Aliens Don't exist


Keeper of "good" ideas.
Valued Senior Member
So we get all these posts with people suggesting aliens exist, so I decided now you have you own subforum perhaps we need the inverse.

Alien's Do Not Exist!

My argument is pretty simple.
If a species was to ever get to the point where it was sufficiently technologically advanced, they would end up creating the very universe in which they exist.

This means they wouldn't leave things to chance, in fact it might be queried as to whether life should be allowed to evolve elsewhere (using an evolution algorithm) but country leaders and the Millitary's would likely transpire that "Not having to worry about unknown factors" would mean never having to worry about competing for resources or dealing with a potentially more advanced hostile.

In essence the decision would be "Not to allow other lifeforms to emerge in a universe of our own creation".

So the next time you hear some BS story about aliens and pose UFO's as being alien in origin, at least anticipate that Aliens Do Not Exist.
Your argument is clearly flawed. since the aliens would be capable of creating/adapting a perfect universe in which they allowed no potentially hostile forms to develop they would be in danger of getting bored. They would therefore create another universe where chance and chaos were important elements. This would provide a playground for them. The existence of this universe, where chance and chaos are important elements, is clear evidence for the existence of aliens.
Your argument is clearly flawed. since the aliens would be capable of creating/adapting a perfect universe in which they allowed no potentially hostile forms to develop they would be in danger of getting bored. They would therefore create another universe where chance and chaos were important elements. This would provide a playground for them. The existence of this universe, where chance and chaos are important elements, is clear evidence for the existence of aliens.

Ah but you miss the Quid pro Quota point of your own statement. If such an alien group made a universe for a playground as a secondary, what's to say that the universe they initially exist in couldn't be hijacked by the other entities using the same reasoning.

Incidentally if you build an Infinite Open universe, what would be the purpose of creating other universes, there would be plenty to do in the current one.
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Incidentally if you build an Infinite Open universe, what would be the purpose of creating other universes, there would be plenty to do in the current one.
For the inverseof the reason Mallory gave for climbing Mount Everest: because it isn't there.
Alien's Do Not Exist!

I think your unsupported supposition and illogical reasoned thread belongs in the philosophical sub-forum.

I think your unsupported supposition and illogical reasoned thread belongs in the philosophical sub-forum.

It shouldn't be moved to a sceance thread for being too sceancy... It's a valid POV, in fact I'll use the same scientific method of proving the fact (Previously used by conventional woo-woo's) by asking any aliens that exist to show themselves in this thread within the next 30 seconds or forever not exist.
I have been reliably informed that a breach in the chronosynclastic infundibulum has delayed them in Dresden.
can of hard to show that aliens don't exist

since from Sumarians to the bible , paintings , pyramids both in Egpt and south America ,military and to observations from the public

to think that there are no aliens visiting this planet is a bit of a stretch

in reality

a mind-set of the impossibility of aliens existence could be getting in the way , of the reality that they do exist
My argument is pretty simple.
If a species was to ever get to the point where it was sufficiently technologically advanced, they would end up creating the very universe in which they exist.

what happens to the one they lived in prior to advancement?
do they dump it in a used universe lot?
can of hard to show that aliens don't exist

since from Sumarians to the bible , paintings , pyramids both in Egpt and south America ,military and to observations from the public

to think that there are no aliens visiting this planet is a bit of a stretch

in reality

a mind-set of the impossibility of aliens existence could be getting in the way , of the reality that they do exist

Didn't you know?

Stuff like this. . .

Is purposely put here to test your faith in science and our manufactured reality.

You can not prove they don't exist. On the other hand you could try to explain the pyramids....

Haven't they told you? There is already a dogma to explain the fragmented info on ancient sites. They call these high priests of our past archeologists, anthropologists, and in the case of Egypt, there is a specialty called Egyptology. They will tell you what your past was. They are scientists. Have faith. They will interpret the data according to the least unsettling and most common agreed upon reality paradigm. Usually in the Western world? The church's. God and aliens? They usually haven't been compatible. I wasn't taught about E.T.'s a whole lot in my religious education. That's was never in the Christian church's world view. And like it or not, that bleeds through to the world view of mainstream culture, atheist or not. We are alone, on top, in our own universe. If we can't conceive of a science that would make interstellar travel possible? It can't exist. If we cannot imagine why aliens would not make themselves know to all the peoples of Earth? They cannot exist. Etc, etc, etc.
its been proven life can exsist in space. there has been rocks found with what looks like exo skeletons on them.. if you ask a scientist what it was and say it was from earth they would say just that.. but if you say its from mars they suddenly change there answer. and to think there is no life outside our planet is just plain ignorance
its been proven life can exsist in space.
Dear me. No, it hasn't. If you think it has then please provide appropriate citations.

. there has been rocks found with what looks like exo skeletons on them..
Incorrect. If you think it is, then please provide appropriate citations.

. if you ask a scientist what it was and say it was from earth they would say just that.. but if you say its from mars they suddenly change there answer.
Bollocks. If you think you are correct then, etc.

. and to think there is no life outside our planet is just plain ignorance
On the contrary. To have a firm opinion either way about other life is a display of ignorance.
its been proven life can exsist in space. there has been rocks found with what looks like exo skeletons on them.. if you ask a scientist what it was and say it was from earth they would say just that.. but if you say its from mars they suddenly change there answer. and to think there is no life outside our planet is just plain ignorance

Actually the topic at hand is "aliens" which would require multiple beings traveling somewhere. It would be more easily dismissed had the OP used criteria limited to visitations to Earth.
Instead he foolishly uses the Universe as the bounds of discussion and then tries to psychoanalyze some imaginary model of what aliens 'should' be.

I guess in the new subforums even the science guys leave logic at the door.
Actually the topic at hand is "aliens" which would require multiple beings traveling somewhere. It would be more easily dismissed had the OP used criteria limited to visitations to Earth.
Instead he foolishly uses the Universe as the bounds of discussion and then tries to psychoanalyze some imaginary model of what aliens 'should' be.

I guess in the new subforums even the science guys leave logic at the door.
That's why I told him to stick it in philosophy.
Aliens existence.dunno. could be government cover ups. but I've got some pictures today of something and have seen ufo's through out my life. I also have been genetically altered and am not just human. yes , I've proven this to others who have seen me and agree. If this is alien tampering and they come down to certain people than what I am proof of can only fall in the catagory that aliens are altering us for a reason and why they also maybe protecting certain people. that is a assumption and I do not speak for government or aliens. only that i have not been able to understand what is going on with my body and the doctors i see can not answer the questions with a answer that explains this. also they do avoidance because they think im crazy I believe because you do not avoid a clients questions and that is what I get.:rolleyes: I just want answers and understanding to what is happening to me. why do I and others with me experience ufo's? why do I have different body parts that do not exists in human history as far as I know. I've been searching for years , keeping quiet for the most part. but I am fed up with not knowing and not having answers.

my biggest fear is of their abilities to shake a whole car and it feels like after the dash board lights went out, like my very body was vibrating and would come apart.:bawl:
Why would aliens want to create a new universe? Why would it be easier to live in a created universe?
So we get all these posts with people suggesting aliens exist, so I decided now you have you own subforum perhaps we need the inverse.

Alien's Do Not Exist!

My argument is pretty simple.
If a species was to ever get to the point where it was sufficiently technologically advanced, they would end up creating the very universe in which they exist.

This means they wouldn't leave things to chance, in fact it might be queried as to whether life should be allowed to evolve elsewhere (using an evolution algorithm) but country leaders and the Millitary's would likely transpire that "Not having to worry about unknown factors" would mean never having to worry about competing for resources or dealing with a potentially more advanced hostile.

In essence the decision would be "Not to allow other lifeforms to emerge in a universe of our own creation".

So the next time you hear some BS story about aliens and pose UFO's as being alien in origin, at least anticipate that Aliens Do Not Exist.

So, what evidence do you have that it is even possible to create your own universe exactly?
So we get all these posts with people suggesting aliens exist, so I decided now you have you own subforum perhaps we need the inverse.

Alien's Do Not Exist!

My argument is pretty simple.
If a species was to ever get to the point where it was sufficiently technologically advanced, they would end up creating the very universe in which they exist.

This means they wouldn't leave things to chance, in fact it might be queried as to whether life should be allowed to evolve elsewhere (using an evolution algorithm) but country leaders and the Millitary's would likely transpire that "Not having to worry about unknown factors" would mean never having to worry about competing for resources or dealing with a potentially more advanced hostile.

In essence the decision would be "Not to allow other lifeforms to emerge in a universe of our own creation".

So the next time you hear some BS story about aliens and pose UFO's as being alien in origin, at least anticipate that Aliens Do Not Exist.

How would they create there own universe ? What about lower life forms or ones that don't follow our evolutionary path ? How bout creatures we have not discovered yet or emerging new creatures from evolution or ones to still evolve , Could they be considered alien if there mutation was dependent on gamma rays or something like that . How bout future human ? And wadja think about potential time travel ? Would they fall into the Alien category, or a lost tribe ? How bout that , Do you rule out ancient aliens seeding the earth too? Us being there experiment, or jelly fish being the experiment ?

What about the Mars rocks that look like they have D.N.A. sequencing in them ? Would that be alien life . The ideas about the moons of Jupiter and Saturn having water enough to support primitive life ? What you think about that ? What about the idea that Comets have the building blocks of life in them and if they are seeds of life would they be embryonic aliens ?

My conclusion : We don't have enough information to say one way or the other