Aliens - A Question.

This is how I visualize this debate:

On one side of the argument, there are those who like to define their world with clear boundaries... THIS can be and THIS cannot be. I will accept a new military aircraft, but NOT a flying saucer, no matter how much evidence is given to me, because flying saucers are so improbable that they simply don't exist. They do not conform to my boundaries of "real life".

On the opposite side, we have those who yearn to leap beyond the boundaries built by others... those who see alien spacecraft where only 747s exist, simply because they want to believe in an infinite universe. I will accept a saucer, but not the "close-minded" ideas of people telling me that it was just an airplane. Flying saucers have got to exist, because the universe must be more interesting than what I've been told. Those who disagree must be hiding from the truth, or even working to conceal it.

Then... Somewhere in between the two extremes, there are those who are willing to consider that ET really has been abducting people, but have seen no good proof... and are seen merely as more truth-blind debunkers for not accepting circumstatial evidence.

And there are a very few people who believe in extraterrestrial life because they have actually experienced it first-hand... but they are ignored because they are seen as simply more unscientific pro-ET zealots by the real debunkers.

It seems like we have a little of each in on this board.

Which one are you?
Yeah, genetic lines have been said relevant to paranormal phenomena, see Kirk.

Not only there have been (see Above Top Secret) acknowledgemntes of the UFO intelligent activity by top militaria, they remain thoroughly and pervasively intervening the whole defussion of the phenomena field, and this forum (nor the Newald book) seem be excepted.

Nad for good reason; but much has been written, and mostly one has only to read.

To dismiss the impressive amounts of described paranormal events is nonscientific, and even the staunchers sustainers of the establishment rather choose to (covertly) investigate the thing than be destablished or parade as some ridiculous debunker.

But of course, there are always people for everything. Yo place me wherever you want, I am here.
Sounds like the middle to me...

Sorry there, I didn't mean to paralyze the discussions like that...

But anyway, we need people on both edges to lean toward the middle. I for one, being tilted toward the exisence of aliens and their relations with earth, just want to point out that it seems that we should redefine our science a little, so that all possibilities get explored --no matter how crazy they seem-- at least investigated, even if decided to be crazy in the end.

After all, the middle is the only place where you can see in both directions. :)

People see craft land and aliens getting out. These people are from all walks of life. To me something is going on and at least some of the reports are very credible. They number in the thousands over the years. However people will see
s*** on the ground and continue to believe there roses because they feel more comfortable about it. The abduction phenomenon is real and so are the craft.
Don't worry if you were as smart as
"us guys" you would do your homework.
extraterrestrial appears in recently declassified documents if the U.S. and other intelligence don't know what they are then how do you think or know that they are terrestrial vehicles.

Also, the planes flying in formation
garbage get real they tried that and it didn't even look close to what was taped.
Even conventional video experts did not buy that one.

[This message has been edited by Alien (edited January 14, 2001).]