Albert Einstein was a player/pimp?

Hapsburg said:
The majority of humans, including myself, have evolved to control this instinct. People let it out once in a whiles...ever heard of "war"?

So you do realize you just completely backed down from your earlier statement, right? So what are you saying now, that we once were violent killing machines but we aren’t now?

Yes, I've heard of war, if man's first instinct was to maim kill and destroy like you originally claimed then where do things to destroy come from? Do aliens come down and build cities and public works and things for us beasts to destroy? Where did the internet come from, a lot of mathematicians and electrical engineers and such punching things? How do governments societies or families form if our first impulse is to maim and destroy everyone we see?
candy said:
Most people do control their rage which is not to say that they do not get irritated if someone cuts them off in traffic. They are upset but very few pull out a gun and shoot the offender.

Oh, I agree. But notice that it only takes one (or a very few) to lose their temper and start a major conflict. And that's the main difficulty in the "peacenik" attitude ...if 99% of the people are peace-loving, that remaining 1% will have a damned field day stealiing and murdering and killing and raping all of the others!!

And really, I'm not so sure that "most" people can control their rage. I think that "number" might be too high.

Baron Max