
For a spell, it actually used to be my job to look into this exact sort of stuff full time. A ;)

if you did not, then i highly recomend you do a little of similar research on eye witnes science, in the proces of evaluating the real amount of credible data gathered and diceminated by eye witnesses.
sceince seems to have outlined such a massive rift between truth and reality i am astounded that an eye witnes account ever stands up in a court of law.

it is quite bizar indeed.
There's a very old method of introducing the subject of sociology, y'still find it used as an opening gambit with A Level students even today. It's called "The World Is Flat" argument.

Basically the tutor makes an, on the face of it, outrageously dumb sounding assertion - in this case: The World Is Flat: Prove Me Wrong....

In playing the game the students call upon their knowledge of History, Science, "Factual" and Photographic evidence - all of which the tutor can discount, perfectly reasonably actually, on the basis of one simple argument - nothing the students provide is based in any way on their own, personal, physical experience. It's all either anecdotal, third party, or else just simply the regurgitation of "informed" knowledge...

And the bugger of it is, it's true.

Unless you happen to be either a pilot or else astronaut, you really don't have any first hand evidence to support the notion that, indeed, the world is round.

Yet despite that, we all "know" that the idea of the world being as flat as it appears to be from our usual perspective of it remains a nonsense. We're absolutely right of course but rarely, it transpires in practice, through any actually scientifically acceptable process....
And the bugger of it is, it's true.

Unless you happen to be either a pilot or else astronaut, you really don't have any first hand evidence to support the notion that, indeed, the world is round.

And you know whats really annoying is that you are wrong. If the world was flat, your view of it wouldnt be the way is actually is from the top of a hill. Why cant I see all the way across the Atlantic and see New York as a smudge in the distance? Why is it that I cannot stand on a hill in Edinburgh and actually see much of Ben Lomond?

Could it be the earth is round?
And you know whats really annoying is that you are wrong. If the world was flat, your view of it wouldnt be the way is actually is from the top of a hill. Why cant I see all the way across the Atlantic and see New York as a smudge in the distance? Why is it that I cannot stand on a hill in Edinburgh and actually see much of Ben Lomond?

Could it be the earth is round?

...simple...its cause people are farsighted...they cant see too far.:cool:
And you know whats really annoying is that you are wrong. If the world was flat, your view of it wouldnt be the way is actually is from the top of a hill. Why cant I see all the way across the Atlantic and see New York as a smudge in the distance? Why is it that I cannot stand on a hill in Edinburgh and actually see much of Ben Lomond?

Could it be the earth is round?

Well, Guthrie. Stryder beat me to it.....

Ophiolite said:
I take it BADBOB that you are lsufos trying to avoid a ban.

Mmmm, Snigins I believe. For a start, it's written in a language almost passing for English - for the other. Well, if you read any of Snigins posts you'll understand why he got banned in the first place. Apparently, it's all mine and Philo's fault. We're very bad men and need to be stalked...

Well, Guthrie. Stryder beat me to it.....

Naw, its a piss explanation. The curvature of the earth is such that even with telescopes, you can't see another ship when it sinks below the horizon, even though in simple distance terms, it should be easily visible.
Naw, its a piss explanation. The curvature of the earth is such that even with telescopes, you can't see another ship when it sinks below the horizon, even though in simple distance terms, it should be easily visible.

Em... Guthrie? I do somewhat need to ask here: are you of the impression that for, whatever reason, I'm personally in anyway advocating that I believe the Earth to be actually flat?

Sorry to have to ask this, but with recent posters of late, it's kind of becoming a necessity around here...
There's a very old method of introducing the subject of sociology, y'still find it used as an opening gambit with A Level students even today. It's called "The World Is Flat" argument.

Basically the tutor makes an, on the face of it, outrageously dumb sounding assertion - in this case: The World Is Flat: Prove Me Wrong....

In playing the game the students call upon their knowledge of History, Science, "Factual" and Photographic evidence - all of which the tutor can discount, perfectly reasonably actually, on the basis of one simple argument - nothing the students provide is based in any way on their own, personal, physical experience. It's all either anecdotal, third party, or else just simply the regurgitation of "informed" knowledge...

And the bugger of it is, it's true.

Unless you happen to be either a pilot or else astronaut, you really don't have any first hand evidence to support the notion that, indeed, the world is round.

Yet despite that, we all "know" that the idea of the world being as flat as it appears to be from our usual perspective of it remains a nonsense. We're absolutely right of course but rarely, it transpires in practice, through any actually scientifically acceptable process....

Everything is nothing!
so why not kill everything (?) because it is nothing!
why do anything at all ?

Fascinating concept to use as a base position to draw from.
Unles you have deliberate intent to disempower someone ...
hint hint
Everything is nothing!
so why not kill everything (?) because it is nothing!
why do anything at all ?

Fascinating concept to use as a base position to draw from.
Unles you have deliberate intent to disempower someone ...
hint hint

:) ... I believe the basic thrust of the argument is simply to get students to first think about the actual differences between supposition, assumption, knowledge and actual evidence...

Fact of the matter, though. Y'generally tend to find the sort of tutor that uses this tack only thinks they're being cleaver. But, as with most things, the truth about those sort of issues is generally left to the poor sods playing the part of the students who have to suffer under them.... ;)

Point is though, getting to the truth of a thing requires some degree of rigour in ones approach. Assuming, of course, a person actually want to know the actual truth of a thing.

The problem, universally really with this particular subject, is nobody actually cares about truth, answers as I'd be more inclined to phrase that - just the expression of their own personal beliefs and concerns, backed up with whatever happens to be at hand.

Or, possibly more accurately, I can honestly say that's been perfectly true in my experience...
:) ... I believe the basic thrust of the argument is simply to get students to first think about the actual differences between supposition, assumption, knowledge and actual evidence...

Fact of the matter, though. Y'generally tend to find the sort of tutor that uses this tack only thinks they're being cleaver. But, as with most things, the truth about those sort of issues is generally left to the poor sods playing the part of the students who have to suffer under them.... ;)

Point is though, getting to the truth of a thing requires some degree of rigour in ones approach. Assuming, of course, a person actually want to know the actual truth of a thing.

The problem, universally really with this particular subject, is nobody actually cares about truth, answers as I'd be more inclined to phrase that - just the expression of their own personal beliefs and concerns, backed up with whatever happens to be at hand.

Or, possibly more accurately, I can honestly say that's been perfectly true in my experience...

My ERr,
i had forgotten the pre text of the situational predicament.
Indeed as much as it may be contrite in scenario i think it tends toward the precept that onemust be open to learning,
that said considering the nature of those pressed out of the little johny model of school graduate they are inclined to sit back and wait for the spoon to arrive.
thus the possible observation by you that many simply do not interact or act or react to such things.
they await the answer and the model of thinking they must assymilate to.
:) ... That's actually very succinctly put. Sounds about the right flavour of the sort of thing I've been meaning, at anyrate. Definitely a keeper though.
:) ... That's actually very succinctly put. Sounds about the right flavour of the sort of thing I've been meaning, at anyrate. Definitely a keeper though.

Cheers dude. :)
i spent a few years researching the type of things you were employed to follow.
i did it as an interest to satisfy my curiousity.
spent around 2 or 3 years studying using the library and the internet.
From 3rd encounter to chanelling to RV and many more.
Some fascinating stuff out there thats for sure.
Astounded me how heavily the officials got into things realy.
Enough to know not to medle in affairs that do not concern me directly, so i walked away from it after realising the magnitude of the cutting edge of it all.
From Sociology and community construction through to power systems and national governments and global power networks.

did get a few amazing insights into some maths that made me want to go back to high school and go through into uni studying purely math, but have never been in the apropriate finacial position to do so.

if you never crossed the path of wave harmonics and harmonic science in genral then i highly recomend you do some casual reading on it.
the math is way beyond me to work with it other than grab a purely topical indication of the meaning of formulations.
ohh how i would dearly love to be an under study to a professor in physics and mathmatics (only issue is my brain works differently to the average peson and so tend not to fit the model that the schools and universaties are designed to cater for).
I consider you very lucky to have found yourself in such a position where curiosity and intrigue and cutting edge science and evolution of th especies all intermingle in a heady mix of egos mental illnesses and global proppoganda and miss information being tangled together.
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I consider you very lucky to have found yourself in such a position where curiosity and intrigue and cutting edge science and evolution of th especies all intermingle in a heady mix of egos mental illnesses and global proppoganda and miss information being tangled together.

:) ... Well, it was certainly a "colourful" experience, I'll give it that much. Looking back at my time on that publication it occurred to me, you really had to either get into the subject or simply get the hell out of dodge - there never was any in between. And there was never any real choice.

Unlike what I'd describe as a proper journalistic assignment - a story never got beyond that. Story.

In regular journalism you kind of take facts and make a newspaper story out of them - the terminology and method of that remains both deliberate and correct. With a publication dealing with UFO's and the like on the other hand, really all you actually have to begin with is story - you have the choice to simply either regurgitate it or, if that's what you actually trained to do and don't wish to die of complete boredom in the meanwhile, you do your best to ascertain the facts and try and place them in context with the tale that already exists...

Of course, in practical terms, that's absolutely nothing to do with ones editorial brief. Smacks far too much of debunking and that's not what the readers shell out good hard quids for - but, as I say, for ones own sense of sanity, being prepared to dig through things and find out one way or the other was the only way of dragging ones arse into the office, so I can't say as I particularly actually had any choice... ;)

You should keep up with the things which end up interesting you though. It's important.

Vega said:
We are an alien society... get over it!!!

well, I would try. But with no way in hell of knowing one way or the other weather or not your actually right about the matter - what's the point? You're not actually learning anything, just making sounds. Like farting. But possibly not nearly as useful.
