Aliens - A Question.


Sun Child

My question concerns aliens and what forum members believe as regards why the ET's choose the particular abductee(s) that they do...?

I have been interested in this phenomenon for years, but have yet to see a UFO or have an ET come calling.

Any thoughts or revelations on why they pick certain individuals over others would be appreciated.

Yours in space,

Star Child
Sorry that no one else has answered you. All questions should be at least answered. But the answer you are looking for can not be found among us humans. Why some one else and not you? Many people who are abducted ask 'why me?'. Some will say that you have to ask why are looking to see or make contact? I saw a UFO about 13 years ago, haven't seen one since. Maybe it's just a matter of being in the right place at the right time. Or half a dozen other things- the only thing I can suggest is do the research, and remember that this year promises to be interesting. Keep looking up!!
I agree with ramonth. I think you get picked up through bad luck. You just happened to be there.
What the hell do you mean BAD luck ???!!!!

Dang!, I don't know about you, but I would love to take a ride around the system for a few hours....but about "those" probes as part of the inflight entertainment is a bit of a concern!

Seriously, always look up when your out at night. The more you look, the more you increase your chances of seeing an anomaly. If you really want to go for broke, make trips in the middle of the night along dark lonely stretches of road. Just like muggers, I think the abductors look for soft targets.
Hello again all, ok the pattern of abductees ive looked at has been hereditary,most abductees have had a family history going back generations. Not all but about 90% some just happen to be nearby that abductee and are taken out of happenstance. Say an abductee has something new and mysterious to the aliens they will take random neighbors in a one time abduction to see if they have the same new and strange an eraing or tattoo or an epidemic disease.
Another thing about the flight across the universe...most abductees dont remember the event anyway so you probably wouldnt remember. My wife remembers most through dream recall or daytime visions and others is conscious recall. And not all abduction consists of probes much is also an education or memory implant. For more info read Dr David Jacobs books Secret Life or The Threat, very interesting reads and he also follows the patterns i have seen.
Love and Light,

Eric Cooper
I love how easily the term closed-minded is thrown around. Most so called open-minded people are only open-minded to people who agree with them.

I dont mean to suggest that all people who see aliens or claim to be abducted by them are liars or mentally ill, but some are. There are many non-alien and non-religous explanations for abductions that are largely ignored by people on this board.
Corp has a good point. Open minded also means seeing it other ways, not just the funnest explanation. You seem to be the close minded one faerieshaman.
Most mental illnesses do run in the family but most of these abductees are not known to have any. I personally cannot swallow the abductions as being true as many abductions do not make any since. I have yet to hear a GOOD reason why people are abducted and then having their memory erased before they are returned. Motivation is always needed to prove anything, why any different from these cases.

If the theory does not fit reality then reality MUST be changed.
After reading CoEvolution, I'm starting to believe that factors such as blood type and certain genes might be important in their selection. It would also explain why "obductism" usually runs in the family.

Who is the author of CoEvolution?
I've heard about people with certain blood types being abducted more often, but never read anything about it.

I've read alot of abduction stories and for awhile, I stopped believing in them, the stories where predictable before you finished reading them. For a long time I quit reading the abduction stories.

I do believe something is happening to people , but I would like to see more evidence. There has to be more evidence to make more people believe that abductions are happening.
It is my personal observation that it appears that a majority of these abductees are seemingly selected by these alien, or EBE's(Extrabiological Entities) due to their genetic information, and blood group, in relation to compatibilities to that of their research projects.

Imagine an alien mother saying to her childeren before they go out hunting for human guinea pigs "now remember my childeren, Humans are like a box of chocolates..........
I have to ask... What do we really know about these aliens?
I'm afriad I haven't been following every abduction case in the last century, but I get the impression that the most common (or most commonly paid attention to) is the whole story of people suddenly realizing a time loss and then later recalling a number of aliens probing them and performing highly painful experiments.
But... I sort of wonder... If these aliens have the tchnology to travel across the galaxy in less than a million years, surely they have the technology to make the nervous system temporarilly dormant, plus something that would be more effective than surgery. The idea of these highly advanced beings using actual metal instruments, etc., plus the fact that the abductee remembers it so clearly doesn't make sense. With any kind of advanced technology, aliens should be able to simply scan people and gather any relevant data, not turn to things like knives which must be very archaic to them. Plus, they should be able to completely wipe the area of the brain pertaining to the abduction... it seems like the only thing keeping people from remembering the event instantly is the trauma they claim to have undergone. If I had been abducted by any real alien, it seems to me that he/she/it should have been able to install hundreds of implants into me without my even knowing it.
Maybe an actual abductee won't agree with me, and I'm not trying to be "close-minded", but I don't think many of these reported abductions are genuine. Especially, I don't see the need for any alien civilization to travel all over the world and do probes on a thousand people a night, which is probably somewhere in the neighborhood of how many abductions are reported. If I were a professional alien, I could get the data I needed with a maximum of three to five probes, even using old-fashioned metal tools.
I also see the possibility that the few reported probings that actually do take place are only remembered as they are because of trauma caused by something, like the anti-gravity systems or the movement of the ship, which could be propelled by some very exotic device, that the human brain reacts negatively to. Maybe these aliens had no negative intentions at all, but the people's memory was distorted by something...
I certainly do believe in UFOs... even if there are only a few real ones here and there, I am certain that they exist in some form. And I think I've seen one. And I hope it doesn't seem that I am just being overly optomistic, out of fear of being abducted myself, but I don't really believe in all these painful anal probes, simply because I don't see the alien's reasoning behind them.

How much do we really know about these aliens? And... if and when they do make open contact, are we going to accuse them of all these bizzare experiments they have supposedly done? Any other thoughts on this? Quiet comments? Angry shouts of disapproval?
Hi Joyce,
The author of CoEvolution is Alec Newald, go to and read a bit about it. Must say it is one of the best books I have ever read (and so have all my friends now, and those who were sceptical before, aren't any more).

That book has a good theory. But, there is so many ways you can look at the abduction theory.

Maybe it's people from our future, trying to save their world, for example. Or someone from a distant planet that is more advanced then ours, or we are just someones experiment and they are having a good laugh at our world and the way it is run by all the different cultures. Why would people have claimed of seeing ufo for thousand of years and no real evidence of contact. There's video tapes of ufo and I've seen a couple in my time. But people laugh at you if you say anything.
I would like more concrete evidance.
I do believe in ufo and aliens. But, why can't we get ahold of one of them to prove that they are real to the world.

Something has to happen soon, or people are going to think they are a myth.

Several years ago I moved into a new house on the outskirts of the city.As I often worked afternoon shifts, I usualy drove home around midnight. On several occasions I saw what appeared to be a UFO. It was always in the same area. But I was never sure of what it actualy was. Then on several trips I had other people with me in the car. They also saw it and they were also convinced it was a UFO. So on one of my trips home, after seeing it again I stopped the car and tried to send them a message - in my mind anyway. I asked who they were and if they were
Extraterrestrials, could the please give me some sort of a sign so that I could be 100% sure. Nothing happened and I went home. I woke up in the middle of the night and there was a strange little green man standing next to my bed. He didn't say anything but took my hand and led me to a hill behind our house. Once there I could see a sort of a valley below, and there was this great big spaceship, it was beautiful. We paused there for a minute and then we started to walk towards it. That's all I remember. The next thing I was home sitting in my bed, thinking Now I know the truth, this is the proof I needed. There was no doubt in my mind that all this happened becouse of the "message " I sent earlier. I would also like to point out that as I was new to the area, I had never been to that valley before, and I had no idea what was actualy behind our house. Well about a year ago I went to investigate (I guess I started to have doubts as to what I actualy saw) and guess what, it looks exactly as it did that night. (I moved out shortly after that night, and only just came back to live in this area again).
So although I can't prove anything to anyone I have my proof. The only thing that's bugging me now is wondering what happened in that time I don't remember, I'm thinking of getting hypnotised soon.
Dolphin, do be careful of hypnosis or actually the one who hypnotises. Much damage can be done by an inexperienced individual with leading questions or false memory. My recommendation would be creative visualization while meditating. All of our memories are conscious recall only and of course the markings, and dream recall. How long ago did this take place and what was dream activity like afterward? Would like more details if you could and if you want email me Take care and have a great night.
Love and Light

Eric Cooper
“Extraterrestrials, could the please give me some sort of a sign so that I could be 100% sure. Nothing and I went home. I woke up in the middle of the night and there was a strange little green man standing next to my bed. He didn't say anything but took my hand and led me to a hill behind our house. Once there I could see a sort of a valley below, and there was this great big spaceship, it was beautiful. We paused there for a minute and then we started to walk towards it. That's all I remember. The next thing I was home sitting in my bed, thinking Now I know the truth, this is the proof I needed. There was no doubt in my mind that all this happened becouse of the "message " I sent earlier.”

You have an interesting standard of proof.
1)You see a UFO. (Unidentified Flying Object)
2)You assume it to be a flying saucer.
3)Just to get the final confirmation of your already well established fact, you make a wish/ say a prayer for guidance.
4)You have vision.

Ergo, you did indeed see a spaceship, the aliens listened to you, they responded to you and made contact.


On second thought, screw standards of proof!

1)I see an ant.
2)I believe it is reading my mind.
3)I attempt to prove this by telling it where to go. No luck.
4)Later that night, I woke up and found an ant crawling on my wall. You may not be convinced of the truth but I know for certain that:
The ant had been psychically attracted to my bio-magnetic-ultraquantum-psychic emissions and was following me.

This story unfortunately ends on a sad note. I crushed the bio-magnetic-ultraquantum-psychically sensitive ant as I pulled on my socks the next morning.

Oh well, at least I know for sure that humans aren’t the only intelligent form of life!
"The author of CoEvolution is Alec Newald, go to and read a bit about it. Must say it is one of the best books I have ever read (and so have all my friends now, and those who were sceptical before, aren't any more)."

Well, I visited the site and I'm not terribly impressed.

Also on that site:
"Shaken Baby Syndrome or Adverse Vaccine Reaction?"
"SWIMMING THROUGH THE ETHER Homeopathy & Radionics"

There's also an interesting artical called "Sugar Blues."

They purport that "Refined sugar is lethal when ingested by humans". Why? "...because it provides only that which nutritionists describe as "empty" or "naked" calories."

That excess sugar is not a great thing for your body is common knowledge. What I didn't know is that empty calories are actually LETHALLY TOXIC.

This is the part that really cracked me up. The sugar industry is described as being "the sugar pushers". It sounds more like cocaine then sugar. "removal of sugar from diets has cured symptoms of crippling, worldwide diseases such as diabetes, cancer and
heart illnesses."..."it is ridiculous to talk of kinds of allergies when there is only one kind, which is adrenal glands sugar" You mean there is no such thing as allergies except for sugar? A rather bold assertion.

This website doesn't look like a very good source of information. It's a soup of pseudoscience, paranoia and "URINE THERAPY: Your Own Perfect Medicine!"

Hey, you can believe it if you want.

Regards and tolerance,
Synaesthesia (Tim)
"Nearly everyone will lie to you given the right circumstances."
- Bill Clinton to Time
I want to start my reply by saying that I resent the idea that sugar causes so much illness. Mostly because I like sugar so much. Well... If worst comes to worst, and they PROVE that sugar is lethal, at least I can stick to my old, un-refined fruit sugars...

Second, I want to say that I completely forgot what I posted last, so I'm just going to forget it and move on.

Third, I want to take a moment of silent prayer for all the other psycho-receptive ants who are now reduced to pools of dark liquid.

Now that that is done, I'm just going to state my theory about the aliens and UFOs: that they are in fact the future of the human race.
The reason they seem to have such an apparent interest in coming here is that they in fact are a higher-evolved version of a normal human. Maybe less than a million years ahead of us... From descriptions I have heard, many aliens appear smaller and even frail, and have the distictive almond-eyes and small mouth and nose.
Perhaps in some distant future, humans advance to the point that telekinetic energy produced by ones mind is sufficient to make bipedal propulsion less vital... Maybe they are frail because all their energies are invested in their minds, and things like legs and arms become obsolete...
And they come to this time period all the time because they are worried that we will inadvertently destroy ourselves, and them in the process.
Just a strange thought... also explains why aliens are so often describes as being humanoid, having a generally similar body layout to us... One would think that the chances of another biped existing in the universe would be slim.
Any other thoughts on this humans-of-the-future concept?

P.S. Dolphin, maybe the ship you saw in the valley is the place where that ship will be built, many aeons from now, and your mind allowed you to see it because as we are evolving even now, mental abilites may allow us to move beyond the boundaries of time. Perhaps, although you do not have conscious power over this ability, in asking the UFO what it was, you were unconsciously asking yourself, and part of you knew.

Just an idea...