African Christians will be killed if Church of England accepts gay marriage

The Obvious

I would simply make the point that many Christian churches in the United States perform and endorse adulterous heterosexual marriages, so ... the whole adultery thing really is kind of a silly complaint to make against homosexuals.
I would simply make the point that many Christian churches in the United States perform and endorse adulterous heterosexual marriages, so ... the whole adultery thing really is kind of a silly complaint to make against homosexuals.

It doesn't help that, in the course of three or four days, you can become an ordained minister online and be legally allowed to marry folks...
I would simply make the point that many Christian churches in the United States perform and endorse adulterous heterosexual marriages

Hmm, I have never seen a Christian church perform an adulterous marriage. Perhaps things are different where you are.
Not So Different as You Might Think

Tiassa said:

Hmm, I have never seen a Christian church perform an adulterous marriage. Perhaps things are different where you are.

Luke 16.18:

"Every one who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery."

I know plenty of people in adulterous marriages, and some of them were even married into those unions in Christian churches.

1 Corinthians 6.9-10:

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor sexual perverts, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God.


Bible: Revised Standard Version:
Luke 16.18:

"Every one who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery."

I know plenty of people in adulterous marriages, and some of them were even married into those unions in Christian churches.

1 Corinthians 6.9-10:

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor sexual perverts, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God.


Bible: Revised Standard Version:

Erm, based on the Corinthians, the kingdom's going to be sparsely populated, no?
Luke 16.18[/url]:
"Every one who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery."

Well, the Bible also prohibits people with glasses from taking communion, but they don't heed that in modern churches, either. The definition of marriage is sex outside your current marriage, and that's hard to do before you are married. I don't know of any priests who would knowingly marry someone who is already married, which is the one sure way to "perform an adulterous marriage."
This and That

Sorcerer said:

Erm, based on the Corinthians, the kingdom's going to be sparsely populated, no?

Well, there is a reason Christian faith is so often reduced to John 3.16; it's easier that way. The great unresolved question of sola fide is to what degree deeds represent faith.

• • •​

Billvon said:

Well, the Bible also prohibits people with glasses from taking communion, but they don't heed that in modern churches, either. The definition of marriage is sex outside your current marriage, and that's hard to do before you are married. I don't know of any priests who would knowingly marry someone who is already married, which is the one sure way to "perform an adulterous marriage."

It just sort of destroys the "Christian" argument against gay marriage.
It just sort of destroys the "Christian" argument against gay marriage.

There are a lot of reasons that the arguments against gay marriage are invalid. "Christian churches perform adulterous heterosexual marriages" just ain't one of them, and weakens your argument overall. A gay marriage opponent could (with just as much validity) claim that gay marriages are all adulterous by definition; that wouldn't be a valid argument either.
Yes ... and?

Billvon said:

There are a lot of reasons that the arguments against gay marriage are invalid. "Christian churches perform adulterous heterosexual marriages" just ain't one of them, and weakens your argument overall. A gay marriage opponent could (with just as much validity) claim that gay marriages are all adulterous by definition; that wouldn't be a valid argument either.

True. But it's a curious change of subject from a consideration of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Church of England, marriage equality, and the "Christian" thing to do about Africa.
So to avoid premarital sex you want to allow adulterous marriage?

Seems like you would just be trading one for the other.

Going to try to argue that all gay marriages are open marriages now? Really Syne, is there no limit to your stupid stereotyping?

Open marriages have existed for as long as 'marriage' existed. And they are not that uncommon amongst heterosexual couples:

The percentage of men and women actively involved in open marriages may be determined from data reported by Blumstein and Schwartz. [1] Out of 3,498 married men, 903 had an agreement with their spouses allowing extramarital sex; out of these 903 married men with an agreement allowing extramarital sex, 24 percent (or 217 men) actually engaged in extramarital sex during the previous year. This means about 6 percent (i.e., 217 / 3498) of married men were actively involved in open marriages during the previous year. The number is only slightly less for married women. Out of 3,520 married women, 801 had an agreement with their spouses allowing extramarital sex; out of these 801 married women with an agreement allowing extramarital sex, 22 percent (or 176 women) actually engaged in extramarital sex during the previous year. This means about 5 percent (i.e., 176 / 3520) of married women were actively involved in open marriages during the previous year.

The estimates based on the Blumstein and Schwartz study are slightly higher than estimates provided by other researchers. Hunt, based on interviews from a national study of sexual behavior, has estimated that 2-4 percent of the married population is involved in open marriages. [3] Bartell has estimated that 2 percent of the married population is involved in open marriages. [6] The lowest estimate comes from a study conducted by Spanier and Cole of several hundred people living in the midwestern United States. This study found just 1.7 percent of married people involved in open marriages. [2]

It appears that somewhere between 1.7 and 6 percent of married people are involved in open marriages at any given time.

I find your comments bizarre for the simple fact that you are setting a standard that is not set for heterosexual people being allowed to marry. You are setting a different standard.
I implied nothing but what I said. How does an adulterous marriage solve premarital sex, in terms of, what, sin? I made no generalization, but such straw man arguments are typical.
I implied nothing but what I said. How does an adulterous marriage solve premarital sex, in terms of, what, sin? I made no generalization, but such straw man arguments are typical.
See, you could only get away with that tactic if everyone had the mental capacity of a potato.
You still need to learn the difference between your inference and my implication.

Once again, we see through your behaviour.

You are dishonest and a homophobe who has pulled these kind of stunts in the past. You infer and then deny. It is the typical tactic often used by bigots. Infer something about a whole group of people and then try to deny you ever said any such thing. You have linked that article, with the direct inference that gays are somehow more adulterous.. In fact, you even came out and said it outright. And then you double it down with comments like:

Syne said:
How does an adulterous marriage solve premarital sex, in terms of, what, sin? I made no generalization, but such straw man arguments are typical.

After inferring and implying that gay marriage was somehow adulterous in the first place (twice in the same thread).

As I said above, you could only possibly get away with that kind of crap if we all had the same mental capacity as a potato.