Alien Technology


What are the chances we are using technology pioneered by aliens?

CPU's and thumb dives capable to hold all the data on Earth. Seems awfully strange.
Nope. When you look at the history of development, everything pretty much comes from what came before it.
What are the chances we are using technology pioneered by aliens?

CPU's and thumb dives capable to hold all the data on Earth. Seems awfully strange.

Seems like transistors to me. It's not like we had an I7 less then a year after roswell or anything. It was a logical slow progression (well not so slow I guess), and the first transistors were very simple, you could probably make one (a big one of course) in your garage.
Nope. When you look at the history of development, everything pretty much comes from what came before it.

How about the transformation from analog to digital?

Seems like transistors to me. It's not like we had an I7 less then a year after roswell or anything. It was a logical slow progression (well not so slow I guess), and the first transistors were very simple, you could probably make one (a big one of course) in your garage.

Improving on something is different than discovering it.

I think the original processor technology is very similar to present technology. Much better in terms of speed, obviously.

I dont believe that it is alien technology just saying "what if?"
I dont believe that it is alien technology just saying "what if?"

Hypothetical things and theories about stuff abounds in the world full of people who use their imaginations. Sometimes those imagined things actually become reality then some say things like "aliens must have given it to us". With imagination anything is possible to be conjured up by folks who enjoy using theirs. Are they "aliens" or just humans that can create stuff with the use of their own minds? In a sense humans are aliens to the other animals that also reside with them. :)
Tesla was so far ahead of his time some like to think of him as an alien. In his 70's it is rumoured that he drove about in a car that could go up to 90 miles per hour and was powered by a gravity stressing engine! Now that’s is alien technology as we don't have it today i.e. we alienated Tesla and alienated his technology. (Ok, I admit it, it’s a stupid play with words in that last sentence)
Tesla was so far ahead of his time some like to think of him as an alien. In his 70's it is rumoured that he drove about in a car that could go up to 90 miles per hour and was powered by a gravity stressing engine! Now that’s is alien technology as we don't have it today i.e. we alienated Tesla and alienated his technology. (Ok, I admit it, it’s a stupid play with words in that last sentence)
Notice the word "rumoured" in there?
He didn't have a "gravity stressing engine". :rolleyes:
Tesla was so far ahead of his time some like to think of him as an alien. In his 70's it is rumoured that he drove about in a car that could go up to 90 miles per hour and was powered by a gravity stressing engine!

poor tesla. sure he got a bit more eccentric towards the end but doesn't deserve all the woowoo stuff that he seems to attract.
It's just that the technological time line is so compressed. Perhaps my biggest issue is the visualization of the processing chip coupled with the programming language to form a function from say discovery of automotive technology. You know you can get energy from the process - fuel + air etc. So it is just a matter of refinement.

To add: Then we consider prior to the motorized automobile and what do we have? Photography, moving pictures. Though i can see the process of capturing an image being viewed as a major technological breakthrough. That said, the photograph is an extension of a painting, drawing with a pencil etc. in terms of the end result so we had some continuity or precedence.
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It's just that the technological time line is so compressed. Perhaps my biggest issue is the visualization of the processing chip coupled with the programming language to form a function from say discovery of automotive technology. You know you can get energy from the process - fuel + air etc. So it is just a matter of refinement.

Actually, the timeline wasn't compressed at all. Everything that was built into the early microprocessor chip had already been in existence for quite a long time.

I grew up (well, starting at about age 30) along with computers. In the early days when we said "I work in computers" we meant it quite literally! The first one I worked with covered half a floor of an average sized building (about a quarter of a city block). It had it's own BIG air conditioning system (independent of the one serving the entire 11-story building) and a humidifier to prevent ESD.

So, once chip technology came along, it was a VERY simple matter of just replicating the machine in a solid-state form.

I suppose one actually had to have been there to understand just HOW simple the conversion really was.
So, once chip technology came along, it was a VERY simple matter of just replicating the machine in a solid-state form.

Once it came along. Is that where the alien technology comes from?
It is true though to consider analog computing.

Not to mention laser technology in the making of CPU's. and to a lesser extent LED's used in displays.

Things against Alien Technology:

  • We already had analog computers, admittedly they were nothing like what we have now.
  • To much technology for recovery in crashes of Alien ships.
  • Technology from crashes would\may be too damaged to be useful ie. inoperable.
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Once it came along. Is that where the alien technology comes from?

Not even remotely! The development of solid-state technology is another LONG and well-documented road. There were a number of failures along the way and they were all documented as well. There was NO "Aha" moment at all where something suddenly made everything work just right. It took a lot of time and effort.

My whole point in these responses is to show anyone interested in this "alien technology" fable that there was no such nonsense. The thing about ALL our technology is that every little step in it's development is heavily documented. And do you know why?? Simple - because it was expensive and someone had to pay for all that time and effort. And they wanted to know what their money was used for.