Adams Apple

Another perspective

Look at it this way: until Troy was found, everyone though the Iliad was pure fantasy. Of course, now that Troy is proven to exist it must follow that the Iliad and the Odyssey are true accounts of actual events. :bugeye:

Similarly, the existence of Crete and the ancient Minoan civilization demonstrates the veracity of the Ariadne myth. :confused:

Well, anyway... I'm not aware of any scientific attempts to disprove the Bible through archaeology. If anything, all I've heard is that some archaeologists are now using the Bible as well as other myths and artifacts from ancient cultures and religions to search for other "mythological" locations that used to be considered fictional but now are considered to be at least potentially real.

Where the Bible does conflict with science is its creation myth as well as a number of other places where it entertains such things as the stone-age notions of disease for example. In short, pretty much it conflicts in any nontrivial issue when it comes to describing the natural world. Note that in cases where the truth would be obvious even to someone from the stone age, the Bible tends to get it right.

With regard to some of the things Caleb posted as purportedly deep insights of a prophetical nature:

The earth is called a circle (ie sphere) -- not flat.

Well, anyone who stands up, looks at the horizon and turns 360 degrees will notice that the horizon (where the earth "ends") is a circle with the observer's location as its center. Easy piece of insight for a stone-age "wise man". I think your conceptual leap from a circle to a sphere, though, is unjustified.

It "hangs" on NOTHING!

Here we go again. I've already had this discussion with Tony1 -- but unless you insist that the Earth is the center of the universe, you have to acknowledge that the Earth is zooming at many hundreds of miles per second in a complex trajectory through space. Hardly what a reasonable person would call "hanging".

However, it is easy to see how a stone-age thinker would arrive at such a notion. After all, if the Earth is not "hanging" but standing on something, then what is that 'something' standing on in turn? It's essentially the same argument that atheists give to dispute the existence of the supernatural -- only this time applied to the support of the earth. The solution, of course, is to choose the simplest explanation that agrees with all observation and does not introduce unnecessary complexity.

The water cycle is referenced.

Again, little surprise there. Anybody knows that water evaporates into the air on a hot day, that it can linger in the air in the form of fog, and it comes down from the air in the form of precipitation. Stone-age science that just happens to be simple enough to get it right.

Ocean currents are referenced.

Another easy observation for any nation involved with or at least indirectly familiar with seafaring.

The stars cannot be numbered.

A conclusion anyone would reach after trying to count them by hand one night.

On the other hand, the stars can be numbered. There is a finite and exact number of stars in the sky that are visible to the naked eye at any particular moment in time. Moreover, there is a finite and exact number of stars in our galaxy at any given moment, and no stars beyond our galaxy are visible even with the best modern telescopes. However, the number of galaxies in the observable universe also can be numbered and is finite (because the observable universe is finite), and therefore the total number of observable stars is also finite. As to the universe beyond the observable threshold (too far for light to have reached us since the universe's formation), nobody knows yet. It may be infinite, or it may be finite...

The heavens are "streched" (space is expanding)

That's a wishful misinterpretation. The Bible describes the "stretching" of a heavens over the earth as a single act that is part of creating the Earth. From the context it cannot be interpreted as meaning that the heavens continue to stretch even to this day. Rather, the verse is a simple allegory to stretching a tent over a lot of dirt.
Absolute Truth! The Bible is! Absolute Truth!

The Bible is from GOD Himself, and is 'wisdom' and 'knowledge' above mortal men! You can not real compare it to any other! Science is catching on with it's ABSOLUTE TRUTHS in history and science! Yes! And as much as haters of the Word will try to disclaim it as truth and wisdom, the Word of GOD shall stand all test of time and the Devil's lies!:)

Man's word, agianst GOD's HOLY WORD! And GOD wins and the Truth stands! Because the natural man/woman'sword apart from the Bible's 'wisdom' and truths, is on thin ice! Look and see fore your selves that the Word of GOD is true in history and it's wisdom is greatly needed in our societies!

Woe unto the nations that forget GOD!
Sir Looney

The structure of your posts, fonts, marquee, etc., reminds me of a tacky billboard in front of a used car lot. :D
The Bible is from GOD Himself, and is 'wisdom' and 'knowledge' above mortal men! You can not real compare it to any other! Science is catching on with it's ABSOLUTE TRUTHS in history and science! Yes! And as much as haters of the Word will try to disclaim it as truth and wisdom, the Word of GOD shall stand all test of time and the Devil's lies!

Man's word, agianst GOD's HOLY WORD! And GOD wins and the Truth stands! Because the natural man/woman'sword apart from the Bible's 'wisdom' and truths, is on thin ice! Look and see fore your selves that the Word of GOD is true in history and it's wisdom is greatly needed in our societies!

Woe unto the nations that forget GOD!

Sigh, this is really starting to rag on me :(

The Bible is no more absolute truth than Harry Potter books are training witches. For all that "absolute truth" there seems to be very, very little evidence. You'd think it if was the absolute truth it would be rock solid with evidence and proofs, however instead we have something more like swiss cheese, soft and full of holes. The Bible is no more credible than a Harry Potter book, but of course theists will not accept this.
Just do it ...

Sigh, this is really starting to rag on me
Good Xelios, to trouble you for but a moment:

I finally made the decision to ignore Sir Loone based mostly on the grounds that in his eleven months here, I've had perhaps a single moment of agreement with him, and that invested by my own sense of sarcasm. Unlike other posters who would disrupt discussions with idiotic Bible-thumping, Sir Loone seems either unwilling or unable to explain his irrelevant posts; either way, Christian faith is at least partly to blame for this.

At least with other posters we feel are over the line, we can call them out and give them as much license as possible to explain themselves. But Sir Loone would rather keep up this incessant floating of air biscuits that keeps the Devil grinning and Jesus weeping because of the magnitude of falsely-invested self-righteousness motivating such tantrums.

That's what I like about billboards: nobody says I have to look at them. In light of that, though, it's what I don't like about billboards: that somebody has gone to the waste of cutting down trees in the middle of nowhere along the highway to remind me that AT&T is the internet solution I need.

I can ignore Loone, and I shall. To the other, I can't believe he wastes his time and ours, or even the necessary electricity to immortalize such shameful horsepucky. Such a tragedy, such a tragedy indeed.

Why do I have an image stuck in my mind of Disco Stu snorting sugar and bustin' moves to the Bee Gees? :bugeye:

Tiassa :cool:

Originally posted by (Q)
Sir Looney

The structure of your posts, fonts, marquee, etc., reminds me of a tacky billboard in front of a used car lot. :D
Well thank you, I think!:D

The Bible is wisdom and knowledge above that of men! It is from GOD to men!

And the days are slowly drawing to a close! Jesus is comming! Well He may give you all a life time to come to your senceses! But live and learn! And the supernatural is above nature as we know it! Man does not know all there is to know about his existance, but the Book of Books do! The Bible is the living Word of GOD! Beware! The Devil is romeming about as a roaring lion, seeking the ones he can devower! Je'sus is still waiting! And He is good and loving, and he Saves any of you! Your not beyound hope! Glory Glory!:D
There was a big hooplah about Jesus coming at the beginning of this millennium, we are now technically a year into it and there's still no sign of him. Every time people get all excited about Jesus coming back nothing happens, as it should, because it's all one of the longest running myths in human history.
Would that be the Q-tip of the day?
Really guys... what are you thinking you are talking about?
We can think about it Religiously or Scientifically...
The reality is that we need an "accurate" interpretation of the Bible. The alegorie (pscicologically speaking) of the Tree of Life and The Tree of Conscience is the basics of all the Religions and the basics of Junguian Pscicology.
The alegorie interpretation:

God gave to us (humans) all the world (Genesis 1:26,28-30).
And He made us to be like Him (Genesis 1:27)
What does this means?
That our True-Selves, our Inner-Selves, are God and we are all Him at the same time. We are connected even though we can't feel it because we are not aware about it. We are not aware because Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (simbolically explaining). The snake represents our Ego.
Look for Genesis 3:5. Now is the most important. When they ate from the Tree, they won Conscience about the Dualistic world. They won Knowledge. But they also began conscient about evil. They become confused with the Dualistic world and it's why they had to come out of the Garden.
Since they ate from it, we began our journey toward the Tree of Life. What is the difference between them? Lets make it simpler (at least try):

The Tree of Conscience (snake also): Means Ego. Your mind. What you think you are. Is the source of all confusion. The "awareness" of the Dualistic world (see also Taoism, the same concept). When you start to differentiate, in this example, the Good and Evil, you get confused. In this state of conscience you have two "Truths".

The Tree of Life: Means Inne-Self or True-Self. Also means God and Truth. When you eat from the Tree of Life you discover the Truth. THERE IS ONLY ONE TRUTH. You became aware of who you really are.

Here is a diagram to make clear the Evolution explained in the Bible:
/ \
Truth Truth
\ /

We are in the middle. We come from God and we will someday return to Him. This is what is said in the Bible. We are in a journey to become aware of who we are. This is the Spiritual meaning. The Scientifical meaning is that we are made by the dust of the stars and we will someday return to where we come, to the stars.

P.S.: Is important to see with my last phrase that your body will return to dust. You will not. You are a spirit inside a body. Your body is only your vehicle (OBErs know that more than anyone else... :) ). Your Spirit (yourself) will return to the Source, God, Tao or whatever the name you call it.

Holy!, Holy!, Holy!

Adam and Eve were not symbolic, but real people, the father and mother of all living!

The Word of GOD is Holy!

It is from GOD Himslef unto us!

God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, is alone GOD, the triune Supreme being! We who was created by Him, in His image, is NOT GOD!! No! But those that are the Saints of God do have His Holy Spirit with in them! Yet, again, we humans are NOT GOD!! No! Not collectively, nor individualy! We are His creations! He alone is the 'soul' Creator of all the universe and beyond!

TruthSeeker! I do agree that the body is the temple, or vehical of the soul and spirit that is immortal! That the body, is the one that returns to the dust, and "knows nothing," but the spirit and soul of a man or woman or child that dies goes unto the Father God in Heaven! (there is no child, before the age of accountability, that goes to Hell,no) But the peoples that reject the Gospels of Je'sus and His Holy Word, shall have their part in Hell at death (in torment), then Judgement, then the Lake of Fire (2cd. DEATH)(in eternal torment) a 1007 years after the 2cd. coming of Je'sus to this Earth! JE'SUS SAVES! There is still hope in this life for the lost!:)
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The True Christian

Sir. Loone,

First, I would like to say that I'm Christian, and I understand what you are talking about.

Second, I would like you to ask our Father in the heavens who I am and what I'm doing here, what is my mission in this planet.

Third, explanations:
If they were real people it's impossible to know. Only with faith we can accept this reality. I don't discuss about that, it's a matter of believing or not believing.

If God is within you, you should have more peace. Don't speak like that... Faith is very good, but fanatism is extremily harmful.

Another thing, we are made by Him. He IS the Universe. We are within Him and He is within us. He made us to be LIKE Him. So we are like God.

The last thing. Do you believe that a Loving God would make His OWN creation to eternaly suffer in a lake of fire? Do you really know your Father? I can doubt about it... I accepted Jesus as my savior NOT to save myself. I accepted my salvation, but what make me a Christian is NOT this acceptance but the capacity of Love EVERY living being. This is the Christ power . If you have it, would you like someone, even an evil person, to go to Hell, to suffer forever? I don't think so. God will save everyone, you'll see... Pray more for other people...

Peace and Blessings for you and for all those who read and don't read this post,
Bored with pigheaded people..

Uno .. im so amazed by people who believe in something like christianity, then feel its ok to tell me im unlcean and going to hell because I dont worship their god ... how very christian of you all.

As has been said before... if god is really in you then why are you not calm cool and collected? wheres the love, gentle caring and tolerance? why are you guys usually so agressive and forcefull, why not just let people think what they like and because you christians are apparently so much better, look past the obvious faults of athiests.

I hardly think argueing, pointing fingers, being closed minded, rude, and making threats of eternal torture, while exposing your self centred or holier than thou attitudes are really what your beliefs are meant to be about, yet you guys usually do that daily to some poor bastard.

My personal opinion is if there is a god... he/she would simply want me to go forth, multiply and live a good life without harming others, nothing more nothing less.... I know right from wrong, our worth as individuals is based on intent, as such if you are truely a good person then im sure your god would save me even if I didnt go to church on sundays and get caught up in the christian experience.

The bible you christians believe in so vehemently seems to be roughly based on the pagan writings of old, I suggest you read the pagan writings before you shoot me down, but as per usual, you christians will not read anything that may ruin or scare your weak faith away... or you will claim to have read it and waffle on with some bullshit, not once stopping to see anything other than what you want. .. Is faith really worth anything if its not tested?
Fact is if you read the writings I talk of, you would see how many christian traditions, stories and indeed beliefs are simply stolen from these texts, something that has been pointed out for a very long time..... and yes... paganism outdates christianity, something many of your religious icons and scientists alike agree to be fact.

Why believe in something you havent researched for yourself? In this day and age ignorrance is no excuse! How many of you christians have researched material and read BOTH sides about your beliefs? How many just believe because mum and dad do? or because you live in a religious environment? .... How many hold an open mind to faluts in the bible and to the corruption within your religion? why hold such strong beliefs in something that may well be false? How do you know for absolute its not all a crock of poo? Faith is one thing ...stupidity is another..I as a person prefer to study both sides of an issue b4 i make a decision that will commit and effect my entire life, Then and only then would i make a decision, yet I'd still keep an open mind. Im sure your God would not want you to remain uneducated, so why not take the challenge and research what you hold so dearly with an open mind? It can only make you stronger!.....but as they say....... "NONE SO BLIND AS THOSE WHO WONT SEE" - goes both ways for athiests and Christians...... Enjoy your day... I know I will, even if i am going to eternal hell sometime soon. :D
??? Wanna rethink that?

The Bible says there were zero Babylonians that survived the flood. Big goose egg, nada, nothing, zero, zilch. Babylonians didn't originate till AFTER the flood. Therefore, I agree, it would pretty hard for science to proove that any Babylonians survived the flood

The flaw here is it should read Sumerians. Most of your bible is thanks to their writings, perhaps you should sit down and read them sometime.

Religious establishment and historical schollars will both agree that the garden of eden was in sumeria, (southern mesopotamia). Of course the bible states this quite clearly mentioning the Euphrates and the Tigris. Abraham was Sumerian. The original Noah was called Ziusudra and the account holds a hell of a lot more validity than the bible "translation" can ever hope to accomplish.

The bible pretty much states the very first humans were Sumerian of origin and yet how many of you have read any sumerian texts? How many of you have looked at the originals and seen for yourself how those stories were handed down? The garden of eden, the flood, the tower of babel, talk of the original nephilim, the original moses, (Sargon) and so on...

You all sit and readily accept a multi-translated, chinese whispered younger account of what happened and haven't even bothered looking at it all in its true, non-polluted-non-corrupted, original format. Before jumping up and claiming you have the truth how about reading the original accounts?
Personally think (if the whole garden of eden thing is right) that god eventually would have granted mankind what the apple symbolizes.... just at a later date. He probabally would have prepared us better so we could deal with the human condition better. Lucifer just jumped the gun.

Thats my feelings on the matter anyway.
Clockwood, you might have something there... I also think God had a reason for putting the "trees" there.

I mean, even today there is knowledge that can be dangerous in the wrong hands, or if acquired prematurely. Are children ready for the responsibility of sex and raising children? No, and yet nothing stops them from having sex (except moral/social norms)- they simultaneously need and reject the authority and support of parents or elders. Much like our relationship with God.

Maybe Adam and Eve were tempted to partake of something they were not ready for, and we are forever caught in the backlog, trying to catch up to what God intended for us.