Alien Identity

hell is only an emotion not a real place and satan is mythical

Eric Cooper
No it doesn't Flash, but as well, it doesn't mean it's not. That's why the Bible is so explicit concerning "no other gods", "spiritual warfare", "deceipt", "powers and principalities", etc. You are assuming that just because something does give a feeling of peace and love, that it is automatically from Jesus, and you are wrong. I'm sorry, but you are being misled. Eric, you're in for a big, huge surprise one day. Satan is real; there's no denying it. The Bible just wasn't misinterpreted THAT badly. There is no mistaking the message. And I'm very saddened by the fact that he is doing a number on you both, and for the life of me, I can't seem to get through to you guys. Gee, it's almost as if someone is practicing mind control on you both. One you let Satan into your life, he blinds you to the truth. That's why he's referred to as a deceiver by God. That's his whole purpose; to deceive us into denying the word of God. Can't you see that both of you pick and choose which verses of the Bible you want to believe, and then if most do not support your beliefs, you just say, "well, it must have just been misinterpreted". You bend and twist the word until it is meaningless. You replace God with aliens. You will replace Jesus with the Antichrist (Master Teacher). I just pray in Jesus name that when the crap really starts going down, and you're standing in line to receive the mark, and you look around to see Christians being persecuted and killed, and maybe they will all have disappeared by then. And the aliens say they took us somewhere to finish our 3rd dimensional development. And on, and on, and will get out of line, because you will remember what I've said, and you will get down on your knees and repent and pray for forgiveness and accept Jesus as your saviour. You will have to die for Him, but hey, He died for you, and it will be worth it. I'll be waiting for you.

God loves you and so do I!
I do not see Eric or I putting aliens in
the place of God or Jesus... do you Eric?LOL
For the life of me...I don't get you!
Where have you read that I turned my back?
None of that shit is gonna happen..ok?!?!?!?!
Ok, it's already done. I got a message last night that was very clear. I'll explain more later. BTW, I called the ce-4 guy last night. He was very nice and extremely helpful. I'll be passing on lots of info, and I even can network now. He gave me names and sites, and even a guy who will help me with scripture. I'm super-pumped! Super-pumped with the Holy Ghost! Go, Jesus, Go!!!!!

God loves you and so do I!
Ok i've got to respond now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LMAO we've opened a can of worms. Hiccup wants to know what you consider worshiping god and what do you do daily to let your god know that you are worshipping him and how does this improve your life......Lori?
No Flash, i do not see us putting aliens as a god. I've looked at almost all religions and researched..this does not mean im worshipping them. Iam wiccan and revere the earth not aliens, I have a God and Goddess and the Faerie Realm. Not aliens. probably opened up another can of worms now lol and thats all i have to say about that.

Eric Cooper
Hey there Hiccup,

That's a very good question. To worship, I pray and praise Him every day. I read the Word, listen to the Word, and comtemplate the Word daily. In a way, the belief itself is a form of worship, in that to believe, you are accutely aware of His superiority, and the fact that He is the Father. I thank Him whole-heartedly every day for saving me, and forgiving me, for His awesome grace, and for His guidance through the Holy Spirit, and for His protection because I KNOW I've been very well protected.

Practice is kind of a different thing though. Prayer again is here, but also decision-making. I must always fight the temptations of the flesh, and LET the Holy Spirit guide me in everything I do. You guys can see that I may not be all too well accomplished at this at times, but believe me, I've come a long way baby. It's not easy to be forgiving when you're husband treats you like shit, but I have to, and I do. Not that it's not hard, but I do anyway. The stronger your faith, the easier it is to let the Holy Spirit guide you, and to give up the flesh. So it's really hard at first, but gets more and more easy the more you pray and when you see results, your faith grows, which in turn makes it easier, and it's a continuum like that, but a never ending one (at least until you die). By the "flesh", I mean that which we all have to fight; lust, greed, jealousy, ego, pride, anger, hate, blah, blah, blah. I find that there are always things that I do that I only realize later were wrong, or there are many things I do that I still don't realize were wrong, but the influence of the Holy Spirit works to improve your ability to discern, and makes the change almost for you. People are afraid of Christianity because they think it will be such a struggle to "be good". Well, the Holy Spirit changes you without effort. It's not really such a struggle. You want to do what you want to do, because you see that it is the only right thing to do. If you don't want to change something about yourself, then don't. Nothing should be done out of fear or reluctance, but out of the desire to glorify God. I'm kind of rambling aren't I? I'll finish later when I'm at home. It's hard to jump back and forth between financial statements and this stuff!

Yea, I'm home! You asked about how it's changed my life, and it has, and in good ways. I want to say though that I think that most popular religions change peoples lives in a good way. Behavioral outcome-wise. More than anything it's a peace of mind. It's that hole you can't fill up any other way. The reason people look all their lives for the meaning. The answer. There were times that I thought I knew the answer and was wrong. Times when I didn't care whether I knew it or now. And then the time when I HAD to find it. I looked everywhere else first. Because my grandma had tried to spoon-feed it to me when I was younger and I hated that. I'm too smart for that. I'm kind of being sarcastic, as I've referred to the length of time it takes someone to find Jesus as the true IQ test. Now that I've got the Holy Spirit working, it's amazing how fast my life is changing. Sometimes changes are painful, but you've got to have faith. That's the reason I'm here driving you all nuts right now. :) Really, I know it always sounded so corny when preachers talked about getting "the calling" to preach. And I think a few of them heard the call of the dead presidents. But I honestly feel that now. Very, very strongly. And I struggle with this change because I've always been the "responsible" one. The good student, the degree, the job. Now that stuff seems so small in comparison. And I'm also the party-girl from hell know it all with the redneck mouth! Oh yea, what a preacher I'll be. I think Truestory did a pretty good job of pointing that out, eh?

Tell me...what is a witch, and why would you want to be one? I mean, even if you wanted to be one, why would you want to be called one? :)

Also, do you think that it's coincedence that you're into wicca, and you're being abducted?

God loves you and so do I!

[This message has been edited by Lori (edited October 14, 1999).]
The message you received ..was it about your
calling? Come on...spit it out!!
I didn't catch the part about Eric and I
twisting the scriptures around..picking
and choosing ect...
You need to remember... the bible was written
by man! Not the holy spirit! I mean come on.. will the real scripture please stand up!
No, not "the calling", but I get really frustrated and scared for you guys, and I was all fretting and whatnot, and He said basically not to worry, that He was taking care of it. Whew! See? I should have more faith. The Bible came from the Holy Spirit. In translation, some value could be lost, but those who really translate the Word use the original Greek text. You guys are taking wayyyyy too much liberty I think. For example, what do you think the Holy Spirit is? My point is that if you're getting guidance from aliens, then you're not getting it from the Holy Spirit. My guidance comes directly from the Holy Spirit because that's what I ask for, AND the guidance that I'm getting is telling me that the guidance that you're getting is coming from Satan. Explain that. I mean, if the stories are opposing, then who are you going to listen to? That's why I want you to pray, pray, pray. Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit of God, and to see the truth. Pray for protection from the influence of Satan. If there's nothing wrong with your aliens, then you should see that, but I KNOW that the Holy Spirit will tell you the same thing He told me.

God loves you and so do I!
Lori Lori Lori lol
I know for Hiccup and I and Im sure Flash, we arent taking guidance from aliens,by all means.In fact its quite the opposite for us, i know for a fact most alien species are deceptive....I know this. I take what they say with a grain of salt. Like i said on another thread,i was told the apocalyptic story of July 26, not holding my breath,im not gonna stop paying my bills nor run and hide til then. I rely on our God and Goddess and the deities. Its all a part of karma,what happens,happens for a reason and if i die i die i will be reincarnated to live another life. By the way, did you read the thread on Wicca yet?My protection comes from my Elementals and they've proven themselves time and time again,we only have to be aware of psychic attack from spirits,other witches or of course aliens in some cases. Hope that puts you to ease somewhat...and i think i also speak for Flash as far as not trusting aliens. Take care and im sure i'll be responding again tonight lol

Eric Cooper
Hey man...I really should e-mail you..look
there is a species which I am not really
sure what they are called...but they indeed
are amazing.... e-mail ya about it.
The value has maybe was changed a bit?
Ok, lets say you are making a cake..and
instead of the the sugar it was suppose
to have was mistranslated into you have a cake that taste like
shit. Get the point?????
Let me tell you something... we have
stories that conflict because you are
only open to certain things...therefore,
there is no room for growth beyond which
you know it to be! THAT is sad.
faerieshaman-Anything that people do continuously IN PLACE OF reading the Bible, praying, etc., is considered having a false god.
Once again, thats your belief as you got it out of your religion...I have my religion called Wicca not much to do with your religion,but there are many of us.Wicca predates christianity and many of our beliefs were taken by christianity as there own.

Eric Cooper
Excuse me Flash, but I would like an e-mail too please. :) Don't be all discovering amazing shit without me!!! LOL! Remember, I'm the one who gets to poop all over it by saying THEY'RE DEMONIC!!!

God loves you and so do I!
Ok Flash,

Say you're making a cake, and the recipe is in ancient you ask for some help interpreting it from some translator. But you pick the wrong one. This translator doesn't want your cake to taste good, so he tells you to put in flour instead of sugar. And you would never know till it's too late. Actually, this isn't a really good analogy, because my point really doesn't have to do with translation, but with spiritual guidance. The Bible is a "special" book. You can sit down and read it like a text, and get a whole lot out of it. But if you're filled with the Holy Spirit, and you read the Word, it actually talks to you. I know that sounds freaky-wierd, but it's true. The Holy Spirit is the ONLY way to know the truth for sure and in it's entirety. You may get the half truth, or 3/4, or 99% somewhere else, but man, it's that little 1% of a lie that's gonna blow your ass right outta the water. Here's the lie....I'll even tell you what it is....Jesus is not the Christ, and/or is not the Son of God. He was just a prophet going through some initiation when He was resurrected. Yea, He's good. Yea, He's a prophet. Yea, He's a teacher. But He's no different from any of the others. He's just further along on His "spiritual progression" than we are. There, that's the lie. WATCH OUT! That's exactly what the aliens and the Antichrist will tell us.


I can't find the big ass post on wicca? Where's it at?

God loves you and so do I!
Lori its in the consiracies link and says Lori this is wicca go read it...2 links down from this one

Eric Cooper

regarding the 'sons of God' as stated in Genesis somewhere in chapter 6.

Luke 20:36 says

for they cannot die any more because they are equal to angels and are sons of god, being sons of the resurrection.

I interpret from this verse that the sons of god are humans. Because Jesus was talking to humans in this verse.

but thats my interpretation anyway, people are welcome to have their own opinions.
faerieshaman- It's been awhile since I've specifically aimed anything your way, but I have to ask, because I always hear it from Wiccans. Every Wiccan I've met to date says that Wicca predates Christianity. Wicca as an organized faith began when England repealed the witchcraft act of 1735 on June 22, 1951. I quote from "Witchcraft" (Octopus Books Limited, 1973):

"As a result of this apparently minor change in the laws of England, witchcraft became a legitimate activity for the first time in centuries. This liberation of the occult from its legal chains was seized upon by a number of self-styled witches, who launched 'Wicca'. This, they said, was the true religion of organized witchcraft.

"Despite the claims advanced by the movement's founder, Dr. Gerald Gardner, that Wicca was a survival from prehistoric times, it was almost certainly inspired by the writings of Margaret Murray and Aleister Crowley. The time was ripe for it, however, and Wicca took root, acquiring an ever-growing army of adherents, which led to its development during the next twenty years as a firmly established fringe religion."

Wouldn't it be more accurate to assert that Wicca is "based on beliefs" that predate Christianity, rather than that the religion itself predates Christianity? :)