AIDS: The Strecker Memorandum

has it got anything to do with biology or genetics?


has ti got anything to do with conspiracy theories


where does this post have to go then?

to somewhere else??
actually, it has everything to do with biology and genetics... its the friggin AIDS virus, you dumbass.

conspiracy theories are one thing, this is an hour and a half long of an in-depth presentation on video. did you even watch it? unless you're Johhny 5 from short circuit or something, in the time that it took for you to write your first reply, no, you couldn't have.
calm down mate,

no...i don't have realplayer installed, so i can't really watch it can I?

should I have? why didn't you give a short summary of this video then?

The site on which it is gave me the idea that it might be an conspiracy idea, this combined with the idea of AIDS as a biological warfare reinforced this.

the use of aids in biological warfare would be an ethical or political topic.
The theory that aids have been created as a biological warfare agent would be a conspiracy theory and can't be taken seriously.
How to turn aids into a biological agent, might be suitable subject.

so what is then?

edit: or maybe i am under the wrong impression what this forum is for. I thought it was slightly serious.
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see, this is something i can actually respond to, thank you. :cool:

i realize the site isn't that great of a display, and i'm still skeptical as to the information in it-- i'd like to do my own research into it before i make any conclusions. however, it did raise a lot of questions. the video is from 1988 and the information could have been disproven by now, although i've read some other more recent articles that contain much of the same information.

Strecker basically says the information that textbooks and schools teach about AIDS could be very misguided due to the great possibility that the virus is the result of either an accidental or deliberate biological experiement. either way, he says, it's a manmade disease.

the end of the video lists his bibliography and it looks like he's done his homework. still, i'm gonna do my own research.

i wonder what the guy is up to now.
now, why can't one be serious about a conspiracy theory? there are true conspiracies. back in high school, i did a report in my 9th grade history class on Nixon's CREEP organization (the committee to re-elect the president). Nixon almost got impeached because the people were so outraged by his unlawful acts in the white house. i don't see how bringing up a radical idea means it should be dismissed or laughed at.

second of all, i was gonna give you a chance and you blew it with your edit. :p
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
if i was the moderator here I would move this thread to one of the subculture forums, or to the crap forum if we had it.

I set up a petition for a crap sub-forum and everyone thinks it is a bad idea… so that isn’t going to happen any time soon.

HIV is natural... it genome is natural and it is not very different from the simian version. So to conclude: Get over it!, bad thing happen for no good reason (for us humans) some times. If anything this is nature (or god/s) conspiracy for controlling the human surplus!

Even though I have 570Kbs band width I did not want ot set through a 1.5hr long video... so I read this instead

edit: using post as a secret link to whole attachments
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ok then...i'm biting.

I want to make a virus that I can use for biological warfare.
What kind of virus would I make? Let us see.

The incubation time should be short (not years or decades)

it should spread easily (blood-blood contact is not very effective)

I should have an antidote, otherwise we are in deep trouble (Of course HIV still hasn't)

I would like it to effect certain people (like the enemy, and last time i checked the sovietunion didn't have a higher frequency of unprotected homosexuals and heterosexual sex habits, drug users, etc, the risk groups)

should I continue?

why make HIV if you are interested in biological warfare?

well, first of all, people have posted some interesting links, thank guys.

spuriousmonkey, just remember that if we can't figure out a reason why, that doesn't mean it's not happening.

but, if you want my theory on it, if it was intentionally made for biowarfare, there must be a way to control it somehow. off the top of my head, there is at least 2 ways i can think of to control AIDS: only give it to an isolated group of people, and make sure you have drugs to cure or treat the symptoms.

there really could BE a cure, and it's kept secret, or, there could be NO cure and that is something being used to someone's advantage. for example, with no cure, once you have the disease, you can't escape and thus you die horribly. and since it's hard to spread, you'll die alone. Bush said in his address last night that AIDS in Africa is so bad and there so little funding that many people just get turned away from the doctor's office if they have AIDS-- not that we should trust everything Bush says, but that is something i have known about myself. i worked for the San Francisco AIDS Walk a couple years ago; learned a lot about the subject.

i'm seeing more and more people making this case, thanks to the internet. i honestly think there is more to it than just being an incurable disease. the whole scenario is very peculiar and in favor of the same people who are fighting for power.
just remember that if we can't figure out a reason why, that doesn't mean it's not happening

also, just because we can't see the results and proof with our own eyes and bare hands, does not mean something hasn't been made/or happened . (see my previous cancer cure thread) . it has nothing to do with conspiracies...but, rather...understanding human nature; it has a very secretive side to it, and, i think everybody realizes that much. i hope.
i dunno, i think it DOES has something to do with conspiracies.

i don't understand why people shy away from a stupid word. conspiracies happen. and i see nobody responded to what i said about Nixon's administration.

i think people are just too afraid to admit that shit is fucked up when it comes to our government and the rest of the world. think outside of your country and you start seeing how uncooperative and bullying we are, then the idea of a conspiracy isn't hard to realize.
These is huge amounts of very direct evidence that It is natural... and very little circumstantial evidence that it is not. Using common logic I can put a fair bet that HIV was not made by humans in the mid 70's that only a few years before created the first recombinant organism. Making an artificial virus and making it in such a way that’s its genome would appear nature was not and still is not possible with today’s technology! Today we can make chimaeras but these thing’s genomes would reveal that it carries genes from different life forms and would most obviously be unnatural.
I am born and raised in the USofA (not breed though). I don't believe in such crap but ya Americans are stupid: When 100 Million of your citizens are red necks what do you expect? Classical music hour followed by heated political debate or super-bowl show down with the only complete sentence uttered being: “Pass the beer, bob.” ???
if we are going to get into crack pot threorys about it being created what about this one (this is something i used to think about when i was younger and even MORE bitter about the world:p)

what if a group of scientists got together and felt that for the good of the world they had to make a virus to kill off humans to reduce the world population

then it WOULDNT have a cure because they wouldnt WANT it cured