Afraid Of Rape in Prison? Don't Commit theCrime


I never quite understood the reason for the distinction anyways....

rape1 Pronunciation Key (rp)
1. The crime of forcing another person to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse.
2. The act of seizing and carrying off by force; abduction.
3. Abusive or improper treatment; violation: a rape of justice.

date rape

n : rape in which the rapist is known to the victim (as when they are on a date together)

So, in date rape - you know the person the person and you dont think you have anything to worry about - until you say NO. I had that experience before and it is different. He was a friend of mine so for some odd reason I thought it was okay. No charges, nothing was done about it - except I never spoke to him again. I think it happens alot more than documented.

Groove on
Date rape


An interesting point. If I ever figure how to make a topic out of that, I will.

But as to the distinction, I think it's a sociological distinction and not a legal distinction. The legal distinction might come in the sense that we separate, say, murders. Is there really a distinction between a "crime of passion" (e.g. Murder 2) and a deliberate, planned, cold-blooded killing (e.g. Murder 1)?

Date rape seems to be a line drawn by psychologists and sociologists; it can include forced sodomy during consensual sex, or non-consensual sexual intercourse (among other things). It comes as a counterpoint to the notion that a young man didn't commit rape because he didn't stalk the woman, break and enter her home, and force himself upon her at threat of her life. It is a condition whereby the means of access is available through acquaintance.

But date rape is non-consensual sexual acts forced on a person by someone of their acquaintance, regardless of what other license they have.

I mean, really, if we want to get right down to the bare-bones of it, I've been "raped" several times. Seriously--if a guy tells a woman no, all she has to do is unzip his fly and put his c--k in her mouth. Now, were I to arouse a woman through those means after she has declined sexual contact, it would be rape. To the other, what is my alternative? If I physically attack the woman in defense of my, uh, sanctity ... I'll probably go to jail for that. Yes, it's a ridiculous counterpoint but, technically, under the law, it's correct.

Which brings a question to mind which definitely requires its own topic: What is the difference? In other words ... I could care less that women have continued to physically press for intercourse after I've told them no. One of the long prejudices I've had to deal with since witnessing the chaos of my high school years is the presumption that a woman has to be convinced to have sex, that she must be cajoled, begged, bargained, or even prostituted. What this reflects is the leering, uncouth nature of most males, and the fact that, after seeing the damage it causes, I can't stand it. Of course I've also been dumped before for "going too slow". And when you wake up and your best friend is f--king your girlfriend on the floor ten feet away from you, well, so much for that silly prejudice that women don't like sex and don't want to be admired for their beauty or sensuality or sex appeal. What's so bad about it? Maybe a double-standard. After all, if I get laid in high school, it's studly and admirable. If a girl gets laid--and I don't know that this still holds true ten years later--she's a whore. So go the myths.

Two cents or so on date rape ....

Tiassa :cool:
Nearly every woman I know (and I'm 16) would definetly be frightened and would take some kind of action if a male teacher hit on them. The reverse is a joke. We had student teachers in a while ago and a 19 year old woman in our class as a student teacher would be constantly touching me, offering me rides home.....

Now whether or not she's actually hitting on me or just being friendly with someone relatively close to her age is up in the air. But it is a definte that it could be taken as sexual. And I'm pretty sure a male teacher could get in real trouble for doing such a thing to a girl. But I wouldn't even think of mentioning it to someone that would get our student teacher in trouble.

As for whether or not things ahve changed in ten years? Yes and no. No in that the majority of girls still are not completely open sexually and feel that isn't morally right or 'normal'. Yes in that some women are very open with their sexuallity now.
You have actually just hit on the reason there are not alot of guys in teaching (especially primary school age). My mother is doing a bachola of teaching and i asked her about it. She said that if a female teacher picks a kid up who has been crying (because they fell over or something) and gives them a hug the teacher is just being motherly, if a MALE teacher dose it they are a pedifile.

As rape i think i must have miss read YOUR post tiassa and your quotes (sorry as i said my computer was playing tricks)

Date rape is WRONG. Is not an acxeptable practise for male OR female. If see dumpted you for going to slow she wasn't worth it anyway

This is from vic legle aid
The law is the same for relationships between people of the same sex and relationships between people of opposite sex.

There are age limits on when you are allowed to have sex. If you are:

Under 10
No one is allowed to have sex with you (even if you agree).

Between 10 and 16
A person is not allowed to have sex with you if they are more than two years older than you (even if you agree).

Exceptions to this are if:

you are married to the person
the person had reason to believe that you were 16 or older, or
the person had reason to believe that he or she was married to you.
Aged 16 or 17
A person is not allowed to have sex with you if you are under their care, supervision or authority, for example, a teacher, youth worker or foster carer (even if you agree).

Exceptions to this are if the person had reason to believe that:

you are 18 or older, or
you were married to the person.
Subject to the age limits, the law says that two people are not allowed to have sex unless they both agree. If you do not agree and someone threatens or touches you sexually they are breaking the law. Get advice from Victoria Legal Aid, or contact the Centre Against Sexual Assault. Click on the "How to Get Help" resource link at the right hand side of this page for details

It clearly states that the type of relatioship or your gender have no relivance

There was another thread that we were talking about this but i can't rember where
Ok, y'all ...

Guess it's time for me to stick my two-cents back into a discussion that
is roaming far afield. After dancing around the topic of prison rape and
expressing various sentiments and supposed 'solutions' before going
afield, I find it interesting that no one hasn't touched on an important,
at least to me, aspect of prison rape: It often is a racially motivated
power play!

'Don't commit the crime' if you're White and don't belong to a group like
The Arian Brotherhood, the Hell's Angles or other similar groups that will
protect you, otherwise your ass is fair game for Blacks and Latinos! And
that's the way it is!

I can just hear most of you now: "The old coot has finally gone bonkers!
We knew it was just a matter of time." All I can say is that all of you, except
for maybe *stRgrL*, haven't the faintest idea what the real world is like
when it comes to prisons. Goofyfish does his 'remote intellectual' bit,
tiassa does his 'pity the poor criminal' bit, Adam does a 'macho' bit (Xev
too, for that matter), ImaHamster2 is off on his 'technology can solve the
problem' bit, and Counterbalance and I attempt to add a bit of levity to an
otherwise depressing discussion.

Okay, that's it; I've belched ... Back to doing my taxes.

Y'all take care ;)
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Originally posted by Chagur
Goofyfish does his 'remote intellectual' bit...
Remote Intellectual. I like the way that rolls out, Chag :D

Before I finish writing this someone is likely to “react” to Chagur’s last post. (No Kidding?!) I think I’ll react too because Chagur has brought up something important. (he does do that sometimes :rolleyes: ) There are some “real world” aspects that many living outside the prison environment can’t know, or know well. Racial hierarchies play a part in what goes down. And delving into that can take us, like...reeeeeally far afield. Further than we’d have to go in all likelihood--or would if we‘re not really that interested in coming up with solutions. (Adam, you better put that frying pan down, son... :bugeye: ) Sooo, why not enlighten us further, Chagur? You’re at least somewhat “in the know” on this one and can help us understand what you think could make a difference. (I did use the word “could.” Understood that some are more cynical than others.)

That said, and contrary to what some might believe, I’m not prepared to dismiss all that’s been contributed here. A bit of levity is good, yeah. Attitude is one thing and content another. The hamster, for example, has not asserted that technology is the only answer, but offers a glimpse of how technology can assist in reducing the occurrence of some in-prison crimes. In a nutshell, Tiassa has spoken for the “underdog,” and Adam for the “upright citizen.” (who deserves what kind of treatment or support while incarcerated and why?) Others have shared what they considered relevant. Chagur would now have us all know that we’re off track on this, and so we wait (breathlessly) for more information.

OR, you can ignore all of the above, and all can go ahead and pile on Chagur (as he fully expects you to ) and deprive ME of that fine dragon dinner I’ve been yearning after for many a millennia now.

“Justice” is a relative concept after all. :rolleyes:


Why would we flame him? It would be unsporting, given his age. :D

Besides, he is almost as amusing as taunting Sir Loone, or bickering with Tony1. *Sniffle* I miss Tony.

*Bopples off to open beer bottles with her teeth*

Now, as for date rape, I really don't see a distinction. It seems that the rapist in that situation simply has a different way of 'hunting'. I see no reason to catagorize rapists.

Tyler: I agree. Women are conditioned (perhaps a bit of this is natural) to regard sexual overtures as...well....slightly frightening or 'to be avoided'. Add to that the fact that, on average, men have a bit more power in academia, and the fact that men are waaaaay less likely to refuse an overture........and you have a splendid mess.
Hi, all ...

Well, got my tax reports off in the mail at the local post office ... No need
to make a thirty seven mile run (drive, at my age) to the Main Post Office
to get it date stamped the 15th. Maybe I'm improving, been a procrastinator
since I was a kid.

Speaking about kids, I imagine I've been dealing with the problem of prison
rape since some of you were a gleam in your dad's eye. Yes, I have a few
ideas that work, but they require manpower and they're relatively costly
now days. They weren't back when I started doing my bit, but that's a
different story. And no, it has nothing to do with putting salt-peter in the
inmate's food.

'Unsporting, given his age', Xev? You don't know what 'sporting' is until
you've had to deal with eight-hundred or so pissed off inmates, my dear.

Take care, all ;)

All I can say is that all of you, except
for maybe *stRgrL*, hasn't the faintest idea what the real world is like when it comes to prisons

Awww, Chag - you shouldnt have:D Im going to take that as a compliment and run with it!!!!

Groove on