Aging Cause and Cure

My parents and grandparents never took any vitamins or other stuff besides just what they ate daily. They all lived into their 90's. What does that say about taking stuff. I realize today we do not get all the things we need in our foods but I still don't see the point of overkill taking allot of stuff or overdosing on stuff either. A one a day vitamin and mineral pill is all that we will ever need to supplement what we don't consume daily.

Cosmic, he is 57, and believes he looks around 17 to 18 years old. What does that tell you about his credibility?
My parents and grandparents never took any vitamins or other stuff besides just what they ate daily. They all lived into their 90's. What does that say about taking stuff.

Did your parents and grand parents take 32 different kinds of super potent pesticides in meat, milk, fruits and vegetables everyday too?

Whatever pesticides we had 30 years ago is nothing compared to today's pesticides that has to be highly potent to overcome pest resistance.
Aging is cause by many factors (telomeres, free radicals, non-infinite feedback loops, etc) but the most basic is that we simply were not designed to last. We know of organisms which per metabolic rate live many times longer then we do, several species of birds have been found with phenomenal lifespan per metabolic rate and their cells can withstand oxygen concentrations (and thus free radical levels) much higher then ours. Evolution selected them as such with minimal predation and stable habitat evolution will select for those that live longer, but in other cases it selects for those that breed more. As soon as you have bred and your offspring make it to reproductive age evolution no longer cares about you thus it has not evolved any mechanism to keep your running indefinitely after transmitting your genes. In theory if you live longer you can have more offspring, but since naturally (back in caveman days) we usually died off from predation, infectious disease and murder long before reaching our age limits, we never had the opportunity to breed more at older ages, this is why some animals (like some island birds) free of predation and low rates of disease evolve longer life spans, the same maybe happens with humans if we breed at older and older ages now that we are free from most natural limits.

Question: How do Antioxidants Slow Aging?

Answer: Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, which damage cells, clog arteries and contribute to chronic illness and aging. Antioxidants are found in leafy vegetables, fruits, wine, and chocolate. Antioxidants can also be found in certain vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, C and E, zinc and selenium.

I use the supplements in that article, along with calcium, which is necessary for bones and teeth.
But, I use certain of them in very high doses.

Free radicals are a byproduct of normal cell function. When cells create energy, they also produce unstable oxygen molecules. These molecules, called free radicals, have a free electron. This electron makes the molecule highly unstable. The free radical bonds to other molecules in the body - causing proteins and other essential molecules to not function as they should. Luckily, antioxidants can minimize free radical damage.

Antioxidants - the Free Radical Sponge:
Antioxidants are substances found in plants that soak up free radicals like sponges. If your body has plenty of antioxidants available, it can minimize the damage caused by free radicals. Get your antioxidants from eating plants. There is some evidence that we can only get the full antioxidant benefits from eating real plants and other foods. Supplements appear not to be as effective.

I disagree with the last sentence of that article. I have found supplements to be more effective because they allow for much larger doses to be taken.

However, natural vitamin C, which is sold with rose hips, has chemicals in the rose hips that make them much more potent. Purely synthetic vitamin C, with no rose hips, is much less potent. So, you see the chemicals in the rose hips add excipients that cause the full benefit. So, there is a small amount of truth in the last sentence of that article.
How Free Radicals Cause Aging:
This theory asserts that many of the changes that occur as our bodies age are caused by free radicals. Damage to DNA, protein cross-linking and other changes have been attributed to free radicals. Over time, this damage accumulates and causes us to experience aging.

The Evidence:
There is some evidence. Studies have shown that increasing the amount of antioxidants in the diets of mice and other animals can slow the effects of aging. This theory does not fully explain all the changes that occur during aging. It is likely that free radicals are only one part in the aging
I washed my head with shampoo about 6 days a week for over 20 years. I overworked my hair. Washing that much can cause it to fall out.
It has been growing back and getting thicker very slowly ever since I started taking the larger vitamn doses, but I still need to do a comb over to look like I have a full head of hair. I suspect that since my flesh got younger I must be generating more active hair follicles which should increase my hair amount at a later date. The hair seems to be the only thing on me that got older. I never did have crows feet---wrinkles going back on the side of eyes toward the temples.

Pictures dude.
ElectricFetus if its a simple case of free radicals then prusan (i think) blue taken profalactically should cure (or at least slow) aging concidering its effects on O2 toxicity
ElectricFetus if its a simple case of free radicals then prusan (i think) blue taken profalactically should cure (or at least slow) aging concidering its effects on O2 toxicity

I never said it was simply a case of free radicals, why do people think I did? I even specified otherwise!

ElectricFetus said:
Aging is cause by many factors (telomeres, free radicals, non-infinite feedback loops, etc)
If you can put yourself into hibernation mode, then perhaps you can slowing the aging process, but God will never let you live until forever...
If you can put yourself into hibernation mode, then perhaps you can slowing the aging process, but God will never let you live until forever...

But humans are supposed to live doing things they enjoy not hibernating trying to stay young. Who wants to sit inside of a room doing nothing for half of their lives?
But humans are supposed to live doing things they enjoy not hibernating trying to stay young. Who wants to sit inside of a room doing nothing for half of their lives?

No, hibernation means you go into deep sleep mode and you don't do anything but sleep for long period of time without eating or go to toilet. You can choose to live in future where there is economy boom time or better technology era or to avoid food scarcity same as bears go into hibernation mode when there is less food in the winter. When you are hibernating for 1 year, you are saving your few months life and live longer for another few months. The more you are able to go into hibernation mode, the longer your life-span.

Hibernation means you consume less energy and stay young for longer, human can live up to 78 years old on average, but once human can go to hibernation mode for some period of their time, they can live up to double of their life-span. Mouse and other small animals have high metabolism rate and thus they manage only to live shorter period of time. Bigger animal such as elephant and human have lower metabolism rate so it can live longer. Metabolism rate affect the life-span of an animal. The more workout and increase your metabolism rate such as vigorous exercise and stress or anger, the shorter your life-span after cancelling out the disease and sickness factors.
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I never said it was simply a case of free radicals, why do people think I did? I even specified otherwise!

Both vitamins C and E have been found to lengthen telemeres, at low doses. Very large doses could protect them completely.

PMID: 19279081
BACKGROUND: Telomere length may be a marker of biological aging. Multivitamin supplements represent a major source of micronutrients, which may affect telomere length by modulating oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to examine whether multivitamin use is associated with longer telomeres in women. DESIGN: Cross-sectional analysis of data from 586 early participants (age 35-74 y) in the Sister Study. Multivitamin use and nutrient intakes were assessed with a 146-item food-frequency questionnaire, and relative telomere length of leukocyte DNA was measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: After age and other potential confounders were adjusted for, multivitamin use was associated with longer telomeres. Compared with nonusers, the relative telomere length of leukocyte DNA was on average 5.1% longer among daily multivitamin users (P for trend = 0.002). In the analysis of micronutrients, higher intakes of vitamins C and E from foods were each associated with longer telomeres, even after adjustment for multivitamin use. Furthermore, intakes of both nutrients were associated with telomere length among women who did not take multivitamins. CONCLUSION: This study provides the first epidemiologic evidence that multivitamin use is associated with longer telomere length among women.

I was taking 9 supplements in combination to fight aging and high doses of 2 of them. The duration of my first attempt to slow aging was 19 years at lower doses, to get an idea of what was going on. I was about 26 at the chronological age of 40. The duration of the attempt to reverse aging at higher doses lasted for 17 years [During that time I did not need to work for 3 periods of time, 11 months, a year and 5 months, and five months] I got about 10 or 11 hours sleep per day during those three periods trying to force more growth harmone. [Even if I stayed awake I would stay there trying to sleep to fulfill the time.] Most growth harmone is produced in sleep.
What I did is an experiment to push the limits of vitamin megadosing and to see what could be accomplished against aging. There are others around the world that are slowing aging with nutrition. I think I went further at it than anyone else.
My method don't show results against aging for almost 3 years and then it is only a little bit. But, as time goes by it accelerates. Cells divide, 2, 4, 8 16 32 -- many more divisions in each succeeding generation so you get rapid acceleration as time goes by.
Now, I was taking an estimate of 9000 plus, tablets or capsules per year, for 17 years.
Consider this: aging is killing you at the rate of maybe 200,000 cells per day [whatever the number is]. 60 years of that and you are crippled and headed for the grave yard. I consider this important enough to justify such a radical experiment that I did.
It looks to me like I have put on more living tissue all over my face, for at least the last year and a half, and I have a face that looks 17 or 18. --Excellant results for a man whose chronological age is 57.
I consider the experiment a success. [Still waiting for the hair to get younger at a later time.] I am now decreasing doses to a level I think would keep me healthy and young.
A lot of research has been done to show that ageing is slowed down by vitamins. I first read of it in science news magazine in the 1970s.
I simply reasoned that if something slows ageing then take more of it and you slow it more. Take more of it and you stop it. Take more of it still and it will go backwards.
The doses recommended by researchers on the internet are lower than what can be tolerated. Legal conscerns such as malpractice law suits tend to make researchers cautious about the doses they recomend.
I took much more than what is recommended in that article and for many years. Like I said, I was doing an experiment to push the limits on megadosing, taking risks.
I have a degree in physics and know the scientific method. I believe I did a genuine experiment and got genuine results.
I don't have a cell phone, scanner or digital camera to send a picture, and pictures can be faked anyway.
I live in New Orleans Louisiana. Get someone on this forum that lives here to send me a message in the personal messages to meet with me at a place in New Orleans and see if I look 17 or 18. I'll do a 100 yard dash fast for him if he likes. [57 year old men can't do that.] I'll show him my driver's licence that says I was born in 1952; I can show him the birth certificate copy. Or get someone on this forum that lives in New Orleans to post in this discussion when and where to meet with him, either his choice or mine. Then he can tell you if this is true or not.
I repeat; I am 57 with an 18 year old body and now I look 16 or 17---my age is still going backwards. I suspect it must stop soon. It cannot go below the end of puberty. I have a young looking face and looked about 15 when I really was 18.
"some chemical that they are feverishly trying to extract from this common Asian medicinal herb helps shorten telomeres. "

so it speeds up death?
They are trying to target the Cancer cells whose telomeres stay at full length. That is the tricky part.
They are trying to target the Cancer cells whose telomeres stay at full length. That is the tricky part.

but how will they destinguish cancer cells from normal cells? What if there are normal cells left within the body with full length telomerases? Kills cancer cells...and than depletes chances of long life...ehhh :p
Exactly...that is the tricky part. Google - Astragalus Telemeres - you will see some interesting results including use in AIDS patients. I take Astragalus everyday. In the last flu season, I did not catch cold or flu.
OP: What? Telomeres are believed to be responsible for contributing to the aging process. Look it up.