aliens do exist in historical artwork

your " bet " is irrelevent

the thing is , is that the paintings depict flying objects with beings in them

and there are many of them and even in biblical paintings

I can show you numerous fantasy and scifi paintings. They aren't real either.
how do simply comets become objects that have someone inside these flying objects , of which are not pointed towards the Earth , but are flying parallel to the horizon

That's how comets often move. Just think of these primitive people trying to explain such a phenomenon.
“ Originally Posted by river
how do simply comets become objects that have someone inside these flying objects , of which are not pointed towards the Earth , but are flying parallel to the horizon

That's how comets often move. Just think of these primitive people trying to explain such a phenomenon.

oh please thats a stretch

so they would have the mindset that comets are intelligently controlled machines ?

Primitive people thought the planets and stars were beings. Why is anything a stretch to naive people with imagination trying to explain things within the scope of their understanding?
You should read Sagan's The Demon-Haunted World. He covers how unexplained things have changed with us as our understanding of the world has grown. What used to be angels and leprechauns turned into flying saucers and aliens.

You're trying to do the same thing, only in reverse. You're accepting their eyewitness testimony, in artistic form, as a unarguable fact, and trying to find a reason behind it. Sure, they saw things in the sky. What they interpreted them as isn't necessarily what they were.
Primitive people thought the planets and stars were beings. Why is anything a stretch to naive people with imagination trying to explain things within the scope of their understanding?

not beings but a psychological representive of the Human psyche
“ Originally Posted by river
oh please thats a stretch

so they would have the mindset that comets are intelligently controlled machines ?


1. They don't look like machines.
2. It's not a stretch to say they represent aliens?

at the time though how else would they represent something , a flying machine , other than they have

the technology being what it was then

2) no , because who could do what these flying objects do at this point in time

not beings but a psychological representive of the Human psyche

Well, yeah, of course. But that being true, at that time they DID believe they were the gods.

Unless you're claiming otherwise. Which would be an interesting subject.
They look like stylized comets. I bet they thought comets were vehicles for angels or some such shit.

I agree with Spidergoat. Throughout history, from prehistoric sky-gods to astrological divination, people have associated the heavens with supernatural powers and intelligences. The word 'heaven' originally meant the sky.

That's how astronomy first began. Priests would watch the sky and interpret anything new or unusual that they saw up there as if it was a meaningful divine portent. In so doing, they noticed the cyclical motions of the sun, moon, planets and fixed stars, and identified the solstices, equinoxes and so on.
@Yazata --

Minor nitpick here, but astronomy(studying the sky) actually seems to predate religion, and that makes sense. Keeping track of the movements of the heavens is a good way to track the changes in seasons which is a great tool for both hunting(lets you know where the herds are going to be) and agriculture(can't plant the crops at the wrong time you see). It seems that the supernatural bits that are found in astrology and the like actually came later and were tacked on to what those people knew at the time.
Simple Occum's Razor reasoning would be to look at Culture in general. You will notice that our current day-to-day culture has science-fiction used in movies and television, that comic books that inspire imagination have been portrayed on the silver screen. While some authors might get their inspirations from conspiracies with unknown answers, most are quite capable of dreaming up entire fictitious realities to keep them in a job and their fans occupied.

Now obviously this current usage of science-fiction is nothing new, during the Victorian and Edwardian period "Parlour games" were played like the usage of ouija boards or mediums contacting spirits. The reality was at that time they were just games to pass the time, however they were played to appear real and to some they became real and this allowed various people to exploit those uneducated people.

Such exploitation was not new, go further back and you see the same exploitation through religion in the form of cults. (In fact it was the main reason why the Roman empire attempted to adopt "one religion" over all the others, just to lessen the exploitation and manipulation of their people by cults)

As for paintings of UFO's, during the renaissance there were a number of paintings commissioned that applied their religious view to the painting, leaving the actual picture to involve the artist "Interpretation" to paint stories or events in a way that they might envision it. It's not they were actually privy to any event or even attempted to accertain as to whether any story was actually based on reality or just a myth.

Some artists didn't personify a god in a envisioned story, instead they would paint "a shining light" through a crack in the clouds, or generate some shape to come across in a spiritual fashion. Often with the statement that they as an artist were not worthy to see a god and paint them in their splendour but instead just depict the presence as something of absent interpretation. (During that period it was likely a huge cop-out to get around being persecuted for not portraying a particular religions god correctly etc)
So things darting around in the skies were commonplace then, so much so that it wasn't even worthy of documenting, except in a few paintings here and there as a side note?

Much more likely they were added as embellishments. Don't you find it odd that those flying objects are found just in religious paintings? Perhaps they aren't referred to directly because you'd expect angels and such to be in the background of such a setting.

I dont find it odd at all.
Is nice and simple to believe always somebody is coming from another world or dimension is nice to believe that,is hard to believe our own government lies to us, while they sell us a lie, they develop all kind of weapons and flying saucers and without regulations and with out taxes.
Is nice and simple to believe always somebody is coming from another world or dimension is nice to believe that,is hard to believe our own government lies to us, while they sell us a lie, they develop all kind of weapons and flying saucers and without regulations and with out taxes.
Your government isn't developing flying saucers. :rolleyes: