AIDS Class Action Lawsuit


Musical Creationist
Registered Senior Member
I'm thinking about initiating a class action lawsuit, comparable to the one with smokers versus tobacco companies. Any lawyers out there to help me with my Draft? Wanna get rich?

Plaintiffs: AIDS victims (listed Exhibit 1)

Defendants: Gay-activist organizations and their officers (listed Exhibit 2)

Whereas, AIDS victims incur roughly $400 thousand in AIDS-realted medical expenses prior to their deaths. (Exhibit 3)

Whereas, defendants through malfeasance purposefully obstructed investigation and communication of AIDS risks to known high-risk groups. (Exhibit 4)

Whereas, defendents through malfeasance, published false and misleading information to minimize the perceived risks associated with activities known to cause AIDS. Risks include a greatly diminished lifespan for homosexual men and women. Homosexual men are many times more likely to contract AIDS than their heterosexual counterparts, as well as veneral diseases, and several other health risks. (Exhibit 5)

Whereas, defendants encouraged plaintiffs to continue in known high-risk activities, placing their health in jeopardy, without their full understanding of the risks involved. (Exhibit 4)

Whereas, defendants continue to persist in advocating activity to the general public that exposes them to grave risks. This persistance is well known at the public school level, whereby children are encouraged to participate in same-sex relationships. (Exhibit 5)

Whereas, the defendants through malfeasance, obstructed the control of a known epidemic by public heatlh officials. (Exhibit 6)

The plaintiffs ask for judgement in the amount of $400,000,000 to compensate AIDS victim plaintiffs for their pain, suffering, and economic loss resulting from the defendants' malevolent activities.
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LOL!! :p Do you stare at your navel in amazement each morning or are you just impressed by your own spam? Love & Kisses ;)
I wonder who else thinks his "spam" is impressive. :D
Oli said:
I wonder who else thinks his "spam" is impressive. :D
Fred Phelps would heartily agree. Van Impe Ministries as well. Lest we forget Islamic militants! They hate and fear gays too.
Oli said:
I wonder who else thinks his "spam" is impressive. :D

The legal defense fund. When you get your AIDS, the law suit will help you get the money you need for medical help. Isn't that nice of me? Me taking care of you guys when you get AIDS -- you can't beat that for love now can ya?
Oh dear you're making some very stupid assumptions here. I'll give you a hint.
How am I going to get AIDS? Just give me some reason to believe that you can think.
Oli said:
Oh dear you're making some very stupid assumptions here. I'll give you a hint.
How am I going to get AIDS? Just give me some reason to believe that you can think.
He's one of those people that would heckle Ryan White as he died of AIDS. All the millions dying of it in sub-Saharan Africa are STRAIGHT. Straights are the NUMBER ONE group with AIDS by leagues. I've been a card carryin' homo for 33 years now and never once met anyone with AIDS. That's cuz I don't have many straight friends.
Oli said:
Oh dear you're making some very stupid assumptions here. I'll give you a hint.
How am I going to get AIDS? Just give me some reason to believe that you can think.

It depends on your lifestyle.
Nope. You quoted me and went on to talk about getting AIDS. Continue wriggling. Explain how... give me just one way. Or admit you made a stupid assumption.
Oli said:
Nope. You quoted me and went on to talk about getting AIDS. Continue wriggling. Explain how... give me just one way. Or admit you made a stupid assumption.

If you aren't involved in the risky lifestyles then you have little to worry about. What are you doing to help Gays?

Gotta legitimate point, or do ya just wanna gripe?
Wriggling still...keep going. It's easy: just repeat "I made a stupid assumption"
Oli said:
Wriggling still...keep going. It's easy: just repeat "I made a stupid assumption"

THis is getting kind of boring, and I'm not wriggling. Do you have a point? What's so stupid about my assumption? I think yur a queer. It's a good assumption around this place anyway. I don't know how many times I've been called one here. So tell me how it feels?

Watcha got against AIDS victims anyway?
Certainly. The point is that you are a bigot and made an assumption (of one sort or another) and decided that I "would need medical help when I caught AIDS".
I joined in the conversation to support Genji (not that I really think he needs it) and you made an assumption with no evidence. Now you're revising that assumption, re-framing your assertion and you still don't get it.
Oli said:
Certainly. The point is that you are a bigot and made an assumption (of one sort or another) and decided that I "would need medical help when I caught AIDS".
I joined in the conversation to support Genji (not that I really think he needs it) and you made an assumption with no evidence. Now you're revising that assumption, re-framing your assertion and you still don't get it.

I don't respond to Genji, he's a gay troll. I don't read his posts anymore. I told him that already.

Yes indeed I'm a bigot and quite proud of it. I don't kiss anyone's foot that's for sure.

Welcome to sciforums, home of the puke-bag liberal.
Yes indeed I'm a bigot and quite proud of it.
Arrogance and stupidity in one package. How convenient.

Welcome to sciforums home of the puke-bag liberal.
And another assumption.
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Oli said:
Arrogance and stupidity in one package. How convenient.

Yep, keeps me outta trouble.

Here's a little etymology on the word bigot:

The exact origin of the term is unknown, but may have come from the German bei and gott, or the English by God. William Camden wrote that the Normans were first called bigots, when their Duke Rollo, who receiving Gisla, daughter of King Charles, in marriage, and with her the investiture of the dukedom, refused to kiss the king's foot in token of subjection, unless the king would hold it out for that purpose. And being urged to it by those present, Rollo answered hastily, "No by God", whereupon the King turning about, called him bigot; which name passed from him to his people [1]. This is likely fictional, however, as Gisla is unknown in Frankish sources. It is true that the French used the term bigot as an abuse for the Normans.[2]

The 12th century Anglo-Norman author Wace claimed that bigot was an insult that the French used against the Normans, but it is unclear whether it entered the English language via this route.[3]

So why don't you show us how smart you are and kiss my derrier in an unbigoted fashion, and if you're french kiss my derrrier twice in an unbigoted fashion.
I'm fully aware of the claimed origins of the word bigot.
So why don't you show us how smart you are and kiss my derrier in an unbigoted fashion, and if you're french kiss my derrrier twice in an unbigoted fashion.
Because unlike you I have no desire to kiss anyone's arse. It's interesting that you mention the French in that context. So you're a rascist homphobic closet gay? Well rounded at least.
And the word is spelt "derrière". So you could add illiterate or just uneducated to the description.
Oli said:
I'm fully aware of the claimed origins of the word bigot.

Because unlike you I have no desire to kiss anyone's arse. It's interesting that you mention the French in that context. So you're a rascist homphobic closet gay? Well rounded at least.
And the word is spelt "derrière". So you could add illiterate or just uneducated to the description.

Look who's making assumptions. Mighty liberal of ya. :rolleyes:

What's "derriere" gotta do with grain anyhow?

Have you gotta point or do you just wanna fuss?