Aliens: E.T.s or demons?

Crushing Belial: Medicine woman, You should do some research in all the areas i have and get back with me.
M*W: I have done the research, my friend, and I have figured out that aliens are not demons -- they are gods.
Crushing Belial said:
Aliens: E.T.s or demons?
Ever since the Kenneth Arnold "flying saucer" sighting and the Roswell incident, both of 1947, our country has had a fascination with the notion that beings from outer space have visted our planet. But in the last couple decades, so called "alien abductions" have gotten much attention from the mainstream media, and people are beginning to question the nature of this phenomenon. It is of particular interest that just in the last couple years, the religious press has been full of articles about ETs and UFOs. This is because these "aliens" seem to primarily be on a mission to lead people away from God. And because of this fact, we must attempt to identify and fully understand their true nature. I believe the answer, just like so many others, can be found in the Holy Scriptures.
I first want to look into the theory that says that this alien presence is from another planet, or extraterrestrial.
This theory is definitely troubled. The statistics against intelligent extraterrestrial life ever being able to reach our planet go a long way to disproving this notion, but they are simply not convincing to many. So we must examine other factors. The bizarre actions of these supposedly advanced beings need to be considered:
they kidnap, paralyze, physically abuse and often sexually molest humans
often times they abduct women, and impregnate them, only to steal the child a couple months into the pregnancy
they condemn Jesus Christ and attempt to undermine faith in God
they promote New Age philosophy through "contactees" (channelers)
This is not exactly what we would expect from a highly-evolved race of intergalactic travelers. And there are still other factors that don't add up:
no two UFOs ever appear exactly alike, which suggests that they use their craft only once some UFOs break into pieces and merge into one; others have been seen passing through physical objects and vanishing most ufos emit no sound whatsoever
It seems that beings such as these who claim to be so advanced and evolved would be civilized as well. However, they are not civilized beings at all, but rather are cruel towards humans and hostile towards Christianity (which they have attempted to discredit without ceasing). And yet, to do these trivial things the aliens have supposedly traveled millions of light years.
Another curious aspect of the alien abductee phenomenon is the fact that the aliens always return their victims. These beings do not show any mercy towards our humanity in other ways, and yet, the abductees are always left to tell their story. This simply would not make sense if the beings truly were extraterrthere is a wealth of information that quite clearly exposes the true nature of the "aliens": they are just another satanic deception.
The first matter I want to look into is that these entities have shown a great deal of interest in casting doubt on the validity of the Bible. They often will do this by influencing people to twist the scriptures, and make it appear as if they are the real god of the Bible. An example of this that I will refer to occasionally is called The WAY an online deception that claims that Jesus (along with Buddha and Mohammed) were messengers sent by the aliens to bring enlightenment to the world. Bible verses are also taken out of context and twisted to support this position; this tactic, however, strongly suggests that the aliens are demonic, because we know that twisting the scriptures is one of Satan's favorite tools of deception. He even used it himself when tempting Jesus: Luke 4:5-7 The principal goal of evil is to sway people to its side, and evil always targets those who have already found the light, and are of God. Satan has rightly determined that one of the best techniques to deceive the faithful is to use their own Holy Book against them. So, what the aliens are doing is admitting that their message is not strong enough to stand on its own, and it needs to use the Bible as a crutch. Those who know the truth know that the Bible needs nothing else to support it's message; it can stand completely on its own.
So what are these people seeing and experiencing? Abductees have reached a consensus about who and what their abductors are, and that is that they are physical beings. So the question we must ask is, can we find anything in the Bible similar to this, that describes evil beings, not of this earth, that have visited our planet? What comes to mind is the account of the "Sons of God" in Genesis 6, which corrupted the earth with evil and mated with earth women to produce the Nephilim/giants. These actions sound very similar to the reports of abductees that say they were forced into sexual intercourse with the aliens. All in all, this is just another instance of how the workings of evil are the same as they have always been. The only difference is that they have been given a new, clever packaging for this "new age".
The Sons of God are understood by most to be the angels that participated in Satan's rebellion against God; thus, they were fallen angels. In Genesis 6, these fallen angels had taken on physical human bodies, just as angels of the Lord have done from time to time (Gen 18, 19). These visitations to earth by Satan's angels have been frequent throughout all of time, and they were in reality responsible for the worship of pagan gods. Actually, they probably were the gods of pagan mythology. You see, all of the world's myths have multiple gods and goddesses as their main focal point. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are the only religions which are and have been monotheistic. So, in their attempts to thwart the purpose of the one true God, the fallen angels would pretend to be divine, so as to cause the gentiles to worship them. And isn't this why Satan (and his angels) rebelled in the first place? Because they wanted to be like God?
"thou said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise
my throne above the stars of God; I will sit on the mount of
assembly on the heights of Zaphon; I will ascend to the tops
of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High." (Isa 14:13-14)
Not only did the fallen angels influence all of ancient mythology in general, but by causing the Gentiles to worship them, they pitted the Jews (and later the Christians) against everyone else. This may not seem to be relevant to the whole alien issue, but if we look closely at what these entities are doing today, we see obvious parallels to ancient times. As you can read in 'The Way the aliens are claiming through their contactees that they are the God of the Bible. They are enforcing devil worship, just as they did in ancient times by bringing about pagan religion.
The supernatural nature of the fallen angels allows them to move in and out of this dimension, even disguising themselves in order to further the deception. Evil angels have appeared to many people in forms such as Jesus, Mary, celebrities, or dead relatives. According to some sources, Pope John the 23rd wrote in his diary that both Jesus and Mary appeared to him many times, and made many false predictions to him about the future - (1). So it is not a stretch to say that Satan's angels could appear to humans as little grey creatures, reptilian beings, etc. Remember that Satan appeared to Eve in the form of a snake, which we know is not the only form that has been taken by him. Evil merely conforms itself to each particular situation; for example, if it is necessary to appear as Mary to further somebody's deception, that is what it will do. Since the people of this generation have a great desire for contact with beings from other planets, that is how satanic forces have chosen to appear to people. Of course, they can not hide their true nature from us, and in the process of deceiving people they feel it necessary to torment them as well, just as in the demonic possession of old.
Another theory explaining the "alien" phenomenon is that they are demonic spirit beings which inhabit genetically engineered bodies; this may be true as well. The only sure thing about aliens is that they are a tool of Satan, who is the "prince of the power of the air" (Eph 2:2). And since the origin of all evil is from the "heavenly places", we can better understand why it still comes from there in the form of deceptive UFOs. We truly do "struggle against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places" (Eph 6:12).
This all shows that the same demonic beings which introduced magic and astrology into the world in the first place, continue to use it for their own purposes, mostly to deceive mankind. UFOs are all a part of the endtimes deception that is currently preparing people to accept the Antichrist
"It performs great signs, even making fire come down from
heaven to earth in the sight of all; and by the signs it is
allowed to perform on behalf of the beast, it deceives the
inhabitants of the earth...." (Rev 13:13-14)
These passages clearly state that in the endtimes, there will be false signs associated with satanic forces and the Anti-Christ, and I believe we are already seeing some of these in the form of UFOs. The next subject to be discussed is Whitley Strieber, who has authored a very revealing series of books about the nature of aliens. These books tell us so much about aliens for one reason: the author is an an alien abductee/contactee. He has assumed the role of one who has been deceived by these beings, into thinking that they are benign, despite the torture that he has undergone at their hands. His works reveal the true nature of aliens for what they are:
"[It] seemed almost to be a demon with a narrow face and dark,
slanted eyes. It spoke to me in a high, squeaky voice." (4)

"I felt an indescribable sense of menace. It was hell on earth to
be there, and yet I couldn't move, couldn't cry out, couldn't get
away. I'd lay still as death, suffering inner agonies. Whatever
was there seemed so monstrously ugly, so filthy and dark and
sinister. Of course they were demons. They had to be. And they
were here and I couldn't get away." (5) Despite the fact that he knows what these creatures really are, he begins to welcome them and becomes convinced that contact with them is a positive experience:
"Again, though, I felt love. Despite all the ugliness and the
terrible things that had been done, I found myself longing for
them, missing them!" (6)
Demons are very very smart, and they have ways of attracting people to them, regardless of the torment that they might receive. Strieber is truly a victim of demonic possession, which we know about from the Bible. He has also become influenced by their anti-Christian declarations, as he is quoted as calling the Lord and his angels "Nazis of the air" - (7).
We can gather from his account and many other people's abduction stories that aliens usually do not prey on those who know Jesus. In fact, in an article from the Florida Today, we read of a non-religious man who was in the process of being "abducted" by aliens, but called out to Jesus, and the abduction stopped - (8). If they were extraterrestrial beings, why would they respond to that name? The answer may be found in this Bible verse:
"And these signs shall accompany those who believe: by using
my name they shall cast out demons..." (Mark 16:17)
As I have said, these demons are merely posing as extraterrestrials - but they can't hide their demonic nature. There are many additional accounts of abductions just plain stopping after Jesus was mentioned, in the same way that demon possession can only end with Jesus' name being spoken. And what is just as fascinating is that in nearly every account of alien abduction, there is a definite lack of genuine faith in God among the abductees - there is no evidence of a faithful Christian having ever been abducted. So if alien abduction is just an updated version of the demonic possession of old, then it may be that aliens simply can not abduct those who have true faith in Jesus Christ
If we are to accept that aliens are the same as demons, then we also will accept that their realm is in another dimension of this very planet. They are allowed to move in and out of the different dimensions of earth, but there are certain things which they can not do. They simply can not take other people into their dimension. Because demons are spiritual in nature, they can freely penetrate the barriars between our dimension and theirs. But we can not. God has put up this barriar for a reason: to prevent demons from permanently stealing humans. While God does allow aliens to torment some people, he makes sure that they can not be taken for good. And because of this fact, humans are never taken to the realm of the aliens.
The pressure put on the saints in the endtimes by the forces of Satan will not only be the physical persecutions by the Antichrist, but also by spiritual warfare from his demons. The temptation to give in to the devil will be strong, as will be the delusion, so we need to fully realize and accept the true nature of these beings now. Please pray for those caught up in New Age/occultic practices, because they truly are under the power of Satan. Please pray that these people will find a release from their tormenters, which can only be found in Jesus Christ. And finally, pray that God will help you work this new knowledge of aliens and demons fully into your own understanding of the world.

congratulations! all is very true.
they who introduce themselves as "aliens" (or as the souls of deceased saints or prophets) are certainly no ones other than demons -or "jinn" as in the islamic terminology. satan is a jinn as the qoran informs. they are very very smart. the "jinn" are on a mission to lead people away from allah by convincing them that they are gods. the qoran also informs that "majority" of mankind is under the command of jinn. most common trick that they play is to convince people about reincarnation. simple minded people under their command will urge that "reincarnation" is a reality without knowing or knowing the influence of jinn on their brains.
First of all, if UFO's are true, why do you think we havent spotted them. besides all the alien abduction stories I have read about are so old. And during those times we barely had enough technology to detect them. But no alien abductions recently. And I dont want to hear answers which say,"They have more technology which they used to hide themselves from our detection." Everything single quarks in this universe is subjected to the same laws and rules of physics.

Besides I have a question, Why do people post stuff from the bible or Koran when they want to prove something?

They dont justify anything. (Sorry, too lazy to put in apostrophy marks)
Lord_Phoenix said:
First of all, if UFO's are true, why do you think we havent spotted them...
And I dont want to hear answers which say,"They have more technology which they used to hide themselves from our detection."
well they must have!:D
cloaking technology like those star trek spaceships could exist you know,..

seriously though

Ive seen video footage from Belgian air force jets who tried to intercept some UFOs and these things just took of at a way faster speed that no airplane could match,plus the jets guns/computers were unable to get a lock on these ufos at all.
which makes me believe ufos exist and are from some highly advanced civilization

and theres inumerable number of planets out there where life can exist,I have no doubt...

of course religious people are afraid of the unknown so they try to demonize them...also aliens existence would disagree with xians beliefs..disproving ours being the only special creation ...
imo they are explorers just like us,
curious about other worlds,

and since they havent destroyed us yet,I think we have nothing to fear from them. ;)
Lord_Phoenix: First of all, if UFO's are true, why do you think we havent spotted them. besides all the alien abduction stories I have read about are so old. And during those times we barely had enough technology to detect them. But no alien abductions recently. And I dont want to hear answers which say,"They have more technology which they used to hide themselves from our detection." Everything single quarks in this universe is subjected to the same laws and rules of physics.
M*W: Yes, you are correct in that we haven't specifically heard about any abductions of late, but there are still people who disappear without a trace. Not talking about perps and predators of children, etc.
Lord_Phoenix: Besides I have a question, Why do people post stuff from the bible or Koran when they want to prove something?

They dont justify anything. (Sorry, too lazy to put in apostrophy marks)
M*W: It's all about what they've been brainwashed to believe. The mind is a terrible thing to waste.
scorpius: Ive seen video footage from Belgian air force jets who tried to intercept some UFOs and these things just took of at a way faster speed that no airplane could match,plus the jets guns/computers were unable to get a lock on these ufos at all.
which makes me believe ufos exist and are from some highly advanced civilization
M*W: Any sightings by countries other than the USA might have more legitimacy. I believe sightings in the USA are squelched. I do believe they exist however. There's just been too, too many legitimate sightings. I've seen one when I was about seven, and my parents saw it, too, over the mountains of Virginia in broad daylight. It looked like a silver cigar. It wasn't a blimp, because it was too high up and didn't move.
scorpius: and theres inumerable number of planets out there where life can exist,I have no doubt...
M*W: You're right. The universe is unmeasurable. I believe they are at the very least now among us but in a parallel universe where they can cross over to our dimension, but we can't crossover to theirs (at least not yet)!
scorpius: of course religious people are afraid of the unknown so they try to demonize them...also aliens existence would disagree with xians beliefs..disproving ours being the only special creation ...imo they are explorers just like us,
curious about other worlds, and since they havent destroyed us yet,I think we have nothing to fear from them. ;)
M*W: Again, I believe you are correct about ETs. They are here to help us -- not destroy us -- otherwise we woulda been gone a long, long time ago!

I also believe that somehow they may be involved in the appearance of religious apparations to show what xians believe in is a lie. Their main purpose is to teach us the truth.
what blows ME away is this. we are living in a mindblowing unimaginale universe, yeah. the other day i downloaded this website and the hompage had this hubble pic of spiral galaxies--kind of suspnded in this chocklate background
I looked at this image and imagined me on thei tiny tine little planet earth in a VAST spiralling galaxy that is itSELf just one of many......all this is just tooooo much

yet you get people OIN this earth IN the spiralling Milky Way, In the vast universe which m-braners theorize might be just one of OTHEr universes. and you cling to a materialistic notion about ther's` that

about the Greys. if true i am SURe they are just a variety of potential entities.

the VIBE i get when i've read about them might make yer laugh or offend..
i see them as some kind of HINT on a unconsciousconscious level--a mirror-image of the sould-deadness of materialistic-mankind. they are how i imagine humans-scientists look to the poor animal who gets caught in thier soul dead clutches for Animal Vivisection!! know, like not matter how their fear-filled eyes and screams and cries for mercy...the loveless evil eyes and hands of the robo-scientists aliens still carry on torturing them
So the Greys are kind of a sign--a HINT of what We could become.
One witch i knew explained quite cooly they had over-cloned themselves and so needed ourspecies for life energy of something like that...
The endnotes to the opening post are:

2. John Ankerberg and John Weldon, 'The Facts on UFOs' (Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, OR 97402), p 37
3. 'The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible' (Parthenon Press, Nashville, TN), p 223
4. Whitley Strieber, 'Communion: a True Story' (New York: Morrow, 1987), p 136
5. Whitley Strieber, 'Transformation', p 181
6. Ibid., p 184
7. John Ankerberg and John Weldon, 'The Facts on UFOs' (Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, OR 97402), p. 25
8. Rita Elkins, 'Spiritual Warfare? - Some say demons are behind alien abductions', Florida Today, August 17, 1997
9. John Rimmer, 'The Evidence for Alien Abductions' (Wellingborough, North Hamptonshire: The Aquarium Press, 1984), p 152

It is apparent that Crushing Belial is not the original author of this piece, of which a copy, perhaps the original, can be found at: 6 Project/Aliens - ETs or Demons.htm

That Crushing Belial may have plagarized the piece doesn't invalidate they hypothesis of the piece (there are other things that do that!), but I thought it prudent to point out the deception to those that took the time to participate in the thread.

I noted clues to the deception mainly in the fact that there were footnote/endnote markers in parentheses, but no notes. I also noted the disjointed nature of the original post (lack of correct punctuation, poor paragraph structure in a portion, etc.) and the inconsistency between the original post's style and the subsequent posts of Crushing Belial.

Moreover, Crushing's claim that he is "dyslexic" doesn't hold water since his grammatical mistakes were not consistent with dyslexia. They are more consistent with one who simply is undereducated and has not bothered to read or write with consistency throughout his alleged 30 years.
Crushing Belial,

Hi. I recognize your avatar from research that I've done over the years. I'm not a ufologist or biblical scholar...I'm currently a waitress, and formerly an accountant, with a degree in business administration. But I'm also born again in Christ Jesus. I'm not sure if you are familiar with what that means, but it is a spiritual awakening and subsequent transformation that takes place upon acquiring knowledge of God through a personal relationship with Him. What you learn from this personal interaction with Him develops a complete trust in Him, and so given this faith, you are inclined to offer Him yourself and your life in it's entirety.

Over the years God has taught me so much...changed me and changed my life so profoundly...saved my life. One of the many things that He's taught me was what led me to this particular website years ago, and that is that aliens are demonic. Abduction is a spiritual phenomenon. Aliens are the nephilim...a genetically engineered demonic brood. They present themselves as our (false) creators, and our (false) saviours, as they feed upon the victims of the spirit of the antichrist (medicine woman is a perfect text book example). They will usher in the reign of the antichrist himself, provide the basis of support for the religion of the false prophet, and will perpetuate or administer the mark of the beast...which is a genetic alteration that makes the life of the flesh immortal, while it kills the spirit...cutting it off from God completely. This genetic alteration is a (false) that is of the flesh, and not of the Spirit. It will be presented in the same was as the fall of man was in the garden..."you can become like God"..."you will not die, but live forever".

This is described in Revelation...the locusts are the aliens...the scorpion sting is the mark, and it is why men will seek death in those days but will not find it.

Crushing Belial, I have recently experienced a miracle....a life altering, mind blowing spiritual phenomenon that has consumed me ever since. See, there's this man...who is famous...a rock star...singer and lyricist...for a band who's last record went platinum. He has an almost cult like following...extremely devout fans...people love this guy so much, and with good reason...people are obsessed with him, and I know why. Because for years...I'm pretty sure it had been seven years...he had been living with this mark. Introduced to it by the abduction phenomenon...presented to him by the "aliens of light"...the "good aliens". Upon taking the mark, it was obvious that he had been deceived and that something was terribly wrong, and since he has done nothing but work to try to undo what had been done. Jesus made a way for him, and I am honored that the way involved an interaction with me...the interaction being the miracle that I referred to.

Over the years, this man has described in detail what has happened to him in his song lyrics. It is all that he's written about...six cd's and several ep's worth of material...the last four describing himself and his life after taking the mark. No one understands him...not even a little. No one can figure out what his lyrics mean. That's part of the reason for his following...people can't figure this guy out, but they are so intruiged by him and by his words. Well, only because God gave me insight into them, I did understand his words enough to know that he had been abducted, and subject to the deception of demons, and that something had gone terribly wrong, and that he was pissed...sad...desperate. And God told me to write him a letter, and so I did, even though I felt like a complete ass doing it. A week and a half later, this man came to my home in the spirit, with an angel of the Lord, gave me a hug and a kiss, and God said that's what healed him...Jesus resurrected this man...brought him back from spiritual death. So this man has taken the mark of the beast, experienced it first hand, and so is aware of the deception, and will now prophecy to the world.

God told me that this man is the apostle John reincarnated. He wrote his story in Revelation..."the angel and the little scroll".

What has happened to me is very complicated to describe...but a good portion of Revelations prophecy has been revealed to me through this experience. And this experience will also provide a mountain of evidence to those who are interested in finding the truth. Of course many are not interested in such a thing. But for those who are, the truth will be shown.

Jesus Rocks,

haha...nice little myth-stew you got brewin can see the new religion sprouting as you speak. some things you say actuall have a sort of truth about them, but only cause they geel with what i'm gonna reflect about from reading you

for a start. i in no way wanna take away from your 'born again' feeling. if you feel like that so be it. but from my learning the REAL meaning is an actual siritual feeling inspired from an actual hallucinogenic sacrament

This born again feeling is pagan times --from where Christianity got most of its ideas--is a feeling of rejuvination and a belonging with NATURE. what Christianity did with this then is--being influenced by patriachal paganism (earth negative paganism), such as Orphic beliefs, their idea of being born again is with the 'spirit' rather than Nature. this is a crucual difference, cause we ARE In Nature and need to get along with it. so if you AREN'T then your myth becomes detrimantal towards Nature--for your heart of hearts is to escape, or 'purify' Nature

In J.M.Allegro's book, The Saced Mushroom and the Cross he reveals that there existed a word for the Early Christian hallucinogenic sacrament calleed 'Chrestos' from where 'Christ' derives. thus, to be ANTI-Christ would mean anti the sacrament! to wanto to prohibit people from having it as a means to be born again. That seems plausible to me. as from other researches i find that the ritual of a community taking an hallucinogenic sacrament is world wide and primal

Also where you seem to just demonize the 'aliens' for the dream of immortality in the 'flesh'. well, what about SCIENCE? aren't you aware of this scientific drive to conquer disease and death, don't we hear all the time science people congratulating themselves cause our lifespans are longer, and there isn't as much disease now as therer used to be. and the fear of death in our culture. so do you think they are in league with the aliens who want same...or what?
Christ did not have an identity until Jesus was born. There is truth everywhere and in everything...but that does not mean that everything is true...and people believe what they want to believe regardless of what is evident.

I'm not talking about science duendy...I'm talking about a choice. A choice between an eternal life of the spirit through rebirth by the Spirit, or an eternal life of this flesh through rebirth by the flesh. The lie is that the flesh is reduced to ash by disintegrates...ashes to ashes. So ultimately you get what you choose...either an eternal life without sin in His Kingdom, or the wages of the sin of this stinking flesh, which is most undoubtedly death.

To answer your question, no they are not in the same league...there is nothing wrong with wanting to live a healthy long life...even to live forever. It's not about that. It will be about a denial of your Creator and Saviour...who is it that gives life? Where does it come from? Who determines your destiny and who is in charge? God or man? Spirit or flesh?

It's all about "give me anything but Jesus"...aliens fine, but not Jesus. It's all about a denial of the truth. Will you want the truth or will you want a lie? Both are presented, and you have the free will to make your own choice.


You got it backwards, Lori 7, it's the body that is immortal, and the soul that dies. Your "spirit awakening" might have nothing to do with Jesus, but you call it that, because that's the vocabulary you choose to describe it. Awakenings, catharsis, it happens all the time, Jesus doesn't have a monopoly on mental transformation. Of course, you may just be nuts, I wonder about that story of yours, who is this rock star? Let me guess- David Hasselhof?
spidergoat said:
You got it backwards, Lori 7, it's the body that is immortal, and the soul that dies. Your "spirit awakening" might have nothing to do with Jesus, but you call it that, because that's the vocabulary you choose to describe it. Awakenings, catharsis, it happens all the time, Jesus doesn't have a monopoly on mental transformation. Of course, you may just be nuts, I wonder about that story of yours, who is this rock star? Let me guess- David Hasselhof? that right? You say that these bodies of ours are immortal huh? I had no idea. Thanks for clearing that up.


Lori.....why i mentioned science is because it TOO seeks escape from death---that's the dream. you know travel? Believe it!

Where you say the "stinking flesh". Why call it that? do you mean that it corrupts? so you feel yer headin for spirit county huh?
That is the patriarchal dream is what i am trying to say. the dream shot though all the diverse patriarchal branches of blief, including Eastern idea--of escape from the body/flesh and Nature
Why, for example, do you SEPARATE the spirit from the flesh? can't you see our problem is our indoctrinated disdain for the body, and sex, and Nature. Christianity is THe worst for guilting you about the erotic organismenvironment interrelationship

this is where hallucinogenic sacraments come in. As they reviatalize this missing link. Though it has to be said that theri use by ascetic religions, including gnostic-christianity reinofrced earth negative beliefs

this is whyyyyy...its good to study paganism.. to get you over the hold that cult can have over you

though of course -like said-if you are happy, then that's it.
i like to explore these things. orgins of beliefs. though in the past i have of course got hooked on this and that. you live and learn
The soul is merely the conscious awareness that we have of the body... its the firing of synapses in the brain, accessing proteins that comprise stored memories... etc. Once the body dies, this process dies... the soul is gone.

The body is comprised of some basic molecules that include atoms of carbon, hydrogen, sodium, oxygen, calcium, etc. These atoms cannot be destroyed... they simply engage in chemical reactions as the body decays and become parts of other molecules in other plants, animals or matter.

Hence, the body lives forever. You just don't know it.
SkinWalker said:
The soul is merely the conscious awareness that we have of the body... its the firing of synapses in the brain, accessing proteins that comprise stored memories... etc. Once the body dies, this process dies... the soul is gone.

d__see what your belief does Skinwalker. Its dogma claims that awreness, SOUL(ed) is 'mere' in comparison with 'synapses' and 'proeteins' and abc. Not that i am saying they aren't important. but in your list, awarensss is at the bottom. Seems so the way you put it. And is hardly mentioned in your physicalist classification. Whereas in REALITY meaning is EVERYTHING. Life IS meaning dude is what i am trying to say

The body is comprised of some basic molecules that include atoms of carbon, hydrogen, sodium, oxygen, calcium, etc. These atoms cannot be destroyed... they simply engage in chemical reactions as the body decays and become parts of other molecules in other plants, animals or matter.

d__yeah, recycled. Nature is wonderful. Intelligent

Hence, the body lives forever. You just don't know it.

And what happens to awareness? what Is awarenss?
and what is its meaning for you?
Lori_7 said: that right? You say that these bodies of ours are immortal huh? I had no idea. Thanks for clearing that up.


Not YOUR body, THE body. It has never died since the beginning of life on Earth.

Indeed, it is well-known that primitive organisms (e.g. bacteria, algae, protozoids, ...) are in a sense immortal. That is, when they reproduce (by mere splitting of cells) there is no difference between "parent" and "offspring": both splitted cells continue to survive, and undergo further splits, without any apparent aging or senescence. Our own process of reproduction (meiosis) is merely a more complicated version of this, in which just a few cells (sex-cells or germ-line cells) can indefinitely reproduce, while the other cells die after a while.
duendy said:
And what happens to awareness? what Is awarenss?
and what is its meaning for you?

Awareness is extinguished upon death... poof!

I do, however, freely admit that I'm speculating. There is no data to suggest any life post-death (the very concept is an oxymoron), so the logical conclusion is that the electrical occurances that exist in the brain cause awareness to cease once the power supply is pulled. Indeed, this case could be argued by considering the partial disruptions in the power supply to various parts of the brain during accidents which result in various brain injuries such as memory loss, loss of motor function, paralysis, etc. This is simply the partial loss of "awareness." The brain is now partially unaware of a limb, affecting paralysis; partially unaware of a period of one's life, affecting a form of amnesia; etc.