Alien spacestation in dark side of moon

i think the US government keeps aliens and UFOs a secret becuase they want to make first contact so they can have a sorta moloply with the ET race....

all trades would go thur them etc etc, anyone pissed off america they could tell the ETs to do mind probs on the world leaders..... trade natural resouces for neat little alien "toys"

LOL just a thought
Yeah yeah, everything' is a plot against you :p

Guys at NASA aren't any different than anyone else. They're people with a passion for space, and all that cosmic stuff, not some cold hard G-men looking to opress you, if any real evidence of ETs was found by them they'd be sharing it with the world and reveling in the glory.

EDIT: "Their", "They're", all the same, haha. I hate myself.
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Sure would be terrible if those aliens were to land somewhere like
Afghanistan. Classifying them as enemy combatants and holding them
under arrest at the Guantanamo Bay Naval facility would almost certainly
be a step in the wrong direction for a fledgling intergalactic relationship.

:m: Peace.
Originally posted by spookz
nasa will not be allowed to make that call.(national security and all that)

Hate to break it to you, but NASA doesn't report to the department of homeland security. They can release what they want when they want, and even if they had armed MIBs standing over them and watching their work 24 hours a day, as long as SOMEONE knows, you can be sure as hell that they will feel compelled to talk. I don't see any of that happening, do you?

is it possible that the govt has guidelines in place that deal with first contact? if so, how do you envision it to be? if not, could it be any lowly techie at nasa thats iniates a dialogue?

the existence of guidelines does not have mean conspiracy or big bro.
Originally posted by Mystech
Hate to break it to you, but NASA doesn't report to the department of homeland security.
Well, not today, anyway...
They can release what they want when they want...
You naiveté is somewhat touching. :)
I don't see any of that happening, do you?
Of course not, because there is nothing for them to talk about.

:m: Peace.
Originally posted by goofyfish
Well, not today, anyway...You naiveté is somewhat touching. :)

Of course not, because there is nothing for them to talk about.

:m: Peace.

Glad you're up on how NASA is run, Goodie fish :p

And your last point was the one that I was trying to get at.
who says NASA would make the deal with the aliens,,, prob be the FBI or CIA........
You don't eve have any idea what you're talking about, do you?

The FBI and CIA can't even keep communication between their own branches, how are they going to controle NASA? Unless they have an agent with a gun to the head of every employee of NASA who could potentialy find something out, and then share it with the rest of us, your idea just wouldn't work.