Alas The Futility

i spend a lot of time perusing this site
just because i think it is ridiculous.
Only sometimes i wish that i and all of my non-christian fellows could live in a world where we didn't even worry about dealing with christianity.

did you notice the sign on the door?

im not going to suddenly lose all ground and begin believing in some diety.

are you sure?
Jade Squirrel

Those who are closed-minded will likely not be able to understand the universe. Not all adults are closed-minded though, as you seem to suggest.

No but we are labled childish by the rest.

Ah, that sounds nice. Give it about a thousand years.

Even if Christianity falls tomorrow he will find some other group that will be his new gnat.
please reread your post

So instead of some lame proverb, why don't you just say what you mean? Do you know what you mean?
wellcome to the sandbox:D

I have 1 conversion from Christianty, 1 person saved from going BACK to Christianty after seeing the light and 1 person converted away from Hinduism so far under my belt.
Not very impressive numbers, but I am working on it.

sounds like an evanglist to me but your not religous are you?

with respect
I am quite sure i will never fall to christianity. Once your mind is wide enough to deny the existence of god it will never fit into the idea jesus i s possible. Unless of course i became old, weak and helpless, then perhaps i would turn to my mind to save me.
I was once Christian, until I realised one day that there was no way I could justify my beliefs to anyone who asked serious questions.
Free Cycle

im not going to suddenly lose all ground and begin believing in some diety
are you sure?

I did not say Christianity.

Even though I am a non-denominational Christian I freely admit that there are other gods some man made many not.
So I will rephrase the question are you sure that you are not already serving a deity?

I was once Christian, until I realised one day that there was no way I could justify my beliefs to anyone who asked serious questions.

If this is your path then Iwish you well, for the lord said "work out thy own salvation with fear and trimbbling",and as such I need only justify my belives to my self. And must respect yours and your path.
be well my friends
with respect
Originally posted by grimreaper

I have 1 conversion from Christianty, 1 person saved from going BACK to Christianty after seeing the light and 1 person converted away from Hinduism so far under my belt.
Not very impressive numbers, but I am working on it.

sounds like an evanglist to me but your not religous are you?


Something important to note:

I am not trying to convert them TO anything.
I just try to conver them AWAY from something.
I do not tell them what they should believe.
Not at all.
That is the point.
I try to lure them AWAY from all those who try and tell them what to believe.
I try to show them that they don;t have to close their minds and simply accept what is spoon fed to them.
I open their eyes to different beliefs, and help them to understand that what they were taught is not the only option, indeed they don;t have to belong to ANY religion if they don't want to because what they believe does not have to coincide with some set of rules that were determined years before they were even born.

I try to convince them to make up their own minds.
AH, i wholeheartedly agree with you, it is necessary to "convert" these deluded people away from christianity. There is no doctrine to show them escept that they must create their own. It is a labor intensive experience i think, it takes a constant wearing away of the religious dogma so something original can take its place.
Originally posted by grimreaper

I was once Christian, until I realised one day that there was no way I could justify my beliefs to anyone who asked serious questions.

If this is your path then Iwish you well, for the lord said "work out thy own salvation with fear and trimbbling",and as such I need only justify my belives to my self. And must respect yours and your path.
be well my friends
with respect
I appreciate the fact that you seem to accept I have a differing opinion. That is so stunningly rare in a Christian. Though I do find it a little saddening that you made a parting remark implying God was laughing at me for my "mistake". This assumes he exists, that he has ultimate power, that the Bible is a true representation of his will etc etc... it's assumptions on top of assumptions. However, as I said, I'm pleasantly surprised and humbled by your manner. :)

Though I do find it a little saddening that you made a parting remark implying God was laughing at me for my "mistake".

I ask your forgiveness as such was not my intent.

If this is your path then I wish you well, for the lord said "work out thy own salvation with fear and trembling",and as such I need only justify my believes to my self. And must respect yours and your path.

this is meant to show that there are many paths to salvation and it is our job to find the one that is right for us. Also it is a warning that there many dangers no matter which path you choose.

from my teachings and reading of the bible i find most who claim to be Christian have not even taken the time to study their own cannons if they did they would be much more accepting of other believes.

again i am sorry for the miscommunication

with respect