Airport Urinal Shaped Like Woman's Open Mouth

Oh and anyway for my real opinion... Unlike what the rest of you ppl think about whether it's just funny or sexist or whatever, the point SHOULD be that you have plain normal urinals so why not just used them? Do you really care so much about what you pee in that it has its own race of designers and protestors alike? get over it.
rainbow__princess_4 said:
heh heh... americans... what idiotic contraption will they come up with next... *shakes head with laughter*

Good lord that's a lot of raceism.
Virgin pulls pouting airport urinals...
Virgin Atlantic Airways has scrapped plans to install bright-red urinals shaped like women's open lips at New York's John F Kennedy International Airport, saying it had received complaints they were offensive.

"Virgin Atlantic was very sorry to hear of people's concerns about the design of the 'kisses' urinals to be fitted into our clubhouse at JFK Airport. We can assure everyone who complained to us that no offence was ever intended," Virgin spokesman John Riordan said in a statement.
Mystech said:
Good lord that's a lot of racism.
And swedishfish and anyone else as well... i actually said in the very next post that I was joking, like if I said "You damn smart Japanese ppl!... nah you're just as dumb as the rest of us. Now what I really think about that is..." I'm not being racist, I was only joking right before giving my real opinion...
I find this whole story, a very sorry a fair. The women desinger involved is a young and talented desinger. Who just created something out of the ordinary. Which definies all great art work or designs for me. And I cant believe that there are people that can't see it for nothing else than an attack on their on ethnic group, or ethnic values..
No be dull that's a good life motto :bugeye: Where's the harm in a big RED urinal???
And personnaly I would get more excided from pissing on an electric fence

Its great if art get discussed, its horrific if art gets banned :m:
In other news, the designer who suggested Richard Branson-shaped urinal cake statuettes was fired.
Richard Branson is the most exciting and personable businessman alive since Steve Jobs back in the 80's. He has achieved what most young professionals could only dream of: incredible wealth, fame, and acknowledgment, all the while still managing to have a good time. (
Absolutely frightening. Doesn't he look ... just the slightest bit like Richard Chamberlain?
Alright. It's only fair that they design tampons for women that look like men's mouths. :bugeye:

As for the males who see the toilets, I wonder how many of them had the thought 'one day I swear I will masturbate into that' cross their minds? Eek.

--Long Live the Female Messiah.
tampons that look like mens mouths simply wouldnt work.
anyway, women have sex toys that look like penis's, so if any guy wants to get off infront of a fake woman, its his choice. (he just needs to make sure the toilets arent busy at the time)