Aether Wave Theory - a new approach to the contemporary physics understanding

What do you think about AWT?

  • Simply amazing, I can't understand, why such concept wasn't invented a long time before!!! 8-))

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • I hope, it will be successful and long living concept not just in physic as such :-)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • What's the matter? I don't care about it... :-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • |A quite interesting concept, but too much general for practical purposes... :-\

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Too much gaps in logic and low predictability to single hypothesis.... :-(

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • Word salad, as usually... :-((

    Votes: 11 64.7%

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then the Aether would result to act against the photon.
I agree and I've given you a few examples of such action: the polarization of microwave light by vacuum, the dispersion of gamma rays and the materialization of light into particles as an ultimate example of the Aether vorticity. During this the photons are breaked by Aether completelly under formation of particle standing wave, i.e. vortex rotating at place.

Concerning the heavy dense Aether concept, you can found my answer at 01:45 AM. If you're tired, then have good night - the AWT will wait 4you:bugeye:.
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But here is the snag mate.

If the photon experiences a resistence through spacetime then it is next to suggesting it experiences inertia... but since it has no mass, there cannot be any inertial effects.
But here is the snag mate.

If the photon experiences a resistence through spacetime then it is next to suggesting it experiences inertia... but since it has no mass, there cannot be any inertial effects.

photon does have a momentum cant just say it doesnt have mass because it moves all the time as it exists
Draq - you cannot justify it using that arguement.

Some people like to say that the photon has mass because the photon has energy E=hf, where (h) is 'Planck’s constant' and (f) is the frequency of the photon. Thus, they tend to assume that because it has energy (E) it must have mass (M) because of Einstien’s mass-energy equivalence equation E=Mc^2...

They also say that the photon has momentum, and momentum is related to mass p = Mv where (v) is velocity and (p) is for momentum. Yet, you cannot justify it having mass using this argument. This is actually 'relativistic mass' - which is nothing but the measure of energy which will change with velocity. It isn't actually mass, even though mass and energy are related. In physics jargon, the mass of an object is called its 'invariant mass,' and the photon has no invariant mass. Now, a massless particle can have energy and it can have momentum, simply because mass is related to these through the equation

E^2 = M^2c^4 + p^2c^2

, which is subsequently zero-mass for a photon because

E = pc

for massless radiation (remember, c means the speed of light). So yes, the photon has momenta and energy, and can deliver a punch out of it when it hits a surface, but it doesn't have mass.
...if the photon experiences a resistence through spacetime then it is next to suggesting it experiences inertia...

By AWT every limited object with positive curvature should have nonzero rest mass, simply because it's behaving like dense blob of Aether foam. The rest mass of photon corresponds the energy of photon, whose wavelength is comparable with the observable Universe diameter (some 10E-66 kg), i.e. the graviton mass. The mainstream science doesn't care about forum trolls and it doesn't say, the photon is massless. It just puts the upper limit for the photon's rest mass and such limit can be therefore subject of experimental testing. Recently the clever experiment was proposed, how to detect / measure the photon rest mass by violating of Coulomb law. If such experiment will succede, you can consider it as another evidence of Aether concept as well.

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Well, i'll need to depart, unfortunately from this discussion... It's very... Counterintuitive.

All the best though. :)
..It's very... Counterintuitive.
If the AWT concept would be intuitive, it would be proposed a many years before. The true is, the sparse Aether concept is not working, wo we should try to consider the dense one. The AWT is as intuitive, as easy you can imagine the behavior of very dense matter.


The above animation is the record of the condensation of supercritical SF6 vapor inside of sealed glass capillary. We can see on this video, how the density fluctuations primarilly formed are creating a sort of meta-fluid temporarily, i.e. the liquid formed by density fluctuations of another liquid. This is a rudimentary model of vacuum and its hidden dimensions by AWT. Of course, while at the common conditions these unparticle systems are quite brittle, shortliving and stable in narow range of conditions, inside of dense stars they can form the prevailing form of observable matter. Why?

Because they're enabling the most effective energy transfer at the distance. We can say, the vacuum is as huge, as we can see it just because inside of dense chaotic system exactly this phase is best suited for inertial energy transfer at the distance. I'll explain this insight in more details later.
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AWT and Multiverse concept (deleted by bentheman from another topic)

Everett's "many worlds" hypothesis is the one of the viable intepretations of quantum foam behavior at the Planck scale, while the Multiverse hyptohesis is the interpretation of (mem)brane worlds at the cosmological scale. The quantum foam is quite real foam and it doesn't differ conceptually by anything from normal foam, with the exception, it's infinitelly nested. The Multiverses are just bubbles of quantum foam of false vacuum, expanded enormously during inflation. This foam manifest itself by polarization of microwave background of Universe, so it has ebservational evidence, because the bubble branes are birefrigent for microwave radiation, as the AWT predicts (for very short and long wavelengths the Lorentz symmetry is violated).


On the left is the model of "Bubble universes", every disk is a bubble universe (Universe 1 to Universe 6 are different bubbles, they have physical constants that are different from our universe), our universe is just one of the bubbles. In M-theory our universe and others are created by collisions between membranes in an 11-dimensional space. By AWT the bubbles are result of interactions between particles from another layer of space-time at the distance. The Universes are formed inside of quasars, which are formed at the places, where the bubble membranes met together during inflation, thus fitting the brane model. Note that the dodecahedron distribution of gallaxies and dark matter fluctuations corresponds the E8 root system, so it can serve as another observational evidence of the multiverse concept. If the string theorists would really understand the physical implications of their theory, they would propose such model already before time, instead of piling the equations blindly.
AWT and Multiverse concept II. (deleted by bentheman from another topic)

From the black hole model of Universe another consequences of Multiverse concept can be deduced. Near magnetars the vacuum foam becomes more dense and birefrigent, thus leading to the multiversum during energy spreading. This X-ray polarization is dual to the microwave polarization of CMB, being observed from outside perspective. The energy will scatter through vacuum into many directions like the light travelling inside of foam. It means, the single space-time event (for example the flash of gamma radiation) can influent two or more distant places of Universe differently in different directions at the same time!


At the case of rotating charged black holes such behavior can even lead to the formation of dual event horizons, whose radii will depend to the light polarization: a first generation of Universe branes inside of black hole. This is the result of Kerr's black holee solution of general relativity. Inside of black hole the density of event horizons/branes/quantum foam bubbles will increase gradully, until seamlessly converts into the quantum foam interior of another Universe generation. Recently Laura Mersini-Houghton proposed the hypothesis, the gap in the CMB can be considered as the observation evidence of multiverse concept. By AWT the Universe brane should refract or even reflect the infrared and microwave radiation, so even the observation of infrared stars from first generation can be interpreted as an observational evidence of multiverse and brane Universe model. Because the light is dispersed the more, the lower/higher wavelength it has, the gamma ray and microwave imaging of the Universe forms an effective way of testing of multiverse concepts.
The origin of gravity and the inertia inside of our Universe

By AWT the gravity is related to Universe expansion and the inertia is result of space-time R-1/R ("Klein bottle") transform, which manifests itself as an acceleration of the expansion, i.e. the so-called "dark energy". Both general relativity (GR), both quantum mechanics (QM) are approximate theories by dual way: while the quantum mechanics predicts the gradual dissolving of particle wave packets into vacuum, the GR predicts, all particles should collapse into singularities.

The AWT is based on the concept of hypothetical inertial environment of infinite mass/energy density (i.e. the Aether) and it's facing these conceptual problems by the assumption, the current Universe generation is formed by interior of giant collapsar, similar to black hole, which is collapsing with the increasing speed by the same way, like common stars. This collapse is perceived as an Universe expansion from internal perspective of observer, formed by standing wave packets (i.e. the particles) of nested E8 foam, forming the interior of Universe.
A sublte problem of huge theories.

The LQG is dual to string theory by the same way, like the relativity is dual to quantum mechanics, just in more advanced level. I'll try explain you, why both these theories are supersymmetric by the most easy and transparent way possible.

The main problem of quantum mechanics (which was surprisingly ignored by most of theorists) is, the fundamental Schrodinger equation of quantum mechanics is physically non-realistic. It predicts, the quantum wave of completelly free particle will dissolve in vacuum gradually. Which doesn't occcurs at the common distance scale (at the cosmological scales we can observe radiative dissolving of matter, though). This apparent paradox can be solved by introducing of potential box of gravitational field, the problem is, here's no way, how to derive the gravity just by using of quantum mechanics without using of infinite recursion. Briefly speaking, the gravity is relativity concept, not this one of quantum mechanics.


While the (general) relativity is facing exactly the opposite problem. It can consider the particles as a gravitational wave packets (the geometrodynamic theory of J.A.Wheeler takes account into it and it calls them geons). But the geon model has no mechanism, how to prohibit the gravitational collapse into singularity. By such way, nether relativity theory, nor quantum mechanics theory in their current state of development can be considered as an exact models of reality. The AWT explains, every particular theory can serve as a TOE theory at the moment, it will be made implicit by infinitely nested recursion. Unfortunatelly, the formalism of these theories is quite complex with compare to Newtonian mechanics, so that only the first hesitant attemps, how to make these theories implicit has appeared (the double relativity as an example).

The AWT solves the problem of both theories by elegant and simple way. It considers the universe as a dense collapsing blob of Aether nested foam, which is expanding from internal observer perspective. By AWT way, the Universe expands by the (nearly) the same speed, as the particle wave packets inside it, and it collapses by the (nearly) same speed, like the particle geons inside it. By such way, the particles of matter inside of particular Universe generation remains (approximatelly) of the same relative size during whole Universe life-time. Note that by such model, both the gravitational field of particles, both the surface energy of gravity field (which follows from mass-energy equivalence) is the direct consequence of the Universe collapse/expansion.

The AWT explains furthermore, the Universe expansion/collapse cannot be ethernal and it's alternated by phase transforms, which effectivelly switch their signs in the process of mutual exchange of space and time dimensions. This metarotation is aupposed to be the source of of the last missing point, the source of Universe inertia. Such insight makes the (nearly) whole the Universe existence virtual, but the complete understanding of Universe inertia appears as a quite deep problem.

We are facing the semantical causality problems here: if we'll insist on strictly logical explanation of the Universe nature, we should consider, only inertial, i.e. nonpenetrating fermion particles can fulfill the Boolean logic operators. Therefore the requirement of logic introduces an inertial bias into our thinking, the Universe can never be understood in terms of causual predicate logic completelly, the formal math the less. Because the Universe has no rules, in fact - if we can see some rules in it, we are just sampling the causual gradients from quantum chaos.
Huh? You can understand new theories conceptually without math, AND without looking at ridiculous 19th century theories... (Because before Planck, ovens contained infinite energy, and before Einstein time was the same everywhere...)

lmao roflmao
lmao roflmao
The spin network of LQG is dual view to the string and branes of string theories. Both they're can be considered as the system of dynamic fluctuations, which appears inside of condensing vapor or during mixing of fluids of different refraction index (dissolving of sugar solution in pure water).


Every undulation is dual to rotation via Euler transform, when every harmonic motion can be considered as a rotation in the complex plane (i.e. the complex conjugate of nested dimensions). For example, the undulations of water surface in hidden dimensions can be interpreted as a rotational motion of water particles from invariant reference frame perspective.

From this point of view, the undulations of nested strings and branes in string theory can be considered as an dual view of nested quantum loops of LQG theory. While the string theory is quantum wave based, it prefers the (quantum) wave formalism, while the LQG is GR based, so it preffers the torsion field formalism, based on (shear) torsions of Lorents transform. The mutuall battles of string a LQG theorists follows just from the fact, both groups of theorists cannot see the forrest of physics through the number of trees, i.e. the through the pile of equations, which are describing their theories - so they cannot understand the conceptual simmilarities and connection points of theirs models, although these models are conceptually quite simple, in fact. This is the logical consequence of the fact, the contemporary theories of physics are developed mostly by formal way, i.e. by logic rules of algebra, but without intuitive understanding of the subject. It's like the attempt to solve the physical homework just by random combinations of eqautions, rewritten from textbook, i.e. withou intuitive understanding of the assignation at first. While such formal approach is qualified as wrong by teachers, it's quite common in the contemporary physical theories development.

This approach is somewhat dual to the philosophy, which is based on the vague description of reality, so it cannot make any predictions, although the development of formal model can be quite simple. While the problems of modern theories with testable predictions is based on the exactly opposite problem: we have complex formal models, but because the reality is stochastic by its very nature, the strictly causual models are poorly conditioned, which leads to the huge landscapes of alternative theories, i.e. the vagueness by the same way, like the natural philosphy. We have a lotta formal models, but because we don't understand, which one can be correct, we are scrambled by the same way, like from vague tractates of philosophy.

It's evident, for achieving of best perfomance during development of reality models both the intuitive approach, both the formal approach must remain balanced in duality.
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The AWT explanation of the space-time concept (deleted by bentheman)

Because no other answer proposal were given so far, I'll try to explain the AWT's explanation of time arrow briefly. Like I've said previously, the radiative time arrow is tightly connected to the space-time concept, where the time dimension is just one of many dimensions of space-time metric. Neverthelles, the time dimension always differ from space dimensions by its orientation, i.e. the arrow. This is an important point, because it enables always to distinguish the time dimensions from another dimensions of space-time.

With respect of radiative time arrow, the time is always defined by the direction of radiative energy spreading. The direction of the readiative time arrow is related to the thermodynamic time arrow, which explains the energy spreading by the diffusive matter spreading along the density gradient of inertia. By another words, the energy is always spreading to level the density gradients of Aether. As the density gradients are related to time density, the energy spreading can be expressed as a time density leveling inside of gradually collapsing Universe. Bellow is, how the gravitational waves and the motion of particle can be intepreted as an inertial diffusion of Aether. In real cases the density gradients are much more sharper and mutually nested, indeed.


Inside of Universe observable by inertial creatures, every reality is formed by inertial gradients, i.e. the density gradients of inertial (causual) Aether fluctuations. Therefore the space-time is formed just by inertial gradient as well. You can think, the space-time is formed by the density gradient, like the water surface. The apparent inertial energy spreading at the water surface is caused by the increased density of inertial gradients here due the interference of inertial waves.


Because the density of energy spreading is proportional the density of inertial gradients, the energy density is enhanced along the surface of density gradient. We can say, every sufficiently sharp density gradient of Aether fluctuations is behaving like less or more dense sheet, serving for inertial matter spreading, like the massive N-dimmensional plate or string. This sheet is called the space-time.

For example, the water surface gradient is behaving like thin, but dense elastic membrane. Above the water surface the environment is of low inertial density, so it cannot transfer energy well. Bellow the surface is underwater. Underwater is of relativelly high density, but its compressibility is low as well. Therefore the maximal density of energy spreading is exactly at the place of highest mass density gradient by dE/V = dm/Vc^2 equation. We know, during the shallow underwater explosions most of energy is radiated just via water surface, the amount of energy spreaded through underwater of by air can be neglected. Therefore, with respect of energy spreading the water surface is behaving like quite common space-time brane of string theory.
The AWT explanation of radiative time arrow (deleted by bentheman)

If the space-time is formed by less or more flat mass/energy density gradient of inertial density fluctuation of Aether, what the heck the time dimension is? And how it differs from space-dimensions?

The inertial energy can spread across the water surface gradient by many ways. But just a few directions are mutually independent: these directions are defining the degrees of freedom for inertial energy spreading, i.e. the symmetry degree of underlying space-time metric and they're can be called the dimensions of space-time. At the case of space-time brane at the water surface the number of spatial dimensions is just two, becase every wave of inertial energy can spread along the water surface just in two mutually independent directions, in which the water surface wave doesn't affect/interfere the another surface waves. This is because the interference will result into another space-time generation formation.

The remaining direction, which is normal to the space dimensions is the direction, normal to the water surface direction. And this is exactly, what the time dimension means in the AWT. The time dimension of space-time are the normal direction, paralel with the direction of inertial gradient, forming the space-time metric. We can see, the time dimensions is just one of many directions of space-time, by the same way, like the space dimension, but because this direction is oriented to space-time gradient, it has always an arrow. The space dimensions, which are planparalel with the space-time gradinent have no such orientation, in fact they're defined just by the directions, which exhibits the lowest anisotropy, i.e. nonequllibrial character of energy spreading.

As we know, the energy spreads along the water surface freely, while the passing of mass/energy through water surface is much more difficult and it's followed by reflection and refraction phenomena. This is the reason, why the travelling in time is so difficult with compare to travelling through space and it's always followed by the substantial loss of energy and mass. The spreading of matter along water surface (the flowing) is more easy, then accross of water surface, but its followed by less or more pronounced formation of standing wave (the deBroglie wave), which results into accumulation of motion energy. This energy is released back during matter breaking, so it's the source of matter inertia.

Surprisingly enough, all the complex phenomena following the matter/energy spreading in the vacuum can be explained by inertial diffusion of matter particles at the water surface, i.e. the artifacts following the diffusion of Aether fluctuations accross the sufficiently pronounced gradients of inertia.


The simulation above models most of complex turbulence and wave phenomena at the liquid surface just by particle simulation of gas. At the moment, this gas will condense by sufficiently high speed, the diffusive dissolution of surface gradient can be neglected and then the inertial waves, spreading along density gradients can remain the conditionally stable. It means, the observable Universe is temporal phenomena, the gradual collapse/expansion of which enables the radiative energy spreading at the distance. So we can explain most of Universe properties just by sufficient accumulation of matter/energy of Aether at the place, i.e. as an effect following the sufficiently large mass/energy fluctuations of Aether.

If the space-time is formed by inertial gradients of Aether and the time dimension is formed by normal direction of this gradient, which testable predictions/explanations can be derived from this simple model? Without such predictions no model of reality can have a deeper sense, as it remains useless with respect of the human's understanding of reality.

Try to propose some! You can still use the water surface analogy. For example, what will happen, if we increase the energy density at the water surface?
The AWT explanation of the question "Is the Universe / an electron a Black Hole?"

(Q) said:
Subject exhausted.
(the AWT explanation of the question "Is the Universe / an electron a Black Hole?" - a reply to the post, closing the subject)

In fact, the subject wasn't even started. In general, the black hole is general relativity concept. The quantum mechanics doesn't recognize the singularity or event horizon concept, being based on wave solution. Therefore the comparison of electron and black hole is not realm of general relativity, but quantum gravity. Such theory isn't working yet, unfortunatelly.

More advanced theories, like the string theory or AWT can see the common points between electron and black hole behavior, the AWT can demonstrate them even without math. The only problem is, the AWT model of black holes isn't accepted yet and the string theory description is complex and completelly formal. So that the only accepted common property of electron and black hole is the assumption, both they're pin-point objects. Which cannot be true in both cases.

By AWT the electron is considered as a dense clound of Aether fluctuations (so called the virtual quarks), which are simmilar to the fluctuations of condensing supercritical vapor, confined their own gravity. The similarity with the black hole model of AWT is quite apparent here. Whole the electron is behaving like undulating density fluctuations of Aether, i.e. by the same way, like the black hole, which is undulating and swirling beneath the event horizon as a single quantum wave by AWT. This swirling is the source of electron electromagnetic and leptonic charges.


By such way, here's as many conceptual similarities between black hole and the electron, as many differences.
How differs the object in motion from the objects at rest? By relativity the position is relative, so here's no way, how to distingush such objects.


By Aether theory every object in motion is making so called de Broglie wave of vacuum around itself, by the same way, like the duck, swimming at the water surface. But such wave cannot be seen by using of light, because the waves are penetrating mutually like ghosts. So what we can see it's just the duck, not the wave of vacuum, generated by its motion.
Huh? You can understand new theories conceptually without math, AND without looking at ridiculous 19th century theories... (Because before Planck, ovens contained infinite energy, and before Einstein time was the same everywhere...)

Einstein was horrible at math
Einstein was horrible at math
He wasn't definitelly excellent, but he was quite good in everything, which is the reason of relativelly high degree of synergy between different forms of intelligence. Many quite brilliant mathematicians are suffering by quite poor sense of physics and nonformal intuition, which is the reason of what I'm calling "supersymmetric philosophy". The classical philosophers equipped by nonformal intuition often cannot express their's ideas by formal, exact models even at the case, such formal derivation can be quite trivial task. The superphilosphers, i.e. formal mathematicians cannot explain his formal results by understandable way, even at the case, such explanation can be quite simple. Briefly speaking, both groups of people cannot understand their subject completelly.

We can see, both group of theorists are facing the reproducibility problem: they cannot spread their ideas well through the population at the distance due their limitations. We can compare such situation to the case of inertial energy spreading at the water surface: The air is highly compressible, "vague" stuff, but it has low density, high volatility of ideas - so it transfers low energy density. While the water is pretty dense, but incompressible stuff, it's conceptual rigidity leads to the same result: the energy density transferred in mechanical waves is rather low here as well.

As the result, during underwater explosion, most of energy spreads via surface wave, not through air or underwater. Just the water interface, or the foam, where both compressible, both heavy phases are mixed in proper ratio exhibits the highest density of energy and information spreading and evolution speed. This is why we are composed of cells foam, why our neural network is foam and why the vacuum is supposedly foam too. All these phases are optimized with respect of inertial energy spreading at the distance.
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