Age of Consent and Age Differences


Valued Senior Member
In America, the legal age of consent is usualy 16, 17. or 18 depending on the state. Now, consider this....

What if someone who was 35 was dating a 16 year old (in whatever state it is legal in)... where do you draw the line?

What age gap is TOO big to be socially acceptable nad WHY?

5 years, 10 years, 20 years difference?

On another hand, what if a 18 year old has sex a 15 year old and then gets thrown in jail for statutory rape (even though it was consentual)? (It happens quite often). It's only 3 years difference. Yet some how its ok for 50 year olds to have sex with 18 year olds?

Lemme know what you think.....
common sense?

anyway, i believe two years is ideal. afa the 18yo and the 15yo, there will always be that point where the ages will be on the borderline. again this is common sense, the ideal thing is to wait until the 15yo is old enough and 15yo is still a kid.

who said it was ok for a 50yo to have sex w\ 18 yo's? again you take into consideration that the 18yo is theoretically an adult. afa being acceptable, i havent seen this acceptance. for one thing the in 20 short years the 18 yo will be still under middle age and the 50 yo will need a diaper (in some cases) and would have one foot on the banana peel. hardly ideal.
In America, the legal age of consent is usualy 16, 17. or 18 depending on the state. Now, consider this....

What if someone who was 35 was dating a 16 year old (in whatever state it is legal in)... where do you draw the line?

What age gap is TOO big to be socially acceptable nad WHY?

5 years, 10 years, 20 years difference?

On another hand, what if a 18 year old has sex a 15 year old and then gets thrown in jail for statutory rape (even though it was consentual)? (It happens quite often). It's only 3 years difference. Yet some how its ok for 50 year olds to have sex with 18 year olds?

Lemme know what you think.....

This sounded stupid at the time, but for dating this is what a caller to a radio station said was a formula to use.

Divide your age in half and add 7

So if your 40, 20 + 7

If your 18, 9 + 7

and so on.

Then again, if I was a single 45 year old and a young hot 18 year old revealed to me that she was into older more experienced men and she was hitting on me, would saying yes be wrong ?
I am not familiar about the laws in different states but the way I see it as long as the person is 18 and over it is his or her choice to have consensual sex with anyone they wish . The laws should not dictate love and sexual activities betwen adults based on age .
I am not familiar about the laws in different states but the way I see it as long as the person is 18 and over it is his or her choice to have consensual sex with anyone they wish . The laws should not dictate love and sexual activities betwen adults based on age .

Technically an 18 year old with a 17 year old is against the law in California, but it seems to be for the most part socially acceptable. While an 18 year old with a 65 year old is legal many people still cringe or grown when they hear about it. There is a difference socially, no?
Technically an 18 year old with a 17 year old is against the law in California, but it seems to be for the most part socially acceptable.

and very common, i am sure. i have never heard of anyone making an issue of something like that and to me it would be bizarre if they did.
What age gap is TOO big to be socially acceptable nad WHY?

No age gap in such a circumstance can be considered to be "too big"; any age you choose will be entirely arbitrary. Once you enact a law which decides for us how big "too big" is, you face one of the two fundamental flaws in liberal philosophy: arbitrariness.

The other is inconsistency.
If you're an adult, you're an adult, pure and simple. If you want to fuck someone decades older, that's your right.
If you're an adult, you're an adult, pure and simple. If you want to fuck someone decades older, that's your right.

But putting laws aside. What do you think? For you personally, is it out of your comfort zone? I know it is for me, of course I don't think any laws should be made, but... It's not something I'm comfortable with when I hear about it. I mean I cringe.
You cringe because two people consent to having sex and are differing ages? Not that im into watching granny porn or anything, but it shouldn't really matter if an 18 year old wants to get it on with a 70 year old. Let em do whatever they want, but negatively judging someone based solely on the partner they choose seems prejudiced to me.

Do you cringe when you hear that gay people get married? Just curious.
You cringe because two people consent to having sex and are differing ages? Not that im into watching granny porn or anything, but it shouldn't really matter if an 18 year old wants to get it on with a 70 year old. Let em do whatever they want, but negatively judging someone based solely on the partner they choose seems prejudiced to me.

Do you cringe when you hear that gay people get married? Just curious.

Gay people get married? If one was 18 and the other 70, yes I would. It has nothing to do with letting them do what they want. I would never support a measure that banned relationships between people if their age difference was too great. It's just a social thing, that's why where sayings like "robbing the cradle", or "robbing the grave" come from. Like if someone makes out with their sibling. That would make me cringe to, but it isn't illegal nor should it be, I would never tell them they couldn't, but it wouldn't sit right with me either. Sorry if that's prejudiced, but that's the society I was raised in I'm just a byproduct of it.
Just as long as you know, that definitely is some discrimination. I don't think the way you were raised is an excuse to have any sort of prejudice, you wouldn't get away with using that to be racist for example. And you never know... decades down the line you just might be the one rockin' the 19 year old arm candy.

Like if someone makes out with their sibling. That would make me cringe to, but it isn't illegal nor should it be

I think incest actually is illegal? And im sure that would make anyone cringe to see their siblings making out across the dinner table... :)
Just as long as you know, that definitely is some discrimination. I don't think the way you were raised is an excuse to have any sort of prejudice, you wouldn't get away with using that to be racist for example. And you never know... decades down the line you just might be the one rockin' the 19 year old arm candy.

I think incest actually is illegal? And im sure that would make anyone cringe to see their siblings making out across the dinner table... :)

No, it's illegal to have marry or have sex with your siblings not make out with them. And that is discrimination too. So you obviously get where I'm coming from. The way you are raised is most likely the origin of prejudice and you can't just will it away whenever you feel like it, to change your feelings would not just be an overnight process. So yes I'm prejudice, I think it's weird when people are older than their step-grandparent.
File a lawsuit. :cool:
Then again, if I was a single 45 year old and a young hot 18 year old revealed to me that she was into older more experienced men and she was hitting on me, would saying yes be wrong ?
Not morally wrong, no...but as a 45-year old, if a smoking-hot 18 year old stranger was throwing herself at me I would be VERY suspicious, probably so much so that I would reject her advances just to be on the safe side. I'm sure there's some non-zero number of hot 18 year old girls out there who want to have flings with random middle-aged guys, but they're probably rare enough that my "something's weird about this" alarm would go off. (Assuming you aren't a rich and/or famous middle-aged guy).
Once a person is legal, they are legal for anyone else legal.

When I hit 92 I plan to exclusively date 18 year olds.

Cringe is just another word for jealous.
But who decides what the legal age is? Why 16? Why 18? Why not 12? Why not 21? My question is what makes it ok for it be consider moral at a certain age and why that age?
But who decides what the legal age is? Why 16? Why 18? Why not 12? Why not 21? My question is what makes it ok for it be consider moral at a certain age and why that age?

Perhaps the age that most people no longer consider you a child, but even at my age most people still call me a kid. So who knows :shrug: