Alicia well's

Originally posted by Mallory Knox

Man, you sure enjoy fucking yourself don't you?

I dub thee Instigator. What's humorous is the number of people on here who have let themselves be instigated by you. I used to be an online instigator too, many years ago.

What would be even more humorous is if everyone on here decided to stop responding to your posts, regardless of how much you rant and rave and bitch and insult. :D

With that in mind, this is my last response to you. And from now on i'm not even going to read your posts. :p

*ignoring Mallory*
I think Mallory prefers her daddy.

Lykan: Yes, that's an idea - but her hysterics are quite amusing.

Pushing the envelope a bit, how about Eva?

Hmph, how pathetic, my knowledge of really hot actresses is limited to Lexx. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Lykan

I dub thee Instigator. What's humorous is the number of people on here who have let themselves be instigated by you. I used to be an online instigator too, many years ago.

What would be even more humorous is if everyone on here decided to stop responding to your posts, regardless of how much you rant and rave and bitch and insult. :D

With that in mind, this is my last response to you. And from now on i'm not even going to read your posts. :p

*ignoring Mallory*

Even if I say your wife/girlfriend/mother/sister/daughter is a stupid fucking whore and I hope the terrorists get them?

Wow, you've got real class to not let me get to you, I must admit. :D
Originally posted by Xev
I think Mallory prefers her daddy.

Lykan: Yes, that's an idea - but her hysterics are quite amusing.

LMAO. What is with you guys are your obsession with my father molesting me? :rolleyes:

You like that word too, hysterics, eh? You know, there's a thesaurus here too:

Even if I say your wife/girlfriend/mother/sister/daughter is a stupid fucking whore and I hope the terrorists get them?

Psalm 14:7
Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge.

Mallory, it says in the Bible:

Psalm 14:17
He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly: and a man of wicked devices is hated.

You are making yourself hated with your wicked devices of meanness! You are alienating everyone, and they will not be around to protect you when "they" attack you! Beware!

Your anger is getting the better of you. I think you should take a deep breath, count to ten, and remind yourself that it is only the internet. Do not be so angry! You will just harm yourself!
Re: Hmmm....

Originally posted by FoxMulder
Your anger is getting the better of you. I think you should take a deep breath, count to ten, and remind yourself that it is only the internet. Do not be so angry! You will just harm yourself!

Hey who's angry? I'm laughing here.
I'm a Christian. I guess I'm just angry because of these stupid athiests who reject God.

I'd better go inhale some bleach or somthing, because I'm really angry now.
That's well and good, but what about Eva?

This woman's cute, too:

Aishwarya Rai

My favorite response to 'Jesus loves you' was, unfortunatly, another's;

"He loves me long time" :)

That's why I 'found Cthulhu', actually.
When i first got online 11 years ago, my nickname was Blackheart. Instigation was my entire reason for being online. I was very very silly. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Tyler
You know who I think is the most gorgeous at the moment. Portman. Damn she was hot in star wars. I know, I know, you guys all know that already, but......damn she was hot in star wars.

Hell yes!! Natalie Portman could turn me lesbian in a second.
Check out the movies 'Where the heart is' and 'Anywhere but here'..It's some of her earlier stuff. They are rather chick flicks, but its all worth it for the eye candy ;)
There's some good male leads in them as well