
The hope of our Heavenly Father and the goal of each person on this earth is to return to live with Him.

That quote is from the website you posted. Sorry to have to say it but that's a false statement. I can hereby assure you my goal in life is not to return to big daddy. I am currently analysing the bible from beginning to end, word for word... Not once this far have i read one mention of god loving anyone. Instead all i have read is a society of slaves tortured by the big daddy. He has given a certain select few priveleges- like having lots of land, children and goats but aside from them he shows extreme malice to his creation. Even those he gives lots of land, children and goats are asked to pay for that which they have been given. Abraham was told to kill his son etc etc- im sure you can read up for yourself and see. In fact you already know this but must have some bizarre version of what love is. I've not seen one religious person disagree that we are here to serve on the premise that he will keep up his promise. However who's to say that's exactly what god intends? You think a slave driver just one day makes his slaves heirs to all he has? Or would it stand to reason that a slave driver makes false promises in order to keep his slaves in line? By the time you'd figured it out it would be too late- you'd be dead.

If someone asked what i would like heaven to be if it existed i'd say Philip Jose Farmer's 'Riverworld' series is a pleasant description.

My goal in life is simply to have a good life. If there is an afterlife i guess i'll find out when i'm dead. Currently i am not dead so im concentrating on this life. Given by god or created by atoms i still think it should be made the most out of and not put in second place to an afterlife we haven't even reached yet.
theres 3 places where you go after you die. either to heaven (you led a good life and didnt depart in sin) to purgatory (where you departed life in venial sin, but you must be cleaned as "one who walked through fires" becasue nothing defiled can enter the kingdom of heaven or you go to hell wchihc mean you didnt believe in god and his teachings and did horrible deeds but didnt repent