Aliens: E.T.s or demons?

Crushing Belial

Registered Senior Member
Aliens: E.T.s or demons?
Ever since the Kenneth Arnold "flying saucer" sighting and the Roswell incident, both of 1947, our country has had a fascination with the notion that beings from outer space have visted our planet. But in the last couple decades, so called "alien abductions" have gotten much attention from the mainstream media, and people are beginning to question the nature of this phenomenon. It is of particular interest that just in the last couple years, the religious press has been full of articles about ETs and UFOs. This is because these "aliens" seem to primarily be on a mission to lead people away from God. And because of this fact, we must attempt to identify and fully understand their true nature. I believe the answer, just like so many others, can be found in the Holy Scriptures.
I first want to look into the theory that says that this alien presence is from another planet, or extraterrestrial.
This theory is definitely troubled. The statistics against intelligent extraterrestrial life ever being able to reach our planet go a long way to disproving this notion, but they are simply not convincing to many. So we must examine other factors. The bizarre actions of these supposedly advanced beings need to be considered:
they kidnap, paralyze, physically abuse and often sexually molest humans
often times they abduct women, and impregnate them, only to steal the child a couple months into the pregnancy
they condemn Jesus Christ and attempt to undermine faith in God
they promote New Age philosophy through "contactees" (channelers)
This is not exactly what we would expect from a highly-evolved race of intergalactic travelers. And there are still other factors that don't add up:
no two UFOs ever appear exactly alike, which suggests that they use their craft only once some UFOs break into pieces and merge into one; others have been seen passing through physical objects and vanishing most ufos emit no sound whatsoever
It seems that beings such as these who claim to be so advanced and evolved would be civilized as well. However, they are not civilized beings at all, but rather are cruel towards humans and hostile towards Christianity (which they have attempted to discredit without ceasing). And yet, to do these trivial things the aliens have supposedly traveled millions of light years.
Another curious aspect of the alien abductee phenomenon is the fact that the aliens always return their victims. These beings do not show any mercy towards our humanity in other ways, and yet, the abductees are always left to tell their story. This simply would not make sense if the beings truly were extraterrthere is a wealth of information that quite clearly exposes the true nature of the "aliens": they are just another satanic deception.
The first matter I want to look into is that these entities have shown a great deal of interest in casting doubt on the validity of the Bible. They often will do this by influencing people to twist the scriptures, and make it appear as if they are the real god of the Bible. An example of this that I will refer to occasionally is called The WAY an online deception that claims that Jesus (along with Buddha and Mohammed) were messengers sent by the aliens to bring enlightenment to the world. Bible verses are also taken out of context and twisted to support this position; this tactic, however, strongly suggests that the aliens are demonic, because we know that twisting the scriptures is one of Satan's favorite tools of deception. He even used it himself when tempting Jesus: Luke 4:5-7 The principal goal of evil is to sway people to its side, and evil always targets those who have already found the light, and are of God. Satan has rightly determined that one of the best techniques to deceive the faithful is to use their own Holy Book against them. So, what the aliens are doing is admitting that their message is not strong enough to stand on its own, and it needs to use the Bible as a crutch. Those who know the truth know that the Bible needs nothing else to support it's message; it can stand completely on its own.
So what are these people seeing and experiencing? Abductees have reached a consensus about who and what their abductors are, and that is that they are physical beings. So the question we must ask is, can we find anything in the Bible similar to this, that describes evil beings, not of this earth, that have visited our planet? What comes to mind is the account of the "Sons of God" in Genesis 6, which corrupted the earth with evil and mated with earth women to produce the Nephilim/giants. These actions sound very similar to the reports of abductees that say they were forced into sexual intercourse with the aliens. All in all, this is just another instance of how the workings of evil are the same as they have always been. The only difference is that they have been given a new, clever packaging for this "new age".
The Sons of God are understood by most to be the angels that participated in Satan's rebellion against God; thus, they were fallen angels. In Genesis 6, these fallen angels had taken on physical human bodies, just as angels of the Lord have done from time to time (Gen 18, 19). These visitations to earth by Satan's angels have been frequent throughout all of time, and they were in reality responsible for the worship of pagan gods. Actually, they probably were the gods of pagan mythology. You see, all of the world's myths have multiple gods and goddesses as their main focal point. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are the only religions which are and have been monotheistic. So, in their attempts to thwart the purpose of the one true God, the fallen angels would pretend to be divine, so as to cause the gentiles to worship them. And isn't this why Satan (and his angels) rebelled in the first place? Because they wanted to be like God?
"thou said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise
my throne above the stars of God; I will sit on the mount of
assembly on the heights of Zaphon; I will ascend to the tops
of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High." (Isa 14:13-14)
Not only did the fallen angels influence all of ancient mythology in general, but by causing the Gentiles to worship them, they pitted the Jews (and later the Christians) against everyone else. This may not seem to be relevant to the whole alien issue, but if we look closely at what these entities are doing today, we see obvious parallels to ancient times. As you can read in 'The Way the aliens are claiming through their contactees that they are the God of the Bible. They are enforcing devil worship, just as they did in ancient times by bringing about pagan religion.
The supernatural nature of the fallen angels allows them to move in and out of this dimension, even disguising themselves in order to further the deception. Evil angels have appeared to many people in forms such as Jesus, Mary, celebrities, or dead relatives. According to some sources, Pope John the 23rd wrote in his diary that both Jesus and Mary appeared to him many times, and made many false predictions to him about the future - (1). So it is not a stretch to say that Satan's angels could appear to humans as little grey creatures, reptilian beings, etc. Remember that Satan appeared to Eve in the form of a snake, which we know is not the only form that has been taken by him. Evil merely conforms itself to each particular situation; for example, if it is necessary to appear as Mary to further somebody's deception, that is what it will do. Since the people of this generation have a great desire for contact with beings from other planets, that is how satanic forces have chosen to appear to people. Of course, they can not hide their true nature from us, and in the process of deceiving people they feel it necessary to torment them as well, just as in the demonic possession of old.
Another theory explaining the "alien" phenomenon is that they are demonic spirit beings which inhabit genetically engineered bodies; this may be true as well. The only sure thing about aliens is that they are a tool of Satan, who is the "prince of the power of the air" (Eph 2:2). And since the origin of all evil is from the "heavenly places", we can better understand why it still comes from there in the form of deceptive UFOs. We truly do "struggle against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places" (Eph 6:12).
This all shows that the same demonic beings which introduced magic and astrology into the world in the first place, continue to use it for their own purposes, mostly to deceive mankind. UFOs are all a part of the endtimes deception that is currently preparing people to accept the Antichrist
"It performs great signs, even making fire come down from
heaven to earth in the sight of all; and by the signs it is
allowed to perform on behalf of the beast, it deceives the
inhabitants of the earth...." (Rev 13:13-14)
These passages clearly state that in the endtimes, there will be false signs associated with satanic forces and the Anti-Christ, and I believe we are already seeing some of these in the form of UFOs. The next subject to be discussed is Whitley Strieber, who has authored a very revealing series of books about the nature of aliens. These books tell us so much about aliens for one reason: the author is an an alien abductee/contactee. He has assumed the role of one who has been deceived by these beings, into thinking that they are benign, despite the torture that he has undergone at their hands. His works reveal the true nature of aliens for what they are:
"[It] seemed almost to be a demon with a narrow face and dark,
slanted eyes. It spoke to me in a high, squeaky voice." (4)

"I felt an indescribable sense of menace. It was hell on earth to
be there, and yet I couldn't move, couldn't cry out, couldn't get
away. I'd lay still as death, suffering inner agonies. Whatever
was there seemed so monstrously ugly, so filthy and dark and
sinister. Of course they were demons. They had to be. And they
were here and I couldn't get away." (5) Despite the fact that he knows what these creatures really are, he begins to welcome them and becomes convinced that contact with them is a positive experience:
"Again, though, I felt love. Despite all the ugliness and the
terrible things that had been done, I found myself longing for
them, missing them!" (6)
Demons are very very smart, and they have ways of attracting people to them, regardless of the torment that they might receive. Strieber is truly a victim of demonic possession, which we know about from the Bible. He has also become influenced by their anti-Christian declarations, as he is quoted as calling the Lord and his angels "Nazis of the air" - (7).
We can gather from his account and many other people's abduction stories that aliens usually do not prey on those who know Jesus. In fact, in an article from the Florida Today, we read of a non-religious man who was in the process of being "abducted" by aliens, but called out to Jesus, and the abduction stopped - (8). If they were extraterrestrial beings, why would they respond to that name? The answer may be found in this Bible verse:
"And these signs shall accompany those who believe: by using
my name they shall cast out demons..." (Mark 16:17)
As I have said, these demons are merely posing as extraterrestrials - but they can't hide their demonic nature. There are many additional accounts of abductions just plain stopping after Jesus was mentioned, in the same way that demon possession can only end with Jesus' name being spoken. And what is just as fascinating is that in nearly every account of alien abduction, there is a definite lack of genuine faith in God among the abductees - there is no evidence of a faithful Christian having ever been abducted. So if alien abduction is just an updated version of the demonic possession of old, then it may be that aliens simply can not abduct those who have true faith in Jesus Christ
If we are to accept that aliens are the same as demons, then we also will accept that their realm is in another dimension of this very planet. They are allowed to move in and out of the different dimensions of earth, but there are certain things which they can not do. They simply can not take other people into their dimension. Because demons are spiritual in nature, they can freely penetrate the barriars between our dimension and theirs. But we can not. God has put up this barriar for a reason: to prevent demons from permanently stealing humans. While God does allow aliens to torment some people, he makes sure that they can not be taken for good. And because of this fact, humans are never taken to the realm of the aliens.
The pressure put on the saints in the endtimes by the forces of Satan will not only be the physical persecutions by the Antichrist, but also by spiritual warfare from his demons. The temptation to give in to the devil will be strong, as will be the delusion, so we need to fully realize and accept the true nature of these beings now. Please pray for those caught up in New Age/occultic practices, because they truly are under the power of Satan. Please pray that these people will find a release from their tormenters, which can only be found in Jesus Christ. And finally, pray that God will help you work this new knowledge of aliens and demons fully into your own understanding of the world.
Aliens are the same as demons, but not in the way you think they are.

Run to your nearest bookstore and buy a copy of Carl Sagan's classic <b>The Demon-Haunted World - Science as a Candle in the Dark</b>.

There's the real story of both aliens and demons.
This is because these "aliens" seem to primarily be on a mission to lead people away from God.
that's the first i've heard about this "leading away from god".

they condemn Jesus Christ and attempt to undermine faith in God
they promote New Age philosophy through "contactees" (channelers)
This is not exactly what we would expect from a highly-evolved race of intergalactic travelers
i think you leave out a crucial part to your title "aliens: e.t's or demons or imagined stories and visual phenomena?". i think you'll find the latter two to be true in 100% of the cases.

Another curious aspect of the alien abductee phenomenon is the fact that the aliens always return their victims.
i think in any case this supports the idea that people are imagining these things. i saw a documentary on specific sleep pattern that causes vivid real-life feeling instances where people are troubled by a deep seated fear. they become truamatised so it happens again.
LOL, I guess it is in the RELIGION section. Hehehe... oh my. In a way it fits perfectly wouldn't you say?
Originally posted by Crushing Belial
Aliens: E.T.s or demons?
(Dear Belial, welcome to sciforums. Since I've been an active member, I don't recall this topic appearing on the religion forum. Since you posted it here, you apparently see a connection. I have edited your post and will reply to parts of it.)
This is because these "aliens" seem to primarily be on a mission to lead people away from God. And because of this fact, we must attempt to identify and fully understand their true nature. I believe the answer, just like so many others, can be found in the Holy Scriptures.
(Please explain how and why you think these beings are leading people away from God. How do you know they are not FROM God? Don't copy scripture, just tell us where to find the citations.)
I first want to look into the theory that says that this alien presence is from another planet, or extraterrestrial.
(Why would they necessarily come from another planet? Extraterrestrial means "not of this world." Isn't that what Jesus also said, "my kingdom is not of this world?" Perhaps you're condeming them because you don't understand them. You know, a lot of people didn't understand Jesus either.)
...they condemn Jesus Christ and attempt to undermine faith in God
they promote New Age philosophy through "contactees" (channelers)
(I've never heard or read about them condeming Jesus or undermining faith in God. Surely, it is not the ETs that have promoted New Age philosophy! There are plenty of people on Earth who have made a killing in the market place with all their New Age theories. I just don't see ETs cashing in on this! If these ETs can time travel through dimensions, I can't see as why they would need to undermine human beings' faiths in their religions! This doesn't make any sense at all. You're equating their knowledge and power with what us mere humans believe. This wouldn't be a biggy to them. I've also never heard of them trying to convert humans to their religion. Or is it only Xians that do that?)
It seems that beings such as these who claim to be so advanced and evolved would be civilized as well. However, they are not civilized beings at all, but rather are cruel towards humans and hostile towards Christianity (which they have attempted to discredit without ceasing). And yet, to do these trivial things the aliens have supposedly traveled millions of light years.
(How would you know if they were civilized or not? Some accounts have said that they have done experiments on humans, but I don't know for sure. I've heard other accounts that say they were friendly to captives. I still don't believe their mission is to be hostile to a man-made religion. Why should that matter to a more evolved being?)
Another curious aspect of the alien abductee phenomenon is the fact that the aliens always return their victims.
(So you know somebody you'd rather not have returned? Maybe where they exist a human being couldn't exist. Perhaps it's in spiritual form. This isn't so absurd.)
These beings do not show any mercy towards our humanity in other ways, and yet, the abductees are always left to tell their story.
(How do you know they "do not show any mercy towards our humanity?" You are wrong about this. Unless you've been abducted, how would you know how everyone has been treated whose been abducted? If I were you, I'd be kind of cautious about what you saying. I feel sure that if you were abducted, they'd give you the worst kind of treatment!)
...there is a wealth of information that quite clearly exposes the true nature of the "aliens":
(Please provide citations.)
they are just another satanic deception.
(How do you know this? Again, have you ever been abducted? Why would you think they're satanic? This is a generalization. Why do you fear them so? Your paranoia says you have other psychological problems and you're transferring your anger to the aliens. I'd be more worried about YOU abducting me!)
The first matter I want to look into is that these entities have shown a great deal of interest in casting doubt on the validity of the Bible.
(You know, this is bullshit. Look into it all you want, but it's not only the aliens who show a great deal of interest in casting doubt on the validity of the Bible! First, the aliens don't care jack shit about the Bible. It's MAN-MADE! They don't care about your religion. It's MAN-MADE! I know you're new to the religion forum, but stick around, my friend, your worst nightmare is yet to come!)
They often will do this by influencing people to twist the scriptures, and make it appear as if they are the real god of the Bible.
(Nah! Twisting the scriptures? You gotta be kidding! Aliens don't do that! People do!)
Bible verses are also taken out of context and twisted to support this position; this tactic, however, strongly suggests that the aliens are demonic, because we know that twisting the scriptures is one of Satan's favorite tools of deception.
(Xians twist them a lot on sciforums, too!)
The principal goal of evil is to sway people to its side, and evil always targets those who have already found the light, and are of God.
(Then you should be extra careful. This forum has many people who have found the light, but not once has any of them indicated that they feared aliens! I thought if God was on your side, who should you fear?)
Satan has rightly determined that one of the best techniques to deceive the faithful is to use their own Holy Book against them.
(I've never seen anything in writing about Satan's policies and procedures, but it's very possible that Satan rightly inspired the writers of the Bible, too!)
So, what the aliens are doing is admitting that their message is not strong enough to stand on its own, and it needs to use the Bible as a crutch.
(I highly doubt this! They don't fear the Bible anymore than they God! And, please, tell us what their message is! I'm sure a lot of us would like to know.)
Those who know the truth know that the Bible needs nothing else to support it's message; it can stand completely on its own.
(Again, welcome to sciforums.)
So what are these people seeing and experiencing? Abductees have reached a consensus about who and what their abductors are, and that is that they are physical beings. So the question we must ask is, can we find anything in the Bible similar to this, that describes evil beings, not of this earth, that have visited our planet?
(Eziekel for one. There are other examples.)
What comes to mind is the account of the "Sons of God" in Genesis 6, which corrupted the earth with evil and mated with earth women to produce the Nephilim/giants.
(How do you know that the human race is not descendents of these nephilim?)
These actions sound very similar to the reports of abductees that say they were forced into sexual intercourse with the aliens.
(Yeah, I know sex is a problem for Xians, and they are the ones who put spam on the internet selling penis enlargements!)
All in all, this is just another instance of how the workings of evil are the same as they have always been. The only difference is that they have been given a new, clever packaging for this "new age".
(Like I said, Satan was around influencing humans when the Bible was written, so why should we think he hasn't been influencing the entire human race?)
The Sons of God are understood by most to be the angels that participated in Satan's rebellion against God; thus, they were fallen angels.
(First time I've heard this one. Perhaps that's why we gained dominion over the apes. Maybe the human race is the hybrid of apes and space aliens.)
These visitations to earth by Satan's angels have been frequent throughout all of time, and they were in reality responsible for the worship of pagan gods.
(Oh, yeah? Funny, it's been said that pagans worship nature and the elements.)
Actually, they probably were the gods of pagan mythology. You see, all of the world's myths have multiple gods and goddesses as their main focal point.
(Do you mean like the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit--three gods in one?)
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are the only religions which are and have been monotheistic.
(Only Judaism and Islam are monotheistic. Xianity worships the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.)
So, in their attempts to thwart the purpose of the one true God, the fallen angels would pretend to be divine, so as to cause the gentiles to worship them.
(Wait a minute! Where does it say the gentiles worshipped the fallen angels? Citations, please!)
Not only did the fallen angels influence all of ancient mythology in general, but by causing the Gentiles to worship them, they pitted the Jews (and later the Christians) against everyone else.
(What is your definition of "Gentiles?")
According to some sources, Pope John the 23rd wrote in his diary that both Jesus and Mary appeared to him many times, and made many false predictions to him about the future
(Citations, please! There are other truths that Pope John 23rd knew and had hidden in the Vatican because it would prove Xianity was a false religion.)
Remember that Satan appeared to Eve in the form of a snake, which we know is not the only form that has been taken by him.
(Maybe the "serpent" Eve communicated with was her feminine spirit. The serpent got a bad rap. Of course, the serpent could have been a reptilian being BUT IT TOLD THE TRUTH--GOD LIED!)
As I have said, these demons are merely posing as extraterrestrials - but they can't hide their demonic nature.
(There's plenty of human beings with a demonic nature, why would we need ETs to pose as them?)
And what is just as fascinating is that in nearly every account of alien abduction, there is a definite lack of genuine faith in God among the abductees - there is no evidence of a faithful Christian having ever been abducted.
(So what are you saying? Xians don't get abducted or the demon ETs don't want to mess with Xians? My guess is a Xian would never admit it anyway because that would preclude the existence of God or Jesus.)
So if alien abduction is just an updated version of the demonic possession of old, then it may be that aliens simply can not abduct those who have true faith in Jesus Christ
(My dear, true faith has nothing to do with this. Xians have "abducted" more souls than any ET ever would!)
If we are to accept that aliens are the same as demons, then we also will accept that their realm is in another dimension of this very planet.
("If WE are... Speak for yourself. You're comparing apples and oranges. Just because you believe demons have taken the form of aliens, that's pretty messed up!)
They are allowed to move in and out of the different dimensions of --earth, but there are certain things which they can not do.
(And WHOM do you think allows them to "move in and out of different dimensions?")
They simply can not take other people into their dimension. Because demons are spiritual in nature, they can freely penetrate the barriars between our dimension and theirs. But we can not. God has put up this barriar for a reason: to prevent demons from permanently stealing humans.
(Need some citations here! Please explain the barrier God put up. Never heard this one before!)
While God does allow aliens to torment some people, he makes sure that they can not be taken for good. And because of this fact, humans are never taken to the realm of the aliens.
(Boy, this God of yours is a cruel one indeed! If your God was a loving God, seems like he'd just let these people go for good. They probably didn't believe in him anyway according to your beliefs!)
Please pray for those caught up in New Age/occultic practices, because they truly are under the power of Satan.
(No, my friend, I'll pray for you. You are caught up in paranoia of the unseen. I would say YOU are under the power of Satan!)
Please pray that these people will find a release from their tormenters, which can only be found in Jesus Christ.
(I'll pray that you never torment sciforums again with your paranoid delusions of Jesus Christ!)
And finally, pray that God will help you work this new knowledge of aliens and demons fully into your own understanding of the world.
(I pray that you will get psychiatric help as soon as possible. There are wonderful medications out there that would help your delusional state. Watch out! Those aliens following you know you're paranoid!)
Chance there is other low-level life in our universe: 99%

Chance there is other mid-level life in our universe: 96%

Chance there is other high-level life in our universe: 90%

Chance that extra-terrestrials have to do with Christianity: 0%
Originally posted by ScrollMaker
Chance there is other low-level life in our universe: 99%

Chance there is other mid-level life in our universe: 96%

Chance there is other high-level life in our universe: 90%

Chance that extra-terrestrials have to do with Christianity: 0%
Chance that extra-terrestrials invented christianity as a scam to control humans: 79%
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
Chance that extra-terrestrials invented christianity as a scam to control humans: 79%

Fish plate for your car: $20

Cross necklace: $5

Small Bible: $30

Atheism: Priceless ;)
(Please explain how and why you think these beings are leading people away from God. How do you know they are not FROM God? Don't copy scripture, just tell us where to find the citations.)

I'm a Ufologest, Astronomer, Biblical scholar, and study Ancient
civilizations i have alot of resources, there are many abduction cases where victims are told (By Aliens) that God dose not exist, and i just read about two cases of abduction that were halted do to the would be victims calling upon Jesus.

look i'm a very serious person this is not a joke i have more than enough proof that ufo's are real and they are not looking out for our best interest, this is so frustrating i wish i could show you all my research matterial just watching sci-fi specials on ufo's wont do. I love you all Crushing Belial

But the idea of gods is just the result of human imagination, they don't exist for real.

If aliens are trying to tell people that gods don't exist then it looks like they are trying to educate us.

Of course if they are confronted with a bunch of fundamentalist Christians then I think I might run away as well. It is generally not possible to reason with such dangerous people.

But they are hardly likely to be afraid of things that do not exist, so your claims are simply just humorous.
Your references, please!

Originally posted by Crushing Belial
I'm a Ufologest, Astronomer, Biblical scholar, and study Ancient
civilizations i have alot of resources, there are many abduction cases where victims are told (By Aliens) that God dose not exist, and i just read about two cases of abduction that were halted do to the would be victims calling upon Jesus.
(What you call yourself, what you read, and what you have heard are not credible references! You're simply delusional.)
Look i'm a very serious person this is not a joke i have more than enough proof that ufo's are real and they are not looking out for our best interest, this is so frustrating i wish i could show you all my research matterial just watching sci-fi specials on ufo's wont do. I love you all Crushing Belial
(If you were as learned as you claim to be, I would expect better spelling and vocabulary out of you. This shows me you're a liar! I never said that I don't believe in UFOs. I've seen them myself. I saw them as a child when I didn't even know what they were. I don't watch sci-fi. I don't watch much TV at all. It's chewing gum for the mind. What difference does it make if aliens are coming here as a detriment to the human race? What do you think you can do about it anyway? Besides, you Xians think that we humans are such lowly creatures compared to God and Jesus. If we are so sinful and lowly, why are these aliens interested in us? Why would they want to inbreed with us? Don't you think this has been going on for millenia? Why are you so hyped up on it now? Where have you been? Probably getting brainwashed in your church. For someone who claims to be religious, you sure are giving a lot of credibility to the dark side. Satan is supposedly an angel. A human being is God's greatest creation. Why would you even think that Satan could have dominion over humans? You people are all alike. You create these horrible monsters in your brainwashed mind so you can elevate the status of your belief in a savior! It gives you even more reason to think Jesus died for you! You've created a cyclical paradigm of illusion. Why should I think you could provide references? You're sick. If God was really on your side, why would you have anything to fear? Run, don't walk, to your nearest psychiatrist. You need to be on medication!)
Revelations 16:13-14
13 Then i saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; theycame out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet.14 they are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs,and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God almighty.
The other day I was just hangin out and I saw these 3 evil spirits that looked like frogs climb out of the mouth of a dragon, they also came out of the mouth of a beast and miraculously also came out of the mouth of a prophet, he seemed kind of fake though, I wasn't feeling this dude.
Anyway yeah these frog spirits performed weird signs right so I naturally assume that they are sending those signs to all the kings in order to get them ready for a big battle.

Believe me?
Ok, so Why the hell does being a prehistoric nut give you more credibility than being a modern nut?
Showing intelligence?

Originally posted by Crushing Belial
Mockery dose not show intelligence.
(Neither does frogs coming out of dragon's mouths. Spelling and grammatical errors shows no intelligence either.)
A man of letters?

Originally posted by Crushing Belial
I'm a Ufologest, Astronomer, Biblical scholar, and study Ancient
civilizations i have alot of resources, there are many abduction cases where victims are told (By Aliens) that God dose not exist, and i just read about two cases of abduction that were halted do to the would be victims calling upon Jesus.
(For a man of letters, I sincerely hope English is not your mother tongue! Where did you get your degrees? Since you're a serious researcher, please explain your research in ufology, astronomy, the Bible and ancient civilizations.)
look i'm a very serious person this is not a joke i have more than enough proof that ufo's are real and they are not looking out for our best interest, this is so frustrating i wish i could show you all my research matterial just watching sci-fi specials on ufo's wont do. I love you all
(I don't consider UFOs, aliens, abductions to be a joke. I just happen to believe they are here for our benefit. I also believe they absolutely WILL prove Xianity to be false. I think that IS your main fear! You're spending entirely too much time trying to prove the aliens evil when it is Xianity that is evil! Yeah, I've head the horror stories from alleged abductees, and I believe their stories. I just don't think these aliens are from outer space or another planet, but they are from right here among us, possibly in a parallel universe that we can't enter just yet. I would encourage you not to fear them but to learn from them. They may be our final hope. Certainly it isn't Jesus!)
Alot of the problem with aliens is some people have an overwealming desire to see other life and this need is manifested in visions.
oh my oh my. the first thing i think okinrus and i are in agreement over!!!! :)
however, i like to apply the same logic to religion :D

I'm a Ufologest, Astronomer, Biblical scholar, and study Ancient
civilizations i have alot of resources, there are many abduction cases where victims are told (By Aliens) that God dose not exist, and i just read about two cases of abduction that were halted do to the would be victims calling upon Jesus.
at this moment in time i have to question how old you are? in one instance you claim what would be years spent at some university of some description, in the other you can't even spell 'a lot' correctly. i find these claims to be nice and juicey like a rotten apple, there isn't any substance once you get past the skin of it.

gimme a break i have dyslexia.
yup, one accomplished soul here people, desipte the trouble dyslexia would've caused crushing, not only extending the period of his studies due to his difficulty reading, he still manages to hold 4 majors under his belt- a feet for one without dyslexia.

grow up buddy, you would be well into your late twenties (if not thirties) if what you claim is true, yet the maturity of your posts would indicate someone of a much younger age.