should qualify somone as an alien abductee, regardless of what else the situation includes.

I also notice you didnt ask for documentation regarding Jocharia's abduction experience :p
Is pavlovian (sp?) conditioning the best that extra terrestrials have to work with? It seems a bit. . . well, primitive by our standards. Maybe they could learn a bit from the North Koreans. We should at least send them a copy of The Manchurian Candidate to inspire them.

I’m curious about this supposed genetic manipulation. Has there ever been an instance where someone has had some sort of genetic test (for whatever reason) then later believed he or she been abducted by Aliens, and then underwent another genetic test which showed that their DNA had changed in some way? I’d be surprised if such a case has ever occurred, and I’d be very surprised if ALL abducted display a genetic change.
funny thing about the genetically altered thing, No one who has had a blood test afterwords has ever showed anything, you should at least say that this is your speculation before more people start spouting crap ignorantly without any proof to back it up other than "well so and so said... this"
I'm just wondering where this genetic alteration concept came from in the first place. What function is it supposed to serve, exactly? And how subtle is it? Even a relatively simple change should have some pretty obvious observable effects. . . hell chimps share 99% of our DNA and look how easily distinguishable they are from human beings. Abducties, on the otherhand don't even look any different then they did before the encounter, so I'm curious to know what these aliens are tinkering with, exactly.
hello Mystech

Originally posted by Mystech
I'm just wondering where this genetic alteration concept came from in the first place. What function is it supposed to serve, exactly? And how subtle is it? Even a relatively simple change should have some pretty obvious observable effects. . . hell chimps share 99% of our DNA and look how easily distinguishable they are from human beings. Abducties, on the otherhand don't even look any different then they did before the encounter, so I'm curious to know what these aliens are tinkering with, exactly.

from your comments, your perspective appears to be geared toward the outwardly physical human characteristics - genetics control much more than our physical appearance. Tendencies and intellect are but two that come to mind.

All of us have a vast, and vastly complex genetic framework within which we function.

Living the run is really about living your life from birth until death.

Life is a run – you hit the ground running at birth, and don’t stop until death. Even in a sedimentary life, time takes its toll, the aging of the physical body is continuous, and provisions must constantly be made for the survival of the physical body. Eating, breathing as well as all of the other bodily functions continue on day-by-day.

Survival of the physical body, regardless of the circumstances, is a ‘run’. A never-ending race to the finish, regardless of where that finish may be.

There is nothing that can be done to circumvent the ‘run’, for the most part, we are all trained bears, genetically programmed to perform as we are designed. Twirling around throughout our lives, lead by those unforeseen genetic forces that call us into service for those of a higher order, those designers and creators and such of this genetically programmed body of ours. We are the product of a higher order, never knowing the service we provide – that is to say to whom we provide our service, or even what that service might be.

We, for the most part, have been continually kept in the dark as to our function and purpose.

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I think we are more pointing out the fact that everyone keeps pointing out htings that they heard form someone, who heard from this guy who knew a friend of a friend, who once at lunch at a chili cheese dog counter through which he heard "Atlantis destroyed itself with nuclear attacks" or other such nonsense, of course abductions are all goingto sound generaly the same, they have the same fundamentals because its people wanting to be noticed for something that they did, also because its a widely mediated thing ufo abductions are
Re: hello Mystech

Originally posted by Jocariah
from your comments, your perspective appears to be geared toward the outwardly physical human characteristics - genetics control much more than our physical appearance. Tendencies and intellect are but two that come to mind.

All of us have a vast, and vastly complex genetic framework within which we function.

Well yeah, I'll give you that, there is more to genetics than just cosmetics, but where exactly are these differences from normal human beings that are supposed to be in your version of alien adbuctees? What exactly are you trying to tell us these genetic alterations do exactly?
Re: Re: hello Mystech

Originally posted by Mystech
Well yeah, I'll give you that, there is more to genetics than just cosmetics, but where exactly are these differences from normal human beings that are supposed to be in your version of alien adbuctees? What exactly are you trying to tell us these genetic alterations do exactly?

That’s a good question.

From my perspective, there are many things regarding this topic that we aren’t able to wrap our intellect around. We are after all, due to our genetic structure, limited in our understanding of the world in which we find ourselves. We have an intellectual ceiling of sorts that is based entirely on our genetic structure.

That having been said, abductees have been programmed and genetically altered according to those parameters set by those performing these tasks. Those performing these tasks have only one singular objective; that is to pursue what is in their best interest ‘first and foremost’, and at all times.

So then, by their actions we know that they have a vested interest in performing these tasks on abductees, otherwise, why expend the energy.

We are the product of a higher order. What purpose do we serve? A better way to state that question might be ‘who’s’ purpose do we serve?

As with any complex issue – oftentimes the key is knowing with what questions to start.

We don’t, for the most part, know who or what we are – how is it then that we can begin to understand the purpose (or intent) of those trying to alter us?

A higher frequency

We are emotional creatures, that is a creature based on our ability to emote. We were designed that way – not by chance, but by design.

What is our most prevalent (i.e., dominant) emotion? In a word – fear.

We continually worry, are afraid of everything. Too much, not enough, too young, too old, have to do this, can’t do that, can’t be late, don’t want to be left out, or included in the wrong thing – on and on, and on and on. Constantly – continually – even in our sleep we dream out our fears.

We are ruled by our fears.

How is it that we fear? Genetically of course – we were purposely created (designed) ‘to’ fear.

Why? Well, we were created to vibrate to the frequency (via our emotions) of fear.

We, as humans, are fear-based creatures.

Those performing this genetic alteration, feel that it is in their best interest to see to it that we vibrate to a higher frequency. They know that it takes more than genetic changes to facilitate this change – so we, those of us known of as abductees, are programmed as well.

A change to a small portion of the populace, will, over time, play itself out through the general population. No need to deal with the entire population, simply let time (maybe several generations) and the inherent ability of the human population to breed, take its course.


Time to see the Wizard

One of the most difficult things for us to imagine, is that all of this biological/cosmological complexity, of which we are a part, was created with forethought, purpose and plan. We, for the most part, tend to dismiss all of this complexity as we go about our ‘daily’ lives, because it is so difficult for us to entertain.

Simply because we cannot comprehend certain ideas or concepts, does not make them invalid. There are, I imagine, plenty of valid concepts and ideas spread throughout the universe that we may never comprehend.

The first step we must take then, is the acknowledgement of our own intellectual limitations - genetically, as a species, we are predisposed to existing within the confines of our intellectual ceiling. It may be that at some point in time, in our existence, that some higher order may take it upon themselves to genetically alter us so that we may become more enlightened, thereby continually raising if you will, our intellectual ceiling.

Or is it that that is exactly what is and has been happening within the abduction phenomena. Perhaps, that has been the case throughout man's history - the continual and systematic intervention over time by those of a higher order, for the purpose of the enlightening of mankind.

There have always been abductees – throughout man’s history, time-and-again, those creatures of a higher order have intervened on man’s behalf. It’s just that as part of the enlightenment process, it has now come time to pull back the curtain – time to see the wizard.

Jocariah, have you ever been examined by psychiatrists or by doctors to establish your case? Not that I don't believe you, it is that the first thing I look for when someone hands me a paranormal claim is documentation.
Belief vs. Disbelief

Originally posted by Xevious
Jocariah, have you ever been examined by psychiatrists or by doctors to establish your case? Not that I don't believe you, it is that the first thing I look for when someone hands me a paranormal claim is documentation.

Whether you look for this or that is your own concern, not mine - I am not here to be believed or disbelieved - I have nothing whatsoever to prove, nor is my intent to convince anyone of anything.

After all, I am what I am.

However, that having been said, I do have ideas that I share from time to time within this forum. My ideas are simply that - my ideas.

There are options you know; between ‘belief and disbelief’ that is. No need to force yourself to choose between the two. One may simply choose whether or not to entertain my, or anyone’s ideas for that matter.

After all, ideas may simply be entertained, if they are found interesting, or of interest to one, without being judged as being right or wrong, good or bad, correct or incorrect, etc., etc. One may simply say; “hmmm, that seems interesting to me” or conversely,” I don’t think these ideas are of interest to me”.

Pigeonholing everything one continually comes into contact with into only one of two categories (e.g., belief or disbelief) seems rather restrictive and counter productive to me in the long run. After all, there is an enormity of things we know little if nothing of.

One can, may choose to, maintain neutrality in one’s observations – seeing the ideas that appear to one as being interesting or not as the case may be, but remaining neutral. No need to rush to judgment – information may continually be collected – indefinitely - without it needing to be pigeonholed in any way, whatsoever.

Just an idea!

That is a dissapointing post, and a frustrating one for a Paranormal Investigator. Philosophically I agree with your sentiments, but as an investigator you have left me with no researchable clues, facts, or figures which would allow me to investigate your claim and use it as a valid example of the phenomenon.

If you've been to sciforums enough then you would know that I am not the rush to conclusion and discredit skeptic. I think there is a real paranormal phenomenon at work, but I am growing far more frustrated by the claimants who post here. Perhaps I should expect that, considering that anyone can sign up and post. However, each such case also gives the skeptics yet another example of "crackpots" and the like to discredit the validity of the phenomenon.
Hello Xevious,

Thanks for taking the time to comment, and good luck in your research.

Skeptics and naysayers, from my perspective at least, are not necessarily a good or bad thing. All things appear in the mix for a reason, whether that reason is evident to us or not. This topic of ours remains in the periphery of our collective societal consciousness for a reason as well. It’s there – but it’s not. It remains on the fringe – easily dismissed, yet easily ratified by those of us having experienced ‘the’ experience.

As I see it, it is as it should be – both invisible and visible at the same time. Bravo for those having so constructed it this way – it’s brilliant really.

Re: Re: Re: hello Mystech

Originally posted by Jocariah
That’s a good question.

From my perspective, there are many things regarding this topic that we aren’t able to wrap our intellect around.

Yet you seem to be able to, Let me once again state that often times abductees are just trying to " break the mold" so to say and feel special about themselves from a lack of respect and or attention payed to them in previous years, just like someone may pretend to be sick to get attention.