Adrenal glands

Asguard, could you tell us a bit more about what adrenomedullary insufficiency would do to someone not paralyzed?
If autoimmune related the medulla is usually spared but the synthesis of epinephrine is dependant on high local cortisol concentrations. You can also have an adrenal crisis, which may result from an acute exacerbation of Addison's, chronic insufficiency, sepsis, surgical stress, or adrenal hemorrhage. But steroid withdrawal is usually the cause.

Did you know that President Kennedy had Addison’s disease?
Asguard, could you tell us a bit more about what adrenomedullary insufficiency would do to someone not paralyzed?

nope, never met anyone in that state of studied it. The only time I have studied the lack of adrenalin has been in relation to spinal cord injury causing loss of sympathetic innovation. I could extrapolate from spinal patients as to what would happen but it would be a pure guess. Basically I would think that anything which is regulated sympathically by adrenalin rather than by nerve would show a deficiency. So your heart rate would slow, your vessels dilate and you would have trouble reacting to injury. However as I said, neuro release seems to compensate for adrenal loss in spinal cord patients and it would be reasonable to theorise that this would also occur in the case of adrenal loss.