Alien Facts


This thread is intended to be only for things you consider factual regarding the alien abductions currently underway in the world. I'll begin by posting a few things I consider to be true.

1. Abductions occur within the family, thus small genetic alterations are more easily controlled throughout generations.

2. Tracing family abductions we find they begin somewhere around the 1890's but then we loose sight of them. This suggests they are not related to biblical descriptions.

3. UFO's appear to have a wide variety of types, yet this makes no sense since only 1 would be best for interstellar travel. Add to this the fact training people to build more then 1 type would be pointless.

4. The real aliens are an insect like species that resemble grasshoppers, they initially tried to merge our 2 species and the result was the Greys. The Greys appear to be in widespread use for some reason, perhaps because the grasshoppers are more an initial force then primary.

Based on this data we might conclude the aliens actually precede the 1890's in their interaction with humanity, afterall in order to create the Greys they would've needed time for studying, then learning about our genome. This is the only logical conclusion to be reached, therefore I suspect the actual time of our first encounters to be before the 1890's, but certainly not centuries earlier.

Please add any data you feel accurate :)

1. Abductions occur within the family, thus small genetic alterations are more easily controlled throughout generations.

2. Tracing family abductions we find they begin somewhere around the 1890's but then we loose sight of them. This suggests they are not related to biblical descriptions.

There has never been any confirmed abduction event.

3. UFO's appear to have a wide variety of types, yet this makes no sense since only 1 would be best for interstellar travel. Add to this the fact training people to build more then 1 type would be pointless.

There are many different types of cars and airplanes. Why not many alien craft?

4. The real aliens are an insect like species that resemble grasshoppers, they initially tried to merge our 2 species and the result was the Greys. The Greys appear to be in widespread use for some reason, perhaps because the grasshoppers are more an initial force then primary.

How do you know?
I'm not going to change your title, however "Alien Facts" really don't fit. Currently there is no "Facts" to support Aliens existing on any other planets other than mathematical probability, let alone any Third Encounter interactions or Abductions.

Perhaps the title should read... "If Aliens were proved real, what would you think about them" or something similar. However you are then looking at peoples own "Fictional" interpretations of what they would believe to be true.

Also you should probably realise that it's more than likely that us Humans would be out doing clandestine field tests (Contrary to the Nuremberg Code) and those parties are usually "Military" (and their third-party contractors) since they don't feel constrained or bound by Civil Law.

Why? Very simple... Money and of course Culpability, for instance if something goes wrong certain departments obviously don't want the fault falling on them. (For instance the loss of life caused by a person no longer being able to stand their clandestine field test) as for the money their department might have limited funds or the people themselves want to be greedy and take the funds that should of gone towards "Paying researchers to volunteer their service" for themselves.

This is far more prevalent than "aliens from outer space".
I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that sderenzi is a first-class troll. Is anyone else with me on this. Surely he can't be this fucking stupid?

Come on out, derenzi. The game is up.
4. The real aliens are an insect like species that resemble grasshoppers, they initially tried to merge our 2 species and the result was the Greys. The Greys appear to be in widespread use for some reason, perhaps because the grasshoppers are more an initial force then primary.

our 2 species?
Sderenzi, there are no 'Facts' wrt alien abduction, other than 'Alien Abduction' experiences can be explained by a variety of other mundane conditions.

Get a grip boy.
3. UFO's appear to have a wide variety of types, yet this makes no sense since only 1 would be best for interstellar travel. Add to this the fact training people to build more then 1 type would be pointless.

Why would a UFO, presuming as such transpires actually to be a vehicular means of some description, itself be in any way capable of interstellar travel to begin with?

Getting from one solar system to another and back again, again presumably within a live time, undoubtedly takes some considerable technology doing it - but dropping into the Earths atmosphere from orbit doesn't even require an engine on the part of any vehicle entering the Earths atmosphere from space down - your basically looking at two quite separate engineering problems.

An atmosphere capable craft likely wouldn't be the same as whatever means delivers it - in that way, just as terrestrial aircraft basically can be configured in a variety of highly distinct forms yet all utilise basically the same aeronautical principals, a vehicle designed simply to drop in the atmosphere of a planet from orbit and return there for retrieval by whatever means originally carried it conceivably could be no less varied in terms of exterior aspect yet still be operating on a similar set of principals as the next UFO.

You have to bear in mind, back in the day when the term Flying Saucer was first coined, space vehicles themselves hadn't yet been developed let alone properly designed - consequently it was somewhat automatic for people to assume a vehicle visiting out world from another itself remained capable of both capacities - ie, traversing space and flying in atmosphere.

Mind, back then people swore blind these things originated within the confines of our own solar system - shows how much your average UFO nut knows....

If we were planning on doing the grand tour, so as to speak, we'd design one vehicle to cross the gulfs of space - whatever atmospheric and landing vehicles we came up with, they'd be quite different from the main vehicle because they'd be designed to undertake a quite different job.

When you get down to it, engineering problems and design solutions remain the same whatever species you happen to be....
There is only one fact that I can think of regarding alien abductions: people believe they occur.

The rest of the bollocks you (sderenzi) posted are not facts but assumptions based on fantasy.
If we were planning on doing the grand tour, so as to speak, we'd design one vehicle to cross the gulfs of space - whatever atmospheric and landing vehicles we came up with, they'd be quite different from the main vehicle because they'd be designed to undertake a quite different job.

Dear Sir,

I would think that your argument is frightfully silly. A flying saucer is perfectly capable of interstellar flight and flying in the earth's athmosphere. When they go into the athmosphere they just turn on the Green field of athmosperic protection probably better known as a Garlov field (1). When they are in space they put on their FrinZie drive which automatically generates a Null Void field (2).

(1) 'Monosimplistic relativity explained by gaussian blur', G. Forov and H.K.I Garlov (1977) p 789.
(2) 'interstellar flying saucer kit manual', M. Jackson. (1999) p34
Dear Sir,

I would think that your argument is frightfully silly. A flying saucer is perfectly capable of interstellar flight and flying in the earth's athmosphere. When they go into the athmosphere they just turn on the Green field of athmosperic protection probably better known as a Garlov field (1). When they are in space they put on their FrinZie drive which automatically generates a Null Void field (2).

(1) 'Monosimplistic relativity explained by gaussian blur', G. Forov and H.K.I Garlov (1977) p 789.
(2) 'interstellar flying saucer kit manual', M. Jackson. (1999) p34

:mad: .... Dagnabbit - foiled again! And I'dve gotten away with it too if it weren't for these pesky UFO facts - Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

You just wait till I get out of prison for peddling fraudulent thinking, Monkeyman - then we'll l see who had the last laugh - providing, of course, my parole conditions allow it....
Well certainly, yes, you say that - but really, deep down, I think we all know that what you really need is stuffing and mounting and being exhibited in a tiny little tent with a sign out front of it saying "Come See The Freak!"

... And quit with the baby talk. It's not endearing. It's freakish.