Airport Urinal Shaped Like Woman's Open Mouth


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
You don't have to be a psychologist to know that whoever designed those stupid things has a bit of hostility towards women.
Even though they allow for high-volume servicing and back-in-a-flash trips to the john, the point-and-shoot-a-stinky-deodorizer-cake oddity known as the men’s restroom urinal has been, for women, a constant enigma. But nothing will prepare you for the men’s room in the newly-designed Virgin Airways Clubhouse in New York’s John F. Kennedy airport, terminal 4: Urinals shaped like a woman’s mouth, dolled up with red lipstick, wide open and ready for business. (Full text here)
You don't have to feel bad, she's asking for it...

I can understand why some might think this is not a huge issue... but it's not so much that the men pissing in them may or may not find it offensive, but more that it's virtually universally offensive to women. Which might be why Virgin chose them: to be controversial and racy in that unbearable bad-80's-art sort of way. It's just in such poor taste, and many may consider it an affirmation of the already widespread disrespect for women among men of a certain political persuasion.

:m: Peace.
Ugh that's just wrong. I'm sure guys will be lining up to pee in lips that remind them of Mick Jagger. :eek:
Thomas Crapper? Otto Titslinger? What's in a title?

Let there be lips.

Be it, don't dream it. Frank would be ... proud.

By the way ... this is Virgin we're talking about.

Next thing you know, they'll put a Sword of Damocles over the crapper.

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goddamn you now that song is going to be in my head all day

back to topic: messed up. i'd paint some whiskers on it, although now that is degrading to gay men.
yeah, wow, what is the world comming to when the adverage joe is unable to try to degrade some group of people by urinating on a likeness of them. This PC thing has gotten way out of control if you ask me. Its a basic human right to hate women and queers.
You’re all misogynists if you ask me. Are you against a woman’s right to enjoy watersports?
Not-So-Random Notes
SpyMoose said:
Maybe you are making a reference that I'm not familiar with.
It's an aside to the decadence of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. See SwedishFish's note.
SpyMoose said:
Are you advocating watersports?
I'm not prepared to make that blanket endorsement; no one fetish will suffice for all people. Although, I wonder if we can revive the economy on the carpet-cleaning industry?
SwedishFish said:
goddamn you now that song is going to be in my head all day
Er ... sorry.
SwedishFish said:
back to topic: messed up. i'd paint some whiskers on it, although now that is degrading to gay men.
I have a different take on it. Gay men largely wouldn't have a problem with it, I don't think. Rather, it would frighten the hell out of heterosexual men. ("I just ... I just can't go, man ... y'know? It's ... it's scary.")
Mystech said:
You’re all misogynists if you ask me.
We probably are.
Mystech said:
Are you against a woman’s right to enjoy watersports?
Women should enjoy whatever the hell they please. But that goes without saying.

Tell you what ... I want to see a crapper that is shaped like a man's ass. The sheer absurdity would be worth it.

My only take on the actual impropriety is the symbolism insofar as whether or not she likes it is her business. It is my opinion that such generalized symbolism should not be invoked. Of course, I was just making a Rocky Horror joke to begin with.

It is fair game. And this is Virgin we're talking about. And that is the way it goes around Virgin. They call the company "Virgin" for a reason. Sex is their image motif.

That it's crass and full of shit as a urinal can possibly be is beside the point.

I'm just curious as to whether the males would steer clear of the teeth on that thing? Errrm nevermind...

Hate to think what they'll do to the women's toilet after that :eek:.
i don't know about you folks, but i would just steer clear of that area in general. walk into the restroom, exclaim a quick "what the f***?!", and slowly back out of there. it is not that i find it offensive, just f***ing creepy, no?
who cares, i mean, if it was chicks pissing on a guy, no-one would care
so wats wrong with people pissing on chicks
I guess Virgin took a survey and discovered that most of their club passengers (You know the type; music industry, fashion industry, movie ind etc etc) would find such a urinal amusing. It probably say's a lot about the fetish of the moment in certain social spheres of society.
tablariddim said:
I guess Virgin took a survey and discovered that most of their club passengers (You know the type; music industry, fashion industry, movie ind etc etc) would find such a urinal amusing. It probably say's a lot about the fetish of the moment in certain social spheres of society.

It says very little about social spheres actually, it's only one unrinal and it's in a virgin lounge, which we all know is a dirt cheap airline, Any Average Joe could get into that lounge. It's typical Branson but nothing more.

Honestly? What does it say about the social spheres of our society?
Nebuchadnezzaar said:
It says very little about social spheres actually, it's only one unrinal and it's in a virgin lounge, which we all know is a dirt cheap airline, Any Average Joe could get into that lounge. It's typical Branson but nothing more.

Honestly? What does it say about the social spheres of our society?

I read the article and it says urinals, not just one urinal. If you fly club class it's not dirt cheap and I presume that the clubhouse, where the urinals are situated, are for club passengers.

Virgin has always had connotations with the types of industries that I mentioned before and appeals to those who aspire to being hip and trendy. I am simply saying that it seems likely that the people who move in those circles (rock n roll, fashion, entertainment medias et cetera), probably embrace the fetish of piss, or accept the idea readily or at least aren't entirely put off by it and so would find said urinals amusing.

99.9% of (ordinary 'normal') people I have ever spoken to as regards pissing fetishes, are visibly disgusted by the very idea, so why would someone promote it in such blatant fashion unless they knew that their audience would be into it?

Rock n roll.
Well, for most of the population, I don't think the connection to any sexual fetish is half so apparent as the pun like quality of the urinal. I know I wasn't thinking about bizarre kinky sex when I saw that, just heyucking in my head like a hill Billy thinking "That’s funny" then getting concerned and thinking "Oh dear its misogynistic."
SpyMoose said:
Well, for most of the population, I don't think the connection to any sexual fetish is half so apparent as the pun like quality of the urinal. I know I wasn't thinking about bizarre kinky sex when I saw that, just heyucking in my head like a hill Billy thinking "That’s funny" then getting concerned and thinking "Oh dear its misogynistic."

Thanks, i couldn't have put it better myself.