

Where is the origin of Aids? In other words where did such a deadly infectious rapid spreading disease come from? For years scientist and the public as well has wondered....will we ever know. It has been said that a certain breed of monkey's is a carrier of Aids but unlike humans the monkey's aren't sick. It's also mentioned that it could be a plague from God due to our immoral livestyles and then again,others say the Government created Aids as a deadly biological weapon. But still there has been no proof that Aids orginated from any of these..... what is your thoughts..... is it possible some sick pervert committed sodomy with a animal or that It's punishment from God or is it a weapon created by the Government? Then again perhaps it's none of these, nevertheless.... SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS
I hope it was not created by humans.

I don't believe in gods and such.

It is possible the disease existed in another species for a very long time, mutating now and then, and finally one strain crossed over and was able to affect humans. (I'm no expert, but I know some diseases can cross from one species to another, now and then.)
Good thought provoking questions. First off - Aids is all inclusive of several strains of HIV. Research generally shows that HIV is a descendant of simian (monkey) immunodeficiency virus (SIV). Several of these SIV viruses bear a very close resemblance to the two types of HIV. It does not show conclusively that chimpanzees are the "definate" source of the virus but it comes up as close as we ever can get. There are some that think that both the chimps and humans may have become infected from a third, as yet unidentified, primate species.

The crossing of species is known as zoonosis, and many researchers have suggested that the HIV viruses could be a result of a human killing a chimp and eating it for food.

Speculation on this virus is kept at a minimum because not one person wants to attribute blame for the disease to any particular group of individuals or lifestyles.

As for it being a punishment from God - well if we were the writers of the 'bible' then we would certainly use this deadly disease as a message from God to make sure that the human race cleaned up it's act.:eek:
This is what I have been taught:

AIDS came from Africa, where in their diet, they eat lots of different animals. One such animal was, I think, the green monkey....its very very very small. The monkey carried the virus and when the people ingested it they recieved it, and then it spreads.

I'm not sure if its the green monkey or another type, but its a tiny bugger.

A pervert who "likes" animals wasn't the sick.
As for God.....that's another discussion.
If a government did manufacture AIDS, then too bad! They'll never admit it and it's a fair price to pay, for the human race. War and biological weapons are utterly horrible.
I've heard the tourist from Africa bringing it to America and Canada via homosexual lifestyle in San Diego...i've also read that the US government might have done it too..though i don't believe the conspiracy crap, why would the government want to? Unless we were experimenting with HIV, and it might have escaped..or someone might have gotten infected, had sex with someone...etc.

Oh, and guys, notice the distinction between AIDS and HIV. You can't catch AIDS from anybody. You catch HIV. HIV affects the immune system, and if the system's ''T-cell" count falls below 200, the patient has AIDS. People may have HIV all their life and not get AIDS.
I really don't see the big deal about making a distinction between HIV and AIDS. It's like saying there's a difference between jumping out of a plane at 30,000 feet without a parachute, and hitting the ground after the drop. Sure, technically there's a difference, but if you do one, it's a pretty safe bet you'll do the other.
I agree with New Explorer. Thats the same thing I found when I researched it awhile back. I wish they should hurry up and find a cure. Too much life is lost. It pisses me off when people say its the worlds way to cure overpopulation. Thats sick. There are alternative ways to cure overpopulation. Like education and birth control and the distrabution of condoms everywhere for free. I can believe they charge 3.00$ for a condom! They should drop them from an airplane over every city in America.

It would be tough but I think if the world really tried, it could be done:)
If only it rendered people sterile insted of condemning them to a slow death....
I read an article in a news site (a reliable one) that the HIV virus was probably spread by some sort of fly. The fly bit the carrier and then - a human, and it spread the virus very efficiently.
Also, the virus' ability to easily mutate and adjust itslef contributed to that efficiency.

Personally, I think AIDS is a kind of means of the nature to save the planet. If you live in a developed country, you have all the means to prevent an infection. You just have to be careful. No more than that.
Reply Re: AIDS

Some stuff;

Paul Ewald in "The Evolution of Infectious Disease" covers HIV. According to the phylogenetic analyses, SIV (the simian version of HIV) is derived from HIV, implying that monkeys got their version from us, not the other way around. I'd be interested in scientific references that show that HIV is derived from SIV. Thanks in advance.

Ewald also points out that it's possible that HIV was a common infection that remained benign in humans for thousands of years and suddenly became virulent due to the adoption of promiscuous habits (e.g. prostitution) in the geographic area of origin of HIV. Ewald uses this to support his theory that virulence is a consequence of transmission rate.

HIV and AIDS are not the same. HIV is a virus, AIDS is the disease caused by the virus. There are many instances of HIV infection with no manifestation of AIDS, and there is at least one case in which an individual (male) was HIV positive and is now HIV free, implying that some immune response got rid of it.

Hope this helps.
Well there was this boy named Jimmy, Jimmy's teacher, Mr,s Clark told his class they need to do a science project on cross pollination. Well it just so happens that Jimmy's parents were planning a trip to Africa, so while there Jimmy was thinking of an interesting way to do his assignment. On the second day of their stay Jimmy comes across two monkeys procreating. This sparked an idea in Jimmy's mind! Jimmy then devises a plan for sneaking the monkey back. Well Jimmy get's the monkey back, after some doing. The day comes for the students to present their projects. Jimmy's nervous and asks the teacher to allow him to go first. Well as Jimmy is getting out of his seat the bell rings and the rest of the class goes out to play. Jimmy stays and sets up his project. Well the class comes in and Jimmy has the monkey tied down with its butt in the air Jimmy walks up behind the monkey drops his drawers and attempts to demonstrate what he has seen, the teacher screams the monkey jumps and Jimmy's penis hits the wrong hole. So as you can see it was kind of true AIDS did start as a homosexual act, but it is also true that it was a science experiment assigned from a government official! Jimmy got an F! Poor Jimmy.:mad:
Scientist are starting to understand how receptor sites work and this could lead to the next miracle drugs, I don't know if AIDS uses receptor sites...maybe it just takes a long broadsword and stabs the white blood cells....on second thought that sounds farfetched.

There is a drug out there that can slow down the process, anyone know anything about that?

Also, with genetic energeering, which is in an infant stage, we could maybe make the human body immune to some viruses, and the trait would carry on to the offspring, but that's very far off.

There is no cure for AIDS. There are drugs that can slow down the HIV virus, and slow down the damage to your immune system. But there is no way to get all the HIV out of your body.

Firstly AIDS does not exist. It is not a disease!
It is a word describing a state where a body is open to infection due to an immune system compromised by H.I.V.


The african green tree monkey has been long understood to be the root of HIV Thru SIV this is true. Certain tribes would inject their groins with the monkeys urine during fertility rights

There is also a cat version! so you should steer clear of humping pussy as well.

The virus attacks a cell in the immune system called a T4 lymphocyte this cell is a little like the team captain in football and directs the rest of the immune system.

The RNA of HIV gets into the cell and transforms its function.

It does this using two enzymes. The first is called reverse transcriptase which prompts the DNA in the cell to work in a different way.
Basically it is re programmed to manufacture new virus particles using its own nutrients and make up. the second enzyme proteaze comes in at this point also. Eventually the cell uses up all its own nutrients and dies giving birth to millions of new particles which go off and infect new cells.

You can make up to 10 billion new HIV particles in 24 hours.

The drugs work on the enzymes and attack at the molecular level to disrupt two elements of the viruses RNA.

eventually the cells decrease in number so that very few are left. This is not AIDS hoewever in the states it serves to call it that because a lot of money is to be made by the health service.

AIDS is defined by certain illnesses such as kaposi's sarcoma PCP which is a rare pneumonia or oro-pharyngeal thrush.

people can have a t cell count of four and still be as fit as a flea.

I have worked with HIV positive people for 18 years. The medication is good tho toxic and causes problems of its own.

incidentally 80% of infected people worldwide are hetero sexual. Most of these inhabit sub saharan Africa where in some parts 60% of the population are infected.

many of the previous posts are accurate but it worries me that some people still remain clueless so far on. It is your responsibility to educate yourself and not spread useless gossip

*rant moan grumble etc*

prostitution was probabally the second job to come into being. the first was hunter.