Alien spacestation in dark side of moon


Registered Member
Anybody's knows about this subject? I have heard that there are tapes and videos, which try to proof that Apollo astronauts was met UFO's in moon. There are also some Nasa employees who discuss with this, example Dino Dini.

Any good pages in internet about this.. ?!?
The first thing the astronauts said when reestablishing radio contact, coming from the dark side of the moon was: "there is a Santa Clause". This was a reference to the alien base they just saw. It was a code for the groundstation.

This site has all the craziest stories you could ever dream of, INCLUDING the story about the moonbase:

The exact link for the moonbase story:

Oh yeah, some stories on that site contradict each other. Coincidence?
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The only prove right now of there being an alien base or alien activity on the moon, is the pants of the astronauts who went out there.

What would YOU do if you suddenly saw an alien base? :D :D
forget the moon...

hehe they probably got a base on earth if they have one on the moon... why have it on an airless rock? i mean id rather have mine in a not-so-secret place like groom lake (aka area 51);)
The alien service module is approaching

Check out "jet propulsion laboratory" via google. Asteroid is in an orbit closely matching earth, at a slight angle to the eliptic.

Think this over: a alien race with tech no mo than earth has uses fission-poweredsteam rockets to accelerate a "generation ship" to escape cataclism in their home system. Route given to Betty and Barney Hill was not for trade, but for exodus.
Every 100K years or so, the ship approaches a inhabited system. Pobulation is directed toward warfare and excessive consumption in order to force fission bombs and power systems. At the appointed time, a service ship arrives to pick up uraniun and plutoniun (remember the reports of godawfuf accounting of spent fuel rods?) and taki it to the mainship.
Now, for simple atmospheric ships, take a fresnel-styled microwave collector disc, power wirh a maser on a sattilite, add a few aerodynamic modifications and inclose the receiver horn in a dome. Instant flying saucer, burn circles, spontaneous human combustion...
Using "cast iron tech" and exhausting invaded worlds, it's possible. Hairyb
ive read many differnt things on this matter...
im not sure i belive most of it

ET moonbases.....
i really dont think so......

civilaztion beneath mars... mabey...

weve had many chances to explore every edge of the mooon....
they played golf on the moon... do aliens pop outta craters and steal the golf balls like chimpmunks do at golf courses.....

Oh and "hairyb", i think your watching Indepedence Day toooooo much
Maybe. Who knows? I - myself - don't believe in governmental honesty. Cover-ups are made in order to blind-fold the public from the life-changing truths; scenarios which might cause global panic.
We cannot possible know if there is an alien base on the
far side of the moon, as we have never gone to the moon.

It's not the moon we have to worry about, but Mars!

I mean, come on, they've shot down like fifty of our satellites. We seriously need to take a hint. When thinking about Mars, a NASA technician should think "no." That's it. Done. Leave them aliens aloooooooone.
<I>"We cannot possible know if there is an alien base on the
far side of the moon, as we have never gone to the moon. "</I>


:D ;) :p


I suppose it is possible that there is a base on the moon, but wasnt there all that crap about water being on mars, which requires an atmosphere or it would just float away? If it had an atmosphere, it is possible that there could have been life forms on it.....maybe they had an accident and bust the planet's atmosphere? think on it! :)
Or maybe there was an alien Osama bin Laden who killed everyone or maybe there was an alien dubbya who KILLED everyone...
Quite possibly! Maybe it was george bush with arms growing out of his head? Or Osama with an extra pair of legs! :D That would rock! :p
"Quite possibly! Maybe it was george bush with arms growing out of his head? Or Osama with an extra pair of legs! That would rock!"

I am sure it would...:bugeye: :eek: :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Lord_Tigersloth
I suppose it is possible that there is a base on the moon, but wasnt there all that crap about water being on mars, which requires an atmosphere or it would just float away? If it had an atmosphere, it is possible that there could have been life forms on it.....maybe they had an accident and bust the planet's atmosphere? think on it! :)

Dude, I don't know if this is what you meant, but it sounds like you just implied that Mars doesn't have an atmosphere. . . if you meant to mean that the MOON doesn't have one, well I've got no complaints but the wording here says that you think Mars doesn't have one. . . but it does.

Anyway, my opinion is that if NASA HAD found an alien space station or base or whatever, on mars or the moon or wherever, they'd be shouting about it as loud as they could, after all how much do you want to bet that their funding would quadruple if all of a sudden they made a huge discovery like that!
of course there was water on mars....
how else do you explain the dryed up river canals....

mabey aliens took the water with them when they left :p or pumped it under ground when they found out the scary aliens (us humans) where watching them :)
Originally posted by Mystech
Anyway, my opinion is that if NASA HAD found an alien space station or base or whatever, on mars or the moon or wherever, they'd be shouting about it as loud as they could, after all how much do you want to bet that their funding would quadruple if all of a sudden they made a huge discovery like that!

they would try to keep it quiet. why have other nations competing for the aliens attention?