Alabama Accident: Dad Shoots Self, Son Shoots Mom

This and That

Mrs.Lucysnow said:

Don't you think a story like this warrants a visit from child protective services? I mean, I'm just saying.

Well ... yeah, I think so.

Doesn't mean there's anything to find, but yes, looking into it sounds like a reasonable idea. This is an exceptionally unusual circumstance, and could be either a wholesale deviation or a result of increased potential according to various factors. If the latter, there's a problem.

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Asguard said:

[Failure] to secure a loaded firearm SHOULD be a crime if its not currently

I'd acquit.

All he has to say is, "I shot myself. Yeah, my mind was a little occupied."

All she has to say is, "I choked. I froze. I mean, I really didn't expect to come in and find him laying there shot and bleeding, and I just froze."

This is not that kind of failure to secure a firearm.

Presuming, for the sake of argument, a modified trigger, that's not illegal in Alabama. If that's the case, the incident becomes another in the long list of arguments why nobody needs a hair trigger, and perhaps the legislative solution is a reasonable consideration. But it's presently not the case.

To the other, I think there is more of a case to be made wondering just how this story works than for any failure to secure the firearm.

It's just a weird story. The kind of thing four stoned teenagers driving around in a van with their talking dog wouldn't leave alone. The failure to secure the firearm is simply a question of how the bathing son came to be in possession of the weapon. None of the answers look good. Flinching in the face of necessity on the mother's part is about the kindest. That they're hiding a sociopathic son is the friendliest to Hollywood.

I mean, it's just that kind of story. The people we would ordinarily be angry with got shot. As Bells put it: How does that work? Very well, it seems. The poetic or ironic justice of the situation is a fair trade. The apparent stupidity is pitiable; contempt is wasted. The son, of course, remains a question mark, but that applies to any young accidental shooter.