Alec Baldwin's message to daughter


Valued Senior Member
Baldwin left this message to his daughter this week. (please listen to it before commenting)

For that message, a judge suspended his visitation rights.

Anybody with kids (especially 11 year old brats) knows how frustrating they can be. And EVERY SINGLE good parent will, in at least one occurance, regret something they have said in a fit of frustration at their kids. Maybe he shouldn't have called her a "thoughtless little pig", but to have his visitation rights suspended?!! I don't think the message was abusive.

Also Kim Basinger is a dirty bitch for releasing this to the public.
He got a little into the " I AM GONNA SET YOU STRAIGHT"

But kim basinger is a skank ass for releasing this.

Alec Baldwin needs to nail her on camera then release it. 1 up that bitch in the PR nightmare department. He won't care, everyone already hates him.
I just feel sorry for that poor child. A raving lunatic for a father and a mother who feels no shame in publically humiliating her daughter by releasing the tape to the public.

Anybody with kids (especially 11 year old brats) knows how frustrating they can be. And EVERY SINGLE good parent will, in at least one occurance, regret something they have said in a fit of frustration at their kids. Maybe he shouldn't have called her a "thoughtless little pig", but to have his visitation rights suspended?!! I don't think the message was abusive.
I think the visitation rights would have been revoked because he was basically threatening her. Abuse is abuse. Calling her a thoughtless pig because she had her phone turned off is abuse. There is saying something you would regret and then there is what Baldwin said over that message bank.
He got a little into the " I AM GONNA SET YOU STRAIGHT"

"I'm gonna fly over there for the day and straight you out, on this issue. I'm going to let you know how disappointed and angry I am at you, that you've done this to me again."

What the hell? That's not a threat! I think that what he said IS harsh to say to an 11 year old, and that he's directed his anger at the wrong person. But he didn't threaten to beat the shit out of her.

And honestly, how many parents haven't exploded like this with their children? Holy shit, I've seen parents talk like this to their kids in public "You ungrateful shit! You stupid kid!", and they aren't denied visitation.

I also can't fathom how DENYING visitation will repair the bond between daughter and father. Instead of being a vindictive bitch, the mother should actually encourage her kid to talk to her Dad, and try to foster a bit of daughter-father bonding.
A raving lunatic for a father

Raving lunatic?

The guy did wrong. He shouldn't have insulted his daughter in such a fashion. But to call him a 'raving lunatic' for displaying behaviour which is expressed at least once by stressed parents during their child rearing years, and after being denied custody of a child whoisn't even picking up the phone when he goes to the effort to call, just isn't fair.

Raving lunatic?

The guy did wrong. He shouldn't have insulted his daughter in such a fashion. But to call him a 'raving lunatic' for displaying behaviour which is expressed at least once by stressed parents during their child rearing years, and after being denied custody of a child whoisn't even picking up the phone when he goes to the effort to call, just isn't fair.
Ermm no. Parents, no matter how stressed, don't really speak to their children that way unless they were abusive parents. Such behaviour towards a child is tantamount to child abuse.

To blame the child in this instance is ridiculous. And after hearing his tirade, I can understand why she does not answer the phone when he calls. I was actually being kind when I called him a raving lunatic.
"You don't have the brains or the decency as a human being - I don't give a damn that you are 12 or 11 or a child or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the ass who doesn't care what you do."

Baldwin then tells his daughter that he is going to fly to Los Angeles to "straighten" her out.
And you don't think he should lose custody?:eek:

All this because she did not have her phone switched on. Ya, daddy of the year award candidate right there.:rolleyes:

"Everyone who knows me privately knows that certain people will go to any lengths to embarrass me and to disrupt my relationship with my daughter.
Maybe someone should point out to him that he has done quite a good job of it all on his own.

That is why i would rathre have 100 male enemies than one woman.

What amazes me with this sad sorry tale is that she has not just humiliated him. He is an adult and after the way he has behaved, he does not deserve pity. The worst part of this is that she has further compounded the humiliation of her daughter. Imagine this poor child... She has a father who leaves abusive messages on her phone and calls her a pig, among other names, humiliating and doing god knows what to her emotionally. And her mother then releases the message to the media, further compounding her humiliation by having the whole world hear what her father called her and how he spoke to her.

Both of them are as bad as each other.
And you don't think he should lose custody?

No. While what he did constituted as verbal child abuse, I'd argue that almost every child suffers some form of verbal child abuse at least once from their parents, usually during a period of extreme emotion.

It's not appropriate, and its not OK. But it is human, and it doesn't necessarily make the individual in question a 'bad' parent. Just flawed. It's clear that Baldwin needs to work on his relationship with his daughter... although that is a little difficult when she doesn't accept his calls *shrugs*

To put it simply, I think it's absurd to deny a parent custody (or visitation rights) of their own child after an one outburst. Show me that the verbal abuse is systematic, and I'd be hollering for this man to lose custody. But if we go denying a parent custody because of outbursts of verbal anger towards their children, there would be a lot of childless parents!

All this because she did not have her phone switched on. Ya, daddy of the year award candidate right there

Now, I'm only conjecturing here, and I might be mistake. From what Baldwin says on the recording, it seems like his daughter not answering the phone when he calls is a common occurrence.

Custody battles and divorces are quite nasty, and they rarely bring out the best in people. Added to which, whoever has custody of the child likes to poison their child's mind against the other parent. No doubt this is what Baldwin thinks when his daughter (frequently?) refuses to accept his calls.

It's a pity that he reacted so impulsively, because he's merely further hurt his chances of forming a decent bond with his daughter, and whatever her mother said about him will be 'vindicated'. I think his daughter will be even less likely to accept his calls in the future.
I saw a young woman bend down to her child for the sole purpose as to shout in his face. After the child started crying of course and flinging. This was on the street.

Abusive parent? Did she pull an Alec baldwin?

Let's be honest. Being a parent can be stressful. Being a parent in a broken family is beyond stressful. Especially when the communication between the two parents is negative in nature.
I saw a young woman bend down to her child for the sole purpose as to shout in his face. After the child started crying of course and flinging. This was on the street

Yeah. I wonder if Bells ever goes to the supermarket, and observe how some parents react to a childish tantrum?

Relax...its just an angry father applying some discipline to his what. There are no threats of physical violence and such.

If your kids pulled the same thing you'd be just as angry.
To put it simply, I think it's absurd to deny a parent custody (or visitation rights) of their own child after an one outburst. Show me that the verbal abuse is systematic, and I'd be hollering for this man to lose custody. But if we go denying a parent custody because of outbursts of verbal anger towards their children, there would be a lot of childless parents!
How do you know this was not a one off event? After all, if as you say parents snap when stressed and should be absolved of responsibility for their actions in such instances, why did the judge deny him custody of the child? Don't you think other things would have come into play?

It's not appropriate, and its not OK. But it is human, and it doesn't necessarily make the individual in question a 'bad' parent. Just flawed. It's clear that Baldwin needs to work on his relationship with his daughter... although that is a little difficult when she doesn't accept his calls *shrugs*
Maybe you should consider why she does not accept his calls. Maybe this is not a one off occurence. Maybe she did not turn her phone on for a reason. And after listening to the message he left on her message bank, I can understand why she might have not turned the phone on.

From what Baldwin says on the recording, it seems like his daughter not answering the phone when he calls is a common occurrence.
Why do you think that is?

Custody battles and divorces are quite nasty, and they rarely bring out the best in people. Added to which, whoever has custody of the child likes to poison their child's mind against the other parent. No doubt this is what Baldwin thinks when his daughter (frequently?) refuses to accept his calls.
If that is the case, as an adult, he should have the intelligence to realise that it is not the child's fault when such a thing happens. And to blame the child and abuse her for it does constitute abuse.

But lets look at the issue of poisoning a child's mind against the non-custodial parent.

"I don't give a damn that you're 12 years old, or 11 years old, or that you're a child, or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the ass who doesn't care about what you do as far as I'm concerned. You have humiliated me for the last time with this phone."
I won't point out the obvious.

It's a pity that he reacted so impulsively, because he's merely further hurt his chances of forming a decent bond with his daughter, and whatever her mother said about him will be 'vindicated'. I think his daughter will be even less likely to accept his calls in the future.
After that call, can you really blame her?

Yeah. I wonder if Bells ever goes to the supermarket, and observe how some parents react to a childish tantrum?

Only this time, it was the parent throwing the tantrum. Scary thought isn't it?

Now lets imagine you are in a supermarket and you see a man yelling at his daughter and calling her a "thoughtless pig" and telling her "You don't have the brains or the decency as a human being,"... Would you take pity on that individual as you appear to have done with Baldwin? Is it because he is famous that is causing you to offer him your pity? Is it because he is undergoing a bitter divorce and custody battle? I will not insult your intelligence by reminding you that many people go through similar custody and divorces and they do not abuse their children in such a way.

The only person who deserves any pity in this sad and sorry situation is the little girl. After all, she has him for a father and she has a mother who has no qualms about publically humiliating her further by releasing the voicemail message to the media.
Now lets imagine you are in a supermarket and you see a man yelling at his daughter and calling her a "thoughtless pig" and telling her "You don't have the brains or the decency as a human being,"... Would you take pity on that individual as you appear to have done with Baldwin?

Would you take his daughter away from him at the supermarket? "pity" is not the point. Are you a parent? non parents and people too old to remember parenthood should not judge.
A dad yelled at his daugther. Why is this national news? Not to mention the invasion of privacy....

One can't even yell anymore without being broadcasted....
How do you know this was not a one off event?

I don't. But given that we haven't seen any evidence to the contrary, I think it's reasonable to assume that this was indeed a one off event. Innocent until proven guilty... isn't that a cliche in the legal profession?

After all, if as you say parents snap when stressed and should be absolved of responsibility for their actions in such instances,

I never said that. A parent is always responsible for their actions. But to deny a parent the custody of their child after losing their temper and subjecting their child to verbal abuse is extreme. Perhaps you had fantastic parents, and perhaps you are an incredibly patient individual, but many people are not. Especially when dealing with children, during a messy divorce and custody battle.

why did the judge deny him custody of the child? Don't you think other things would have come into play?

Now you're conjecturing. For all we know, the judge could have been an ignorant asshole. Or he could have had a very good reason. However, from what I've seen, the spearhead of attempting to deny custody is this 2 minute tape of verbal abuse. And to be honest, that's not nearly enough to deny a father (or a mother), the right to raise their child. Show me systematic abuse, and I'll say different.

Maybe you should consider why she does not accept his calls. Maybe this is not a one off occurence. Maybe she did not turn her phone on for a reason. And after listening to the message he left on her message bank, I can understand why she might have not turned the phone on.

Again, we are speculating. If the father did indeed talk like that to his daughter all the time, I'd think we'd have more than just one recording!

Either way, its clear that he goes out of his way, almost ritualistically, to call his daughter for a chat. If she continually refuses to pick up on the pre-arranged time, it's no big surprise that he's pissed. It's rude, it's thoughtless.

If that is the case, as an adult, he should have the intelligence to realise that it is not the child's fault when such a thing happens.

Of course he 'should'. But parents raise their child as they 'should'. EVERY parent loses their temper at some stage during child rearing, and this often results in verbal abuse. They regret it, apologize, and move on. Sending Child Protection to break down the door and take away their kids is ridiculous. I'm willing to bet that when you raise your own children, you'll have regrets about some of your dealings them.

Hell, I don't have kids, and I have many regrets about the way I've talked to people in the past.

And to blame the child and abuse her for it does constitute abuse.

Of course its abuse. I've never denied this. A mother who tells her daughter that he's an ungrateful shit in a moment of rage is engaging in verbal abuse. A girlfriend who tells her boyfriend that he's a selfish fuck is also engaging in verbal abuse.

Do you think that the authorities should meddle in every instance of verbal abuse? Or perhaps the injured parties should try to resolve their differences without litigation?

But lets look at the issue of poisoning a child's mind against the non-custodial parent.
I won't point out the obvious.

It's quite generous and decent of you not to point the obvious. I'm always flattered when someone acknowledges my perceptiveness.

The father does insult the girl's mother in his rage. I'm not sure if I'd classify that as 'poisoning her mind', given that most likely wasn't his intention. However, you're welcome to think that it is an example of 'mind poisoning', as it just further vindicates my claim that such an event occurs frequently in custodial battles.

After that call, can you really blame her?

Not really. I've already stated how unfortunate this incident is. It's also a pity that people go running to judges in an order to sever contact, instead of working to re-establish a bond. If I were the mother, I'd try to mediate a stronger relationship with my daughter and father, instead of being vindictive. Oh, but I forgot... it's a divorce and custody battle. I guess you'd expect the mother to try and pry her daughter away from her father.

Only this time, it was the parent throwing the tantrum. Scary thought isn't it?

Scary, yes. Abnormal? No. Extreme enough to deny custody? Definitely not.

Now lets imagine you are in a supermarket and you see a man yelling at his daughter and calling her a "thoughtless pig" and telling her "You don't have the brains or the decency as a human being,"... Would you take pity on that individual as you appear to have done with Baldwin?

It depends on what background information I have. If I observed that child throwing a tantrum because her father refused to purchase her chocolate despite her constant badgering, I would feel sympathetic for the father. It's not the proper response, but I can understand the frustration. Especially if such a thing is a common occurence. I've seen kids throw tantrums and squeal in public, and it literally makes me wince.

Is it because he is famous that is causing you to offer him your pity?

Don't be absurd. I didn't know who he was prior to viewing this thread.

Is it because he is undergoing a bitter divorce and custody battle?

Yes. Not only is he undergoing a bitter divorce and custody battle, he is also falling out of contact with his daughter, despite making an effort to stay in contact. He 'drops whatever he is doing' to make that call. To talk to his daughter. To find that she's not picking up.

I will not insult your intelligence by reminding you that many people go through similar custody and divorces and they do not abuse their children in such a way.

Thank you for not insulting my intelligence, Bells. You're such a polite, well-spoken individual. I could never imagine you leveling veiled insults at me, so I'll make the assumption that you're being sincere.

You're quite right that many couples do undergo custody battles. And quite frequently, there is poisoning of the child's mind by both parties. And as a result, there there is frustration on both sides, especially the side which loses contact.
The only person who deserves any pity in this sad and sorry situation is the little girl.

I pity ANY party in a divorce. I pity ANY party in a breakdown of family life, except in exceptional circumstances. A minority of divorces are quick and relatively painless. The majority are messy and excruciating.