Alien Identity

I would say that you're close, but no cigar.

"ET phone home!"
"Uh, hello Satan?"
"Hey, your plan worked great! They all think I'm cute!"
How can you as a Christian say he's close?
Islam is supposed to be the traditional adversary of Christianity, didn't you know that?
Hello everyone.

Hmm, where to start. Well, here goes.

Using probability, we can assume that other life other than ours exists in the universe. That I think we are all in agreement with. This thing about whether or not they are devils or demons or just malevolent ego-driven aliens or maybe even benign beings we are to yet find out. A person can't just say that there isn't or is a spirit realm in which they dwell. Who can say? All I know is this:

1. That intangible things are real. Whether that is called the "spirit realm" is open to speculation.

2. There are obviously paradoxes in the universe that contradict normal logic.

3. Aliens are obviously more advanced than we are.

4. I like to dance in my underwear

5. Elvis is dead.

6. If we do come into contact with these aliens, people will respond differently.

7. I do believe in a God in the Judeo-Christian way because of the Genesis explanation, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God." And the Hebrew meaning for the word Christ is literally "the Word". And that fits with the description made in John 1

8. There are laws that are not physically tangible (like I mentioned before) but rule the physical universe.

9. Last but not least, you cannot rationally explain God in scientific terms because if you could, all the atheists on this messageboard would convert. It's an act of faith. And that's not a cop-out weasel-like way of getting out of a debate; it's just that science and religion are studies of two different things.

There is no such thing as subjective truth.

No, I did not know that. What I meant was that all major world religions capitalize in some way on the true spiritual laws that exist. They just explain them in a different way and attribute them to another god or prophet or christ or whatever. The basic behavioural outcomes of various religious faiths are very much the same, they just attribute it to something different. Jesus doesn't take the place of Islam, or Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, or Taoism any more than it does it's own Judaism. The New Testament, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the final word. He is the Christ. Yes that means that the God of Abraham and of Isreal is the Father, but many of the teachings changed because of Jesus. Sin is not atoned for in the same way since. There was no forgiveness through Christ before the Christ.

"ET phone home!"
"Uh, hello Satan?"
"Hey, your plan worked great! They all think I'm cute!"
Dear Lori,
God loves me and you Love me,but would God love to see me loving you or would he just want pictures.
Please don't dis-respect Lori.
She gets enough crap from everyone without stooping to new whimsical lows - funny or not.

Kind regards,