Alec Baldwin's message to daughter

A dad yelled at his daugther. Why is this national news?
Because people love to meddle and interfere. It's human nature to stick your big nose into matters which don't concern you. It's not surprise that people commit suicide and go shooting up the place when either everybody ignores them, or only pays the negative attention.

Not to mention the invasion of privacy....

I agree with this, as well. The public has no god damn right to know about family matters.

One can't even yell anymore without being broadcasted....

Yeah, it's god damn absurd.

This event actually reminds me of another incident which occurred a few weeks back, with Mykhaylo Zubkov. He was caught having an argument with his daughter, and they both started pushing each other a bit. To me, it looked like the girl was having a bit of a tantrum, and he grabbed her to calm her down. It was far from being a 'beat-down' session.

Suddenly, all Australians are up in arms, as if the man had raped his own daughter. "How dare he, rush her to hospital, arrest him." Typical meddling Australians sticking their big fat ugly noses into business which doesn't concern them. My Sri Lankan housemate watched the news report, bemused, and commented "But it's just a father-daughter argument! What's the big deal?"

Americans are meddlers by nature. Just look at Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. They seem to think that their opinion actually matters, even when they are being ignorant assholes. Sadly, Australia has caught the 'stupid' disease. Looks like I'm going to have to emmigrate to a sane part of the world.
Haha, I love this story. My ol' man is one of those "Hannitized" brainwashed people that love to jump on bandwagons especially with Alec Baldwin. I heard him ranting and raving over this saying how bad he is, blah blah blah, while the whole time I had a shit-eatin' grin on my face. If not being able to see his child is the punishment for this rant, the crap my ol' man used to say to me, even worse when drunk (which we physically faught all the time), he would have wound up in jail with the death sentence. He jumped on the bandwagon by calling Alec evil or some stupid thing Sean said, and my gut was just tremblin' back and forth with internal laughter at his hypocrisy.

I can't wait till this topic comes up again when I next talk to him cause I'm gonna unload a barrage of reality back at him and make him feel like a fool for the brainwashed stance he's taken on this matter. Okay, sure, if Alec is evil, then you're the devil himself. Only hard part is trying to decide if I should record it or not to broadcast to the whole world as well to add a bit more perspective towards how minor Alec's phone call was vs other people's "normal" incidents. Oh, and I'm sure he'd just love for that to happen too, lol.. has no problem with someone else's right to privacy being taken away, having their personal life being shown to the world and criticizing them for it, but if applied to him, it's the end of the world.

Friggin' brainwashed sheep..

- N

"I'm gonna fly over there for the day and straight you out, on this issue. I'm going to let you know how disappointed and angry I am at you, that you've done this to me again."

What the hell? That's not a threat! I think that what he said IS harsh to say to an 11 year old, and that he's directed his anger at the wrong person. But he didn't threaten to beat the shit out of her.

And honestly, how many parents haven't exploded like this with their children? Holy shit, I've seen parents talk like this to their kids in public "You ungrateful shit! You stupid kid!", and they aren't denied visitation.

I also can't fathom how DENYING visitation will repair the bond between daughter and father. Instead of being a vindictive bitch, the mother should actually encourage her kid to talk to her Dad, and try to foster a bit of daughter-father bonding.

I am sorry but the tone of voice and nature of the previous minute or so of the call says to me that he means to do more than actually "set her straight"

My pops has called me every name in the book and smacked me good a few times. He jokingly sometimes says "I'm gonna kick your ass" and like I said, I know he's kidding. But sometimes he utters certain phrases and I know to zip it. Alec defnitely meant something other than to literally "set her straight." Plus, Christ, shes 11 years old! I'd shit my pants if I heard daddy swearing and screaming at me at that age. 11 is a lot younger than people think. No fucking wonder she was avoiding his calls. I wouldn't pick up the receiver if I knew this fat drunken bastard was on the other line.
Plus, Christ, shes 11 years old! I'd shit my pants if I heard daddy swearing and screaming at me at that age. 11 is a lot younger than people think.

Yeah, 11 years old is a young age, for normal people, until you realize she's basically a rich little diva, and the air of arrogance, power, know-it-all, and parental manipulation trumps her so-called 11 year-old innocence. Ah, the joys of being a child of the Hollywood elite. For this topic to even be as big as it's become is proof of that power.

- N
Money, no matter the amount, cannot truly get rid of the innocence of children. Sure it can speed it up but never fully get rid of it. No matter how rich you are, hearing your daddy yell like that will spook you.

Who knows? She could be a sweet little normal girl, just trying to avoid a swearing, mess of a father.
No matter how rich you are, hearing your daddy yell like that will spook you.

Over some voicemail? Not likely. This is the computer gadget era, where like right now, I can talk all the shit I want to you and not worry about it. I'd be curious as to how often they see each other with that whole divorce going on because I'm sure she doesn't give a damn anymore and probably just rolls her eyes non-stop. Power and wealth for a young kid is dangerous in the eyes of respect.

Innocence of children, please, not this day and age. At 11, I was already sexually active in 6th grade, and this was before the Internet. Man, if I had to live again, I'd probably be poppin' cherries in kindergarden thanks to the unlimited knowledge of the Internet. The more kids I meet these days, the more I'm in awe of their knowledge of knowing certain things that even *I* didn't know back then. So if you think I was crazy for doing what I did at my young age, it's even worse these days especially since it's people like me that are fathering/mothering the latest kids of today. Just imagine when the Internet or computers get like the Matrix where you just pop in some tape and you automatically learn whatever subject you can think of in under 5 minutes, you'll see kids doing some crazy stuff then the moment they learn it.

Now, with all that said, I'm not trying to demonize the girl or anything, you just struck a tangent with me, heh.

Who knows? She could be a sweet little normal girl, just trying to avoid a swearing, mess of a father.

Or doing what her mommy tells her, and just keeping the phone turned off to irk the dad when he tries to call. Don't think the mother had nothing to do with this. I know my mom used to use us to piss my dad off when we were separated without us realizing it at the time. The two have a pissing match with each other and they'll do whatever to "get back" at the other to make em feel miserable, and this is why this voicemail is even public knowledge at the moment. Don't even dare think this came to our knowledge because the mom cares about the well-being of her daughter from a father such as that, lol. As I said somewhere else, once morals come into play for the justification of an action, that's when you can tell for sure they're full of it.

- N

That is why i would rathre have 100 male enemies than one woman.

M*W: Watch it, there. How many flies have you caught today?

BTW, there is nothing wrong with your thermostat. Think about it... my pretty!
Good move, Alec.

You know, my daughter is defiant, rebellious, and even on occasion dangerous to herself and others around her. This can be viewed abstractly as a test: it is a consequence of the choices I've made in raising her. So it really doesn't seem useful to me that I should violate the principles I've insisted on.

But I am human. On Monday I growled at her, "Come on, kid. Daddy's got a job interview, for heaven's sake. Please! Let's go!"

And even that was out of line.

I did notice, though, that she didn't get upset until I apologized. (Parents more authoritarian than I should not take a lesson from this; it was a situational, and not uniform response.)

Or even when she dumped my dinner in the cat box. What? She was trying to help. Thankfully, I contained myself to one exasperated, "Em-ma!" But still, it's more than I believe appropriate.

These, however, are not the pressures Alec Baldwin finds. To that end, it would be nice to think that my daughter will always prefer my company, but I'm also aware that she will, in the short span of a few years, begin to separate herself from me. I've known this her whole life, and even before her conception on Valentine's Day, 2002. No matter what I think of her mother, I would consider myself a failure as a parent if I let those frustrations get to me so deeply as they seem to have gotten Baldwin.

One redeeming aspect, though, selfish tantrums aimed at children are apparently falling out of vogue. For too long, parents have treated children as if the offspring owe the progenitors something moral or financial for their existence. I despise talk that children should "earn their place", as it has in my life been mostly self-serving bluster by the parents. And, frankly, since making an ass out of oneself for the benefit of a child is pretty much the purpose of parenthood, and thus Baldwin needs to cram it, it's about time the public gave some sort of cry against such selfish stupidity. Baldwin may be the sacrificial lamb, but if it means every other selfish-sphincter parent will be called out for similar crap, I won't lose sleep on his behalf.

Alec Baldwin is many things, and many of them distasteful. But he, and many other parents around the nation, need to understand that having kids is not about the parent, especially in an age with easy access to adoption and abortion services. In this context I don't give a damn what "sacrifices" people make for their kids. If people are not willing to accept the responsibilities that come with the perpetuation of our species, they ought to leave those jobs to the people who are.
I also don't give a shit about Baldwin and his problems but I think the release of that private message and the resulting media spectacle causes more harm than good to the family. I guarantee you that right now, at this very moment, there are 11 year old girls listening to that message on the web thinking “that sounds like how my dad talked to me just the other night! I must be an abused child. This is why I don’t fit in at school!” This causes further confusion and isolation of the adolescence from her parents. As if 11 year olds don’t already have enough to be confused about. Not to mention parents who will find themselves walking on eggshells trying to raise their kids. 11 year olds, more than any other age group, need confident authoritarian loving parents. We should keep in mind that there ARE MANY ABUSED children out there who need to be isolated from their parent(s). Baldwin’s daughter is probably not one of them. Having round the clock CNN coverage of a father’s ranting message (which consists of no swearing and no threats of physical abuse) to his daughter takes away from the real tragic cases currently going on.
Maybe he shouldn't have called her a "thoughtless little pig", but to have his visitation rights suspended?!! I don't think the message was abusive.

Also Kim Basinger is a dirty bitch for releasing this to the public.

1) there is already a history that probably influenced the decision. You've heard of last straws.
2) it sure reads and sounds threatening.
3) you should not cut on the other parent to the child. That is bad for the child, even if you are right.
4) it shows poor judgement to leave on a phone message. For many reasons.
The guy has had anger problems in the past. This message shows he is not getting it. If he had simply expressed anger or used that name. OK I am pissed off you little pig (though God knows it's a little weird saying pig. Bitch, asshole, OK. But pig. Where the fuck does that come from? The issue is not her eating all his food or something. That word sets off warning bells to me about his attitudes toward women. But I agree, its not enough. But the rest of it, his history make it seem very likely the judge was right to take it more seriously than an outburst. If nothing else it shows how little he understands children if he think he can make her answer the phone. And because he ought to know it it makes the threats more ominous. Waht the hell is he going to do to make sure that's the last time?

The guy's a great actor. Otherwise....?
Well the message is not just what was shown in the media. It apparently went on for a further 7 or so minutes aside from what was released. I think the judge decided on not only what the media released but also a few other comments made later on. That's the thing, we don't know if he would carry out on what he seemed to mean. Calls that he should not lose custody are all well and good, but why would anyone risk it in case he did in fact mean it?

What if when he flew out to see her he was again that angry? If a grown man can leave such a message on the answering service of his 11 year old daughter, there is nothing to say that if he is face to face and that angry again, that he would not lash out at her verbally or even physically.

He should not speak that way to anyone, let alone a child and worse still, his 11 year old daughter. No matter how angry he is at her mother, the child should not be dragged like this into the battle. She is the innocent here. No child deserves that kind of barrage. And no child deserves to be called a pig and then told that she is not a human being. The emotional damage that message would have done is not something I would want to contemplate. The damage her mother has done by releasing it to the world has probably compounded it.

I wonder if a grown man who was not her father had left such a message on her answering machine whether people who appear to defend him would feel the same? How would you feel if a grown man left such a message on the answering service of your 11 year old girl? Being her father does not somehow make such a message acceptable. As her father, he has even more responsibility to not treat her in such a fashion. Don't forget, she is an 11 year old child. He is her parent and supposedly the responsible adult who is meant to care for her and have her best interest at heart. Now would someone who has another's best interest be serving said interest by calling her a pig? The answer to that is no.
I agree with this, as well. The public has no god damn right to know about family matters.

If you knew of or saw a father sexually abusing or physically abusing his daughter, would you step in? Or would you consider it a family matter and therefore in the private domain?

This event actually reminds me of another incident which occurred a few weeks back, with Mykhaylo Zubkov. He was caught having an argument with his daughter, and they both started pushing each other a bit. To me, it looked like the girl was having a bit of a tantrum, and he grabbed her to calm her down. It was far from being a 'beat-down' session.
I think if you viewed the tape carefully, you would have seen him give her a hard hit to the side of her head and then throw a few more at her body. When she tried to run away, he chased her and pushed her down. She was visibly upset and looked terrified to be honest. That he chose to act in such a fashion in a room with cameras tends to indicate that he simply did not care who saw. I would hate to think what goes on when there are no cameras around. His country also thought that his behaviour amounted to abuse and he was thrown off the team and his coaching credentials were removed because they and the swimming body recognised that he was abusing his child.

Suddenly, all Australians are up in arms, as if the man had raped his own daughter. "How dare he, rush her to hospital, arrest him." Typical meddling Australians sticking their big fat ugly noses into business which doesn't concern them. My Sri Lankan housemate watched the news report, bemused, and commented "But it's just a father-daughter argument! What's the big deal?"
Australians were up in arms because he was beating his daughter up on camera. In Australia, such behaviour is illegal and yes, people do go to jail for physically abusing their children. It is a criminal offence. He beat her up in a room with rolling cameras that streamed live to not only Channel 9, but also at times to the crowd outside on the big screen.

And no, that is not "just a father-daughter argument". Not once did my father ever treat me that way. The only daughters I know who's fathers treated them that way were abused children and their fathers faced the full brunt of the law for their actions.

Americans are meddlers by nature. Just look at Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. They seem to think that their opinion actually matters, even when they are being ignorant assholes. Sadly, Australia has caught the 'stupid' disease. Looks like I'm going to have to emmigrate to a sane part of the world.
Again, if you break the law, do not expect to not be charged, especially when you do it on camera. In Australia, it is against the law to abuse your child.
If you knew of or saw a father sexually abusing or physically abusing his daughter, would you step in? Or would you consider it a family matter and therefore in the private domain?

You're attempting to compare one outburst of verbal abuse with sexual and physical abuse? :bugeye:

But perhaps I wasn't clear the first time. I said that the public has no right to know about family affairs. By public, I mean the general population, who read the celebrity gossip in "Womens Weekly".

I would consider it despicable to broadcast ANY family matter to the general population (perhaps that is a better term than 'public'). Even sexual or physical abuse. The only people who should know about such matters are the police, the judge, family members, and close friends. Not every Tom, Dick and Harry. Because it's none of their god damn business.

If Alec does indeed abuse his daughter, that's something for the cops to sort out. I don't see why the general population needs to know about it.

I think if you viewed the tape carefully, you would have seen him give her a hard hit to the side of her head and then throw a few more at her body.

Nope, sorry. I've reviewed the tape carefully, and saw no such thing. No hitting, no throw downs. If you can provide the tape which conclusively shows him hitting her, then please post it.

When she tried to run away, he chased her and pushed her down.

Pushed her down? He grabbed her in what appeared to be an attempt to restrain her, and ended up giving her a hug! Yep, that's abuse for you right there.

She was visibly upset and looked terrified to be honest.

It's clear that she was 'visibly' upset, as many teenagers are when arguing with their parents. I have been 'visibly' upset with my parents, teachers, and peers on more than one occasion. Big deal. You're making mountains out of molehills.

Whether she was 'visibly terrified' in mere conjecture on your behalf. I'd argue that if you were terrified of someone, you sure as hell wouldn't go provoking them.

My interpretation is that it was merely a typical 'father-daughter' argument.

That he chose to act in such a fashion in a room with cameras tends to indicate that he simply did not care who saw.

Of course he didn't care. And why should he? He didn't abuse his daughter. They argued, she turned her back to storm off, he wanted to continue the conversation. He grabbed the towel, they scuffled, and he hugged her.

Big whoop. As if such an event doesn't occur in almost every Australian family at some stage. Australians are just nosy, dramatic, dumb bastards. It makes me ashamed to be part of this nation.

I would hate to think what goes on when there are no cameras around.

Then don't. Because all of your horror scenarios are just assumptions. For all we know, there could be a strong father-daughter bond.

His country also thought that his behaviour amounted to abuse and he was thrown off the team and his coaching credentials were removed because they and the swimming body recognised that he was abusing his child.

Appeal to authority. I don't care what the swimming body thinks, I don't care what 'his country' (whoever the hell that consists of) thinks,and I seriously doubt you do either. You only mention it because you think it vindicates your interpretation of events.

Australians were up in arms because he was beating his daughter up on camera.

Huh? What occurred was hardly a beat down, as even the hospital report demonstrated (ergo. No injuries). As I see no evidence of physical abuse, the rest of your preaching about Australia's no tolerance to child abuse becomes moot.

The guy should just get out of Australia before they can try the case. That will teach the Australian fuckers.
If you knew of or saw a father sexually abusing or physically abusing his daughter, would you step in? Or would you consider it a family matter and therefore in the private domain?

I can't help but see that attitude as one that would advocate cameras and tape recorders installed in every home by the "authorities". Is that what you're suggesting, Bells?

Again, if you break the law, do not expect to not be charged, especially when you do it on camera. In Australia, it is against the law to abuse your child.

Isn't there a privacy law in Aussieland where it's against the law to photograph or film someone without their permission?

And if not, I still see your rant as approval for the authorities to install cameras and recording devices in all private homes.

Baron Max
I can't help but see that attitude as one that would advocate cameras and tape recorders installed in every home by the "authorities". Is that what you're suggesting, Bells?

Baron Max

Can´t speak for Bells, but I see that as an extreme interpretation. If I go over to your house and use your tape recorder to record a threat on your life, it is no intrusion of my privacy if you use that against me with police and courts. And that is what an answering machine is.

It´s not like he can claim he did not know.
A happy family....I wish them all the luck to solve their problems. I wish that the family will be reunited oncemore. And Alec will not curse, his daughter will respect Alec, and Alec's wife will respect him too and their relationship.


Their...heavenly smiles.
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Kim Basinger (his daughter) isnt just b****, she is precisely that which he called her and she proved it by posting this to public after obviously causing much distress to him by doing some other mis manor. Brat, that's who she is. He should either teach her how to respect him or dont pay for her education and life, let her live by her own in the dirt she is.

what happened to peace on earth?
what happened to peace on earth?

umm....emmmm...yeah you are right...

Dear Everyone,

I was wrong to go about with my violent barbaric views towards Alec Baldwin's daughter. I understand that children are not the angels we all know, but they need to be taught how to live peaceful life and respect their parents who are divorced or not. That said, I believe that Alec crossed the grounds of being a good parent by cursing at his child and not giving her a good example of life to live by.

please forgive me, child that lived on Earth 20 years so far. And let not hatred within me cloud my judgment.
A happy family....I wish them all the luck to solve their problems. I wish that the family will be reunited oncemore. And Alec will not curse, his daughter will respect Alec, and Alec's wife will respect him too and their relationship.


Their...heavenly smiles.

She's her mother's daughter, just look at her they are identical. He is finished.
She's her mother's daughter, just look at her they are identical. He is finished.

grr....ummm mustn't let my rage out.

You are wrong, Alec should listen to his heart and accept the reality, ask forgiveness, and change to a loving and caring father that also teaches his daughter the right away. But Alec needs to come together with his ex-wife, he needs to accept her as she is and change his ways so that the family is together.