Aether Displacement

Of course it would. Roll a bowling ball down a ramp into a tank full of a superfluid. The bowling ball will displace the superfluid into the form of a wave. There will be no loss of energy between the bowling ball and the superfluid because the superfluid is frictionless.

The silly analogies continue, demonstrating again that you have no model, no math and no rational possibility of proving anything you believe in.
You have said the aether is a superfluid. I assume you said that because you think it sounds neat or technical. I say that because you also say that a galaxy moving through the aether creates a halo, sort of a bow wave, but that of course wouldn't happen in a superfluid.

The idea of an aether that we are moving through is shown to be incorrect every time that the speed of light is measured.

I recommend that you get some basic understanding of physics. There are courses that you can take at community colleges and if you aren't out of high school yet take a physics course there.

Good luck!

These things he says work, he just doesn't have the right explanation, doesn't know how they work. But they do work with some explanations. I don't know how they would all work with displacement though, just that when you add the correct descriptions to the ideas I can make them work.
Until you provide evidence for this 'more correct model' you're making baseless claims. Dark matter models have evidence, you have none.

You obviously don't understand basic celestial mechanics. If something is moving very quickly, ie between 11km/s and 42km/s it will be bound to the Sun but not the Earth. If it moves between 42km/s and 525km/s then it will be bound to the galaxy but not the Sun. If an object is moving through the Milky Way at 300km/s and passes through our solar system the pull of the Sun will not be strong enough to keep it in the system, it'll just whiz right through. This is true for ANY matter, normal or dark, because it's basic mechanics of gravity.

Why is dark matter moving through the Milky Way at 300km/s at the same time it is unable to move between 42km/s and 525km/s or between 11km/s and 42km/s?

If the dark matter were to slow down enough it would become gravitationally bound to the Sun or even Earth. The problem is it only slows down when it collides with things and it very very very rarely does that, just like neutrinos.

Why is dark matter only capable of traveling at 300km/s?

If you sent a beam of neutrinos into 50,000 light years of solid lead (that's half the length of the galaxy!) half the neutrinos would come out the other end, that's how little they interact with things. Normal matter collides with itself all the time, hence why it forms more small scale structure than dark matter.

Are neutrinos gravitationally bound to the Milky Way and not the Sun or the Earth? Why do you think this analogy has anything to do with dark matter when we are discussing the absurd notion dark matter is gravitationally bound to the Milky Way at the same time it is not gravitationally bound to the Sun or the Earth.

You haven't bothered to find out anything about this and once again you're getting indignant for something which is your own fault. You are never going to convince people you're right if you can't show some intellectual honesty. No one is going to think "He seems honest, perhaps it's worth investing my time to listen to him" if you're seen to lie all the bloody time.

James, mpc has made it apparent on this forum and others he isn't interested in discussion, only to hear the sound of his own repetitive voice.

James, this poster has provided zero evidence as to why dark matter would be gravitationally bound to the Milky Way and not the Earth and the Sun.
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The silly analogies continue, demonstrating again that you have no model, no math and no rational possibility of proving anything you believe in.

Einstein used water as analogous to aether. Analogous help to conceptualize what is being discussed.

Since the aether is, or behaves similar to, a superfluid with properties of a solid using the analogy of a superfluid is correct since that is what the aether is, or behaves similar to.
These things he says work, he just doesn't have the right explanation, doesn't know how they work. But they do work with some explanations. I don't know how they would all work with displacement though, just that when you add the correct descriptions to the ideas I can make them work.

You don't need 'flow' when describing what occurs physically in nature to cause gravity.

Gravity is the force exerted by displaced aether toward matter.
Einstein used water as analogous to aether. Analogous help to conceptualize what is being discussed.

Since the aether is, or behaves similar to, a superfluid with properties of a solid using the analogy of a superfluid is correct since that is what the aether is, or behaves similar to.

The Aether makes the superfluid. The Aether makes the material that scientists call Dark Matter. You can't keep switching between examples. When somebody mentions the word Dark Matter you say that it is Aether. But you still use the words Dark Matter yourself. Then you ask questions about Dark Matter.. how does it become gravitationally bound to the Earth, and not the sun? Just flow in into them.. add flow towards the nucleus of atoms, towards the area that you say the Aether is not displaced from. then spin it around in an anti-matter figure 8, and let it flow out again as magnetism. Then the Michael Morley experiment has the photon creating the bow shock which then locks the Aether to the Earth, and all is fixed.
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The Aether makes the superfluid. The Aether makes the material that scientists call Dark Matter. You can't keep switching between examples. When somebody mentions the word Dark Matter you say that it is Aether. But you still use the words Dark Matter yourself. Then you ask questions about Dark Matter.. how does it become gravitationally bound to the Earth, and not the sun? Just flow in into them.. add flow towards the nucleus of atoms, towards the area that you say the Aether is not displaced from. then spin it around, and let it flow out again as magnetism. Then the Michael Morley experiment has the photon creating the bow shock which then locks the Aether to the Earth, and all is fixed.

The reason why I am discussing non-baryonic dark matter is to show there is zero evidence it is gravitationally bound to matter.

Once you understand matter moves through non-baryonic dark matter you should be able to correctly understand what is postulated as non-baryonic dark matter is aether.–Thorndike_experiment#The_experiment

"The original Michelson–Morley experiment was useful for testing the Lorentz–FitzGerald contraction hypothesis only."

The Michelson-Morley experiment was looking for the 'aether wind'.

This has nothing to do with the aether of relativity.

The state of the aether of relativity at every place determined by its connections with the Earth and the state of the aether in neighboring places is the state of displacement of the aether.

Watch the following video starting at 0:45 to see the state of the aether at every place determined by its connections with the Earth and the state of the aether in neighboring places which is the state of displacement of the aether.
The reason why I am discussing non-baryonic dark matter is to show there is zero evidence it is gravitationally bound to matter.

Once you understand matter moves through non-baryonic dark matter you should be able to correctly understand what is postulated as non-baryonic dark matter is aether.–Thorndike_experiment#The_experiment

"The original Michelson–Morley experiment was useful for testing the Lorentz–FitzGerald contraction hypothesis only."

The Michelson-Morley experiment was looking for the 'aether wind'.

This has nothing to do with the aether of relativity.

The state of the aether of relativity at every place determined by its connections with the Earth and the state of the aether in neighboring places is the state of displacement of the aether.

Watch the following video starting at 0:45 to see the state of the aether at every place determined by its connections with the Earth and the state of the aether in neighboring places which is the state of displacement of the aether.

Yes, a rotationally dragged spin bent towards a body.. flow. Ever seen water going down a plughole?
Yes, a rotationally dragged spin bent towards a body.. flow. Ever seen water going down a plughole?

What the video represents is not a flow toward a body. What it represents is the state of displacement of the aether.

Take a mesh bag full of marbles and place it into a tank full of a superfluid. Now spin the bag of marbles. The state of displacement of the superfluid will be similar to what is depicted in the video. The superfluid does not flow toward the marbles. The state of the superfluid as determined by its connections with the mesh bag of marbles and the state of the superfluid in neighboring places is the state of displacement of the superfluid.
Einstein used water as analogous to aether.

Ah yes, Einstein, he was that fellow that showed that the concept of an aether should be abandoned.

Analogous help to conceptualize what is being discussed.

And mathematics elevate and idle conjecture to a level that is worth discussing.

I would love to see the mathematical model of how the galaxy moving through the 'aether' would form a halo. Hint: a mathematical model is not hand waving involving ramps, submarines or even bowling balls.

Heck you can use any of the fluid dynamics equations and plug in any numbers you want - just see if there is any way to get the halo around the galaxy that is detected by an objects motion through a fluid.
Ah yes, Einstein, he was that fellow that showed that the concept of an aether should be abandoned.

What part of the following are you unable to understand?

"According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable" - Albert Einstein
What part of the following are you unable to understand?

"According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable" - Albert Einstein

I think I understand that just fine.
What is your response to this:

I would love to see the mathematical model of how the galaxy moving through the 'aether' would form a halo. Hint: a mathematical model is not hand waving involving ramps, submarines or even bowling balls.

Heck you can use any of the fluid dynamics equations and plug in any numbers you want - just see if there is any way to get the detected halo around the galaxy by an objects motion through a fluid.
I think I understand that just fine.

"According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable" - Albert Einstein

The above means the opposite of the following.

"Ah yes, Einstein, he was that fellow that showed that the concept of an aether should be abandoned."
. . . .MODERATOR! . . . I've changed my mind . . .please delete this thread . . . it is only repeating what is found elsewhere . . . I originally though it would be constructive . . . guess not!

"According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable" - Albert Einstein

The above means the opposite of the following.

"Ah yes, Einstein, he was that fellow that showed that the concept of an aether should be abandoned."

Fine. I cannot know what he meant by that statement, he is not here to ask.

So, what is your response to this:

I would love to see the mathematical model of how the galaxy moving through the 'aether' would form a halo. Hint: a mathematical model is not hand waving involving ramps, submarines or even bowling balls.

Heck you can use any of the fluid dynamics equations and plug in any numbers you want - just see if there is any way to get the detected halo around the galaxy by an objects motion through a fluid.

You don't have a clue about how to do something like what I am asking (even though it is central to your idea) so you are going to dodge, aren't you?
Fine. I cannot know what he meant by that statement, he is not here to ask.

How can you not understand what the following quote means?

"According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable" - Albert Einstein

It means there is an ether in the general theory of relativity.

How can you not understand that?
How can you not understand what the following quote means?

"According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable" - Albert Einstein

It means there is an ether in the general theory of relativity.

How can you not understand that?

He renamed it space-time just renaming it is enough to confuse scientists.
How can you not understand what the following quote means?

"According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable" - Albert Einstein

It means there is an ether in the general theory of relativity.

How can you not understand that?

Wow, you dodged my question, who would have thought.

Since I know you won't move on...

I think that Einstein simply meant that space is not 'nothing', otherwise how could gravity warp space. However he certainly did not mean that space is filled with a luminiferous aether that was stationary relative to the motion of the galaxy and was a rigid medium that light propagated through.

I also know that he never even imagined (even if he was drunk and had suffered a head trauma) that an ether had anything to do with gravity.

You may disagree with my opinion on what he meant, that is fine.

Now would you please dodge my question again:

I would love to see the mathematical model of how the galaxy moving through the 'aether' would form a halo. Hint: a mathematical model is not hand waving involving ramps, submarines or even bowling balls.

Heck you can use any of the fluid dynamics equations and plug in any numbers you want - just see if there is any way to get the detected halo around the galaxy by an objects motion through a fluid.