Alien Facts

:mad: .... Dagnabbit - foiled again! And I'dve gotten away with it too if it weren't for these pesky UFO facts - Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

You just wait till I get out of prison for peddling fraudulent thinking, Monkeyman - then we'll l see who had the last laugh - providing, of course, my parole conditions allow it....

Well dear Sir from the land where the sun rises in the west,

of course you could have had dismantled my argument by pointing out that the Gnar do have a mothership solely capable of interstellar travel and separate shuttles for athmospheric travelling that look like a weather balloon (hence so many UFO sightings that have been falsely identified as manmade object) (1). Knowledge is power.


da monkster

(1) 'Gnar rituals and transportation ideologies deconstructed by contructive postmodernism', Sir Alfred J. Kwak (1989) p343-45, p788-814.
Well, yes. I suppose I could have countered with the material you reference, obviously, but then again I'm not particularly of the habit of referencing material from individuals of the habit of residing in a clog and quacking whenever fascism raises it's greasy, though otherwise, well groomed head...

You're really missing Kebabomatic, aren't you?
Well, yes. I suppose I could have countered with the material you reference, obviously, but then again I'm not particularly of the habit of referencing material from individuals of the habit of residing in a clog and quacking whenever fascism raises it's greasy, though otherwise, well groomed head...

You're really missing Kebabomatic, aren't you?

I miss his alien goodness.
:( ... Me too. excuse me.... >sniff!<.... something appears to.... to be in my eye............
:( ... Me too. excuse me.... >sniff!<.... something appears to.... to be in my eye............

What if UFOs were really small (and also the aliens within) and on their homeplanet they lived in the tears of giants. Now they have come here and settled in the suitable environment: there appears to be something in your eye.

An ocean for aliens!

Why can't intelligent life be really small?