Aging Cause and Cure


Registered Senior Member
The most widely accepted theory on aging is that free radicals (highly reactive molecules) cause cell damage and this causes aging.
Where do the free radicals come from?
Cells oxidize or burn food for energy. This creates oxidation products. Your body cleans the oxidation products out of the cells and this goes into the urine to be expelled from the body. If the oxidation products are not cleaned out fast enough, background radiation will change them into free radicals and this will cause cell damage. Cell damage slows down all of the functions of the cells. It slows down the rate at which cells divide. More cells start dying than what are being reproduced, and this is the cause of aging. Less living cells in the glands decreases harmone production. When damaged (old ) cells divide they pass on the cell damage to the next generation of cells.
The cure for aging is to increase the speed at which oxidation products are cleansed from the cells. So there will be no free radical damage, cell divisions don't slow down, causing no aging.
Antioxidant vitamins were found to slow the aging process around the early 1970s. They allow the body to clean the oxidation products out of the cells faster, causing more unination.
The theory is simple. Megadose [Very Large Doses] on vitamins that slow aging and clean the oxidation products out much faster, and aging can be stopped or reversed.
A tug of war with time. Pull faster backwards then time is pulling forward, and aging goes backwards; you get younger. [8 hours sleep per day minimum required]
I cannot prove this to you over the internet.
I have already proven this theory to be true.
I am a 57 year old teenager. I have been seriously trying to get younger for the last 17 years. Since I was 21 in 1973, I have been megadosing on vitamins. In 1992 I saw that I could push it further and reverse aging; I looked about 27 in 1992 when I was 40.
During the last 2 years, I have seen, [and the people I work with have seen] my face get younger by about 6 years. I am putting on more living tissue all over my face. I use the face as the indicator, but this works on the whole body.
I appear to be about 18 years old. I do have thin hair, and some grey but I am expecting this to get younger later. I still have a full head of hair if I do a comb over.
I stand up for 7 hours per day cleaning a bakery warehouse and stacking pallets with heavy items. I can do martial arts like a young man and can do a fast 100 yard dash like a track and field guy. I can out work many young men.
I am physically able to do things that a 57 year old man cannot do.
I have informed government scientists and doctors about this, about a year ago, and have seen various people checking me out.
Note: Megadosing on vitamins must be done with a knowledge of what you are doing. Too much vitamin A or D can kill you. Too much C also has side effects.
I learned by experience though the years what to do about the side effects, and just keep on taking the large doses of vitamins.
I seriously believe I have succeeded in reversing aging on the cellular level.
Every cell is young and undamaged and naturally want to divide fast.
I don't need to use Human growth harmone to try to force fast divisions like some are doing.
The most widely accepted theory on aging is that free radicals (highly reactive molecules) cause cell damage and this causes aging.
Where do the free radicals come from?
Cells oxidize or burn food for energy. This creates oxidation products. Your body cleans the oxidation products out of the cells and this goes into the urine to be expelled from the body. If the oxidation products are not cleaned out fast enough, background radiation will change them into free radicals and this will cause cell damage. Cell damage slows down all of the functions of the cells. It slows down the rate at which cells divide. More cells start dying than what are being reproduced, and this is the cause of aging. Less living cells in the glands decreases harmone production. When damaged (old ) cells divide they pass on the cell damage to the next generation of cells.
The cure for aging is to increase the speed at which oxidation products are cleansed from the cells. So there will be no free radical damage, cell divisions don't slow down, causing no aging.
Antioxidant vitamins were found to slow the aging process around the early 1970s. They allow the body to clean the oxidation products out of the cells faster, causing more unination.
The theory is simple. Megadose [Very Large Doses] on vitamins that slow aging and clean the oxidation products out much faster, and aging can be stopped or reversed.
A tug of war with time. Pull faster backwards then time is pulling forward, and aging goes backwards; you get younger. [8 hours sleep per day minimum required]
I cannot prove this to you over the internet.
I have already proven this theory to be true.
I am a 57 year old teenager. I have been seriously trying to get younger for the last 17 years. Since I was 21 in 1973, I have been megadosing on vitamins. In 1992 I saw that I could push it further and reverse aging; I looked about 27 in 1992 when I was 40.
During the last 2 years, I have seen, [and the people I work with have seen] my face get younger by about 6 years. I am putting on more living tissue all over my face. I use the face as the indicator, but this works on the whole body.
I appear to be about 18 years old. I do have thin hair, and some grey but I am expecting this to get younger later. I still have a full head of hair if I do a comb over.
I stand up for 7 hours per day cleaning a bakery warehouse and stacking pallets with heavy items. I can do martial arts like a young man and can do a fast 100 yard dash like a track and field guy. I can out work many young men.
I am physically able to do things that a 57 year old man cannot do.
I have informed government scientists and doctors about this, about a year ago, and have seen various people checking me out.
Note: Megadosing on vitamins must be done with a knowledge of what you are doing. Too much vitamin A or D can kill you. Too much C also has side effects.
I learned by experience though the years what to do about the side effects, and just keep on taking the large doses of vitamins.
I seriously believe I have succeeded in reversing aging on the cellular level.
Every cell is young and undamaged and naturally want to divide fast.
I don't need to use Human growth harmone to try to force fast divisions like some are doing.

Show us your picture from your highschool yearbook and your picture today.
Most people guessed my age at around twenty eight when I was forty. Though I've never been a smoker, or much of a drinker, and have taken reasonably good care of myself, I've never taken mega doses of anything.

Free radicals are probably part of the aging process, but they aren't all of it. Look at progeria kids.

I saw a Nova program about aging in the early 1980's that featured Dr. Roy Walford talking about the free radical theory of aging (and showed him taking large doses of BHA and BHT anti oxidants). He also talked about the benefits of a restricted calorie diet in slowing the age process. I don't doubt that it helps, but for me the self denial isn't worth the benefit.
Show us your picture from your highschool yearbook and your picture today.

I have the picture from the yearbook, but I don't have a scanner. I don't have any recent pictures of myself.
Now, think. I could fake a picture on the internet. It would not prove anything.
I look about 15, when I was 18. I have a symmetrical round face with an upturned nose and always did look about 3 years younger.
I think I am going to end up around 18 or 17, at the end of puberty.
I cannot stop what is happening, it is going to play itself out.
The cells are dividing, I am feeding them alot of protein so they can; they are young undamaged cells and want to divide fast. I am getting an average of about 8 hrs. + 45 min. sleep per day to keep up the human growth harmone production and sleep regeneration.
In 2005 I did not need to work for about a year and 5 months. I got about 10 or 11 hours sleep per day for over a year. That was an effort to get more growth harmone. I also took the megadoses of vitamins and calcium.
I predicted my age should start going backwards about 3 years after that, based on previous experience with doing this. I looked about 25, in 2005. I started noticing thicker cheeks when I washed my face. It has been accelerating ever since. Cells divide--2, 4, 8, 16 32, 64 etc. Each new generation has more cell divisions, so it accelerates. I look a little younger every week now and could reach the end of puberty in maybe 4 months.
I might look like a 15 year old with a comb over [small amount of grey] and muscular build. I look 17 or 18 now, if I shave and do the comb over.
I cannot prove this over the internet. That means my real physical age may be around 18, 19 or 20. It is a subjective judgement but in that area.
There are people that I have noticed checking me out, ever since I started to tell about this on the internet.
There are others around the world megadosing on vitamins to slow aging; I just think that I started earlier and pushed it further than anyone else. I also may have hit on a good vitamin combination early on.
I do a big kick boxing workout every few months with many hard kicks. It used to take around 3 weeks for the legs to regenerate and stop being sore. They regenerate alot faster now, indicating I got younger.
I have the picture from the yearbook, but I don't have a scanner. I don't have any recent pictures of myself.
Now, think. I could fake a picture on the internet. It would not prove anything.
I look about 15, when I was 18. I have a symmetrical round face with an upturned nose and always did look about 3 years younger.
I think I am going to end up around 18 or 17, at the end of puberty.
I cannot stop what is happening, it is going to play itself out.
The cells are dividing, I am feeding them alot of protein so they can; they are young undamaged cells and want to divide fast. I am getting an average of about 8 hrs. + 45 min. sleep per day to keep up the human growth harmone production and sleep regeneration.
In 2005 I did not need to work for about a year and 5 months. I got about 10 or 11 hours sleep per day for over a year. That was an effort to get more growth harmone. I also took the megadoses of vitamins and calcium.
I predicted my age should start going backwards about 3 years after that, based on previous experience with doing this. I looked about 25, in 2005. I started noticing thicker cheeks when I washed my face. It has been accelerating ever since. Cells divide--2, 4, 8, 16 32, 64 etc. Each new generation has more cell divisions, so it accelerates. I look a little younger every week now and could reach the end of puberty in maybe 4 months.
I might look like a 15 year old with a comb over [small amount of grey] and muscular build. I look 17 or 18 now, if I shave and do the comb over.
I cannot prove this over the internet. That means my real physical age may be around 18, 19 or 20. It is a subjective judgement but in that area.
There are people that I have noticed checking me out, ever since I started to tell about this on the internet.
There are others around the world megadosing on vitamins to slow aging; I just think that I started earlier and pushed it further than anyone else. I also may have hit on a good vitamin combination early on.
I do a big kick boxing workout every few months with many hard kicks. It used to take around 3 weeks for the legs to regenerate and stop being sore. They regenerate alot faster now, indicating I got younger.

Kinko's has scanners you can use on-site. Meanwhile, take a snapshot of yourself at present with a sign that says "hi sciforums - <today's date>". Put them side by side and let us see.

On a sidenote, why don't you have a full head of non-grey hair?
doesnt the body replace every cell within 7 year cycles?

Another unsubstantiated theory is that as DNA is replicated more and more mistakes creep in, so its accumulative error leading to functional breakdown
Aging is cause by many factors (telomeres, free radicals, non-infinite feedback loops, etc) but the most basic is that we simply were not designed to last. We know of organisms which per metabolic rate live many times longer then we do, several species of birds have been found with phenomenal lifespan per metabolic rate and their cells can withstand oxygen concentrations (and thus free radical levels) much higher then ours. Evolution selected them as such with minimal predation and stable habitat evolution will select for those that live longer, but in other cases it selects for those that breed more. As soon as you have bred and your offspring make it to reproductive age evolution no longer cares about you thus it has not evolved any mechanism to keep your running indefinitely after transmitting your genes. In theory if you live longer you can have more offspring, but since naturally (back in caveman days) we usually died off from predation, infectious disease and murder long before reaching our age limits, we never had the opportunity to breed more at older ages, this is why some animals (like some island birds) free of predation and low rates of disease evolve longer life spans, the same maybe happens with humans if we breed at older and older ages now that we are free from most natural limits.

So what does Mega doses of Vitamin mean? 12 multivitamins per day? Multi powder in a shake? How and what and what quantity you take per day?
aging is caused ultimately by entropy law of the universe in general. The inefficiency of our organism dictates the speed of aging.

Going further to the cause of aging it is the shortening of telomerases in DNA. caused by...many factors.
aging could be cure, it would require a complete new body though (or none at all). But then the questions of does infinite time exist becomes important, more so limitations in data storage.
Kinko's has scanners you can use on-site. Meanwhile, take a snapshot of yourself at present with a sign that says "hi sciforums - <today's date>". Put them side by side and let us see.

On a sidenote, why don't you have a full head of non-grey hair?

I washed my head with shampoo about 6 days a week for over 20 years. I overworked my hair. Washing that much can cause it to fall out.
It has been growing back and getting thicker very slowly ever since I started taking the larger vitamn doses, but I still need to do a comb over to look like I have a full head of hair. I suspect that since my flesh got younger I must be generating more active hair follicles which should increase my hair amount at a later date. The hair seems to be the only thing on me that got older. I never did have crows feet---wrinkles going back on the side of eyes toward the temples.
Aging is cause by many factors (telomeres, free radicals, non-infinite feedback loops, etc) but the most basic is that we simply were not designed to last. We know of organisms which per metabolic rate live many times longer then we do, several species of birds have been found with phenomenal lifespan per metabolic rate and their cells can withstand oxygen concentrations (and thus free radical levels) much higher then ours. Evolution selected them as such with minimal predation and stable habitat evolution will select for those that live longer, but in other cases it selects for those that breed more. As soon as you have bred and your offspring make it to reproductive age evolution no longer cares about you thus it has not evolved any mechanism to keep your running indefinitely after transmitting your genes. In theory if you live longer you can have more offspring, but since naturally (back in caveman days) we usually died off from predation, infectious disease and murder long before reaching our age limits, we never had the opportunity to breed more at older ages, this is why some animals (like some island birds) free of predation and low rates of disease evolve longer life spans, the same maybe happens with humans if we breed at older and older ages now that we are free from most natural limits.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the telomere experiment the one that was done in the 1950s in a cell culture dish? The human body is not a cell culture dish. It has mechanisms that aid the cells that a culture dish does not have.
I think the telomere argument is in error.
Also telomeres are at the end of the chain and are a prime target for free radicals.
Some theorize that free radical damage is the cause of all aging and nutrition can deal with every aspect of aging. I read both of those views.

So what does Mega doses of Vitamin mean? 12 multivitamins per day? Multi powder in a shake? How and what and what quantity you take per day?

I have been trying to make money off of this and don't know how. You would suppose that if someone found the fountain of youth he would get rich.
I can tell you how to do it but then you would know, then how do I make money off of it. Then again, it seems to me the only people making money off of this, if people accept it, would be the vitamin companies.
I will give you some hints:
Multivitamins only contain minute quantities; that is far from a megadose.
Any supplement that boosts the immune system will fight aging.
Most of your body is water; vitamin C is water soluable.
A and E are oil soluble.
Keep stomach in tip top shape; it bears the brunt of this. Curing an ulcer can show how to do that.
All of this can boost the immune system:
Antioxidant vitamins, calcium, stress vitamins, and other supplement will boost the immune system. Another way of looking at it is that you boost the immune system so high, that it heals aging as if it were a disease.
C at large doses can cause acid stomach;
It can make mucous so thick that it will stop up your nose.
The internet had sites about megadosing on C.
I will tell you this. How long does it take to get old? 50 years?
If you did get your age going backwards how long will it take to get young again? 30 years, whatever, depending on how fast it is going backwards.
You will feel healthier the next day but a slowing down or reversing of aging might not start to show itself for about 3 years. You will slow aging down or start reversing it the next day, but won't see the results for years.
Sleep important.
Get on google and look up; good health guide series the disease of aging
It is a book from the 1980s that shows how to slow aging down.
That is one of the books I got ideas from for this experiment.
Let us just take one - vitamin B1. How much do you take per day?

Do you take minerals?

Do you take herbal products?

Do you take other chemicals?

It is easy to make money. Have documented before and after effect complete with blood work etc. Package the product and advertise.
My parents and grandparents never took any vitamins or other stuff besides just what they ate daily. They all lived into their 90's. What does that say about taking stuff. I realize today we do not get all the things we need in our foods but I still don't see the point of overkill taking allot of stuff or overdosing on stuff either. A one a day vitamin and mineral pill is all that we will ever need to supplement what we don't consume daily.