
Originally posted by bbcboy
Firstly AIDS does not exist. It is not a disease!
It is a word describing a state where a body is open to infection due to an immune system compromised by H.I.V.
AIDS does exist. Saying it doesn't exist is like saying sneezes don't exist. Sneezes have many causes, can be caused by many illnesses, but they exist. AIDS exists. And it is also commonly the result of HIV.

A little analogy:
1) A possible cause: Jumping out of a plane at 30,000 feet without a parachute.
2) A possible result: Going splat against the ground.

Now, 2 is not necessarily guaranateed if you do 1, but it is very likely. The same with HIV (1) and AIDS (2).

A question: What percentage of HIV cases develop AIDS?
A question: What percentage of HIV cases develop AIDS?
None! They go on to develop advanced HIV disease. This will leave them open to opportunistic infection which may end their lives.
I know of what I speak, this is my job!!
My two cents.

I don't know much about AIDS or HIV but I can't see why there is a need to differentiate the disease from any other STDs. Regarding the original question posed in this thread, why even ask about its origin? Where does any disease originate? Were measles, chicken pox, syphilis and/or any other diseases punishment for perceived bad behaviour by a non existant god?

Disease is a fact of life. If you don't get it, count yourself lucky.

Re: My two cents.

Originally posted by Teri 2
I don't know much about AIDS or HIV but I can't see why there is a need to differentiate the disease from any other STDs. Regarding the original question posed in this thread, why even ask about its origin? Where does any disease originate? Were measles, chicken pox, syphilis and/or any other diseases punishment for perceived bad behaviour by a non existant god?

Disease is a fact of life. If you don't get it, count yourself lucky.


Whether AIDS/HIV is a disease or a syndrome is a semantic issue. I think its origins are irrelevant unless it's a biowar or biotech venture; as far as I'm concerned, it's just an opportunistic organism.
Re: My two cents.

Originally posted by Teri 2

Disease is a fact of life. If you don't get it, count yourself lucky.


I don't know much about AIDS or HIV but I can't see why there is a need to differentiate the disease from any other STDs. Regarding the original question posed in this thread, why even ask about its origin? Where does any disease originate?

Perhaps if we can find the origin of Aids the cure might be there as well.Considering the rapid spreading and millions of people dying from this disease it's worth a shot.

Were measles, chicken pox, syphilis and/or any other diseases punishment for perceived bad behaviour by a non existant god?

** Unlike Aids, measles, chicken pox and syphilis have vaccines
**This is not a religious thread but no one can prove or disprove the existence of God?

RE: Share your thoughts.

I’ll ask the question again, why differentiate from any other disease? You wrote that “Unlike Aids, measles, chicken pox and syphilis have vaccines” – did the vaccines for chicken pox etc. magically materialise in the daily mail? I don’t think so. Medical science is working on a vaccine or cure for HIV, just as they are in the case of every other disease that has not yet been defeated.

You asked us to “share your thoughts” – Upon reading your original post, my first thought was the idiotic notion that Aids is a product of the wrath of ‘god’ for our immoral lifestyles. Even though I don’t know the origin of HIV, I firmly don't believe it was created by God or the Government.

Re: Lady

Originally posted by Teri 2
RE: Share your thoughts.



I’ll ask the question again, why differentiate from any other disease? You wrote that “Unlike Aids, measles, chicken pox and syphilis have vaccines” – did the vaccines for chicken pox etc. magically materialise in the daily mail? I don’t think so. Medical science is working on a vaccine or cure for HIV, just as they are in the case of every other disease that has not yet been

** The cure might be there as well (origin) It's worth a shot.
** Millions of people aren't dying from chicken pox. measles, or syphilis.
** Aids needs to move up to first priority

ou asked us to “share your thoughts” – Upon reading your original post, my first thought was the idiotic notion that Aids is a product of the wrath of ‘god’ for our immoral lifestyles. Even though I don’t know the origin of HIV, I firmly don't believe it was created by God or the Government.

** I respect your opinion but I never said any of the 3 was a definite origin only what the media and churches have led us to believe. However, I still haven't heard differently on where the origin of Aids began.

** I was once told by a nurse who dealt with HIV patiences, that if she was ever to become infected, while aiding her patience a cock tail was available and could stop the disease, only if taken within two hour of being infected. I don't know the validity of this statement, do you?

** First off, who still believes the human being evolved from monkey's?
And if you do still hold to this as fact, which breed of monkey?
Is this breed of monkey immuned to the HIV viruis?
Is the make-up of different breeds of monkey's drastically different?

**** The theory that claim's human's evolved from monkeys would also mean that our primary molecular structure is bascially the same, however the human is suppose to be more advance . If this holds true and different breeds of monkey's aren't drastically different in DNA make-up, Why is it monkey's aren't affected the same way that the human is by HIV?

** If HIV did come from a monkey has the monkey being diced up on a examination table for research on why it's not affected? If so please share the results?

** I'm not sure about SIV or that humans gave this disease to a monkey I will have to do more research meanwhile post what you find.

**** Awhile back I took a course in which one of the subjects dealt with the rapid growth of the population. A concern that the government was looking into and trying to figure out a solution to . The ratio of people:lack of space:and resources is a concern for the government's of different countries. It was said that by year (X) the planet would not be able to accomdate people at this rate of rapid population growth.
Approx. 2 year's later It is being broadcasted that millions of people are dying from a deadly disease. The people are mainly poor and uneducated and this is the same kind of people on most of the continents. Mabey it's a long leap but perhaps Aid's was engineered, if not, than perhaps the government is using a deadly disease to it's benefit. Who really knows?

You are a very confusing poster.

** Are you saying that something humans and monkey's either eat or have contact with could be the carrier of HIV. Thats scary

To whom are you asking this question?

You've written three consecutive posts and seem to be asking and answering your own questions, as well as patting yourself on the back for asking "good thought provoking questions".

I find it very frustrating to correspond with you so I'll leave this thread for others to answer your questions. Better yet, you could do the research from the appropriate areas and convey to us what you've learnt.

The wonderful thing about it all is that fact that we have the technology to keep those infected with HIV alive while we research a cure. This allows sufficient time for the virus to mutate into the many strands that are available today and makes other illnesses that are rare due to their weaknesses to become more common and develop tolerances to the antibiotics that we so readily and massively prescribe to the HIV infected.
HIV is extremely weak and fragile like most viruses until it can find a proper host and grow stronger. Like all viruses it infects the weakest of a species and grows strong enough to infect any of them unless they die thus killing the virus with them.
In the times of plaugues those with proper food and shelter were less likely to get the plaugue until massive amounts of people were infected which was solely due to the large amount of poor and homeless of the times.
In our times people who's immune systems are lowered due to drugs, poor diet, and lifestyle are an excellent host for a virus as weak as HIV. It then has time to develop itself and they become the host that can spread it to anyone.
So what should we do about it? kill them all thus ridding the world of the virus? You would say no, of course. That would be illogical and inhumane.
Instead we should try to develop a cure, but being that the virus attacks the immune system itself instead of the body this would seem very impractical if not impossible.
So what happens when it finally mutates into a strand that is airborne? What then?
Even more interesting is how we isolate and quarentine people infected with leparsy when the cure is soap and water and we hug and kiss those infected with HIV which has no cure.
Is it pity? Is it fear?
What influences us to make the decisions we do with deadly viruses and the people infected with them?
If you decide to comment on any of these questions I would like to hear your answer on this one.

Would you kill another to save yourself?
Originally posted by boneanon
The wonderful thing about it all is that fact that we have the technology to keep those infected with HIV alive while we research a cure. This allows sufficient time for the virus to mutate into the many strands that are available today and makes other illnesses that are rare due to their weaknesses to become more common and develop tolerances to the antibiotics that we so readily and massively prescribe to the HIV infected.
HIV is extremely weak and fragile like most viruses until it can find a proper host and grow stronger. Like all viruses it infects the weakest of a species and grows strong enough to infect any of them unless they die thus killing the virus with them.
In the times of plaugues those with proper food and shelter were less likely to get the plaugue until massive amounts of people were infected which was solely due to the large amount of poor and homeless of the times.
In our times people who's immune systems are lowered due to drugs, poor diet, and lifestyle are an excellent host for a virus as weak as HIV. It then has time to develop itself and they become the host that can spread it to anyone.
So what should we do about it? kill them all thus ridding the world of the virus? You would say no, of course. That would be illogical and inhumane.
Instead we should try to develop a cure, but being that the virus attacks the immune system itself instead of the body this would seem very impractical if not impossible.
So what happens when it finally mutates into a strand that is airborne? What then?
Even more interesting is how we isolate and quarentine people infected with leparsy when the cure is soap and water and we hug and kiss those infected with HIV which has no cure.
Is it pity? Is it fear?
What influences us to make the decisions we do with deadly viruses and the people infected with them?
If you decide to comment on any of these questions I would like to hear your answer on this one.

Would you kill another to save yourself?

That's a tough question which leads me to ask you if we should give up on looking for the cure due to the rapid mutation of the virius? I don't know much about AIDS but I really thought that if we could find the origin we would be closer to the cure but given the mutation factor were not dealing with the original strand anymore. But would I kill another to save myself,personally, I think I would. Perhaps the government should consider this for the rest of the uninfected portion of the population.
Originally posted by boneanon
become more common and develop tolerances to the antibiotics that we so readily and massively prescribe to the HIV infected.
Citation please. Many of the illnesses that kill AIDS patients are never contracted by the uninfected public.
In our times people who's immune systems are lowered due to drugs, poor diet, and lifestyle are an excellent host for a virus as weak as HIV.
Citation please. HIV is not a social disease. It doesn't kill those with poor diets and immoral lifestyles any more easily than it does lawyers and doctors who eat their wheaties and go to church.
So what happens when it finally mutates into a strand that is airborne? What then?
Citation please. There's no evidence that this is a possibility worthy of concern.
Even more interesting is how we isolate and quarentine people infected with leparsy when the cure is soap and water and we hug and kiss those infected with HIV which has no cure.
Is it pity? Is it fear?
Learn how to spell 'leprosy.' Leprosy is communicable via touch, HIV is not. There's no reason to quarantine HIV patients from normal human contact.
Would you kill another to save yourself?
There is nothing in your entire post that indicates this would be required. Why then do you ask it?

- Warren
** I was once told by a nurse who dealt with HIV patiences, that if she was ever to become infected, while aiding her patience a cock tail was available and could stop the disease, only if taken within two hour of being infected. I don't know the validity of this statement, do you?

This is in fact a combination of the very drugs which are keeping people alive.
Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART) works on two elements in the RNA chain of the virus itself.
Research is still ongoing as to the success of this intervention but it does seem promising.
I actually worked with a nurse who had to take it last year due to a needle stick injury, she's fine, but then there's no strong evidence that the virus actually got into her system. I've pulled people out of wheelchairs and put them in the gym with this stuff. It's toxic in itself and can cause other problems but it works!
I just wish the people I remember and the friends I miss could have had this opportunity!

(People who have the emergency cocktail do so for a month. Positive people take the medication for life.)
Originally posted by chroot
Citation please. There's no evidence that this is a possibility worthy of concern.

There's no evidence that this is NOT a possibility worthy of concern.

Your "citation please" is annoying coming from a dude who offers none himself :)
Originally posted by boneanon
In our times people who's immune systems are lowered due to drugs, poor diet, and lifestyle are an excellent host for a virus as weak as HIV. It then has time to develop itself and they become the host that can spread it to anyone.
So what should we do about it? kill them all thus ridding the world of the virus? You would say no, of course. That would be illogical and inhumane.

Humanity is overpopulated. It seems to me that excepting very few cases, one gets HIV by fucking around promiscuously and/or taking IV drugs. Let 'em die.
Humanity is overpopulated. It seems to me that excepting very few cases, one gets HIV by fucking around promiscuously and/or taking IV drugs. Let 'em die.

I wonder where you get off using the word 'Humanity'. If this is your true opinion you obviously have no concept of this word.
As a medical person I would say it's time to up the prozac!

You should try a little promiscuity now and again it might put a fuckin spring in your step!
Mutation Rate

** Aids is death and it's method of transference is diabolic. This virius slithers in the corridors of Sex and Drugs. The very two things most live for(we can officaly say were in trouble) Nevertheless, sounds like the brainstorming of Hell was successful, however,as it grows in potency will the mortality rate shorten, drastically? And as the virius evolves will it find other gateways?
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Who needs more promiscuous, drug-addicted losers? I'm cheering for HIV in this case.

If we're really lucky, Ebola will make it to the jUSA and wipe out a fair number of the idiots around here talking about "freedom."
Who needs more promiscuous, drug-addicted losers? I'm cheering for HIV in this case.

HIV transmission being what it is I wouldn't promote myself as such an arsehole if I were you!!

Edit for spelling
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If we're really lucky, Ebola will make it to the jUSA and wipe out a fair number of the idiots around here talking about "freedom."

Well if thats the case then youll be dead in about 3 minutes.

Ebola doesn't pick its victim's. It kills whatever it can. If ebola did hit I could see one result. The rich can afford to lock themselves up in their homes ... they can buy special chemicals to make everything more safe. While the poor working class is stuck outside dealing with the disease. And after its all over and the working class population goes down just say "Hello socialism."