Alien God!!


I suppose this has probably been discussed sometime but it's worth a shot, to get to know each other better through discussion.

Consider the possibility of ET's meeting us. What would be the religious consequences. What if they don't have a notion of a god and found it unreasonable? And what if the human race were wiped out by a single well placed planet nuke by them? Where would the notion of humanity being priveleged by godgiven right take us now?

Or what if they were religious and believed in a messiah? Then the originality of jesus would be nil. Not that it ever was original, but it would cause theological chaos that few religious authorities would be able to quell. The RCC's opinions would be worth zilch then.

Either way, I would suppose that christianity and islam's doctrines would turn out to be flawed in the face of such things.
Not so sure about eastern religions like buddhism or hinduism though.


there is the argument that aliens invented gods and religions for
us so that we could eventually understand THEM
The Bible does have descriptions of flying saucers you know (apparently). Plus Genesis (the book about creation) says that God said: "we will make man in our own image..." Could very easily be humanoids who made us like in Red Planet (could be Mission to Mars!!). People say that existence of aliens would disprove the bible but i dont think that it would! There is no real mention of whether aliens do or do not exist in the bible. plus the existence of alien intelligence does not disprove a God does it??
but it would disprove the biblical god if it reveals to be just an alien captain with his crew

what I think is what happened
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World panic & Chaos.

The truth is our perception of aliens has been fed to us by "Hollywood".
If ever an alien race visited this planet, there would be world wide panic, and chaos.
Do to the paranoia that has been fed for decades by Hollywood, about aliens from out of space. The populace would very likely panic, and a paranoid society does harm to itself and others.

Look at what has happened to the US since 9-11. The fear of our safety has given this government the authority, only Hitler would appreciate, the present government with its TIA program, and our deminishing freedom has been the cost of our fear.
I don't know, judging from how many people seem to believe the National Enquirer, they'd might treat the real news as old news. Do you think the American viewpoint would be panic though? It seems the average attention span shortens more and more, so while it may be huge news one week, would it be like much of today's events, old after a few weeks of constant coverage?

Then again, there might be riots everywhere... :rolleyes:
I didn't say that
but you have guessed right
there are just too many possibilities for them to exist in our galaxy not even mentioning our universe.
Not that it is likely we ever meet them

what I found extremely hilarious was that americans are going to riot if aliens appear
what would they expect- that aliens see their rioting and cease to exist, or the government nukes the aliens....:rolleyes:
:D :D
Yes they would riot.

Our perception of aliens which unfortunately came from Hollywood, would indeed cause people to have fear of an invasion by aliens, therefore perhaps causing a world wide panic, once that is in place yea they may riot against government or the authorities.

The scenario of which is very unlikely to happen, do to the intelegence of alien beings, they may come in stealth, and be within our society, by emulating the way we look.

Yes the possibility of aliens existing within our own galaxy is very probable, however they "aliens" may consider humans as too irrational, & still very primitive.

I often use this scenario to argue with Christians, I explain to them if I were an alien from out-of-space, how would you show me what god is?, or what is faith?. I haven't got any intelegible explanations from the believers, without resorting to "you must belive, you got to have faith, jesus is lord, god made you too"
Of course these answers were not the ones we were expecting.
Consider the possibility of ET's meeting us. What would be the religious consequences. What if they don't have a notion of a god and found it unreasonable?
There would be a division between those who viewed what would most likely be an advanced race as knowledgeable and trustworthy, and those unwilling/unable to accept the godlessness of the universe. I don't know how the split would unfold. Many might harbor suspicions of the aliens being connected to Satan, for example. The demeanor of the aliens would be important in this.
And what if the human race were wiped out by a single well placed planet nuke by them? Where would the notion of humanity being priveleged by godgiven right take us now?
Well, in this case the aliens had no notion of god, so god would die with mankind.
Or what if they were religious and believed in a messiah? Then the originality of jesus would be nil.
This would be interesting. Perhaps after both sides had expounded their views, neither with any more proof of god than humans have today, a new theology would begin to emerge. Yes, this thought could be worthy of developing.
Either way, I would suppose that christianity and islam's doctrines would turn out to be flawed in the face of such things.
Not so sure about eastern religions like buddhism or hinduism though.
Perhaps a newfound sense of universal 'oneness' would emerge..
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Hopefully, the Aliens are benevolent and will only reveal themselves when they deem us "ready", (like the advent of warp drive or something) that is, if they are indeed monitoring us.
I believe the first ETs touched our Earth around 2 million years ago. Over time, they added their genetical information to the primitive man's; thus modern humans are 50% ET.
For all their advanced technologies, these various races were about as moral as we are now. So they did not have a problem with being mis-taken for gods by their "children."
As Neville pointed out, the Bible makes mention of rocket ships (the cherubim in the Garden of Eden), atomic weapons (Saddom & Gehmorra), angels coming down from the heavens to save mankind, etc. (Furthermore, have any of you ever noticed that in almost every language, the word heaven means both "the sky" and "where god & the angels come from"?)
If this is true, most worldly religions would collapse and humanity would suffer a shock from which we might never recover. Anyone who believes the government is covering up UFO's has to face the fact that the coverup exists because the government is trying to PROTECT us, because humanity is still not ready to know the truth about our heritage.
We've denied the truth for eons because it's painful to face the abuse in our species childhood, but now since our race has become somewhat suicidal over the last 70 years, our "parents" have returned to try and guide us to safety.
While I'm agnostic, learning that God may be an ET still deeply shocked me. Now I'm more accepting of it; because it doesn't mean there is no God. It just means our Gods are false.

Accepting that we have religions dediicated to the worship ET's doesn't mark the end of God; but the crumbling of false barriers that stand between life on Earth and the one true God.

I believe that if an alien culture "landed" on earth, we would be in a load of shit (assuming they were humanoid). More importantly, I think that I read somewhere that evolutionists believe that we will one day shrick (if we survive that long( because we will have no need to be big. We will be able to control our environment, and therefore wither away. So, an alien culture more advanced would be much smaller than us because they probably would have had more time to evolve.

This inferiority complex would lead to arrogance by humans and finally hostility. Just my thoughts... keep your minds open!!:m:

I doubt any race would be humanoid, its just illogical.
A thought.

Quote: "I doubt any race would be humanoid, its just illogical"

Actually it may be just the opposite, the one thing you are leaving out is that an alien race, has the same capability as ours, that is a "consciousness", that they more than likely "evolved" and that being "humanoid" is at the top of the evolutionary scale.

I think that further evolution of humans would create bigger "heads, for our brains growth". So by depiction of Hollywood, our aliens are some "big headed" creatures. LOL.

Truthfully though, I think they may look just as we do. If the accounts of blibical records of aliens is true and all, one line keeps popping in my head "god made us in his own image" as our image is humanoid, so must be theirs.
<i>I believe the first ETs touched our Earth around 2 million years ago. Over time, they added their genetical information to the primitive man's; thus modern humans are 50% ET.</i>

Humans share 98.4% of their DNA with chimpanzees. Are chimps 50% ET as well?

Humans share over 50% of their DNA with mice. Did the aliens alter the mice, too?
While I'm agnostic...
(click to hear the word) (g-nstk)

...One who is doubtful or noncommittal about something.
in other words: coward :D

i have heard that if 'aliens' exist they will most likely be insect like. I dont think this neccesarily means non-intelligent.
Humans share 98.4% of their DNA with chimpanzees. Are chimps 50% ET as well?

Humans share over 50% of their DNA with mice. Did the aliens alter the mice, too?
oh really! And how accurate are genetic studies? They cant even identify human race! genetic studies still rely on our minds: making attributions. Where did you get this information from??
Mm? How accurate are genetic studies? Well, we've mapped the human genome ages ago...

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

-central philosophy of Zero, Sage of Chaos
Consider the possibility of ET's meeting us. What would be the religious consequences.

I think that the people that believe in god will still believe in god. But I think that there will be people well, cults that say that the ET's are gods, and are here to save us, or something.

What if they don't have a notion of a god and found it unreasonable?

Maybe some people would say the same things that they say about atheists. Maybe they will say prove that god isn't real, or you’re crazy, or something to that nature.

And what if the human race were wiped out by a single well placed planet nuke by them?

Well that would be mean. :( I would hope that the ET's wouldn't do that. :)

Or what if they were religious and believed in a messiah?

I think that there would be people that would start believe in the messiah that the ET's believe in. But they might believe that there god wants us gone so they will wipe us out.

Either way, I would suppose that christianity and islam's doctrines would turn out to be flawed in the face of such things.

anyone ever seen the Disney Movie Lilo and Stitch? there it claims earth is a habitat for the endangered species "Mostquito". hehehe.

i would have to say of all of the different theories ive heard, i agree with my mothers the most. she beleives that "God" is actually what we have created in our minds to replace the aliens that dropped us off here so long ago. and that is why we look to the sky for answeres when we are troubled. and of course she has many others reaons for this theoery, but they are too complicated to list.
but i would kinda think aliens ARE "god" and we are labrats. :)