Aleins from Earth

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
After consideration of the probality of aliens, it seem that any such creature as protrayed by the media and in various alien and ufo circlres are beings that originate from or solar system and not one that is orginated from a far off star.

Of course they're from our solar system. That's where human imagination resides.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
the base chemicals for human DNA called base pairs is determined by the speed of which our planet travels though the galaxy, and the lipid structure and peptides of the human cell are determined by the number of planets in our solar system,


DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
The fact that aliens noted look humanoid defines that such a life form is in orgin from earth or from within our solar system. Looking at this this fact the only place for humans to exsplain and to look for alien orgins is on earth and in our solar system.

That's because we apply anthropomorphic principles to our mythology and religion. One look at humanity's pantheon of gods will shed light on the reason why our so-called alien visitors look like us. Even when animals are used as deities, they end up with anthropomorphic characteristics such as bipedalism, capacity for speech, clothing, etc. The Kochina's of South West Indian cultures in North America are an example. As are many of the ancient Egyptian gods.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
the most prime resource is a time before the last magnetic pole reversal, when Dinosarus existed, this is a period of about 8,000 years ago.

I hate to bust a bubble for you, but the last pole reversal occurred about .73 million years ago and "dinosaurs" perished around 64 million before that.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
Understanding how the magnetic feild harbors life, and developes it intelligence is key to understanding that beings that lived prior to the last magnetic pole reversal had the gain of advanced intelligence.

Poppycock. There's no evidence that magnetic fields have any influence on intelligence and certainly no evidence that there were hominids of intelligence comparable to H. sapiens prior to the last pole reversal. H. sapiens have existed on the planet for about 150,000 to 200,000 years. Prior to that, there is a fairly clear fossil record that outlines the evolution of the various hominid species.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
as the magnetic feild stirs the eletrons of the brain as every electron on earth is polarized and effcts growth, as the magnetic feild moves faster it increases the thinking capacity of beings weather they be animals or humans, navigation is effected proven by simple study in ethology ect....

I would think you might be sitting too close to a magnetic field if I thought that magnetic fields affected the human physiology, but we just aren't made of stuff that is really all that affected by magnetic forces. Sorry... another bubble burst, but it's true. I doubt that there are really any studies in ethology that prove navigation of mammals is affected by magnetic fields. Particularly not any simple ones.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
these facts of the infulence of a magnetic feild in the development of intelligence demonstrates that at the time a few hundred years before the last magnetic pole reversal living beings on earth in that time would have had a compariable intelligence to that of present humans.

Hogwash. A "few hundred years before the last magnetic pole reversal" was at about 730,000 years ago. In that year, Homo sapiens neandertalis, H. erectus, Archaic H. sapiens, and, perhaps even, H. sapiens were the dominant hominids of the planet. Their intelligence may well have been comparable to our own, but there was certainly no dramatic change in intelligence that can be correlated to a causation of transition from the Matuyama to the Brunhes epochs. In fact, throughout the archaeological and fossil records, there are no indications of any deleterious effects on fauna.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
This is a period about 8,000 years ago, when a another being of intelligence roamed the earth.

You do realize that you are talking about a period around 6000 BCE, right? In 7000 BCE, the Natufian culture of the Levant region in the ancient Near East was developing agriculture. At 8000 BCE, in Mureybet, Syria, clay tokens were used as a means to count commodities such as foods and raw materials for clothing. That's 10,000 years before the present!

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
Given these events the only place for such a being to exist on earth is in the sea, in the earth, on the moon, or in a invisable city in the sky.

Or in an "invisible" reality in your mind.

It is fascinating, however, that various pseudoscience speculations involve the inclusion of "magnetic pole reversals" in their explanations. Garry Denke is another nutter that relies on this as the great warning to humanity not to move the Heel Stone where "the Ark of the Covenant" resides.
Making some wild speculations: There is no reason why humanoid creatures would not evolve in another star system. The natural order of the universe, the 100+ elements etc are common everywhere including water, Oxygen, mass, Sun etc. Perhaps people in Australia thought that God only made Australia and there is no possibility that similar land masses would exist elsewhere.

As to humanoids in our Solar system: Not a chance, if there was in Venus or Mars, there are gone long ago. While I would like to belive the Atlatis myth or that Indian Gods were moving between planets - until we find artifacts on Moon or Mars, they will remain as fairy tales. Think about it, if there were advanced civilization before, atleast they could have left there foot prints on Moon and Mars or other Aliens for that matter. How about a Bar on Moon as a way station? :D

May be it is upto us to design out transporter to see our neighbors out there....

Dreams are good though...that entices them and others to work on ideas to come up with new stuff. Only idiots stop dreaming....
We've have aliens coming from Mexico and Cuba from years. All they want is a fair chance at the american dream... leave em' alone already.
I say, we should take over Mexico. If they can not control their People, then we should teach them to become us. I went to Mexico on a complex IT project this year. I can tell you even the Consultant from Venezuela said, Mexicans are stupid.
Can't we all type random assertions with no and even contradictory evidence and with no correlation to the events stated.
Why yes, yes we can.... but I prefer to talk about aliens from Mexico and Cuba... which are actually real.

It's (IMO) a much more clever way to make fun of the thread.
I still never understand what the media's depictions of alien life ever has to do with anything. Aliens in UFOlogy are always bipedal, vertically symmetrical humanoids - two arms, two legs, two eyes, frequently a pair of nostrils. At first glance any such "grey" would unhesitatingly be labelled as an anthropoid ape closely related to humans by any biologist, since they look more like humans than any other of billions of living species on Earth.

In other words, everything other living creature on Earth looks more "alien" than the media's depiction of aliens, including chimps and gorillas.

Dwayne, your post is the epitome of "pseudoscience", since it sounds a bit like science and has many words associated with science in it - but there is no actual science at all. You've got some kind of crazy mixed up bag of ideas there, all of which would be easily rectified by some actual scientific education.

By the way, you've got the wrong idea about evolution. A bone which is demonstrably present in humans and in dinosaurs who lived 65,000,000 years ago (not 8,000 as you stated, btw) implies that humans are ultimately related to dinosaurs - not that humans were around at the same time as dinosaurs. Whatever is the common ancestor of dinosaurs and humans was something else - not remotely describable as human - or primate, or even mammalian.
The first error in your assumptions which you mistakenly refer to as fact, is that we Earth humans actually evolved on this planet, and in this solar system.
The first error in your assumptions which you mistakenly imply, is that you have any evidence to the contrary.
From Earth:

- maybe an extraterrestral colony founded by humanoids 50000 years ago?

- maybe ufos are fugitives of the cataclism which destroyed Atlantis, and have travelled with near-light speed, so bypassed 50000 years in a couple of hours?
Why we don't know that:
Suppose human civilization of our days were destroyed and humanity shrinked down to some 100000 people, by an asteroid impact, do you expect any traces of our civilization will be found in 50000 years? :eek:

- maybe ufos come from a human civilization in the future, and they are anthropologists exploring us...
or they are sociologues or psys and try to change something in our time...
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There could be a million of those "may be"s. The idea is to narrow them down to a few with some scientific reasoning.
zira said:
- maybe an extraterrestral colony founded by humanoids 50000 years ago?

Extremely unlikely, particularly since we have physical evidence of humans as far back as 150,000 years (perhaps even 200k) and a clear progression of the evolution of hominids over a period of several million years following the earliest australopithecines.

zira said:
Suppose human civilization of our days were destroyed and humanity shrinked down to some 100000 people, by an asteroid impact, do you expect any traces of our civilization will be found in 50000 years?

Absolutely. Especially since we have "traces" of civilizations that predate 50k years and have technologies that were limited to stone hand axes.
The clear progression of human evolution is not really so clear. The scientists are still searching for the missing links. If one follows the last 100 million years of evolution, the missing link for humans should not arrive for atleast another 1 to 2 million years and humans perhaps another few million years - unless someone can explain the sudden change that affected the planet on a global scale. That is yet to come.
Hogwash. It is, indeed, very clear. Scientists don't generally use terms like "missing link" either. It's 19th century terminology.

The Greek philosopher Xeno once commented that regardless of how accurately you measure the flight path of an arrow, you can always imagine another point intermediate to any two. By that line of thinking, there will always be "missing links," but from the time of the earliest australopithacines, there are few if any periods in which we don't have examples of hominids in overlapping, progressing timelines that converge on H. sapiens.

There will be no one missing link discovered that connects humans to earlier hominids. These already exist: Homo erectus, H. habilis, H. neanderthalis, and Archaic H. sapiens.
Indeed, it is a hogwash link.

First, the article linked to is from a christian site with a mission to counter what it deems as "spiritual warfare" with science. The creationist agenda and bias rings clear, particularly since:

Second, "Lucy" isn't the only australopithecus find in Africa. There have been quite a few and, contrary to the article, the casts my university has would certainly come very close to filling a large coffin. And they certainly don't have a cast of even half of the finds to date.

Third, the author(s) don't mention their qualifications nor do they follow any sort of expected protocol of citation. They list numerous quotes, direct and indirect as well as many "facts," but only make one footnote. Ironically, the footnote ("1") has no citation. It was the "coffin" qoute, which I believe is attributed to Dr. Lyall Watson, though I could be wrong. Anderson could have at least have given Watson more credit than simply regarding him as "an expert in the field." But then, it is a xian/creationist-apologist site, so they probably wouldn't want their readers digging to deep.

Finally, I will concede that there is always more to learn. The evolution of the hominid species may not be crystal clear, but it is certainly far clearer than several in this thread have suggest (some more than others).
While evolution itself may not be debateble, the time line and earth's isolation from the galaxy can be. This planet has been fully formed for the last 750 million years with several life extinction level events. To say that humans evolved only 100,000 years ago from the apes and trying to force fit the lack of clear evidence is really shaky at best.

For a true scientist - that is only a possiblity among many. Only simple minds can not comprehend the higher patterns (a la "On Intelligence" - the book). So the point in pseudoscience section is to explore other possibilities rather than rehassing the simpletons. While 99% may be useless conjecture - that 1% - ah! that could be something.