Alien Abductions

All UFO researchers are aware of the muddled and "shoot-from-the-hip" thinking that non-UFO researchers, skeptics, and, especially, debunkers have employed over the years. They have linked the abduction phenomenon to a myriad of internally generated phenomena with a wide range of causative factors.

Empirical. Unquestionably quite by far the single most unbiased, open minded and well reasoned material on the subject it has ever been my privilege to have trawled through - obviously, I can't quite at this precise moment feel anything at all on the entire left side of my body, but a soon as sensation returns I for one intend to email the link you've provided directly to the editor of Nature.

It's just that damn good - the world really needs to know...

And, now that I've got that out of m'system for the time being - what are we supposed to be discussing here, exactly? Crank A (The Author) believes the world is being visited by extraterrestrials and so digs out and mulls over every last little clichéd and apocryphal tale on the matter he can find - nothing of the slightest substance is being proffered except what the sites author already believed on the matter in the first place.

Garbage from start to finish, a waste of bandwidth, nothing I haven't read already far too many times over before. The insistence that no other conceivable explanation except that of alien abduction could possibly account for the "wealth" of evidence presented: bollocks from start to finish.

Thanks for sharing. Appreciated.
"Abductees live in a strange world. They have a series of bizarre experiences which, if they are unaware of the connection to the abduction phenomenon, can constitute a world that others do not recognize. They see ghosts routinely, their relatives come back from the dead to give them a message. They travel on the astral plane, they have unwanted and unexpected out of body experiences, they have guardian angels, devils plague them, balls of light terrorize them. They see religious figures. They might be in one place and then seemingly a few seconds later they are in another place and they have no idea how they got there. They seem to be in touch with an "alternate reality."

IE, the author is convolving a whole load of separate mental illnesses into 'The Alien Abduction Phenomena'.

That shows deperation to 'prove' something. It shows a real lack of actual investigation, and need to support a foregone conclusion.
Research? I could find nothing by the 'blabla' of the author for what seems an endless amount of pages. If that is research I must change my ways in my particular field of expertise. It's a very attractive notion. I can just sit behind my computer and write 'blabla'.

It might be advisable to have some experimental dataset or objective observations before calling anything research.
Supposedly alien remains have been found, heard it on the radio, i will see if i could find the link. JK it's almost 6:30am.

Maybe this will wet your whistle, till i come up with the good stuff/
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If anyone here has heard anything more about the Greys being initial hybrid attempts between us and insect like beings let me know. I've only had a small insight into this idea but there is some unusual evidence suggesting it a possibility. The Mothman Prophecies for one, seems to many, to have been based on interaction between a human and these insect like creatures. It would seem Greys are merely the first attempt to merge our 2 species.
I have had a change in thinking, as well as change of events.

You guys, I used to be "manmadeflyingsaucer" here on Sci-forums, but recently, a most curious event has taken place. It involves a hike I went on, up the mountains around here, and I was very much in need of a campout.

I settled, and setup my tent, then made a fire. Then as I was looking along the horizon, I saw a strange light that was ever so slowly morphing and changing colors. I stood up to get a better view, just as I did, the ufo disappeared.... Now I know this may sound absolutely "clear the shit out there," but I'm just going to tell you what happened. I then looked around to see if it was still in the area and found it was hovering completely still right above me! The object was so friggin awesome looking. It had a surface which was changing colors from green to red to blue, and the surface itself had a milky like swirling/spinning appearance.

After which my vision went black and the next thing I remember I was laying on the ground, roughly 30 feet away from my camp fire, I checked my watch and 4 hours had gone by. After 5 minutes or so of laying there thinking about what had just happened, I realized I had some interesting and recently created "dream memory." I can't remember any specific images, but I remember feeling EXTREMELY light weight, then I heard a voice but couldn't remember what it was saying. (or maybe I just don't know WHAT it was saying, sounded like jibberish to me)

Unbelievable it seams, but I know.
sedrenazi said:
If anyone here has heard anything more about the Greys being initial hybrid attempts between us and insect like beings let me know. I've only had a small insight into this idea but there is some unusual evidence suggesting it a possibility. The Mothman Prophecies for one, seems to many, to have been based on interaction between a human and these insect like creatures. It would seem Greys are merely the first attempt to merge our 2 species.

Oh, for the love of crap....

If there were such a thing as an advanced alien species - they wouldn't, under any circumstances, be pissing around making moths. They wouldn't be pissing around making little grey men with ruddy big heads and wraparound eyes either, for that matter.

If there genuinely were such a thing as an alien/human hybridisation programme, do you know what the out come physically would actually look like?

Us. Humans. Completely indistinguishable from the bog ordinary, everyday, common-or-garden non-hybridised sort.

Do you know why?

Because human physiology has evolved to cope with the rigours of living on this world - alien physiology isn't going to have that advantage, consequently it isn't going to fare terribly well here.

So, rather than dicking around about with phenotype and producing an outcome which latterly screams - "Hey everyone, look at me. I'm an alien/Human hybrid - just lookit the way I flop!" - simply by looking at it instead you're aliens would want to retain all those physical characteristics which allow human morphology to cope with life here on earth and concentrate instead in on focusing their attention in replicating the more esoteric aspects of their alien natures - their brains, they way they work, the way they think, the way by which they themselves define themselves.

You'd be looking at subtle, imperceptible to the eye, internal changes on the genetic level. Likely a carrier programme, effecting the target group actually not at all but allowing to pass into the gene pool subtle alterations carried largely as recessive until such time as all the right combinations all fit together properly and you end up with a generation of human beings with 99% human chromosomes and about a 1% difference - about the same as exists between us and our nearest primate relatives.

But those charges would be wholly internal. You wouldn't know them from what they looked like, only from what they do...

And do please think this bladdy well through, someone. Your supposed to be dealing with an extraterrestrial species technologically advanced enough of us to be able to travel light years of space - yet all other branches of these creatures understanding of science, most especially biology, apparently lie within the prelude of high school drops outs.

To my understanding just because humans have a scientific understanding of our own biologies doesn't mean comprehending another species from an entirely different ecosystem would be as easy.

What logic is there in suggesting they should have better medical science when we know nothing about their society in general?

I agree we can take the perspective you're suggesting, and there are some unusual anamolies, however I don't wish to fully dismiss the current data solely on that single thing.
What logic is there in suggesting they should have better medical science when we know nothing about their society in general?

Oh, right. So now we don't know anything about aliens and what they're up to. It's funny, but I could have sworn I just responded to a post which said, and I quote:

sderenzi said:
If anyone here has heard anything more about the Greys being initial hybrid attempts between us and insect like beings let me know. I've only had a small insight into this idea but there is some unusual evidence suggesting it a possibility. The Mothman Prophecies for one, seems to many, to have been based on interaction between a human and these insect like creatures. It would seem Greys are merely the first attempt to merge our 2 species.

Now, y'see. You've just dang well gone and confused my brain - one minute we know enough about alien grey and insectoid science and society to speculate upon their methods of hybridising human beings - the next... Oh, we can't possibly know enough to possibly speculate upon what alien societies know and don't know....

And you're actually asking about the appliance of logic to this discussion? :bugeye:
If anyone here has heard anything more about the Greys being initial hybrid attempts between us and insect like beings let me know. I've only had a small insight into this idea but there is some unusual evidence suggesting it a possibility. The Mothman Prophecies for one, seems to many, to have been based on interaction between a human and these insect like creatures. It would seem Greys are merely the first attempt to merge our 2 species.

If you want to know what the alien abduction people believe in, there is David Icke, I think thats his name, look him up.
David Icke is insane.

Yes it could be confusing, but what we know is from hypnotic regression, as for the medical methods they use, we know those from this as well. The question is what we don't know, and that is why they'd have such limited science (it seems limited but may not be).
Yes it could be confusing, but what we know is from hypnotic regression, as for the medical methods they use, we know those from this as well. The question is what we don't know, and that is why they'd have such limited science (it seems limited but may not be).

Ah, Hypnotic "Regression" - surely, the most unimpeachable source of possible evidence one can take.

Y'know, I once watched a chap called Paul McKenna during a live stage performance hand a volunteer an enormous Spanish onion and tell him that, instead of it being an onion, it was actually the most delicious apple he'd ever eaten. And there, right before me this chap sat, blissful smile on his face as he chomped into bite after bite of onion, not a care in the world nor a tear in his eye. I was sitting a couple of rows from the front and I could smell the infernal thing from there - and that quite despite the chap in front with the deliriously bad aftershave...

Yet the hypnotised chap on stage never once so much as flinched or so much as hesitated to comply.

If you were to bother to actually ask any reputable practitioner of hypnotherapy, the very first thing they'd tell you about the subject straight off the bat is that "hypnotism" itself is a suggestive state. This isn't to say something terribly interesting isn't actually happening, it is. But the actual notion that, at a given point, such-and-such a person will be rendered in a state of hypnotic trace is in itself actually simply a suggestion - put to the subject, by the hypnotist, which the subject chooses to believe to be true.

There is an actual perceptual mechanism being exploited here, it has to do with the minds ability to shift ones focus of awareness and there being a loophole in that which can very easily be tricked - but the actual point is that, when a person elects to have themselves hypnotised, they voluntarily choose to acquiesce to suggestion - basically, they elect to agree.

Were you tomorrow to go to a hypno-therapist with the intention of recollecting in detail the events surrounding, say, your tenth birthday - and everything that happened, what you were feeling, experiences you had - you'd relay them in detail. Were you to cross reference that with others that were actually there at the time you'd find, despite the amount of detail you'd volunteer to supply during your session - many of the things you came out with couldn't be verified. You'd find there'd be details, specific to you, no one else present would have any recollection of.

The very same would be equally true if, instead of asking you about your tenth birthday, the hypno-therapist started asking you to relay your experiences of events that actually you both know damn well never actually happened - just like the chap with the onion relishing the flavour as it were an apple - you'd do it because you'd want to comply.

Why? Because you're hypnotised and that's the kind of thing hypnotised people do, therefore it must be true.

Of course, it isn't. But that's never stopped anyone when it comes to Hypnotic Regression stories supposedly wherein "victims" relay their experiences of alien abduction.

Are these people volunteering to take part in a stage show, or recall their experiences of their tenth birthday as a child?

No - these people are "regressed" consciously and with full knowledge beforehand specifically to recalled their "experiences" of alien abduction.

And, blow me! What do they go and do as a direct consequence....?

Recall in explicit "detail" their experiences at the hands of aliens. Exactly as the hypno-therapist questioning them expressly wanted them too before hand.

What an extraordinary coincidence, don't y'think?

Presumably, by the same token of logic applied to this whole Hypnotic Regression m'larky, that chap I saw on stage that night really was eating an apple exactly as he insisted he was when quizzed about it for the amusement of the audience - of course, he wasn't. He was easting an onion. But for the duration of the evening whilst on stage he certainly did an extraordinary job not seeming to know that.

And it's a parlour trick. As old as Menser himself.

There's a reason "regressed" eye-witness testimony isn't admissible in a Court - it's fundamentally unreliable.

Ah, but if it tells us things that we want to hear them, patently - it must be true.
Hmm... but who knows? There is alot of scientiffic phenomena out there. UFOs for example, can often be explained merely as electrostatic phenomena. Like ball lightning.
Which, oddly enough in itself, tends to be like explaining leprechauns in terms of faires....

Y'know, equally strangely for all the stock labelling of the term UFO Sceptic I get around here simply because I'm never going to believe a load of bollocks just because I happen to have read it, I can accept in the story you relay that you actually saw a craft of the kind you relay and, having found yourself directly underneath the thing, found yourself coming too several hours later with not a clue as to what happened.

Personally, given the circumstances you disclose, I'd find it highly unlikely you'd have any other choice in the matter. Seriously. About the very last thing you'd be able to do is function on a conscious level, after all something has to be keeping such things up in the air and if it isn't wings, jets or rotors whatever it is is going to be occurring on the underside of the object intervening between it, the earths surface and presumably, ones head if one happens to be in the way.

So - you saw a UFO, you experienced a blackout - no conscious recollection of anything between a given point and looking at your watch later.

What does that actual experience tell you, for fact? Nothing. Nothing absolutely whatsoever except, to your experience, it happened. That's exactly what you know, and that's exactly all you actually know for what can pass as fact.

Now, if you take your experience and relay it to a person interested in Abduction - they will suggest to you strongly, you were abducted. If you relay the exact same to a person who believes the Military responsible for most UFO sightings, then you were equally likely abducted, just experimented on by dear old Uncle Same...

Why are these things proffered as explanations? They explain nothing, lead only to questions beyond ones own means of conceivably answering from ones own experience and draw one down a path where no adequate answers remain forthcoming indefinitely, only more and more speculation.

I'm met plenty of people with a UFO experience to tell - some highly plausible, some hardly credible at all. Y'know how you can tell the sane ones from the others? They don't bother theorising. They accept the parts they do know, chalk it up to experience and get on with their lives because there aren't any answers - no revelations, no mysteries unearthed and solved irrefutably. Just stuff. Stuff that sometimes happens.

Abduction isn't one of those things - it's a belief. A crap, half baked sci-fi idea perpetuated by amateurs who know absolutely noting at all but have a theory...

And by golly, that's good enough for them.

So, if y'tells me you saw a flying saucer and the underside of the thing got within a range of about 500 feet of you and the ground and you tell me you became aware of your surroundings only after a spell of time later, with no conscious recollection of it having passed - I don't disbelieve you. Why should I? You're not theorising at all. Your either telling me a story or telling me how it was. Either way, both you and I and the rest of the world keeps turning...

Tell me aliens fiddled with you nether regions and told you the secret of the black magic box tough, and we both know you'd be fibbing.

And that's the difference between truth and bullshit. Because you'd know it. And as long as you know that, that's half the battle won....
Good work, Mr Anonymous, I needn't chime in other than to say I completely agree with your sane and considered viewpoint. Carry on!