Alien invasion!


The aliens are here. They are taking over the world.

They seriously are. Ask me about it.
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Would aliens really come in spaceships, aka UFOs. it seems like a rather unsophisticated way of transporting yourself.

How would they really do it?
I suppose I better just mention that I've spotted Zero attempt to prove that this subforum contains "Nonsense" (At least thats what I thnk he said in a post I deleted some time back).

So his "Invasion" isn't actually a real one, I just had to point that out for anyone that did actually the world was under attack by this post. So don't bother hiding under your bed or cashing in your life savings.
I guess in 'the invasion of the body snatchers' the aliens came by seeds. that seems rather a wise strategy. No risks and a still the possiblity to conquer the world.

warning- the invasion of the body snatchers is not a documentary, but a work of fiction. well...that is what some people want you to believe
i saw part of this series once where the alien would send there mind true space to me inserted into homemade human look alikes.

seemed like a good idea, since the alien humans where stronger and faster, but ofcause being a hollywood product the good guys always won miraculaly(crap word)

warning: this serie was made my real humans, no aliens died in its production
Hollywood has all the angles covered it seems.

In 'species' (the movie) they just send instructions on how to make an alien, who turns out to be a lovely young girl. However, a very powerful girl, growing up real fast with a healthy appetite. And nice breasts.

She then has the urge to mate and can have young of her own. These, I assume, are partially human and will continue to mate until the whole world is taken over. There was an species2 but I can't remember the plot of that one.

Warning - species the movie is not a documentary but a work of fiction. The world is not being taken over yet by horny beautiful blonde women with gorgeous breasts..shame really
Of course in the movie 'contact' we see a similar phenomenon. But instead of sending instructions to make an ambassador they give instructions to make a machine that can transport human ambassadors to the aliens.

Of course this seems a highly unlikely course of action to me from intelligent aliens. You can never predict what an alien civilization will shove through the mailbox. Indeed, the aliens were alerted to the existence of the human civilization by broadcasts by the Nazi empire. Needless to say, this empire could be considered to be evil. Surely an intelligent alien civilization could have gathered this from an indepth analysis of the received data.

The humans might have send through some nanobots, or an organice plague. Who knows???

Warning - I wouldn't trust the content of contact because it was not originally a hollywood movie but merely a simple book by some unknown writer named Carl Sagan
I like Unknown authoers with names

Alien the Movies

In aliens the humans are flyig around the galaxy when they stumple upon a alien signal and desides to investigate. The result is that everybody except for a female(Ripley) and her cat onboard the investigating ship is killed by a alien that uses humans as breading stock.

Years later they visitet the planet again, having learned nothing everybody is once again killed, except for the Ripley and a little girl who manages to escape even more and bigger aliens then in the first movie

it does not get much better in the 3rd and 4th movie, in the 3rd Ripley is finally killed but dont worrie by the 4th movie they have dug her back out of the molted lead she fell into in the 3rd movie and cloned her, giving her superpowers and a slightly acidic blood.

One think that is worth noting, is that Ripley keeps surviving, the conclusion being female cat owners cannot be killed by aliens, even if they are killed the just come back much stronger. Note how the girl surviving in the 2nd movie is dead in the 3rd, she did not own a cat.

SO if we ever have to fight aliens, all we need to do is create an army of female cat owners and send them in to battle.

Warning : Alien 1 was them best one of the all, they get progresivly worse and by the 4th there are 4 survicers.
Well, the fourth was pretty funny I think. Especially the end, where the strange alien hybrid thing got sucked out into space through a little hole in the hull. :D

But who knows what alien invasions will bring? It could be like "Mars Attacks" ...
i actually like all the alien movies, for the aliens, i even have the dvd boxset :), im also going to see AVP the movie when it comes out, but fear they(hollywood) are going to fuck up a perfectly good universe.

The killing of the hybrid alien in the end was.. tame, they could have made something better, the best part in the end is when the "pilots" stops screaming looks at eachother, then says something like "We on fire" and resumes screaming

"The killing of the hybrid alien in the end was.. tame"

But remember that you never actually saw it die did you and they were in earths atmosphere weren't they? ;)
Getting sucked out a small hole sound pretty fatal to me :). I also think it was sucked out before reentry, other wise there might be a slight mistake, one can proberly find tons if one sits down and look for them :).
no, it really died (looked like frozen soup after that)
and they weren't yet in the Earth's atmosphere

My fav aliens film is Aliens2 followed by Aliens4
The one that might happen if there are aliens and if they have the means of reaching us and if they have the intention of invading us.
assuming there a alien and they have the means to come here, why would they even bother to invade, they could proberly annilate all humans and still have time for tea and cookies.
Assuming there a alien and the know how the get here and its not a holluwood movie.