...I haven't seen that list of the potential of biofuels, but the process for extracting fuel from hemp is very simple. The seeds are so soft that they can be crushed between your fingers. You can probably go to a petfood store and buy roasted hempseed. So whatever you think is "wild" about my claims, you're probably quite wrong.
It was easy to find the relative yield of hemp. See:
In table there, 36 plants used for oil are listed.
28 have higher yields per acre than hemp (even coffee!) and only 7 have lower yields in the list of 36.
Hemp gives 39 gallons of oil per acre.
Rice gives 88 gallons of oil per acre (more than
2 times as much).
Opium poppy gives 124 Gal/acre (more than
3 times as much). (you should like that more than hemp.
Castor bean gives 151 gal/acre (almost
4 times as much) BTW it grows wild all over Brazil and is used by simple rural people to keep tools from rusting etc.
Jatropha* gives 202 gal/acre (More than
5 times as much)
Macadamia nuts give 240 gal/acre (more than
6 times as much)
Avocado gives 282 gal/acre (more than
7 times as much)
Oil palm** gives 635 gallons / acre (
16.3 times more oil than hemp per annual acre)
*It is in full scale cultivation by small farmers in Brazil under contract to PertoBras, who processes if into "H-diesel" (hydrogen is used in the processing.) For picture of it, other photos, and much, much more about use and problems of SVO (straight vegitable oils) as fuels and everything related (how to convert your pick up truck etc.) see:
There you can read:
"... The central problem in using vegetable oil as diesel fuel is that vegetable oil is much more viscous (thicker) than conventional diesel fuel (petro-diesel, DERV, "dino-diesel"). It's 11 to 17 times thicker. Vegetable oil also has very different chemical properties and combustion characteristics to those of conventional diesel fuel. If the fuel is too thick it will not atomise properly when the fuel injectors spray it into the combustion chamber and it will not combust properly -- the injectors get coked up, leading to poor performance, higher exhaust emissions and reduced engine life.
There are many different approaches to solving the problem -- including not admitting that there is a problem in the first place ..."
In several of your posts you have taken the path describled in the last paragraph imediately above. - CEASE POSTING YOUR "PRO-HEMP" IGNORANCE, please. (You have been smoking it too much, I asume, to be bothered with facts.)
**larger scale Palm oil plantations are also spring up all over Brazil, but these are more business than family based. Government sees the much smaller Jatropha plant as the "cash crop" for poor farmers - has developed a "processing plant" on bed of small four wheel drive truck. So only the higher value finished fuel can be collected economically in 55 gallon drums. etc. In a few years, the law requires that 10% of the diesel in Brazil will be "bio-diesel" blended in to the regular fossil diesel. It is 2 or 3 % now. I think Brazil is leading the way in Diesel as it did in alcohol, but
Quadphonics said EU is when I last stated this. I have traveled a lot in EU with euroRail when younger and did see a lot of sun flowers growing from the train windows so he may be correct. (He often is on the facts, if not IMHO on what they imply.)
If you must note some advantage for hemp, point out that it makes 4 times as much fiber as trees do. Why it is not economical for making news print, I do not know. Probably too costly to collect compared to logs.
PS Perhaps you now understand why I say that you often tend to post nonsense.