Alien Identity

No one finds it the least bit ironic or interesting that this phenomenon is identified and explained in the Bible? Hello? Thoughts...opinions???

God loves you and so do I!
I think it's interesting. And I think you have some bright ideas. But try this, and bear with me for a second. Suppose that the bible was written by aliens like people have been reporting. There is no God in the traditional sense, but spirit. The aliens assume the role of "God" because they are advanced to a point that they have really big heads(PUN :)). This group wanted to guide us but didn't want to interact with us. A second group disagreed with that and thought that controlling our evolution was necessary. So the first group wrote it into the bible a time capsule describing this interaction and perversion of our natural growth, calling it evil or satan. Now, the first group would like to stop what's happening, but their stance is to stay away, so we have been given a spiritual protection by them to use. But the catch is you have to figure it out by the way of God.

[This message has been edited by JMitch (edited September 27, 1999).]
regarding religion, i think Sitchin has the best ideas to date. His 30 years of research and experience are hard to match. He explains in his books about the giants from the 12th planet and how they came to earth and made us.we assumed them-Orion,Eros be gods because they were bigger,smarter,and could fly in their "chariots" and of course because they made us. his theories answer alot of questions regarding the pyramids,the maya,mars,planet x,the missing link and religion.ive been researching aliens as well as ideas of our origins and find his work compelling.but this idea does not mean there are not "greys" or other aliens with different origins.dont listen to me though,look for his books,or to get a taste, check him out on the net...........nik

Well, I think that it is the exact thing that the Bible warns of. I think that nik has a good point about Sitchin. I've read some of his theory, and I think that what he is saying could be true but only to a point. See, in Genesis, God says that we were made by the elohim, which is a plural form of the word God, in a way, and is the group of beings that God and angels are included in. So, it's apparent that angels did assist in our creation, but under the will of God. But the important thing to remember is that some of those angels, including Satan, who ruled a kingdom on earth before Adam, have chosen to oppose God, and to replace Him in our souls. These angels are gods to us, and they can appear to be almost anything to us, and they can perform "miracles", speak telepathically, appear and disappear at will. I think that these are the gods that Sitchin is speaking of, and I think that these are the gods of ancient Greece and Rome. I also think that these are the gods that had sex with human women (which is documented in the Bible all over the place) to create hybrids. Greeks and Romans called them demi-gods. Alexander the Great claimed that he was a demi-god. I also think that aliens are demi-gods. Don't forget the message of the Bible, and that is there is one God, and there is one Christ, His son Jesus. The strongest message in the Bible is to not be deceived by Satan. Lots of people think that if something were influenced by Satan they would know. They could tell. My question is why? He knows a lot more about us than we do, and every way to tempt us. His angle is to be tempting. I mean, if one would think that the only people who are influenced by Satan are those who claim to worship him, with their rituals and black magic and crap, paleaze. Isn't that a little OBVIOUS? I think that aliens will attempt to cover up the rapture of the Church. I also think that the rapture and/or a mass landing would be about the only things that could usher in the new world order. In particular when you look at new age religion, and how it coincides with what the aliens are saying. This whole scenario is predicted to a tee in Revelations! They will point to a new world leader, a master teacher, and he will proclaim himself christ and demand worship midway through his rule. Don't be deceived! Jesus is the only way to get to God!

God loves you and so do I!
I think that Satan can tempt any person..
be it saved or not. However, I also believe
that Satan can be found out. I think you give him more credit than he deserves. The
bible says that there is nothing new under
the sun... granite, Satan has been at it a
long time so he is good at what he does...
I ask..what do you make of the scripture that says we will KNOW the shepherds voice??
Will we or won't we?
I must admit that your theory does have some
good points to it. However, I want to point
out that these demi-gods/giants were all least that is what the Bible
Maybe just maybe aliens are just that.
You know...maybe the bad aliens might
assist the new world leader... and the
good aliens are here to lead, guide, and
protect us from them.
I think it would be a shame to automatically
discount knowledge from them just because
they are different. A lot could be learned..
if one is willing to listen.
I see your point, Flash. I guess it all depends upon what they say about Jesus. If they say he's just another prophet, beware. If they say he's just another soul on a progression through the spiritual heirarchy, then beware. If they say that He is not the Christ, then beware. If they say that there exists a master teacher who is higher on the progression, then beware. If they claim that a progressive spiritual heirarchy exists, then beware. Here's the truth as the Bible tells it...
You will never be God.
You will never be an angel.
You will always be a human, though upon death, will be a human in spiritual form (soul).
There is only one Savior, one Christ, one Son of God, and that is Jesus, and no one else. Ok, so if the aliens or beings of light say anything that contradicts these facts, then they are lying. I think that when the Bible says that you will know His voice, that is true, when Jesus comes, you will know, there will be no mistaking Him. So my point is this...if you are not 100% sure of the intentions of these beings that are contacting us, then they are not of Christ. If we will know, then we will know, and as of yet we don't know. There's your answer. The Bible would not be so explicit with the warnings of deception, and warnings to test spirits, if the spirits could not easily deceive us. I mean think about who it is we're dealing with here. If evil would be so obvious, then the power of Satan is lost. It is not lost as of yet. He will come in PEACE AND DECEIVE MANY. Just keep that in mind. It has to be true you know. It's not easy to fool people like Boris and Plato, they're pretty damn smart, you know? The ultimate in deception is to appeal to one's ego. Especially in today's society. A religion in which man becomes god? What better way to appeal to and deceive? What is the number of the beast? It is the number of man. What religion could possibly replace all current world religions? The religion of man. The only religion that could possibly be adopted on a global basis is one which nullifies all of the rest, and says that they are all basically the same in theory, but let's just replace God with ourselves. Did you read what tiassa wrote in one of the strings? That religion should be the pursuit of knowledge regarding the universe, because the universe is God, and nevermind the protests of sex, violence, porno, and other things that Christians protest. Ah, the fluffy religion. Man is God, and there are no absolutes, no right and wrong, whatever feels good, and if you screw it up in this life, oh well, you'll get another shot at it.

That my friends is Satan talking.

God loves you and so do I!
*mouth wide open* Whoaaaaaaaaaaa whoaaaa
where the heck did that pent up stuff come
from????????? LMAO Slow down my friend! *S*

I believe that the scripture is referring
to everyday life...not just the rapture..
When you pray/talk to God...and he answers..
how do you know it is him?
When your mother calls you on the
do you know it is her? Could it be that
you have spent time with them and therefore
you know it's your mom on the phone and not
some other lady.
Now regarding the even said that
you didn't believe that it was translated
100% how do you know what part
is correct? You must have a relationship
with the spirit and not rely upon the bible.
Then you will know whats what. So you cannot
safely say if this-whatever it is-doesn't
line up with the word of God then it's not
of God. We do not know what part of the
Bible is of God. Understand?

Just because you do not know what the aliens
intentions are dosen't mean they are to be
put automatically in the "not of God" category. That doesn't even make sense.

Looking for enlightenment here. What does it mean to say that "Jesus is (was?) not the Christ"?
Well, in an esoteric sense, Christ means Saviour. The Christ happens to be designated in the Christian religion as Jesus, who is the Son of God. The Anti-christ will be a false christ, meaning a false saviour. See, he will be perceived as saving us at some point, and he will claim that he is saving us from ourselves (market structure and economics, environmental chaos, world hunger, new technology, new medical technology), but the true saviour, Jesus is the only one who can save our souls. The Anti-christ will be able to perform "miracles" (undiscovered science to you and me) too. Miracles, combined with all the other great things he does for us in this time of need (God's wrath), will convince those who are unaware of the truth that he is indeed the christ. Midway through his rein, he will proclaim himself to be christ, and demand worship. Until this point, it's all the new age peace, love, and light crap, sharing, and self-actualization, and the doctrine that all religions are basically the same in a metaphorical way, and he will not demand worship. He will only demand worship after everyone is dependent upon him for their welfare. That's when the mark of the beast comes in. You will need it in order to buy or sell anything, or participate at all in the market structure at that time. In order to get it, you will have to profess the Anti-christ as the christ, and choose to worship him, thereby denouncing Jesus. Once you do that, there's no turning back. Promise me that you won't do it. At this time, if the interpretations of the rapture are correct, the Christians will be gone (true Christians, that is) and the Holy Spirit will be gone too. Remember the rapture is the event that the aliens will help to cover up. After that point, you will have to become a martyr for Jesus. And I suggest that you do, strongly. That means that you will die for him. If you put your brain of yours to work before then, maybe you could save yourself some trouble. So let me ask you Boris...What is the meaning of life?

God loves you and so do I!
Oh well, Lori, that's an easy question.

What is the meaning of life? Why, to worship God of course! Isn't it obvious that nothing else we are, do, or want, matters? Individuality, independence, uniqueness, aspirations and pursuits, the search for meaning, betterment of oneself and mankind, dreams, hopes and fantasies, unexplored potentials, limits, or lack thereof, friends, relatives, ignonrance, wisdom or knowledge -- none of it matters, apparently, -- not even life itself. For if God wanted to be worshipped, he would just have made a phonograph recording expounding his own virtues, and played it to himself for all eternity.

Lori, if you have found the meaning of your life, then you might just as well end it -- because if your life is meaningful on its own terms, it ceases to have meaning when you die (after all, you can't worship God from the grave, can you?) Think about it -- if there is a reason for your bodily existence -- could it possibly be something more than mere servitude? (And PLEASE don't tell me what the Bible says. Before you were "born again", you used to think for yourself, or so you claim...)

According to me, Lori, the meaning of life is unknown. And there may be none. But unless we go on living, we'll never find out...

I am; therefore I think.
We claim anything we do not understand is the work of Satan. Maybe the ancients should have considered anybody from a strange country as satan as well as somebody from another planet. The so called church fathers said what they wanted the people to believe as it kept them in control. Some had good intentions, but some used God to stop the people from doing what they didn't want them to do. Remember the church putting people to death for thinking the Earth was not the center of the universe. So much in the Bible looks like modern UFO reports that they may know of GOD and were trying to guide us for God.

Lori, please keep in mind that "satan" got a bum rap in the human writing of the bible. "Satan" does not mean evil. In fact in ancient hebrew it actually means "ah-sahtan", which literally translated means "the adversary". So, my own opinion is that "satan", (a non-human inteligence of one sort or another), had a bit of disagreement on the proper course of action with regard to the development of newly created species and perhaps a little "family feud" erupted......Look at it this way: there are 2 equally valid ways to know creation in it's fullest form. Service to others, and service to self. Both can lead to the gateway of inteligent infinity, if applied correctly. So, "negative" forces are not EVIL, they are essential !!!!!...negativity is the way creation "pushes against itself", to engender a greater knowing. The universe is ONE THING. "god' is not separate from the creation itself. "god" is the process of creation knowing and contemplating itself. Somewhere between the positive forces, and the negative forces is that little moment of nothingness where everything is and always will be.

Lori, please keep in mind that "satan" got a bum rap in the human writing of the bible. "Satan" does not mean evil. In fact in ancient hebrew it actually means "ah-sahtan", which literally translated means "the adversary". So, my own opinion is that "satan", (a non-human inteligence of one sort or another), had a bit of disagreement on the proper course of action with regard to the development of newly created species and perhaps a little "family feud" erupted......Look at it this way: there are 2 equally valid ways to know creation in it's fullest form. Service to others, and service to self. Both can lead to the gateway of inteligent infinity, if applied correctly. So, "negative" forces are not EVIL, they are essential !!!!!...negativity is the way creation "pushes against itself", to engender a greater knowing. The universe is ONE THING. "god' is not separate from the creation itself. "god" is the process of creation knowing and contemplating itself. Somewhere between the positive forces, and the negative forces is that little moment of nothingness where everything is and always will be.


Wow. Where do you come up with this stuff? How do you know so much about the supernatural when you claim that it cannot be observed. (hence the label of supernatural)


"Reality has a way of catching up with you, the way the ground catches up with an airplane that runs out of fuel."
Ok, I'm working on my attitude. :) Brian, you are correct, in that Satan is God's adversary. So why would you choose to follow God's adversary? To believe that Satan even exists, you would inadvertently have to believe in Christianity, as the Bible is the only religious text that identify him. And not in a good light???? I don't understand where you're coming from at all. Did you read that link I listed under "READ THIS"? Would you please just humor me? I know it's long, but it's exactly what the Holy Spirit is telling me is true. Nobody has it all figured out yet, at least the logistics of it in detail, but this prophecy in the Bible gives us a lot to go on.
God loves you and so do I!

[This message has been edited by Lori (edited October 05, 1999).]
According to Stichin, the Hebrew word for worship also means work and it could be man was created to work for the Gods. The early church translated it as worship. But could not working for the Gods be a way of worshiping. Remember how many died because they were not Catholics. The only one who has the right to say you go to heaven or hell is God and only God. All the rest of the religions are just given their dictator like orders. Who made them God.
please note lori that i have the upmost respect to you:-
i don't believe that satan just belongs to chritianity...
he has become symbolic in our everyday lives. he sybolises the easy way out, the cop out, he incorperates all that is evil and plays on our morals (and too our thoughts). He is the test and affects every person, be it your family or your family pets. regarding 'the test': he tests us every moment of every part of our lives and his inconsequencial existence undermines our whole belief system...
he prompts us to believe in something else, 'the dark side', as Mr. Lucas put it.
thanks for reading

i just want friends
That's very true Ralph, it's just that the Bible explains who this creature is, and why he does what he does to us. He is not a metaphor, as many out here believe. He is a real being; an angel of light. He is the ultimate liar, the master of deceipt. Through peace, he shall deceive many.

God loves you and so do I!

in your words... WAKE UP!!