

Registered Senior Member
I am posting this to find out what everyone thinks about afterlife. I believe that when we die we are all "earthbound" which means we our spirit stays on earth and we can communicate with the living and go anywhere we like and learn anything we want to learn and as we progress though "afterlife" we can advance to higher plains of existense. There are 7 to be exact and the last being a godlike state. The only reason why there are hauntings and other things like that is that most people don't know they are dead and stay earthbound for many years. Anyways, I would like to hear other peoples views on the subject.
I think that we are worm food. I also think that death might be humans acending to another plain of exsistance. Maybe a spirit or energy based being.

Are you offering this thread as a collection of imaginative fictions or as hypotheses that have some basis?

Your idea sounds interesting but is not unusual. What would be more interesting is if you and others could show your/their reasoning behind the ideas.

For example what is meant by a spirit and where does it reside and how does it survive. If it is immaterial as is a common idea then how does it communicate with the material world?

Do you know that hauntings actually occur, and if so how do you know.

So far all scientific studies into the paranormal either show fraudulent claims or no grounds or the phenomenons are unexplaianable.

So how would you explain and justify your claims?

All clinical studies indicate that when the brain begins to decay, i.e. death, then all memories and brain patterns are irretrievably lost. If a spirit is somehow able to retain this information then how is that possible?

I have read many books on the subject which explore many ideas of what the afterlife is like. All of them come back to what i stated. With testimony for near death experiences, meduims, and other clairvoyent and clairaudient people. I have witnessed a few hauntings and I am a member of the Southeastern Michigan Ghost Hunters Society. I have taked many unexplainable pictures. I have posted this thread, not for fiction, but for beliefs and hypotheses with backing evidence. If you would like I could give you the name of some books and give you the definitions of many different kind of ghosts.
And your soul retains all your knowledge you have obtained. The brain is just the physical.
What if our 'spirit' is an energy based being like I said and it is using the Human body as a 'host' until it, lets say, reaches maturity then leaves the body, thus causing the hosts death.
Zoidberg has it right. Why invoke mystical spirits or other supernatural paraphernalia to explain our intelligence and life. Why not just accept that we are physical and life is a consequence of chemical processes.
Zoidberg didn't say anything like that. You could have misinterpreted the worm food comment and missed the rest of the post and his second one.
I have taked many unexplainable pictures.
Can you post some of these pictures?

Personally, I believe we are worm food. Thats it. Nothing else, save our memories in those we knew that are still living.

I have posted this thread, not for fiction, but for beliefs and hypotheses with backing evidence.

If you have evidence or reason that contradicts my belief...please post it! I completely respect your belief..but skeptics (such as cris and myself) have no reason to believe in an afterlife or ghosts...
Increan's right. Where the hell did you get that from???

I was talking about my thoery on energy based beings that live in our body. It's a far fetched thoery I admit, but it is also interesting and different. I may follow this up farthur.
I blithely ignored the rest of the crud. The wormfood comment had it right, in my opinion.

Oh, and I respect your views as well.
I also respect everyones views and beliefs. I don't actually believe my thoery, it's more of a possibility and a different way to look at things. But at the moment, I agree with my worm food bit.
You see, we do agree. I know what parts of a post people really mean. Yeh, like, right. ;p

Just realised you are from Pompey. I live reasonably close, in doughnut city.

Adopted Hampshire Hog but really a scouse scally.
I do live near pompey, Havant actually. What the hell is Donought city. I've never heard of it??
Hardly have any 'doughnuts' here in California, but we do have 4-way stops. They confuse the hell out of Brits, whereas 'doughnuts' confuse the hell out of Californians.

Sorry but I'm originally from Kent.