AI and IQ ????

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IQ was originally derived as the ratio of mental age to chronological age, multiplied by 100. Therefore, if a 10-year-old had a mental age of 12 (the average mental age of a 12-year-old), the child's IQ was 120.

okay.....what catagorizes a mental age? everyone has a different "mental age". whats different in a 50 year olds mental age and a 49 year old? the iq stuff has serious flaws.
the iq stuff has serious flaws

Sure it does, otherwise, everyone would be using it just like background check or credit history to get a job, or rent an apartment or marry :D
Originally posted by Prosoothus

For a human its not that simple. A computer, for example, can store all 6 years of the data of the problem in its RAM, while a human cannot store that amount of data in its short term memory. So a human would have to break a problem down into manageble parts, and the time it would take to solve each part would reflect the IQ of the human, and not the time it would take to solve the entire problem.

Short term memory, whats that, I forget :D
Seriously though, I went to the codex school of writing everything down, as thoughts came into my head I would use a pencil and piece of paper as a sketch pad for my thoughts so I have 6 years of data and processing stored in my notebooks.

IQ tests do not work, my IQ is 163 according to the machine, which about 0.001% of my real IQ, eh kmguru :D

It's not about IQ, it's how fast you live.
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