Agnostics are the only ones who aren't fools

How did God come to be? Atheism doesn't say there is no higher intelligence than humanity, assuming intelligence can even be measured. It just says there is no supernatural intelligence that transcends time and natural laws. Once such intelligence has been shown to exist, atheism will no longer be a tenable position. Science could one day discredit atheism, but I kind of doubt it.
But what is supernatural?
Think of it this way: if humanity ever is able to create universes, we would be gods, AND transcend the laws and time of that universe.
Theism is the position that there is something out there, atheists have stopped looking. Agnostics are just people who can't make up their minds.
Atheists haven't stopped investigating the existence of God(s) or the supernatural, it's just that there is as yet no credible reason to believe in it.
Atheists haven't stopped investigating the existence of God(s) or the supernatural, it's just that there is as yet no credible reason to believe in it.

Of course. They believe that nothing happens for a reason, then set out to look for evidence to prove it :rolleyes:
He's confusing religion and evolution. Its a common misconception in atheists that the two overlap.
SG explain what you mean more. I don't quite understand.

If humans attain great powers over time and space, it doesn't support creationism, since it came at the end of a long period of development, from the simpler to the more complex. Unless we go back in time and create ourselves.
If humans attain great powers over time and space, it doesn't support creationism, since it came at the end of a long period of development, from the simpler to the more complex. Unless we go back in time and create ourselves.

Nobody ever said this/these intelligent creator(s) coldn't have come at the end of a long period of development
As far as we know, the early universe was not hospitable to atoms, much less anything complex.
As far as we know, the early universe was not hospitable to atoms, much less anything complex.

But, in the same way we would've created a universe would have us outside of that created universe, a creator could be external.
john said:
Do you then call yourself agnostic with regard to all the gods you don't believe in ?
- - -
No, actually i believe in the possibility\probability of higher intelligence.
That doesn't answer the question.

You disparage claims to atheism on some grounds not yet clear. We are really agnostics who especially dislike religion, you claim. This seem wrong to me, about me for example, but that depends - now, are you agnostic with regard to Thor, the Norse God of Thunder ?
SAM said:
He's confusing religion and evolution. Its a common misconception in atheists that the two overlap.
You need to reread - you've taken something wrong.
Maybe this:
SAM said:
Of course. They believe that nothing happens for a reason, then set out to look for evidence to prove it
Almost the exact opposite of the common state of affairs.
SAM said:
A beginning and an end is an artificial construct.
No more so than a reason. Beginning and end of what ?
That doesn't answer the question.

You disparage claims to atheism on some grounds not yet clear. We are really agnostics who especially dislike religion, you claim. This seem wrong to me, about me for example, but that depends - now, are you agnostic with regard to Thor, the Norse God of Thunder ?
You need to reread - you've taken something wrong.
Maybe this: Almost the exact opposite of the common state of affairs. No more so than a reason. Beginning and end of what ?

I've already answered ad nauseum about Thor and all the other representations of God; its now a dull strawman which bores me.

From where I stand, atheists are cognitively dissonant. They create artificial constructs to model reality and then confuse the model for reality.
SAM said:
I've already answered ad nauseum about Thor and all the other representations of God; its now a dull strawman which bores me.
It wasn't asked of you. It is not a strawman in John's case - it is central to his apparent argument that actual atheism doesn't exist.
SAM said:
From where I stand, atheists are cognitively dissonant. They create artificial constructs to model reality and then confuse the model for reality.
That isn't cognitive dissonance.

And the statement seems confused about perceived reality - apparently deities are to be taken as "natural" ? They are not human constructs ?
And the statement seems confused about perceived reality - apparently deities are to be taken as "natural" ? They are not human constructs ?

Of course not, I don't know anyone who thinks a deity is God, rather all deities are representations of an aspect of God.