Alien Abduction Research


Currently I'm developing a major interest in the area of abductions. From what I've read there seems to be wide speculation on just what the interaction between us an the alleged aliens is. I do have some theoretical questions that I could ask to determine if people nearby in my community are experiencing abductions, the only question is what should I do?

I was thinking of just going around asking people if they'd like to fill out a survey, which of course I'd say was to find out if they'd had any unusual paranormal events. Here are some I'd likely ask:

1. Have you ever felt as though someone awoke you in the middle of the night only to find no one around?

2. Have you ever found unusual scratches on yourself with an inability to explain how they got there?

3. Has anyone in your family ever complained of seeing ghosts?

4. Have you ever felt as though you were being watched in a very private moment?

5. Have you ever seen something which you could not immediately identify or understand?

6. Does anyone in your family have Autism?

7. Have you ever had an uncontrollable urge to sleep?

8. Have you ever woken up someplace you weren't sure how you got to?

9. Do you have many friends?

10. Do you have an active social life?

11. Do you feel as though god is watching over you?

Those might be some good questions to ask people, affirmative answers could mean alien activity.
sderenzi said:
Currently I'm developing a major interest in the area of abductions. From what I've read there seems to be wide speculation on just what the interaction between us an the alleged aliens is. I do have some theoretical questions that I could ask to determine if people nearby in my community are experiencing abductions, the only question is what should I do?

I was thinking of just going around asking people if they'd like to fill out a survey, which of course I'd say was to find out if they'd had any unusual paranormal events. Here are some I'd likely ask:

1. Have you ever felt as though someone awoke you in the middle of the night only to find no one around?

2. Have you ever found unusual scratches on yourself with an inability to explain how they got there?

3. Has anyone in your family ever complained of seeing ghosts?

4. Have you ever felt as though you were being watched in a very private moment?

5. Have you ever seen something which you could not immediately identify or understand?

6. Does anyone in your family have Autism?

7. Have you ever had an uncontrollable urge to sleep?

8. Have you ever woken up someplace you weren't sure how you got to?

9. Do you have many friends?

10. Do you have an active social life?

11. Do you feel as though god is watching over you?

Those might be some good questions to ask people, affirmative answers could mean alien activity.

M*W: It can also indicate paranoia.
These creatures are demons. Their powers match those commonly attributed to alien entities. Alien woman's, I mean Medicine Woman's diagnosis is rationalist. Remember, shes will not allowed herself to believe in God, angels, and demons, if she did, she would have to go back to the Church, since she knows we are right.
Man, you are true elitest prick, you know that? And I'm sorry if I get this thread locked or whatever, but seriously, Lawdog, you need to take a pill. Now, before I begin, I want to make it known that I have no plans on changing your mind, nor do I plan on arguing endlessly with you about religion. I won't go there; you have a faith, and the foundation of faith is that you believe without needing proof (and sometimes, in spite of proof) and if I don't plan on shaking you from your tree.

Now, what you need to do is learn to understand that other people have opinions and beliefs of their own. You are allowed to believe that your way is the right way, but stop acting all high and mighty about it. If you want people to hear your message, you need to stop coming across as a douchebag. If you feel the need to laugh at us for whatever reason, or to mock us, then do so on your own time, and away from these boards.

And while we're on the topic, I think you're forgetting a very important part of your own religion, my man.

she would have to go back to the Church, since she knows we are right

"We"? That sounds an awful lot like Pride, my friend. Last time I checked, that's a deadly sin.

My next point is that you honestly need to stop trying to incorporate science into your claims, because there just ain't none, pal. Hollow Earth? Please. It's a fact that this claim is bogus, you just refuse to see it. Now, faith is one thing; I don't see any major problems with human beings finding comfort in an invisible power so long as they don't use it as a reason to murder or oppress, but what you're doing in regards to the Hollow Earth situation is simply ignoring fact. Same goes for this whole "demon dog" thing, and the demon/alien thing as well.

You are simply ignoring fact and substituting fantasy in its place. Give it up already. Take your beliefs, enjoy your life, and stop trying to rape the name of scientific method.

Lawdog said:
These creatures are demons. Their powers match those commonly attributed to alien entities. Alien woman's, I mean Medicine Woman's diagnosis is rationalist. Remember, shes will not allowed herself to believe in God, angels, and demons, if she did, she would have to go back to the Church, since she knows we are right.

M*W: I know you're [/I]wrong.
sderenzi said:
Those might be some good questions to ask people, affirmative answers could mean alien activity.

What? I didnt see anything in your survey that would point to alien activity. Besides doesnt seem to me like aliens would need\want to abduct many humans, there may have been a few but it is very rare if at all.

Just curious, are you on any kind of medication? jk.
Prince_James said:
None of these phenomena at all prove "alien activity".

Let's see.........Hmmmmmmm? Last alien activity? Sorry. Nothing confirmed as of yet. Probably means there is 'No' active (from outer space) aliens about at least on this planet. Maybe a few 'illegal' aliens from Mexico on the Texas, California & Arizona border. :D
I must say, In all the years I've lived, I've never seen an alien from outerspace, but I have seen many humans who have values and goals which are alien to the way of life of the common man, so in a way, I have seen many aliens, but they are the corporate aliens which infest our world, the corporate aliens who indeed have secret technology, but they are no more alien in species than you or I, they just have alien values, remember that.
How? in what way?

I'm convinced, don't look at facts. You just ignore them, and go with hearsay and rumor. That is the entire basis of your ideas. "Suggest alien activity"? Please. You have no idea what alien activity would look like, my man, so stop pretending that you do.

JDawg said:
How? in what way?

I'm convinced, don't look at facts. You just ignore them, and go with hearsay and rumor. That is the entire basis of your ideas. "Suggest alien activity"? Please. You have no idea what alien activity would look like, my man, so stop pretending that you do.


Well thats a big can of worms. Provided the aliens don't look like us, thus you and I could be aliens - then your right. However when they are not human - then their stories suggest alien. :p
btimsah said:
...Because the witnesses suggest they are non-human life forms.

*if* a government was to do a project on individuals and didn't want to be fingered because of the bad press, would they not attempt a sharade of sorts, either pretending to be another government/secret service or alien.

Simply it's more likely that someone will have a reason to pull a farce than real aliens exist.
It's very possible that the Earth has 'never' been visited by aliens before and even if they did land here in Earth's pre-history, how are we/U going to prove it? Dig up the 'Thing fom Outer Space' at the North Pole again? I don't think so.
The matter of the fact is that some do experience *something* out of this world. And the second matter of fact is that our "modern" world doesn't sit well with just "something". And the third matter of fact is that at a certain level we are no longer really individuals in this wide world but commonplace components of a larger system: it then all boils down to the "fringe" of "society" against the big "normal" world. And who is the normal world? Commonplace people who scamper behind its token for commonplace existence: anything else that is not common and out of this world is perceived as a menace to a normal "peace of mind". The fourth matter of fact is that individuals are not actually allowed to experience anything out of this world (and proof can very well be attested from this very forum). If individuals do experience anything out of the norm it will surely be swept under the rug -- or juxtaposed against and identified as commonplace abnormalities. Hey, commonplace people oh so need to keep their wits in check: mustn't be lured away by the non-normal experience. Bah.
Meanwhile said:
The matter of the fact is that some do experience *something* out of this world. And the second matter of fact is that our "modern" world doesn't sit well with just "something". And the third matter of fact is that at a certain level we are no longer really individuals in this wide world but commonplace components of a larger system: it then all boils down to the "fringe" of "society" against the big "normal" world. And who is the normal world? Commonplace people who scamper behind its token for commonplace existence: anything else that is not common and out of this world is perceived as a menace to a normal "peace of mind". The fourth matter of fact is that individuals are not actually allowed to experience anything out of this world (and proof can very well be attested from this very forum). If individuals do experience anything out of the norm it will surely be swept under the rug -- or juxtaposed against and identified as commonplace abnormalities. Hey, commonplace people oh so need to keep their wits in check: mustn't be lured away by the non-normal experience. Bah.

Bring on the aliens. Welcome to planet Earth space brothers. We've been expecting you. Please accept a friendly tour of our current president's White House. If we don't see you again after the tour........Good luck.:D
sderenzi said:
Those might be some good questions to ask people, affirmative answers could mean alien activity.

Or, alternatively, that the person answering yes to everything is simply your average, common-or-garden, run-of-the-mill paranoid schizophrenic suffering from the common sleep disorder of Sleep Paralysis and a tendency towards self harm...

Does no one else ever find it extraordinary how so many people open to the possibilities of "other" explanations can accept readily the notion of alien abduction as an actual answer to somewhat obvious and leading questions - yet deny the existence entirely of people suffering from recognised and well established mental health problems?

How marvellous it must be to be possessive of blessed a state of being as being truly open in ones thinking....

Conservative estimates peg the likelihood of an individual succumbing to some form of serious mental health problem as being 1 in every 10. On a planet with a global population in excess of 6 billion or so souls crunch those numbers, feel the burn. Yet, nobody can possibly be delusional. That's just wrong of us to even consider. No one ever lies. That's just bad meat thinking.

No. The world is populated entirely and exclusively by fair, intelligent, open minded and truthful individuals, every man jack of them all. Angels dance on everyones forehead and mean old, nasty intelligences from out of space have nothing better to do with their days but kidnap pure, wholesome, innocent folk and shove nozzles and things up their whatoozies and form secret conspiracies with Governments which the world and his dog seem to know everything there is to know about and 1 in 10 people never suffer from serious mental health problems, never manifest paranoid delusions or suffer psychotic episodes - that's just what "they" want us all to think and believe.

Nasty, evil "them".

Fortunately for us all there are so many open-minded and enlightened folk out there who can open our eyes to the truth of the problem and sort things out by the simple wave of an opinion.

All better now. Everyone goes home happy...

Sderenzi? lets go through these questions one by one. I'm in the mood for a dance.

1. Have you ever felt as though someone awoke you in the middle of the night only to find no one around?

The answer of yes indicates that you have in fact, ears. The body sleeps, the brain never does. Your senses never do either. You're as perfectly aware of every sound, smell, variation in ambient light and temperature change in the room as you lie sleeping as you are when awake. A noise the brain identifies as a possible threat wakes us from sleep, the idea of their being a presence already formed - its the alarm call the brain uses to wake us up to investigate further.

This isn't a mystery, it's one of the plethora of reasons there is a species called human beings around enough to asked idiot questions in the first place.

Moving on.

2. Have you ever found unusual scratches on yourself with an inability to explain how they got there?

The answer of yes indicates that - yes! You've scratched yourself.

"Congratulations contestant number five, pick a number at random out of the boxes in front of you and try not to lick the hostess as you trot. Unprotected cunnilingus can leave tell-tale and embarrassing signs of pussy-breath on your lips and we all know how our loved ones back home can get a boner for the notion of running us through with a bread knife in the night whist we sleep over that!"

Sleep usually induces, in most people, the production of inhibitors blocking the actions of never impulses to the muscles inducing us to move about. Without them, we'd physically enact our dreams whole. There are a plethora of common sleep disorders which circumvent this system. Brucellosis, for example, allows a person with the tendency, to grind their teeth uncontrollably and with great detriment to the condition of their teeth as a consequence whilst fully asleep. Scratching oneself with ones nails is another common problem, commonly associated with children which adults in the main grow out of however, during times of stress, older more established behaviours take precedent and uncontrolled scratching occurs.

Couple this with the commonality of other sleep disorders, recurrent somnambulism for example, and there are any number of ways an individual can wake up to find themselves inexplicably marked...

But, lets forget about the welter of scientific studies that abound on such trivia. Obviously, it's aliens. What else can an open minded person possibly conclude?

3. Has anyone in your family ever complained of seeing ghosts?

Complained? They were livid! Free-loading dead bastards hanging around rent free not even offering to chip in for the dip - I tell's ya. If they woin't deads all ready I'd kill every last, single one of the fuckers m'self - swear to God!

A not-in-the-slightest-open-minded-person-who-would-be-me queries:

Dear Questionnaire Writer,

Since when do we consider the existence of one not-in-the-slightest-proved phenomena as indicative as evidence of another?

Hope the rash is cleaning up. The weather here is fine, fortunately. Curse my open mind. Everytime it rains I almost drown.


A. xxxxxxxxxx

4. Have you ever felt as though you were being watched in a very private moment?

Who exactly in the history of ever, hasn't? Much as in the answer provided for question 1: our senses relay information to our brains constantly, 24-7 every day for our entire lives. Most of what our common-or-garden regular sense pick-up considerably more information that our brains make us consciously aware of. We just get the AGM Report. The small stuff our brains don't allow us to sweat over, it baffles them out of our perception. They still happen though. We still pick the stimuli up. A sound, a smell, a simple change in air temperature - we don't get a heads up quite what it is in the first instance which makes us suddenly want to prick up our ears and have a good scout around the periphery of our surroundings, but the ability for us to be able to do this is an inherited trait every animal that's ever existed as a species for more than five seconds seems to possess in equal measure.

Our brains alarm us precisely so we can identify and locate a possible source of threat. The instruction to sharpen up comes with an elevated rise in adrenaline production. It makes us sharper, more aware, keen to bolt.

Congratulations - If you answer yes to the above it's official - You're a Mammal! Hoo-yah! Let's all not wet the bed all at once. It's not that kind of a forum....

5. Have you ever seen something which you could not immediately identify or understand?

Being a resident of dear old England - hell yeah. Every autumn, regular as clockwork shit. Live televised coverage of The Embassy World Snooker Tournament.

I've never understood why it's on, but every year it is, Every last, excruciating second. Why? Why are they doing this too us, is it.... Is it some kind of a... a test?! :eek:

Number crunchers of Sci-Forums rejoice - finally a challenge worthy of you're squishy, big brains. Let's all knuckle down like a gang-bang with pencils, shall we, and calculate the odds of some one going through their entire lives and never having encountered something which didn't cause them to pause and mutter: "What the fuck, now?"

What are the odds on offer here. Biddings starts at more then 2. Can anyone give me more than 3... ?

6. Does anyone in your family have Autism?

For my sins here I freely confess - discerning quite how the the establishment of the presence of hereditary autism in the family ball-bag pertains to presence of extraterrestrials has, as I say for my sins, someone peaked my interest.

Is this an inclusive criteria to the research or an eliminator to the profile, presumably, you're trying to establish here?

7. Have you ever had an uncontrollable urge to sleep?

Actually, to this one I can answer a categorical yes. It scared me, I'll be honest about that. For some inexplicable reason I just couldn't seem to keep my eyes open. It was the middle of summer, the televised Snooker wasn't due to start for another couple of months or more. Eventually I went to the Doctors about it, I was worried me that much. He told me it was because I was "Tired" and suggested I try revolutionary new alternative treatment for the condition called "Going To Bed, You Dozy Git."

I've never been much of proponent for alternative medicines before, but believe me. 8 hours later I was as right as paint.

It was like a revelation. No word of a lie.

8. Have you ever woken up someplace you weren't sure how you got to?

No. I was never a teenager. I was never in my twenties. I've never in my life so much as seen a bottle of beer. Perish the thought, I've ever had sex.

Fortunately I was born, completely middle aged. Full sized. Fully grown. M'mother's never stopped bitching about it. I mean, sheezsh! So the woman needed a complete fanny transplant immediately after I was born - big deal, it wasn't as if I forced her to cop off with the milkman on a regular basis in the first place, was it?! Should have kept it in her knickers along with her peppermints and car keys, which apparently was all she had been using it for previously and which, I perfectly agree, constitutes far more information than even I'll ever consider being so much as natural, let alone, healthy to actually know...

Where was I?

Ah, yes. One word. Somnambulism. Here's another. The outcome of a non-associative psychotic insident....

Pause whist the open minded ignore the statistics regarding the likelihood of the onset of mental illness affecting 1 out of every 10 adult individuals world wide. Brew a cup of coffee whist the same blow off the frankly staggeringly high number of people that translates out as potentially affecting out of a global population of some 6 billion plus individuals. Take up the ancient art of Macramé and fashion an intricate and detailed 1/10 scale diorama of the entire cast of Lost being eaten alive by pigeons whilst the open-minded breeze entirely past the fact that out of a population the size of the US alone, recognised mental and physiological problems are more than adequate enough to account for the entire history of so-called Alien Abductee experiences, with change, and still leave enough for your more regular delusionals and the Republican Party whole.

Swing by and enjoy our forums Gift Shop whilst the open minded amongst us bat the usual shit back and forth regarding how they, and people like them alone remain the only open minded people that exist on the face of the planet whilst all the rest of us are simply blind, dumb and too stupid to know our which end our shit comes out of, and other open-minded homilies to the same effect.

After you've swung by our extensive Gift Shop, why not try swinging theother-way and, after you get bored of that and you've given your knob a good washing, why not consider our extensive All The Cods-Wallop You Can Chow On online-buffet you can graze on till your hearts content down here in Pseudoscience because, and this is an observation not in the slightest exclusive to these next of the woods - it's everywhere you go.

Every last little scrap of internet you'll find from here to (these bitches just can't get enough of good hard grey).

Everywhere you'll find the subject of Aliens raised - one universal thing remains.

No one actually gives a shit about Aliens. No one ever did. No one ever will. It's exactly as taxing as that.

All people care about is what they personally believe about them.

It's like confusing God with Religion.

God is God. Religion is mans beliefs about God. No one can really argue with God, it gets to be a pretty one way conversation whichever and whatever your personal view point may be and whichever way you happen to cut it - instead, people will argue the live long day concerning simply differing view points of essentially the same concept.

On and on, without end, perfectly prepared to brain the other side senseless, taking the silence from way on high as a sign of consent and carrying on regardless because, in humans, it is belief and the maintenance of that very same transcends all other considerations.

Nobody actually gives the first shit about God - just the assurity of what they perceive as being their own personal salvation and ultimate vindication and remain perfectly prepared to live a life governed by such exact fallacies, irrespective of the outcome because we all know, deep down inside, when you die actually you're dead.

The conscious mind, having no experience for the the alternative, rallies against this with any and all means in its power and so the Great Circle of Jerk continues, world without world. Amen.

Steady on young Simba, don't piddle on de wildebeasties! De like it de too much...

It's exactly the same with the belief in aliens. It's the self same thing.

Pseudo-scientific clap-trap translates wholesale conventional secular beliefs into easy to digest mouthings that demand the absence of hard, physical evidence and pander to a mindset disenchanted with conventional wisdom, disenfranchised from mainstream belief and simply too damn lazy to develop a thought they can call their actual own.

There aren't any aliens. There never have been.

The extraordinary things people claim they may have experienced probably did happen to them exactly as they relay - 1 in 10 people suffering from some form of sever mental illness means that, out of every nine complete strangers you will meet, exactly one of them can tell you, with hand on heart, that the pink elephant living under their bed wants them to save stamps for Jesus and they are telling you the Gods honest truth because that is what the terms mental illness and psychosis, in practical terms, actually means.

Yes. People who relay extraordinary things and insights into worlds hitherto unheard of are telling the truth. It's all perfectly real. To them. Not a thing you can do to dissuade them otherwise. Which precise part the open-minded don't understand about the terms mental illness and psychosis, well neither do I.

That'll be the privilege of never having been blessed with having to have such a thing as an mind that is open.

All that matters is what actually happens and what can - and none of this stuff that, thread after thread, people insist about banging on about can actually happen.

But what does that all matter, provided you keep an open mind, right?

9. Do you have many friends?

This one's a keeper.

10. Do you have an active social life?

So too is this.
